Archive for January 28th, 2021

Discussion Forum DC Reply WK2 710

This is a discussion board reply. You will reply to the attached  paper. Please read the Grading rubric before starting this reply.  The reply must include 3 peer reviewed source citations in current APA 7 format, the text, and the integration of 1 biblical principal as outlined in the Discussion Board Rubric which is attached.

Readings: Merida: Entire Book (attached)
Scott: pp 35-106 (attached)

Please read Grading Rubric before starting.

In the Replies include the following:
Everything mentioned in the Reply expectations.

In the Introduction section, you must quote or specifically refer to what and to whom you are responding. There is no need to cite a fellow Learner in the DB assignments, unless in a separate thread or a reply in which you are responding to something very specific. Do not be afraid to disagree with a fellow Learner’s perspective, just do so politely and always cite and source why.

You need to cite in support of your argument and use APA 7 format.  Also, in discussions do not be afraid to use a little appropriate humor. “A smiling reader is one whos paying attention and eager to read on.” Not to mention your prof enjoys a good laugh while reading so much content!

You will not bash the writer in this post, you will add knowledge to their findings.

Discussion Board Reply WK2 AM

This is a discussion board reply. You will reply to the attached  paper.
Please read the Grading rubric before starting this reply.
The reply must include 2 peer reviewed source citations in current APA 7 format, the text, and the integration of 1 biblical principal as outlined in the Discussion Board Rubric which is attached.

Please read Grading Rubric before starting.

You will not bash the writer in this post, you will add knowledge to their findings.
I have attached the article my peer used and books for the class as references if needed.

Experimental versus Non-experimental Quantitative Research

Must use one scholarly peer-reviewed quantitative study about BULLYING to complete the assignment.

Appraise the differences between experimental and non-experimental research.
Differentiate between a correlational study and an experimental study.
State the hypothesis being tested in the selected quantitative research study.
Identify the major variables and categorize them as independent or dependent.
Describe the methods and results of the study.
Determine whether the study is descriptive, correlational, or experimental, and explain why it fits this classification.

Comparative essay Dystopian

Compare and/or contrast the techniqueperspective or point of view, dialogue, diction and syntax, detail and descriptionby which any two authors chosen from among any of those assigned convey a certain tone or attitude with regard to eachs respective characters, in eachs settings.  Support your thesis with specific quotations, observations, and analysis of scene and deta

Organization Observation

Conduct a 30-minute observation at a local McDonalds or Starbucks restaurant (or large international chain as stated above), and document the following. Please find a video of the work at McDonald’s or Starbucks or use your past experiences to think about the actions of the employees!

– Look for specific examples of scientific management in practice. How are scientific management principles practiced across various positions at the restaurant? How would you assess the overall job design at the restaurant, according to our Contingency Analysis scale of highly mechanistic to highly non- mechanistic? Which jobs or positions are most mechanized versus least mechanized?
– Look for specific examples of classical/bureaucratic structure in practice. How are bureaucratic principles practiced at the restaurant? How would you assess the overall organization structure, according to our Contingency Analysis scale of highly bureaucratic (functional) to highly non-bureaucratic (network) structures?
– Prepare a one-page report summarizing your observations. In two columns, bullet- point the examples of work practices from the (a) bureaucratic/classical (organization structure) and (b) scientific management (job design) perspectives, and provide illustrative examples from your observations.

Unit III Essay


For the Unit III Essay, imagine you are the lead trainer for a global organization. Through data analytics and observations, you have noticed that employees across the organization do not share their knowledge with one another, whether that be from skills trainings they recently completed to general knowledge that could enhance the capabilities of the organization. This is a big issue for the chief executive officer (CEO), and the head of human resources (HR) has asked you to come up with solutions to address the issue. Within your essay, provide the information below.

Give three reasons as to why employees do not share knowledge.
Give three solutions that your organization can incorporate to encourage knowledge sharing among employees.
Discuss the benefits that each solution offers and how each solution promotes knowledge sharing.
For this essay, create a fictitious company name and location, and make your suggestions specific to that company. In the introduction, give the company name and location and some brief background information about the company and industry. Feel free to choose any industry (e.g., technology, manufacturing, or advertising) that interests you, and add any details that you think are necessary for your essay.

Your essay must be at least two pages in length, not counting the title and reference pages. You are required to use at least one outside source to support your explanation. All sources used, including required unit resources, must be cited and referenced according to APA guidelines.

Organization Observation

Conduct a 30-minute observation at a local McDonalds or Starbucks restaurant (or large international chain as stated above), and document the following. Please find a video of the work at McDonald’s or Starbucks or use your past experiences to think about the actions of the employees!

– Look for specific examples of scientific management in practice. How are scientific management principles practiced across various positions at the restaurant? How would you assess the overall job design at the restaurant, according to our Contingency Analysis scale of highly mechanistic to highly non- mechanistic? Which jobs or positions are most mechanized versus least mechanized?
– Look for specific examples of classical/bureaucratic structure in practice. How are bureaucratic principles practiced at the restaurant? How would you assess the overall organization structure, according to our Contingency Analysis scale of highly bureaucratic (functional) to highly non-bureaucratic (network) structures?
– Prepare a one-page report summarizing your observations. In two columns, bullet- point the examples of work practices from the (a) bureaucratic/classical (organization structure) and (b) scientific management (job design) perspectives, and provide illustrative examples from your observations.

Supply Chain and Logistics Management

Supply Chain and Logistics Management
Watch the following video (just over 11 minutes) by clicking on the link below:
MacNeil/Lehrer Productions (Producer). (1999). Your computer, your way: Dell and the direct sales model [Video file]. Retrieved from
Click here to view a transcript of the video.
After viewing the video, answer questions 1 and 2, and select one question from questions 3 and 4 to answer.
1. Compare Dell’s supply chain and logistics innovations with the competitive responses from competitors such as the Apple Store and others.
2. Discuss the emerging supply chain and logistics management factors shown in the video that were already negatively affecting large computer chain stores.
Answer question 3 or 4 below:
3. Explain how these technology-driven factors were not enough to enable some businesses to survive the online competitive entrance into the market.
4. In what ways may market research have helped prevent these large technology businesses from failing?
Each of your three responses should be at least one page in length; therefore, with an introduction and conclusion included, your essay should be at least four pages in length. In addition to the video, your essay must reference at least one article of your choice from a business-related or news website; therefore, your essay should reference at least two sources. Your essay must be in APA format. All paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying in-text citations and references. Title and reference pages do not count toward the minimum length requirement.

Developmental Risks

You will have to find an article related to children in situations that put them at risk for developmental challengessuch things as homelessness, lack of medical services or teenage pregnancy facilities, child care shortages, and a host of other situations. The purpose is to heighten awareness of social and political issues and how these relate to developmental problems in young children. Additionally, make sure to provide a link to the article used for your discussion.

A think piece

Only 1 Think Piece covering the assigned 3 articles.
Each Think Piece will be max. 2-pages. It should not be a summary of the articles, but more about what you think about the articles. Do you find any similarities? differences? across articles? any remaining questions after reading the articles?
There is no one way to write up the Think Pieces. I’ve posted a few examples of Think Pieces for you to review. You can follow the one that you like.