Archive for January 28th, 2021

Literacy Assignment


After reading the three web articles listed in the readings for this week, compose a short essay (using a Word doc that you will upload, adhering to MLA formatting guidelines, writing no less than 350 words) that addresses the following:

1. What is resistance to you? What does it mean to resist something? Can reading really count as resistance, according to you?

2. Combined, these articles argue that reading is both absolutely essential in our world today as well as counting as an act of political defiance. Imagine you’re attempting to convince a friend or a peer of these authors’ arguments. What would you tell them to convince them to read and to read as an act of resistance? You can write this in the voice you would use for your pee.

End Date   

Jan 29, 2021 8:00 PM

Links to Readings

Walter Moss, “Why Literature Matters”

Karin Schott, “Reading is Resistance”

Karin Schott, “Reading is Resistance”


The Norton Anthology American Literature 1820
The Norton Anthology American Literature 1820-1865
ISBN: 9780393264548

Systemic racism/George Floyd case

Find an example of a high-profile incident in which the actions and/or decisions of one or more individuals in the public safety field left citizens questioning the ethics of the action/decision and write a case study about that incident.

Your study should address at least the following:
Who were the stakeholders potentially impacted by the actions/decisions?
What arguments might those involved have made that their actions were ethical
Be sure to consider various ethical frameworks when considering this question–for example:
From a utilitarian perspective, he or she might have argued that…
From a deontological perspective, he or she might argue…
Considering virtue ethics, he or she might argue…
Explain why the actions made were or were not ethical.  Be sure to explain the academic definition you’re using as a baseline for this part of the discussion
How different actions by public safety administrators may have shaped the outcome of the incident or the perception of the public concerning either the ethics of the decision and/or the appropriateness of the organization’s reaction to it. For example (not all-inclusive), might better hiring standards or increased ethical training has impacted the situation–might more swift action to support or condemn the individual(s) had a positive impact on the public’s perception of the individual(s) or organization. 
The body of the Case Study shall be 8-10 pages, excluding other material such as the cover page, abstract, table of contents, graphics and tables, and references.

The Case Study Paper shall contain:

Cover Page
Body of Paper (8-to-10 pages)
References Page
The paper shall be formatted as follows:

APA 7th edition
1 inch margins
12 point font, either New Times Roman or Arial font style
Double spaced, making sure there are no “extra” spaces in between paragraphs
Properly formatted Section headings as appropriate
In the following descending order of preference, information sources must be either peer-reviewed articles, government reports, or other sources approved by your instructor. Internet information sources from other than authoritative sources are discouraged.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

The five most important Federal fraud and abuse laws that apply to physicians are the False Claims Act (FCA), the Anti-Kickback Statute (AKS), the Physician Self-Referral Law (Stark law), the Exclusion Authorities, and the Civil Monetary Penalties Law (CMPL). Government agencies, including the Department of Justice, the Department of Health & Human Services Office of Inspector General (OIG), and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), are charged with enforcing these laws. As you begin your career, it is crucial to understand these laws not only because following them is the right thing to do, but also because violating them could result in criminal penalties, civil fines, exclusion from the Federal health care programs, or loss of your medical license from your state medical board (OIG HHS website, n.d.).

Review the four most important Federal fraud and abuse laws on the OIG website (Links to an external site.).
Find a Press Release on the United States Department of Justice website (Links to an external site.) related to one of the five Federal fraud and abuse cases.
You will provide a summary of your chosen Press Release and the Federal fraud and abuse law that was violated
Take into consideration your chosen career path (Medical Assistant, Medical Office Administrator, Medical Billing & Insurance Specialist, Medical Coder) and answer the following question:
What steps would you take if you had been asked to participate in the fraudulent activity described in your chosen Press Release?

Use the template provided to complete the assignment
Provide all references in APA format on the reference page provided in the template
Please be cautioned that any material used in the assignment directly from the internet (copy and paste) will be given a zero-based on Herzing University Ethics Policy (Plagiarism). All information not your own must be given appropriate APA citation reference.

