Archive for January 26th, 2021

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Hello, Thank you for your bid in advance. I attached the requirements and additional info you may need. There is not a slide number requirement. You can have as many or as few as you choose. As long as the content is covered appropriately then it is fine. I really did not know how many pages I needed to request. Please let me know if you will need more. Thank you 🙂


Compose a 23-page assessment focusing on the provided case study.

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

Competency 1: Apply personality theories to traits, dispositions, behaviors, and emotional issues.
Apply the five-factor model of personality to a case study.
Apply Eysenck’s hierarchical model of personality to a case study.
Competency 2: Apply findings from scholarly literature to issues in personality psychology.
Use at least one peer-reviewed and scholarly resource not more than five years old.
Competency 3: Examine how personality psychology is applied within the field of psychology.
Describe personality traits and how they might have developed.
Competency 4: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for members of the psychological professions.
Apply critical thinking and communication skills expected of a professional in the field of psychology.
Apply proper APA format and style.

Case Study:
I’m Lola. Where do I come from? What are my roots? I’ve often wondered. The facts are simple enough, but the feelings are not. Objectively, it all started twenty years ago, when my father (a warm, loving, teddy-bear character) and my mother (a pretty, icy princess) welcomed me into their arms (I hope). Soon after, they extended another welcome to my sister Emily. As soon as Emily and I were both in school, my mother went back to work. She is a researcher for Jax Enterprises. We moved around a lot when I was little, and I remember being pretty lonely and not having many friends. There didn’t seem to be time for family outings or gatherings. I guess we weren’t that important to my parents.

In sixth grade things really clicked! I got fantastic grades. I always did well in school. I had some friends, but most of my classmates were very jealous of me. Through a contest in a local department store I got into modeling children’s clothes. I loved the attention and the extra clothes. I was the envy of all the kids in school, and I got a kick out of showing them my photo album. The pictures were amazing!

Then the bubble burst. I started turning into myself and often hated what I saw. In seventh grade, I was miserable. That’s when my weight problem started. I didn’t have acne, at least, but I didn’t have dates or boyfriends either. At the end of the year, I transferred to an all girls’ school. I made one or two friends, but nothing serious or meaningful. Everyone was always so weird to me. I think most of the girls were jealous of methey weren’t models, and nothing special really. Some of them acted nice to me, but I know it was because they wanted to know private things about methings that I don’t share with anyone. What really excited me was painting and music (piano). The school had excellent teachers and facilities, and I really gave it everything I had until I graduated from high school. When I was playing the piano I was out of time, out of space, soaring with the notes. In painting, I was lost in colorsI felt I was actually moving in and out of the canvas. I went from one to the other and felt totally fulfilled and everything seemed right with the world.

When I graduated high school, I decided to go east to college and was accepted at Williams College. The dorm food was so awful, so I lost a little weight. I worked really hard and got good grades in the classes I cared about, but I broke out into a sweat every time I had to take an exam. I worried a lot about essay exams, but the objective ones really knocked me out. My sophomore year, I went out with a boy from Harvard, and I thought I was in love. At last, I was in a genuine relationship. He was so sweet to me. He told me I was smart and beautiful. He made me feel special at first, but then after about six months he became cruel. I think he was cheating on me, but he denied it. I think he was lying all along.

When we broke up, I just fell apart, and so did my world. I’d wake up at night with terrible nightmares. During the day, I just couldn’t concentrateperhaps I didn’t even want to. I had trouble sleeping at night and drank whole quarts of hot chocolate with marshmallowstrying to fill up the empty places. I gained weight and couldn’t look at myself in a mirror. I had trouble studying, got very scared in exams, and started cutting classes. My grades got so bad, I was put on probation. I couldn’t decide what to major in and didn’t think any department would want me as a major anyway.

People are always telling me how beautiful I am, but I’m not always sure they’re being sincere. I think they want something from me and they are just trying to be nice to get over on me. I know that I am pretty, but why are they saying these things? It just doesn’t make sense.

I still don’t have a majorI don’t even have a meaning. How can someone decide what field to concentrate in until they know what they want to be? I’m still searching. I’m thinking seriously about dropping out of schoolat least for a while until I find out. But if I drop out of school, I will have to leave the dorm and I won’t have anywhere to live. Where will I go? The dorm gives me a place to stay and three meals each day so I really can’t leave, can I?

