Archive for January 24th, 2021


a healthcare provider writes an order for tylenol po q3-q4 for mild pain. the nurse evaluates this order and is concerned that it is incomplete. identify the probable concern and describe what the nurse should do prior to administering this medication.

use one recent scholarly source no more than 3 years old

Any topic (writer’s choice)

1. Identify the strengths and weaknesses of each of the five contingency theories including Leader-member exchange theory, the normative decision model, the situational leadership model, the contingency model, and the path-goal theory.

2. Rank them in order of most to least applicable in your former/current/future work workplace with an explanation of your rationale for ranking them in this way.
two paragraph

Managing the IS Organization Options

A CIO faces the challenge of being a strategic leader and effective manager, of being grounded in IT yet understanding in detail the company’s business.  In your opinion should a CIO possess a strong technology background or should s/he be from a strong business background?  What do you think and why?

Excel spreadsheet budget planning

You have been baking most of your life and your friends, family, and now many of the people in your local community ask you to bake cakes, cupcakes, and cookies and are willing to pay you for your delicacies. You have been working out of your home part-time while still holding down a full-time job. Recently two owners of a local bakery have reached out to you after trying some of your baked goods and asked you to join their food co-op, Longmeadow Baking Company.
Currently, the partners of Longmeadow Baking Company only bake loaves of bread, muffins, and pastries but want to include cakes, cupcakes, and cookies, and you are the perfect fit for them. They would allow you to use their equipment that you dont have like ovens and mixers for a small fee and would want to split the remaining cost of the business with you equally in thirds. You have always thought about opening a bakery, and you need to determine if this is a good fit for you and a viable option for you to achieve the dream you have to be a full-time Baker.
For this assignment, you are going to calculate your personal monthly expenses for January, February, and March using Microsoft Excel to determine whether or not you are able to join the Longmeadow Baking Company and start your bakery business while continuing to pay your bills and live comfortably.
Because you have already determined that Longmeadow Baking Company has good foot traffic, location, a great reputation, and an established presence in the community you realize this opportunity will give you the accelerated growth in your own business you would not be able to achieve on your own. Completing the monthly expense worksheet will allow you to determine if you can afford to pay yourself a $1,000 per week salary and accept this opportunity.
You will demonstrate the following Excel skills with this exercise:
    Starting Excel and creating a new workbook
    Navigating worksheet
    Saving workbooks
    Entering and editing data
    Adjusting columns and rows
    Formatting data and cells (font, alignment, number, styles)
    Data alignment (Merge and Center, Wrap text, justification)
The completed spreadsheet will:

1.    Open a new workbook in Microsoft Excel
2.    Save the workbook as Personal Monthly Expenses Workbook.xlsx

3.    In cell A1 enter the following text: Personal Monthly Expense Worksheet
4.    In cell A2:E2 enter the following header titles
a.    A2 = Monthly Living Expenses
b.    B2:D2 = Type January in cell B2 then use the Autofill Handle to automatically populate February and March into cells C2:D2
c.    E2 = 3 Month Total
5.    Enter the following data into your worksheet beginning in cell A3 to cell D11:
    January    February    March
Rent/Mortgage    850    850    850
Insurance    65    65    65
Credit Card Payments    250    250    250
Car Payment    185    185    185
Groceries    334    425    372
Household Utilities    218    248    189
Clothing    85    279    112
Eating Out    189    244    201
Entertainment & Travel    46    76    589

6.    Change the Column Width of column A to 28
7.    Change the Column Width of columns B:E to 14
8.    Change the Row Height of row 1 to 50
9.    Merge and Center cells A1:E1
10.    In cell A1, place your cursor in front of the word Worksheet and move the word Worksheet onto a second line below Personal Monthly Expense
11.    Change the Fill Color of cell A1 to #FF3399 (found in the more colors options menu)
12.    Change the Font Color in cell A1 to White, 16 point, and Bold
13.    Change the Fill Color of cells A2:E2 to Blue Accent 1 Lighter 40%
14.    Change the Font Color to White and Bold
15.    Apply the Accounting format to cells B3:D11

16.    In cell E3, Calculate the 3 month total of Jan,Feb, & Mar Rent/mortgage expenses by using the AUTOSUM Function.
17.    Select cell E3 and use the Autofill Handle to copy the Function through the remaining cells in the column up to cell E11
18.    In cell A12 enter the word Totals and Right-Align the text
19.    in cell B12 use the AUTOSUM Function to calculate the total for Januarys expenses
20.    Select cell B12 and use the Autofill Handle to copy the Function to cells C12, D12, and E12

21.    Select cells B12:E12 and apply the Total Cell Style (Styles Group on the Home Tab)
22.    Select cells A12:E12 and make the text and numbers Bold
23.    Select cells A1:E11 and apply the All Borders Border Style
24.    Select cell A2:E2 and apply the Thick Outside Borders Border Style
25.    Select cell A1 and apply the Thick Outside Borders Border Style
26.    Save your workbook as Personal Monthly Expenses Workbook.xlsx and close Microsoft Excel

Your work should look like below when you are done with this assignment
Worksheet View

Complete the answers for the following questions
1.    Submit your completed spreadsheet, Personal Monthly Expenses Workbook.xlsx
2.    Your original assumption is that you will be able to take a salary of $1,000/week from the business. Will this salary be sufficient? Explain your answer. Additionally suggest how you might adjust your spreadsheet to include your salary and the associated calculations that will help you answer if you should move forward with your new business idea.
3.    What is the overall total expense for all 3 months?
4.    What month had the highest total expenses?
5.    Which expenses category had the highest 3 month total?
6.    Which expenses category had the lowest 3 month total?
7.    The Total Cell Style was applied to which cell range?
8.    What number format was used in the table?
9.    What is the exact content of cell E5 (the formula exactly not the value)
10.    What is the exact content of cell E12 (type the formula exactly not the value)
11.    What is the exact content of cell B12 (type the formula exactly not the value)
12.    You just found a bill from February for a restaurant that you forgot to record on your original spreadsheet. The bill was for $253, making the actual expense for Feb = $497. What is the monthly total for Feb now?

