Archive for January 26th, 2021

American History

How did the question of slavery emerge as a national issue by the time of the Revolution and the Constitutional Convention? Ultimately, how did the Constitution deal with the question of slavery? Do you find this to be an effective solution? Why/why not?

3-Page essay (excluding cover page and references). You should use a minimum of 2-4 sources

Use the documents listed below to answer the following questions:
Review the following documents.

1. Jefferson, Thomas (1776). Original draft of the Declaration of Independence. Retrieved from

2. Debates about slavery during the Constitutional Convention (Focus on the minutes of the Constitutional Convention from Aug. 21-22, 1787.) The complete minutes may be found at: and

3. United States Constitution from 1 / 3

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Answer each of the following questions below. Select three sectors from the following list to use when answering the questions below (use the same three sectors for each question):

Transportation Systems Sector
Emergency Services Sector
Commercial Facilities Sector
Government Facilities Sector
Financial Services Sector
Defense Industrial Base Sector
Food and Agriculture Sector
Healthcare and Public Health Sector
1. Discuss the interdependencies of three of the critical infrastructure sectors listed above.

2. How are critical infrastructure assets prioritized in the three sectors you selected?

3. What measures do the three sectors you selected take to ensure continuity of operations?

4. What special considerations should be made for life and property that result as a consequence to an attack on the three critical infrastructure sectors you selected?

Technical Requirements

Your paper must be at a minimum of 8-12 pages, or 2-3 pages per question. No more than 12 pages for the body of your work (the Title and Reference pages do not count towards the minimum limit).
Scholarly and credible references should be used. A good rule of thumb is at least 2 scholarly sources per page of content.
Type in Times New Roman, 12 point and double space.
Students will follow the current APA Style as the sole citation and reference style used in written work submitted as part of coursework.
Points will be deducted for the use of Wikipedia or encyclopedic type sources. It is highly advised to utilize books, peer-reviewed journals, articles, archived documents, etc.

analyzing a prevalent and urgent Asian American issue

You will be responsible for writing a 5-6 page paper analyzing a prevalent and urgent Asian American issue.  Here are some questions to address:
-What is/are the issue(s) that Asian Americans are currently facing and/or will face? -Briefly describe the origins of the issue(s) and how it became an issue(s).
-Using  credible  sources  (journal  articles,  newspapers,  books),  why  is/are  the  issue(s) important to address and resolve? (New York Times, the Atlantic, Reuters, Associated Press, etc.)
-What short and long-term solution(s) did you come up with?
-What are the pros and/or cons in resolving the issue(s)?
-Who will be impacted most and what potentially can happen if the issue(s) is not resolved?
-What can you do to continually inform yourselves of the issue(s) that affects Asian American society?

sex difference in schizophrenia

This assignment will require you to do independent research of the relevant published literature.

A/B+ assignments typically cite 10-20 primary sources. APA format is required for in-text citations and the reference page.

For this assignment, answer both of the following questions.

Research has shown that, on average, males develop schizophrenia at a younger age and have poorer outcomes compared to females who develop schizophrenia.

a) Describe the biological factors that might account for these sex differences in schizophrenia.
b) Provide a summary of the evidence to support the role of each biological factor in the development of sex differences in onset and/or outcomes in schizophrenia.
(maximum of 1000 words for question 1)

2. Propose a research study which would advance our knowledge of the topic. Outline the design of this study and the research methods you would use to investigate a biological factor that may cause sex differences in schizophrenia to occur. (maximum of 500 words)

Total word count: 1500 words (excluding any in-text citations, reference list and title page).

The grading rubric contains more detailed assignment information for each question. Please read the rubric carefully before starting your assignment.

The rubric includes more details and I put them in the additional materials. There is also some additional information in the material part and please read them carefully. They are important.

data analytics project

You are the HR Director for a firm of 1250 employees. 250 employees are under a Union CBA (Collective Bargaining Agreement). The firm currently uses data analytics in its supply chain and now the CEO has tasked you with coming up with two ideas for using analytics from a workforce perspective. You are expected to present your two ideas to the strategic leadership team to review.
Which 2 workforce areas did you choose to present?
For each idea explain the:
    o    Hypothesis/business question.
    o    Leading indicator(s).
    o    Business impact metrics.
Make certain you include an introduction and concluding paragraphs.
Cite course materials in developing your answer (readings, videos, and discussion boards). You may cite outside the course materials as secondary sources.

Please use direct quotes throughout paper. “….” (…,…).  APA format, 5 page min.-10 max
Read the attached words that are chapter 3 and 4. Use as primary sources!