Estimated time to complete: 3 hours

admission essay

I am a international student and study in study in a US college right now  I wanna transfer to UC .So I need to finish the admission essay. Kindly check the instructon .
And also I attached some my personal background and some stories. Please help me write this admission essay .
(Please note : there are NO any personal real information, all the name are ficttious.

“Identify and discuss what course requirements in my entire degree program helped me understand complex systems and how I collaborated with others in these systems.

write  a  reflection  essay  to  show  evidence  of  your understanding of how nurses practice in AND collaborate withothers invarious complex systems. Complex  systems  come  in  various  shapes  and  forms.  There  are  hospital  systems,  billing  systems, diagnostic centers, educational platforms, financial and budget programs, simulation, admission and discharge, medication administration, history taking, and many others. Practitioners must integrate theories and knowledge learned from coursework to provide evidence-based and quality practice and care  that  is  ethical,  racially-specific,  and  socially-equitable;  reflect  relevant  healthcare policy, collaboration with other healthcare professionals or community stakeholders; and, based on social determinants  of  care,  that  is  individualized  to  various  types  of  clients,  families,  communities  and organizations.

Please make sure: The essay cites at least three excellent (see attached) and diverse artifacts that demonstrate the student’s understanding of various collaborative complex systems where practitioners must integrate theories and knowledge learned to provide evidence-based and quality practice and care that reflect healthcare policy, ethical, competent care to individuals, families, communities and organizations. A well-written reflective narrative, no longer than two (2) pages, double-spaced, 1 margin on all sides, is included documenting how these assignments helped the student meet this outcome.

Please no plagiarism, use attached documents for citation. Please include an in-text citation.

Strategic Staffing at Atlas Corporation

Read the attached case study. After reading the case study, answer the following questions:

1)How would you explain the alignment of Atlas business, human resource, and staffing strategies?
2) When considering the components of strategic staffing, what is Atlas doing well with regard to staffing strategically? What could they do better?
3) What would you suggest Atlas do to further enhance the alignment between its staffing function and its need to promote from within?
4) Is there a benefit for Atlas to have an internal or external staffing focus in order to gain/maintain a competitive advantage? Why, or why not?

Answer all four questions in one document. Your completed case study must be no less than two full pages in length. You must use at least your textbook as a reference, but other resources may be used if needed. Any information from resources used must be cited and referenced in APA format.

Response to a Book

Finish reading Barefoot Gen and respond to ONE of the questions below in a single, well written paragraph:

1.Why is manga an effective medium to portray the horrors of the atomic bomb? Provide at least one concrete reference or example from the text.

2.What social problems does Barefoot Gen provide insight into in addition to the dropping of the atomic bomb? Provide at least one concrete reference or example from the text.

code set standards

Code Set Standards
The Code Set Standards include CPT, ICD-10 CM and PCS, and HCPCS Level II. There are specific formats and uses for each type of code and each type of job deals with a different type of coding. As you consider your future position in healthcare and coding answer the following:

What code set(s) do you find confusing and explain why.
Why is it important to understand the different Code Set Standards as a medical assistant, medical office administrator, medical coder, or medical billing and insurance specialist?
Which code set do you find challenging and how would you explain this code set to a coworker or a subordinate if you were asked to train them?
What questions would you ask about the codes sets if you were in training?

Conflicting Viewpoint Essay

This assignment is in 2 parts. part 1 is a prewriting essay that doesn’t have a page limit requirement, so it can be as short as 1 page. part 2 is the full paper that uses the prewriting from part 1. Part 2 is 3-4 pages minimum. The articles that are needed for this assignment can be accessed via the hyperlink in the word document that I attached with the assignment details. I also attached a copy of the strayer writing standards with is writing format required for this assignment. Let me know if you need any more information.

Conflicting Viewpoint

This assignment is in 2 parts. part 1 is a prewriting essay that doesn’t have a page limit requirement, so it can be as short as 1 page. part 2 is the full paper that uses the prewriting from part 1. Part 2 is 3-4 pages minimum. The articles that are needed for this assignment can be accessed via the hyperlink in the word document that I attached with the assignment details. I also attached a copy of the strayer writing standards with is writing format required for this assignment. Let me know if you need anymore information.