Assignment 1: Video/ Essay: The New Heroes – ‘Dreams Of Sanctuary’ (January 26, due January 29) (5%) Dreams of Sanctuary features social entrepreneurs working to address a social problem. Who are those social entrepreneurs? What social problems are they

Assignment 1: Video/ Essay: The New Heroes – ‘Dreams Of Sanctuary’ (January 26, due January 29) (5%)

Dreams of Sanctuary features social entrepreneurs working to address a social problem. Who are those social entrepreneurs?
What social problems are they trying to solve? How?

The documentary is on Blackboard and available here:


    Type of research               
    Purpose of the study                           
    Research questions/hypothesis           
    Implications for nursinginclude areas for education, research and practice
    Be sure to state how you would use this new information in your evidenced-based practice.


Chapter 7 reflection

I need a 2 page reflection paper on Chapter 7.  The name of the book we are using is Groups Process and Practice 9 edition by Marianne Schneider Corey, Gerald Corey and Cindy Corey.  Summarize what you’ve learned, what stood out to you and your thoughts and opinions on what you’ve read. 

State Medical Marijuana Programs Opinion

Informed Consent: A Policy Prescription for Communicating Benefit and Risk in State Medical Marijuana Programs Opinion (20 points)
Directions: In the opinion piece, Informed Consent: A Policy Prescription for Communicating Benefit and Risk in State Medical Marijuana Programs, the authors recommend that states that declare marijuana to be a medicine should inform the public about the quality of medical evidence behind each approved use and publicize all scientifically credible risks. Read the article then answer the corresponding questions:  3-5 sentences in response each

1.    What are your thoughts on the articles stance? Do you believe states that declare marijuana to be a medicine should inform the public about the quality of medical evidence behind each approved use and publicize all scientifically credible risks? 

2.    What are some current limitations to using cannabis-based evidence-based medicine? What do you think should be done to overcome these limitations?

we can but do we dare

Research, compose, and type a scholarly paper based on the scenario provided by your faculty, and choose a conclusion scenario to discuss within the body of your paper. Reflect on lessons learned in this class about technology, privacy concerns, and legal and ethical issues and address each of these concepts in the paper. Consider the consequences of such a scenario. Do not limit your review of the literature to the nursing discipline only because other health professionals are using the technology, and you may need to apply critical thinking skills to its applications in this scenario
a. Introduction
Catches attention of the reader
States purpose of the paper
Provides a narrative outline of the paper (i.e., the assignment criteria)
b. HIPAA, Legal, and Regulatory Discussion
Presents evidence from recent scholarly publications to address the impact of technology on nursing care
related to:
Patient privacy and HIPAA standards
Healthcare regulations
Legal guidelines on appropriate use of technology
c. Scenario Ending and Recommendations
Selects and presents one scenario ending as the focus of the assignment.
Evaluates the actions taken by healthcare providers as the situation evolved.
Recommends actions that could have been taken to mitigate the circumstances presented in the selected
scenario ending.
Supports recommendations with evidence from recent scholarly publications.
d. Advantages and Disadvantages
Presents evidence from recent scholarly publications to address the impact of technology on nursing care
related to:
The advantages of appropriately using technology in healthcare
Risks of technology use in healthcare
Describes professional and ethical principles guiding the appropriate use of technology in healthcare.
e. Conclusion and Reflections
Summarizes what new information was learned by completing this assignment.
Reflects on how this new knowledge will impact future behavior as a healthcare professional. f. Scholarly Writing and APA Format
Paper submitted as a Microsoft Word document.
Adheres to current APA formatting guidelines including proper use of:
Title page
Running head
Page numbers
Length is 4-5 pages, excluding title and reference pages. Includes at least three (3) references that are:
From recent (within the last 5 years) scholarly sources
Cited in text appropriately
Included on an APA formatted reference page
Scholarly writing reflects:
Accurate spelling
Correct use of professional grammar
Logical organization of thoughts (mechanics)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Choose one prompt for your approximately 500-word reflection

1. Broken Blossoms is described by Roger Ebert as an interracial romance and by Julia Lesage as a “artful racism, artful rape.” The short articles referenced are in the PPT. Review these two articles, consider their points, and either make an argument supporting one or the other case, or explain how the meaning is ambiguous. To make your case, you must analyze the shots and editing.

2. If you watched Birth of a Nation — discuss the ways in which fiction influenced politics in the historical moment of 1915, and consider the objection of the NAACP to screenings of the film. Also discuss the film in light of current politics.

3. Watch Ava Du Vernay’s “13th” and discuss Birth of a Nation in light of this film. 

4. The PPT includes a Bangville Police film. Explain and discuss how the use of editing constructs suspense and humor in a sequence.