Archive for January 28th, 2021

skills and attributes necessary to be an outstanding teacher

Hi! I am applying for a teaching position and on the application it asks…
1)To describe the skills and attributes you believe are necessary to be an outstanding teacher.
2) How would you address a wide range of skills and abilities in your classroom?

I would like the writer to make me sound passionate, and to mention classroom management, leadership and content knowledge.

Read pages 41-83 (end of section 2 in Lucy by Jamaica Kincaid) Follow all MLA and formatting requirements. Review pages 41-83 ofLucy by Jamaica Kincaid and make notes of what you find interesting, disturbing, fascinating, or confusing, and try to explai

Read pages 41-83 (end of section 2 in Lucy by Jamaica Kincaid) Follow all MLA and formatting requirements.
Review pages 41-83 of Lucy by Jamaica Kincaid and make notes of what you find interesting, disturbing, fascinating, or confusing, and try to explain why. A well-written response will demonstrate that you have read closely and tried to make sense of the concerns within the novel.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please consider how you have developed the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that enable your achievement of the Course Goals listed below. Then write a minimum of a 1000 word APA-style essay reflecting on how this course has helped you achieve these goals. The course is called health care informatics

Here are the course goals:
    Understand knowledge and how it is acquired, processed, generated, and disseminated
    Implement informatics applications from the perspective the current healthcare delivery 
        system and specific individual organizational needs
    Proactively anticipate and create future informatics applications in both health care systems
        and the nursing profession
    Identify, develop, evaluate, modify, and enhance informatics applications to improve patient
    Discover opportunities to use informatics
    Participate in the design of informatics solutions within the health care setting

COVID-19 pushes healthcare providers to travel nurses

Note: Beside the Guidelines attached

    Referencing Style

Please use the following referencing style:
For Journal Articles: 
LN, FN, FN LN, and FN LN.  Year.  Title of Article, Journal Name (Month/date), Vol. No., pp.
For Books:
LN, FN, and FN LN.  Year.  BOOK TITLE (All Caps), City & State/location of Publisher: Publisher Name, pp.

You can use reference numbers in the text as well.

Within the text, please write the references as:
    (Last-name Year, Last-name Year) OR use numbers (1-4).  NO ENDNOTES OR FOOTNOTES.

Whatever referencing style you elect to use, just be consistent with it and do not mix and match.

Read a case and write about it

Review the ANA’s Fact Sheet: Navigating the World of Social MediaLinks to an external site..
Review the NCSBN’s White Paper: A Nurse’s Guide to the Use of Social MediaLinks to an external site..
Select one of the scenarios from pages 4-7 in the NCSBN’s White Paper to focus on in this week’s assignment.
Create a Microsoft Word document and complete the following steps:
Summarize the scenario you have selected in your own words (75-100 words).
Explain how all parties in the scenario may be affected by the nurse’s actions (75-100 words).
Referring to the ANA’s Fact Sheet and the NCSBN’s White Paper, explain how the actions in the scenario violated guidelines for responsible use of social media. Provide specific examples from both documents to support your explanation (100-150 words).
Copy the following citations for both the ANA’s Fact Sheet and the NCSBN’s White Paper in your document below your response. Format the citations so that they match the rest of the document, and add hanging indents for lines that follow the first in each citation per APA formatting.
Format and proofread your paper:
12-point, Times New Roman font
Double-spaced lines
1″ margins
Hanging indents where needed in citations
No errors in grammar and mechanics

Resource Citations

ANA. (2011). Fact sheet: Navigating the world of social media. Retrieved from

NCSBN. (2011). White paper: A nurse’s guide to the use of social media. Retrieved from


Module 1 Discussion 2: Disease Analysis Journal


When you are faced with a medical case and do not know how to approach it or have questions, what do you do? Even experienced nurses, dentists, doctors, and pharmacists will go to their smartphones and begin searching for answers. So much information is available. How do you know what information is reliable and valid? The purpose of the journal assignment is for you to practice finding, evaluating, and summarizing resources around key concepts that are presented throughout the module, which are relevant to your specific area of interest. This journal should be valuable to you; you can collect sites, resources, and readings that you find helpful to your learning.