The assignment should include:
An introductory paragraph of what you are writing about and the importance
The body of the paper should be broken out by paragraphs and/or sections.
Each idea or argument you present needs to be supported by research material.
Research material may include lectures, readings, videos, and outside research.
A concluding paragraph summarizing your research and your personal thoughts
In-text Citation and Bibliography (In-text citation is required even if it is course material.) You may include diagrams, charts, tables, etc. in any of the assignments to further explain your point


Discussion Question #1.  In Chapter 4: you read about Individual Readiness for Change.  Specifically, you read Individual Readiness for change is a predisposition, perhaps even impatience, to welcome and embrace change.  While that statement reads well, I believe it is more difficult in practice then the text seems to imply.  Identify a personal change that you would like to try.  Thinking of your example, apply the 5 beliefs that underpin your personal change readiness these 5 are found on page 122.  Offer to the class your self-assessment as to each of the 5 beliefs and, if your readiness to change is low, what you can do to increase your level of readiness for that change.


The first 3-5 pages (excluding title page, abstract, and reference pages) need to include:

* An APA style title page on page 1 
    * Remember, you are not required to use a running header, but if you do include one it needs to be formatted correctly.
    * You DO need to include page numbering
* A draft of your Abstract on page 2 
    * This should be a short paragraph, approx. 4-6 sentences at this point
* Starting on page 3, you need to have 3-5 pages of outlined information including ALL of the following:
    * 7 Sections: Introduction, DSM-5 Diagnostic Criteria, Incidence & Prevalence, Theoretical Perspectives, Treatments, Case Study, Conclusion
        * You can have additional sections or subsections as needed, but the 7 above must be included at a minimum.
    * Each section needs to include a properly formatted section header and have a multi-level bulleted list of the information you plan to use in that section.
        * NOTE: The information in this assignment description is a great example of what your outline should look like in terms of the multi-level bulleted list! Also check out the sample outline linked here for another example. 
* The last page(s) must include your full references page(s), with a minimum of 10 APA style formatted references (at least half must be peer-reviewed journal articles, not websites). Articles should be from 2010 or later.

The next 5-7 pages need to include written content, NOT including your title and reference pages. This should be a shortened version of your final paper and should include the following sections with properly formatted section headers:
* Title page in APA format
* Abstract (on its own page)
* Body of the paper:
    * Introduction
    * Diagnostic criteria
    * Prevalence and incidence
    * Theoretical approaches to understanding the causes of the disorder
    * Treatment approaches
    * Case study
    * Discussion or Conclusion
* References page(s)

Finally Submit final draft of your 8-12-page (not including title and reference pages) paper on your chosen diagnosis from Module 1.
Your final paper should include the following sections with properly formatted section headers:
* Title page in APA format (page 1)
* Abstract (on its own page page 2)
* Body of the paper (starting on page 3 and continuing until you hit the references section):
    * Clinical presentation (What do the symptoms associated with the disorder look like?)
    * Diagnostic criteria from the DSM-5
    * Prevalence and incidence rates
    * A review of theoretical perspectives on causes of the disorder (along with empirical support)
    * A review of treatment approaches and outcome studies (along with empirical support)
    * A case example/study
    * Conclusion
* References page(s)

stakeholder buy in

topic::Getting Stakeholder Buy-In

As your role as an HR Professional, how can you prepare all levels of management for understanding the importance of data analytics for your current and potential workforce (how do you get buy-in)? 

Cite course materials in developing your answer. APA format. In-text citation, and only use direct quotes. “…….” (…,…).

Use the attachments to complete work. and use one secondary source on your own. Make sure you use the attachments for in-text citation, please. So two references total.

format: intro, body, conclusion

Discussion Topics

The Creative Process

Please post from among these topics relating to this weeks materials and readings:

<> Describe which elements of the creative process (Chapter 5) you might employ in your own marketing communications plan, and how.

<> What experience do you have with graphic and video arts? Do you have favorite production software? Please share any examples and tips with your classmates.

<> An ad copywriter I know says he gets his best brainstorms when walking his dog on the beach and his mind is absolutely blank. I tend to get my best ideas in the shower, which makes for some soggy draft notes. What’s your best tip for stimulating creativity?

<> Share any brief excerpts from your task assignment this week on your communication plans target demographics.

<> What news did you see this week that might relate to our course topics?

<> Feel free to start your own discussion thread on any related topic, or review an article from the course supplemental website:

Scope and Standard of Practice

Scope & Standards of Practice

1.Familiarize yourself with the document that defines our profession, the Scope and Standards of Practice (American Nurses Association, 2015).

2.Choose one of the topics from the Standards of Practice, 5A to 17, and discuss it.  Include any examples that you have witnessed in practice. (This can be something you witnessed personally, heard about in post-conference, or heard or read about.)

3. Find an article to support or explain your discussion and include a concept that is described in the article (dont forget to cite it).  Include the reference at the end of your post.  Also,  provide a link to your article as a pdf. 


Don’t forget to list your reference and cite it in APA formatting.