Nursing health policy Paper

Assignments #1  Health Policy Paper

Your local, state, or federal legislator is aware that you are a DNP recognized as a nurse leader, health care expert, and constituent in their local community.  As a recognized subject matter expert, they ask you to assist them in evaluating pending health legislation by submitting a position paper on this health policy issue.  You are to identify a current or emerging health care policy issue identified as critical to the future of health care in your community.  This position paper should include a summary of evidence-based research and pertinent background information on the topic providing the legislator with a substantive yet concise briefing on all aspects of the health policy issue. Be sure to provide and cite substantial (pertinent) evidence from the literature that supports your discussion. 

    Identification of the issue       
    Position statements
    Substantive background information
    Supportive evidence for both sides
    Potential solutions
    Defense of position/ making the argument for the position
    ONE PAGE Summary/ conclusion of argument with position statement
    10  pages, double spaced, APA style   

emotional and cultural intelligence


3082.1.1 : Emotional Intelligence
The graduate applies emotional intelligence (EI) to improve intrapersonal and interpersonal interactions.

3082.1.2 : Cultural Intelligence
The graduate demonstrates cultural intelligence (CI) within multicultural and contemporary business situations.

As a business professional, it is not only essential that you apply the principles of emotional intelligence (EI), but also the principles of cultural intelligence (CI) to positively impact the effectiveness of an organization.

In this task, you will address a business scenario for a company that is wanting to become a more emotionally and culturally intelligent organization. You will be asked to first identify your own core values and assess whether your values will fit with the organizations core values. Then, you will evaluate how you can apply the principles of EI and CI to successfully work with a diverse group of stakeholders.
Corollary Marketing is a leadership development company known for its EI training programs. Corollary was recently hired by Alliah Companys leadership to conduct emotional intelligence training for Alliahs employees. Alliah Company recently received a rating of 10/100 on the AZ List of Emotionally Intelligent Companies.

Company leadership is very concerned that this low rating could significantly impact its market share, access to talent, and customer satisfaction. This is especially concerning since Alliah revised its mission, ethics, and corporate social responsibility statements this year.

Mission Statement: Alliah Company will provide the most innovative products designed by the best and brightest talent in the technology industry.

Ethics Statement: Alliah Company is committed to ensuring that all employees, suppliers, contractors, and any other entities engaged in business with Alliah will do the right thing for stakeholders.

Corporate Social Responsibility Statement: Alliah Company is committed to reducing the environmental impact of the business.

In addition to revising its mission, ethics, and corporate social responsibility statements, Alliahs leadership wants to create an innovative culture that approaches all ideas as possible customer solutions that could create the next profitable approach to market growth.

Employees are not surprised by Alliahs rating of 10/100 on the AZ List of Emotionally Intelligent Companies. In recent communications with company leadership, the human resources team has advised the leadership to consider certain best practices.

Understanding that employees are valuable not just for their ideas that could lead to profits but as individuals who are valuable on their own merits, can improve morale.
Increasing the diversity of the companys employees, suppliers, and contractors could better reflect the customers that purchase Alliahs products.
Reducing resistance to allowing employees to work remotely requires reconsidering expressed concerns over not being able to manage employees productivity if they work outside of the office.
Changing the way employees communicate with leadership from a chain of command approach of working through managers to having avenues for meeting with leadership could open communication channels and increase trust.

Corollarys EI training session will be coordinated by the employees managers, and company leadership will not be in attendance. The leadership is expecting that the result of the training will be a move towards their desire for a culture of innovation, and that the next years rating on the AZ List of Emotionally Intelligent Companies will be significantly higher.
Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. The originality report that is provided when you submit your task can be used as a guide.

You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course.

A.  Explain your top four core values (e.g., accountability, honesty, integrity, respect, loyalty, fairness, etc.) with detail on why they are personally meaningful.

B.  Evaluate how each of your four core values from part A align or misalign to Alliahs values and social responsibility.

C.  Evaluate how EI and CI impacts interactions within the Alliah Company by doing the following:
1.  Explain two potential ways the Alliahs leadership will improve their cultural intelligence by working with a more diverse group of stakeholders.
2.  Explain, with a specific example, how you would overcome a potential challenge that may arise when working with Alliahs diverse group of stakeholders.
3.  Explain how an aspect of Hofstedes six-dimensions of culture can help you respectfully communicate with Alliahs diverse work culture.