This module will focus on the following topics that examine how our body responds, or rather adapts, to environmental toxins on a cellular level:

        -Cellular adaption and neoplasia

        -Infection, immunity, and inflammation

        -Hematological disorders

You should spend approximately 10 hours on this assignment.


1. From the list of selected readings below, choose two with topics that you know the least about or are most interesting to you.

2. Then search for, read, and incorporate other readings of your choice in your area of interest that focus on cellular adaption and neoplasia; infection, immunity, and inflammation; and/or hematological disorders. You might include:

        -1-2 journal articles or websites

        -Book chapters (past textbooks may be good options)

        -Your goal is to have a total of at least 60 pages of content read. 

3. Your summary of each reading should be at least one paragraph (100-200 words) and include the following information:

        -All references must be cited using APA Style format.

        -Number of pages read

        -Keywords you used to find the reading

        -Link to the reading

        -Why you selected the reading

        -Main point of the reading

        -Describe how the health deviations you read about alter normal physiology.

        -Provide your key takeaway from the reading. This could be something that made you pause, changed your thinking, supported your thinking, or made you question something.

4. Build your journal in a Word document. You will build on this document in each module. (Do not start a new journal document for each module.) By the end of the course, you will have all five journal assignments in one single document.

5. Attach your Word document to a post in the Module 1 Discussion
2: Disease Analysis Journal discussion board.

In your post, respond to the following questions: How do you know that the material you have found and read is reliable? How do you know that it is valid? 


It may be helpful to review your classmates’ articles to see which keywords they are using to find their content. We want to build a community of learners who share great resources and readings. If you see an article that interests you, feel free to read it!

Selected Readings (login id: s02376483)

Choose two readings. All readings are available through the CCCOnline Library in CINAHL Plus With Full Text.

1. Badr, M., Hassan, T., Sakr, H., Karam, N., Rahman, D. A., Shahbah, D., Zakaria, M., & Fehr, S. (2016). Chemotherapy induced neutropenia among pediatric cancer patients in Egypt: Risks and consequences. Molecular & Clinical Oncology, 5(3), 300306.


2. Baron, V.T., Pio, R., Jia, Z. & Mercola, D. (2015). Early growth response 3 regulates genes of inflammation and directly activates IL6 and IL8 expression in prostate cancer. British Journal of Cancer, 12: 755-764. doi: 10.1038/bjc.2014.622


3. Carvalho, M. I., Silva-Carvalho, R., Pires, I., Prada, J., Bianchini, R., Jensen-Jarolim, E., & Queiroga, F. L. (2016). A comparative approach of tumor-associated inflammation in mammary cancer between humans and dogs. Biomed Research International, 1-12. doi:10.1155/2016/4917387


4. Epstein, S.P., Chen, D., Asbel, P.A. (2009) Evaluation of Biomarkers of Inflammation in Response to Benzalkonium Chloride on Corneal and Conjunctival Epithelial Cells. Journal of Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 25(5): 415-42. doi: 10.1089/jop.2008.0140


5. Ferguson, J.F., Patel, P.N., Shah, R.Y., Mulvey, C.K., Gadi, R., Nijjar, P.S., Usman, H.M., Mehta, N.N., Shah, R., Master, S.R., Propert, K.J. & Reilly, M.P. (2013). Race and gender variation in response to evoked inflammation. Journal of Translational Medicine. 11(1): 63-63.


6. Miceli, T., Lilleby, K., Noonan, K., Kurtin, S., Faiman, B. & Mangan, P.A. (2013). Autologous Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation for Patients With Multiple Myeloma. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 17: 13-24. doi: 10.1188/13.CJON.S2.13-243


7. Mohammad-Shahi, M., Mowl, K., Haidari, M., Zarei, M., & Choghakori, R. (2016).  Soy milk consumption, markers of inflammation and oxidative stress in women with rheumatoid arthritis:  A randomized cross-over clinical trial. Nutrition & Dietetics, 73: 139-145. doi: 10.1111/1747-0080.12174


8. Rascon, J., Rageliene, L., Stankeviciene, S., Palionis, D., Tamosiunas, E.E., Valeviciene, N., Zvirblis, T. (2014). An assessment of iron overload in children treated for cancer and nonmalignant hematologic disorders. European Journal of Pediatrics, 173:11371146. doi 10.1007/s00431-014-2295-5


9. Rescigno, T., Micolucci, L., Tecce, M.F., Capasso, A. (2017). Bioactive Nutrients and Nutrigenomics in Age-Related Diseases. Molecules, 22(1), 105.


