Archive for January 24th, 2021

Performance Management

The follow-up questions must be a minimum of 100 words and must either add to the
argument or present an alternate point of view. Follow-ups will be graded on whether the
required number was posted (questions and responses to questions); the substance of the
response; and the depth of insight included in the response.

Research Method

Your First Things Fast text and additional readings describe a number of assessment methods to gather data, such as surveys, interviews, focus groups, process mapping, and workplace observations. In your post of this paper section draft:

1)  Identify the problem you are investigating for your project in a one-sentence statement.

2)  Identify at least two research methods to gather data to complete your needs assessment/human performance analysis. Explain your rationale for selecting the specific research methodologies.

3)  Describe the advantages and disadvantages of your selected research methodologies. Explain how your research methodologies will be implemented.

4)  Explain the design, implementation, and purpose of data collection instruments that support your selected research methodologies (describe tools and how they will be used, and include questions you will ask).

Note: Do not select document review, data mining, or observation of data as a research method, because those methods will be covered in a future assignment. Also, note that the kick-off interview was part of the problem definition activity and is not a substitute for one of your research methods for this assignment.

Draft and integrate the information listed above into the Research Methods section of the Final Paper Template. Post your Final Paper Template with the completed narrative and data collection instruments as an attachment in this discussion. Please make sure to update the Table of Contents and References pages each time you add an assignment to the cumulative paper. Integrate course readings to support HPI-related points and to strengthen the narrative.

Age related cognitive dysfunction

Case for Support

1.    Title

2.    Introduction (citing key references, 1000 1500 words)

a.    General opening paragraph, why is the research topic / question important, what does the previous evidence demonstrate (critical analysis), where are the gaps /inconsistencies in the evidence and why do they exist?, what new research might help solve this situation?

3.    Hypothesis
a.    Null Hypothesis and Alternative Hypothesis

4.    Objectives
a.    Which three main pieces of work will need to be completed to achieve the project that will generate the data to allow you to test your hypothesis?

5.    Research Plan, methods, statistical power (1000 1500 words)
a.    Type of study design, participants (characteristics or inclusion/exclusion), research plan (what will happen to the participants), primary outcome measure, secondary outcome measures, methods (how will you measure the outcomes stated), SAMPLE SIZE

6.    Milestones
a.    Three-four key achievements within a timeframe that keeps the project moving forward to being completed in the estimated timescale.

7.    Ethical considerations (<500 words)
a.    Who are the participants and what are the ethical considerations?

8.    Dissemination plan (< 500 words)
a.    How will you communicate the results of the research and to whom (and why should they be interested)?

9.    References

Uses of Excel

Whether you are new to Excel or you have some experience there are always new things that can be learned, especially when using Excel for decision-making in your personal life or business. How could you use Excel in your personal, educational or professional lives to improve decision-making?
Provide an example of where you did or could have used a spreadsheet to aid your decision-making.  Describe the scenario and the types of questions you could answer with the spreadsheet.

Microsoft situation

Please use a simple English (not mother language)
Underline the most important parts
Prepare a short (1-2 pages / c. 300+ words)
Follow the instructions in the uploaded file and use only that article as a source.
The materials for the assignment are:

(1) an article from Treasury & Risk describing a specific situation confronted by MSFT, together with a report on what they did about it.  The project was successful in that it won the “GOLD Award” in last year’s competition for the Magazine’s Operational Excellence competition.

(2) An assignment sheet describing the specifics of how to compose and submit your paper on the topic  – including sample “prompting questions” to get you started.

the article is about MSFT confronting a specific risk and devising an internal strategy to control the consequences.  Your brief analysis and commentary about  the situation is solicited in the form of a short written response incorporating the “language” and “methodology”.

the second article called “Fragniere & Sullivan Estimating Risk” can also help to answer the questions. more details can be find in the file of the actual instruction.

The History of a micro-chip

The  essay is a research essay about the History of a micro-chip through which a clearly stated arguable claim is supported by academic research, then organized and developed to a logical conclusion. Also include a paragraph about how micro-chips work.

The essay will be 7 pages of content in length, and must include an additional title page and reference page.

Signature Assignment

Remember to submit your work following the file naming convention FirstInitial.LastName_M01.docx. For example, J.Smith_M01.docx. Remember that it is not necessary to manually type in the file extension; it will automatically append.