D.  Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.

E.  Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.
File Restrictions
File name may contain only letters, numbers, spaces, and these symbols: ! – _ . * ‘ ( )
File size limit: 200 MB
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Cultural and Professional Competency Paper

Cultural and Professional Competency Paper

The primary learning objective associated with this paper is for you to explore cultural competency as it applies to your desired profession. Supporting objectives consist of: a) ways in which practitioners might identify their own biases, b) modifying approaches based on clients with individualistic versus collectivistic culture, and c) exploring the characteristics of each aspect of culture as it relates to practice (race, gender, socioeconomic status, physical ability, sexual orientation, and religion).


Compose a 6-8 page essay on cultural and professional competency as it relates to a profession of your selection. The paper is to be in APA format and the title and reference pages do not count toward the minimum page requirement. This essay does not require an abstract. This essay can include writing from the first person as it calls for personal assessment and reflection.


Ensure that the following sections are addressed in your paper:

Acknowledge the importance of being culturally conscientious in Psychological practice
Identify possible personal biases and how these personal biases could affect practice
Define individualistic and collectivistic cultures
Contrast and compare individualistic and collectivistic cultures
Explain how practical approaches might vary based on individualistic versus collectivistic client culture
Explain the importance of culture in your field as it relates to:
Socioeconomic status
Physical ability
Sexual orientation
Conclusion summarizing the importance of cultural competency in practice
Closing Instructions

Make sure that you include at least 3-5 scholarly sources in your essay (peer-reviewed journals found in the APUS library). Supplemental and required reading covered in this class will also serve as acceptable sources. I would strongly suggest you use the aforementioned bullet-points as respective (sub)headings in your paper to clearly articulate that you had addressed each aspect of this assignment.


Reflect upon a time in which you felt like you LACKED communication competence in an interaction with another person. Please address the following questions:

First, briefly describe what you said/did that was incompetent and why.
Did you lack appropriateness or effectiveness, or both? Explain.
Imagine that you could redo this situation. Explain how you might use each of the following to improve your communication competence in this do-over:
Skills: Which skills would you need to improve competence?
Empathy/perspective taking: How would you use these, and do you think it would help?
Self-monitoring: How would you use this? How might it improve competence?
Adaptability: What would you adapt during the encounter? How might it improve competence?

proffesional communication

Write a paper in proper APA format with cover page and at least 2 quality sources on the topic of Social Media on page 149 of the text (the text can count as one of the sources.  Read the Your Task section. Ensure your paper fully answers all 7 bullet points, and support your answers with information from your sources. Use the Galileo electronic database for this assignment.

Your Task

    In teams or as a class, discuss the problem of workplace
abuse of social media, e-mail, instant messaging, online
shopping, and other Internet browsing. Should full personal
use be allowed?

    Are computers with Internet access similar to other equipment such as telephones?

    Should employees be allowed to access the Internet for
personal use as long as they limit it to their own mobile

    Should management be allowed to monitor all Internet use?

    Should employees be warned if Internet activities including
e-mail are to be monitored?

    What reasons can you give to support an Internet crackdown
by management?

    What reasons can you give to oppose a crackdown?

Early-Onset Schizophrenia

The Assignment (2 pages): Early-Onset Schizophrenia

    Compare at least two evidence-based treatment plans for adults diagnosed with schizophrenia with evidence-based treatment plans for children and adolescents diagnosed with schizophrenia.
    Explain the legal and ethical issues involved with forcing children diagnosed with schizophrenia to take medication for the disorder and how a PMHNP may address those issues. 
6 resources  APA 7 format

three reasons shopping makes people feel better

Write a 5-paragraph logical division essay (introduction, three body paragraphs, and conclusion).  Each body paragraph must have a minimum of five to six sentences.  Your introduction and conclusion can have three to four sentences.  Be sure to write a thesis statement for logical division and use transition signals for logical division to link your paragraphs.  Before typing your essay in WORD, please follow this format:  DOUBLE SPACE YOUR ESSAY, INDENT  EACH PARAGRAPH USING TAB KEY, AND USE 1 MARGINS

Vendor Overview

Vendor Overview (10%). Table A.3 in the textbook (Appendix A) contains a
list of IT vendors ranked by revenue. Update this list with two current health IT
vendors. Provide an overview of the products and services offered including
consulting, outsourcing, data analysis, and the types of organizations that the
vendor serves. Is the vendor a sponsor at HIMSS and other large HIT
conferences? Are products certified or in the process of certification? Think
about the questions you would ask if you were planning to engage in services.
Contact the vendor, if applicable, and determine how open the vendor is to
sharing information. Make sure to include a reference list and use the information
from the text to help get started. Due date – midnight February 5th, 2021.