Archive for January 26th, 2021

Short Story Analysis

Write a unified and coherent essay of approximately 1200 words on one of the topics below.
Remember that your essay should be properly analytical: do not merely summarize/retell the story.
Assume that your reader has already read the story at least once. Your reader already knows who the characters are and what happens in the story.
Your reader is looking for a thoughtful, meaningful, and well-organized discussion.

Make sure your introduction begins with an appropriate framing statement which refers to the author and the text being discussed.

Your introduction must also contain an argumentative thesis statement.

Be sure to support your claims with detailed evidence from the text, and remember to include page numbers for all quotes.

Use the present tense as much as possible to refer to the text. Identify speakers as appropriate.

You will need to include a works cited page at the end of your essay.

Use MLA 8th edition format.

Choose any from the topics below please and let me know which youve chosen before starting so I can send you the readings required for the essay !!!!!

( 1 ) Discuss the significance of the wallpaper in The Yellow Wall-Paper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman.
– What does the wallpaper tell us about the characters and theme(s) of the story?

( 2 ) Discuss the use of symbols in Borders by Thomas King File.

( 3 ) Discuss the significance of cages in the story Cages by Guy Vanderhaeghe.

History 111, Essay Two

By the assigned due dates, students will respond to ONE of the following questions on which to compose a 3-4-page essay (11 or 12-point font, double-spaced).  In addition to using websites, you should also use your textbook or other credible academic sources to help you in your research. You must also some of the sources provided below.  IMPORTANT: You must cite your sources in the text itself and include a works cited section (preferably using MLA format).  The more sources you use (by quoting and analyzing first-hand accounts), the better your essay will likely be.

Your work must also include the use of at least THREE primary sources, and a works cited page.  You may use some of the sources provided below, but you will also want to use sources you find via internet research, online databases, and libraries. A primary source is a first-hand account of an event.  You can more about what these types of sources are by viewing this website:

Prompt One: What was the market revolution? Describe how the American economy developed roughly between 1815 and 1850.  What were the driving factors of this new economy?  How did Americans make their living?  Which American presidents did the most to move this market economy forward?

Rheumatoid Arthritis

The paper should contain a title page, an abstract (200-250 words), the text, a conclusion, and your updated bibliography page. The body of the paper (excluding title, abstract and bibliography pages) should be minimum 5 pages, maximum 7 pages in length. The font style and size are Time New Roman 12, double-spaced, with 1 inch margin. The reference format is current APA style. Your bibliography must include at least 3 scholarly sources in addition to your course textbook. You must cite using current APA format and include the authors names, the name of the article in full, the name of the scientific journal followed by the volume number, the pages containing the article cited, and the date of publication. The outline must include these 3 sections and be no longer than 1 page:
1.An abstract of the topic (1 paragraph). This is a stand-alone summary of your paper summarize causes, symptoms, treatments and experimental therapies using concise language.
2.An outline of the background information on the topic, including the following 4 sub-sections:
The probable cause and current understanding of molecular mechanisms of the disease topic you have chosen,
Symptoms and signs associated with the topic disease,
Statistics about the number of people who develop this disease, and
Current therapies and treatments for the disease, including experimental therapies.
3.A brief description of the 2 case studies you plan to use in your presentation, including the age and sex of the patient(s).

Property Insurance

Topic: Property Insurance.
1. The main features of this sector/industry;
2. The main products/services of this sector/industry;
3. The main/important elements in the insurance contracts;
4. The developments of the sector/industry in the past decades, in terms of the types of the products/services, # of the insurers, and government regulations etc;
5. The main issues/problems/challenges in this sector/industry and possible solutions.