10. Timmons, B.W. & Raha, S. (2008). A pediatric perspective on inflammation and oxidative stress in response to exercise. Applied Physiology, Nutrition & Metabolism, 33(2): 411-419.


11. Toprak, B., Yalcin, H.Z. & Colak, A. (2014). Vitamin B12 and folate deficiency: should we use a different cutoff value for hematologic disorders? International Journal of Laboratory Hematology, 36: 409414. doi: 10.1111/ijlh.12158


12. Yetgin, S. & Elmas, S.A. (2010). Parvovirus-B19 and hematologic disorders. Turkish Journal of Hematology, 27: 224-33. doi: 10.5152/tjh.2010.43


Hospitals see opportunity, risk in ambulatory surgery centers

Note: Beside the guidelines attached

    Referencing Style

Please use the following referencing style:
For Journal Articles:   
LN, FN, FN LN, and FN LN.  Year.  Title of Article, Journal Name (Month/date), Vol. No., pp.
For Books:
LN, FN, and FN LN.  Year.  BOOK TITLE (All Caps), City & State/location of Publisher: Publisher Name, pp.

You can use reference numbers in the text as well.

Within the text, please write the references as:
    (Last-name Year, Last-name Year) OR use numbers (1-4).  NO ENDNOTES OR FOOTNOTES.

Whatever referencing style you elect to use, just be consistent with it and do not mix and match.

Billing, antitrust exemption changes upend negotiations between insurers and providers

Note: Beside the guidelines attached

    Referencing Style

Please use the following referencing style:
For Journal Articles:   
LN, FN, FN LN, and FN LN.  Year.  Title of Article, Journal Name (Month/date), Vol. No., pp.
For Books:
LN, FN, and FN LN.  Year.  BOOK TITLE (All Caps), City & State/location of Publisher: Publisher Name, pp.

You can use reference numbers in the text as well.

Within the text, please write the references as:
    (Last-name Year, Last-name Year) OR use numbers (1-4).  NO ENDNOTES OR FOOTNOTES.

Whatever referencing style you elect to use, just be consistent with it and do not mix and match.

Working with the Elements of Rhetorical Analysis

Our experience in society is dominated by visual texts, from television commercials to
memes, to music videos. These texts attempt to shape our worldview via the rhetorical
approached they employ, and in turn we are constantly faced with the dilemma of
interpreting this influence.
For this weeks homework you will be tasked with identifying and analyzing a piece of
visual media (the genre is up to you) and the different rhetorical elements utilized within.
In a document, include a link and/or image of the text you are working with, a thesis
statement that puts forth your argument, and identify and include a brief discussion of
the following rhetorical elements:
1. The rhetorical situation
2. The overall argument
3. At least two claims
4. Evidence the supports those claims
5. At least two rhetorical strategies, including an analysis of how they are functioning
6. Any appeals working within the text
7. Any assumptions the text makes
Responses may be as brief or as detailed as you like, but please make sure that they
are thorough and thoughtful enough to sufficiently cover each point.
The work you complete here is eligible to serve as a jumping off point for your Unit 1
Project, should you feel inclined.

Health Policy Issues An Economic Perspective

Note: Beside the Guidelines attached

    Referencing Style

Please use the following referencing style:
For Journal Articles:   
LN, FN, FN LN, and FN LN.  Year.  Title of Article, Journal Name (Month/date), Vol. No., pp.
For Books:
LN, FN, and FN LN.  Year.  BOOK TITLE (All Caps), City & State/location of Publisher: Publisher Name, pp.

You can use reference numbers in the text as well.

Within the text, please write the references as:
    (Last-name Year, Last-name Year) OR use numbers (1-4).  NO ENDNOTES OR FOOTNOTES.

Whatever referencing style you elect to use, just be consistent with it and do not mix and match.