Archive for January 28th, 2021

Sampling, Estimation and Simulation

1. Explain how Monte Carlo simulation is used in the real world. Provide a specific example from your own line of work, or a line of work that you find particularly interesting.

2. Identify that parts or aspects of Monte Carlo simulation processes that you have found to be particularly challenging. Describe why you believe that they are challenging and provide remedies to simplify those aspects.

Why Business Matters to God Discussion

View the following video and provide your comments.

Jeff Van Duzer Why Business Matters to God 2010, IVP Academic

-Must use one reference from a peer-reviewed journal or academic research.
-DO NOT USE blogs, Wikipedia, informative websites, or etc
-APA 7 format.

Discussion 2 CB

View the following video and provide your comments.

Jeff Van Duzer Why Business Matters to God 2010, IVP Academic

-Must use one reference from a peer-reviewed journal or academic research.
-DO NOT USE blogs, Wikipedia, informative websites, or etc
-APA 7 format.

Jury decision making

Hi please let me know if you can open video link on Slide two, please confirm as you need to watch video before creating response. Also please quote price,

We will post our discussion response of our verdict, after i will have to respond to 3 students verdicts whos were opposite to ours and provide input on why it should be like ours, i cant add file it is to big

6120 W2 DB

Think about the organization you currently work for – or reflect on one that you worked for in the past.  In the first paragraph explain the kind of leadership you observed within the organization.  Did the leaders exemplify a participative style, where you and your colleagues were encouraged to provide, opinions, input and even assist with decision-making? Or, is/was it driven by a transformational leader whose vision is a driving factor and whose motivational skills make people loyal to the organization?  Or, is/was the leader’s style authoritarian and maybe even coercive?

In the second and third paragraphs, explain if the organization’s culture was a reflection of its leadership.  Did you see a connection – or not – between the kind of leadership you observed among the organization’s managers and leaders and an environment that either made you enjoy going to work each day or caused you to dread the thought of waking up on weekdays?

short program essay

500-700 words maximum

What is the best thing to come out of your educational experience so far?
    How a mentor has help you persevere on your journey
    How you plan to use your degree upon graduation
    How earning this scholarship will help you realize your dream of graduation

program essay

500-700 words maximum

How you have been able to excel on your journey toward reaching your degree and what you have you learned about yourself in the process?

How a mentor has helped you persevere on your journey

  Resources, faculty, and team members who have helped you make this possible

A message to incoming students on how to progress successfully on their journey based on what you have learned thus far

Physical Infrastructure Connections of WLAN Components

In this exercise, you will learn about the physical infrastructure connections of WLAN components, including AP, WLC, access/trunk ports, and LAG. You will learn how the connections are made between the WLC and APs.

Learning Outcomes
This exercise covers the following:

Know about Connection of Acess Point and Wireless LAN Controller to Switch
Your Devices
This exercise contains supporting materials for Cisco.

Practice Labs screenshot.

Connection of Acess Point and Wireless LAN Controller to Switch
Access point is connected via a wired connection to a switch port. This switch port could be in access or trunk mode. In the case of an autonomous access point, the switch port would be in trunk mode, and for a lightweight access point, switch port would be in access mode.

Figure 3.1
Figure 3.1: Displaying WLC and access point connections.
The switch port that connects to the WLC is configured as a trunk port that allows traffic to be carried for all of the configured VLANs. These VLANs could be the management VLAN or Wireless clients VLAN.

Once the number of APs increase along with the wireless clients, the traffic can overwhelm the controller. As shown in the figure above, you have two connections going from the switch to WLC. These two physical links are combined to create one virtual link called the link aggregation port or LAG.

Aggregation port is, in fact, one big virtual link to the switch as it groups physical ports together to create virtual communication. This virtual link is two times faster than each individual physical port. The advantage of using LAG is that you increase the speed while still keeping the idea of one single link. If any of the physical ports in a LAG becomes faulty, you still have the connectivity via the working physical port. Hence you don’t lose communication to the switch, so there is a redundancy aspect on top of an efficiency aspect when LAG is used.

If you are connecting a wireless LAN controller into a network and you want to do link aggregation, then you have to configure it as IEEE 802.3ad link aggregation.

They are the basic components required to connect APs and WLC to the switch.

social advocacy

Students will write three questions raised by the readings.  The questions can include questions of clarification and context.  Students can also post questions of concern or disagreement about the content from the week’s readings.

(Video) Campbell, J. R, (2018, January 30) Five Steps to Becoming an Advocate , TEDxAdelaide