All written submittals will include the following:
– Title page
– Introduction
– Standard 10-point font (Times New Roman)
– Double-spaced
– Papers of 5 pages. (table of contents, title page and endnotes do not count in limits)
– Table of Contents
– Heading and subheadings

Case Study_ Revenue Management

1.    Critically review important market developments and identify possible impacts that they might had or have on the hotel performance (25%).
4.    Perform data decomposition and prepare seasonally adjusted data for all market segments (10%).
5.    Forecast anticipated Rooms demand for twelve months, under optimistic, most likely and pessimistic scenario (Jan 2021-December 2021) by using a least two non-causal forecasting methods (5%).
8.    Use the emsr-b heuristic and estimate expected demand for twelve months, under optimistic, most likely and pessimistic scenario (Jan 2021-December 2021) (10%).
9.    Compare the estimated demand from the non-causal forecasting, emsr-b and the optimal price approach and discuss possible reasons for their variations (5%).
10.    Propose the optimal segment mix in order to maximise Rooms revenue (5%).
11.    Provide suggestions for middle (2-3 years) and long-term (5 years) strategies and directions by using quantitative and qualitative data (10%).
12.    Presentation of written work. The final report and excel spreadsheet are well written, reflects accurate proof reading with no grammatical, syntactic, spelling or typographical errors, style of writing is consistent throughout and the report represents a coherent, integrated and holistic paper (10%).

Diagnosing Change


Using the organization that your professor has approved, synthesize the organizations readiness for change. Evaluate whether or not to implement your new program, policy, practice.  submit a 4 page paper instead of the video submission.


Prepare  4 page paper in which you:

Describe the company in terms of industry, size, number of employees, and history.
Analyze in detail the current HR practice, policy, process, or procedure that you believe should be changed.
Formulate three valid reasons for the proposed change based on current change management theories.
Appraise the diagnostic tools that you can use to determine an organizations readiness for change. Propose two diagnostic tools that you can utilize to determine if the organization is ready for change. Defend why you believe the diagnostic tools selected are the best choice for diagnosing change in the organization.
Using one of the diagnostic tools you selected, assess the organizations readiness for change:
Provide results of the diagnostic analysis.
Explain the results.
Interpret whether or not the organization is rea

Business Writing Task Assignment


Todays business environment requires leaders to have competency in effective organization design and to consider legal factors that influence whether strategic goals are achieved. In this task, you will discuss legal entity types and their influence on taxation, liability, and ownership and control. You will also discuss the legal and ethical obligations that an employer and employees have in a business context.
A local farmer and a supermarket retailer plan to enter into a business venture to open a downtown farmers market every weekend from April through October. The goal of the farmers market is to bring fresh organic produce to an area of the city that would otherwise not have access to organic fruits and vegetables.

The retailer would like to have more decision-making authority in order to control the marketing and ownership of the warehouse space that will host the farmers market. The local farmer is personally concerned about the financial impact of having a primary stake ownership because the farmer does not want to suffer a large financial loss if the business venture is not successful. (The farmer has been affected in the past by things outside of their personal control, such as excessive rain which caused decreased profits over the past two seasons) The retailer has proposed they include outside investors in order to have access to capital and expertise that will help create distribution efficiencies. The local farmer would like to limit outside investors and external decision-making influence in the business because the farmer doesnt want to lose primary control of the farmers market.

The local farmer currently grows enough produce to have 20 stalls at the farmers market. The retailer would like to plan for growth by beginning the farmers market with the produce that the local farmer grows and then double the number of stalls offered each year by adding organic options from other regional farmers markets to build sustainable networks. The retailer proposes organizing the farmers market venture as a corporation, while the local farmer recommends organizing as either a limited liability company or a general partnership.

Two years after the retailer and local farmer establish the farmers market, there has been notable growth. The farmers market has expanded to include additional regional farmers who provide more produce every weekend. To manage the farmers market, the retailer and local farmer have hired general managers with extensive experience in organic retail sales and promotion. The retailer requires that some of these managers work overtime hours on the first Saturday of each month so that new products can be staged and merchandised before the market opens each weekend. However, the retailer does not pay overtime wages to the managers, claiming that the required overtime is management training and an investment in their future career development. For some reason, the female managers are always the ones required to do this extra work even though they have similar levels of experience to the male managers.

Besides the general managers, the farmers market also employs several employees. The employees stock the stalls with produce. The managers occasionally require the employees to carry unreasonably heavy boxes of produce from the trucks to the stalls. These heavy boxes should be moved with a hand truck to prevent injury, but hand trucks are not always available. One employee recently strained his back lifting a heavy box.

On the first Saturday in May, the general managers identify substandard produce that has been damaged or is not ripe. The general managers notify the retailer that this produce should not be sold. However, the farmers who provide the produce will only get paid if the merchandise sells, so the retailer tells the general managers that they should display the produce so that customers will not be aware of the substandard quality. The retailer also suggests that if the sales are not 10% higher this weekend than last weekend, the general managers may not receive a full days wages for their work today.
Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. The originality report that is provided when you submit your task can be used as a guide.