Start by reading and following these instructions:

Quickly skim the questions or assignment below and the assignment rubric to help you focus.
Read the required chapter(s) of the textbook and any additional recommended resources. Some answers may require you to do additional research on the Internet or in other reference sources. Choose your sources carefully.
Consider the course discussions so far and any insights gained from it.
Create your Assignment submission and be sure to cite your sources if needed, use APA style as required, and check your spelling.

Signature Assignment Title: Module 8 Signature Assignment

Assignment Description/Directions:


Write a 750 word reflection answering the following prompts:

Introduction: Identify what theory and clinical/lab courses were taken during the session. e.g. Pharmacology & Foundations as well as which Nurse of the Future Competencies are applicable to them
Explain how the five terms in the glossary, along with the Nurse of the Future Competencies informed the knowledge and skills being taught during the session.
Reflect on the five applicable competencies and discuss how they would manifest in a patient care situation.
Summarize two key learnings during the session and how such learnings will influence your practice as a professional registered nurse.
Provide additional research. After each Nurse of the Future Competency is an extensive bibliography. Utilize this bibliography to inform your paper. Be sure to cite your sources using APA formatting.
Include a title page and reference page in APA style. The cover page and reference page do not count towards the minimum word amount. Review the rubric criteria for this assignment.

Essay on Virginia Woolfs To the Lighthouse

Although marking the passage beyond heterosexual marriage as a narrative ending, Lily Briscoes rise as even an alternatively public woman and meaning-giver does not then fully dismantle the ideological dichotomy of public/private that To the Lighthouse encodes in Part One as masculine/feminine Mary Lou Emery, Robbed of Meaning: The Work at the Centre of To the Lighthouse. Do you agree with Mary Lou Emerys statement that Western feminism is about the construction of the subject through processes of exclusion? Is this what To the Lighthouse does with Lily? Discuss by making close reference to the text and the article.


250-word reflection on each video and one process recording (video of your choice for this) on these videos.

I have included a sample process recording and template.

Quality Control

Quality Control
For this assignment, you will take a look at two different communications that need improving.

Read through both communications carefully, looking for areas that may need improvement. Using concepts you have learned from both the textbook and videos, you will then create an assessment of both communications, identifying what needs improving or changing and why. You will then rewrite the communication based on your written assessment.

Communication 1: Routine Business Email
To: David Lynch
From: Susan Spellman

Subject: Need $17,000 for New Copier

Hi David,

Our office is running out of place to file the physical copies of the new cases we are receiving. As of now, these cases are stacked on desks throughout the office. Because of the increasing workload, we are running behind on getting them copied and scanned into the computer. Recently, I saw a copy machine that has a scanner that scans documents twice as fast as the scanner we are currently using. It is compatible with our computer system. With it, we can create folders on our computers and scan the documents right into their appropriate folders. This will save our staff time, help us to organize the files better, and locate them faster to assist our clients more speedily. I checked around and found our top competitors have purchased it. I think you should purchase it too.

The cost is $17,000, which is a little pricier than others like it on the market. However, considering that we spend over $300.00 every month repairing the outdated one we currently have, the investment in this one will pay off. The company will deliver it, set it up, and train our staff to use it.

We would love to be able to clean up our office space, so the staff can work more efficiently.


Communication 2: Persuasive Email
To: All Employees
From: Pat Jones

Subject: Company Annual Fund Drive

Hello Everyone,

Each year, our company holds a fund drive to benefit our local children’s hospital. Participation has declined annually since the first year, and we have not been able to reach our goal. This is a major concern because many people benefit from the services our charitable donation helps the hospital to provide. This year, our goal is to increase the donation to the hospital. While we understand your participation is a personal choice, with your involvement, you can help the company to finally achieve its goal.

You may contact me for more information.

Thank you in advance.

Pat Jones, Annual Fund Drive Coordinator

Your submission should be in a Word document and contain four parts:

Describe improvements that could be made to the routine business communication and explain your rationale using examples.
Describe improvements that could be made to the persuasive business communication and explain your rationale using examples.
Rewrite Communication 1 implementing the improvements you suggested.
Rewrite Communication 2 implementing the improvements you suggested.
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

Assess routine, persuasive, and bad-news business messages for quality and effectiveness.