You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course.

Tasks may not be submitted as cloud links, such as links to Google Docs, Google Slides, OneDrive, etc., unless specified in the task requirements. All other submissions must be file types that are uploaded and submitted as attachments (e.g., .docx, .pdf, .ppt).

A.  Compare two of the proposed legal entity types for the farmers market venture by doing the following:
1.  Describe one of the legal entity types identified in the scenario (i.e., Corporation, Limited Liability Company (LLC), or General Partnership) and then describe how it would affect each of the following factors in the context of the farmers market:
  ownership and control
2.  Choose one legal entity type identified in the scenario (i.e., Corporation, Limited Liability Company (LLC), or General Partnership) that is different from the one described in part A1 and then describe how it would affect each of the following factors in the context of the farmers market:
  ownership and control

B.  Describe the legal and ethical obligations the employer in the scenario has by doing the following:
1.  Describe one legal obligation the employer in the scenario has, according to one of the following laws:
  Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA)
  Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
  Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
2.  Describe an ethical obligation the employer in the scenario has that is different from the legal obligation described in part B1.

C.  Describe one ethical obligation of the employees in the scenario.

D.  Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.

E.  Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.
File Restrictions
File name may contain only letters, numbers, spaces, and these symbols: ! – _ . * ‘ ( )
File size limit: 200 MB
File types allowed: doc, docx, rtf, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, odt, pdf, txt, qt, mov, mpg, avi, mp3, wav, mp4, wma, flv, asf, mpeg, wmv, m4v, svg, tif, tiff, jpeg, jpg, gif, png, zip, rar, tar, 7z

community health

This assignment is intended to give you some experience in collecting basic demographic and health status data on a particular community. There are a number of resources available online that are helpful in this regard including: the County Health Rankings (link), U.S. Census Bureau, and the Community Toolbox site.  Another source of data may be a CHNA or CHA report that the local health department or hospital has recently completed for the county you will be collecting data for.  You should be able to find such a report(s) by doing an Internet search.

Before beginning this assignment, read Chapter 3, Sections 1-4 from the Community Toolbox (link).

Then fill in all of the data elements in the Excel spreadsheet entitled Module 1 (columns D, E and F), Community Health Profile Template, for the county that you grew up in or currently reside in. Follow the instructions shown on the spreadsheet.
Keep a copy of your Community Health Profile spreadsheet because you will be using it for the assignment in Module 2.

( you will see the instructions in the Excel file )


Part 1.

Search for a new primary care physician where you live. Describe in depth how you made your physician choice. What impact did price have on your decision making? What were the key factors that factored in your decision making? Summarize your decision making process.

Part 2.

Search for pricing for an MRI for a 13 year old female patient complaining of headaches. Determine the cost of this procedure to you, and what the cost is to the insurance provider. Do a price comparison against three other facilities offering the same service. Provide a chart that summarizes the price differences.

Reflect on your experience and summarize the following: 1. How long did this take? How comfortable would you be if you actually had to purchase these services in determining the value for services? Ie. How do you know what you received was worth the money you paid? Comment on your experiences in finding the information and the relationship to price transparency.

Your paper should include the following:

10-12  pages in length, not including the title and reference pages.
10  references cited in the assignment. Remember, you must support your thinking/opinions and prior knowledge with references; all facts must be supported; in-text references used throughout the assignment must be included in an APA-formatted reference list. ( References should be current not more than 5 years old.)


Topic: Environment

Thinkabout two environments you have experienced.

The first environment is one that did not confront the brutal facts, where the people (and the truth) were not heard.
Thesecond environment is one that did confront the brutal facts, wherepeople had a tremendous opportunity to be heard.
Whataccounts for the difference between the two environments? If you do not havethis life experience you are not off the hookyou will need to interview aleader who has these experiences and report on that. What does the contrastteach us about how to construct an environment where the truth is heard? Usingstrong Biblical support, explain how you relate this to your ChristianWorldview? Does your Christian Worldview help you develop this environment? Howdoes this relate to the ethical components of the Meese and Ortmeier text?