Archive for January 28th, 2021

How Kids Evade COVID-19

It should be double-spaced, with Arial font, size 12, 1 margins

Please provide a references list at the end of the document for all sources used in writing your summary.

You can also Use the attached file as your source for this topic.



The government has created a committee to investigate the potential of implanting a radio-frequency implantable device (RFID or commonly known as a chip) in every U.S. citizen OR on the use of the smart card (i.e. card that incorporates an individuals medical care record). In order to reduce the issues surrounding patient safety including patient identification, and maintenance of a complete and accurate history of disease processes and medications, this RFID or smart card will contain all of the individuals medical information.

When the patient arrives at a point-of-care, the RFID or the smart card is scanned, and all of the information is uploaded into the provider Electronic Health Record (EHR) system. Upon discharge, information is then downloaded back to the RFID or the smart card.

You have been invited as a nursing representative for your state to provide a report to the committee regarding the use of the RFID or the smart card. Choose one of these technologies and complete the following information to produce your report.


Create and introduction paragraph describing the topic (RFID or Smartcard), explain what will be addressed in the paper, and evaluate the pros and cons of using implantable devices or the Smartcard.
Create an introduction: Introduce the topic (RFID or Smartcard)
Body of the Paper:

Evaluate the Pros and Cons:
Analyze the pros and cons of the use of the implanted RFID or the Smartcard. To assist you in analysis, explore the US Food and Drug Administration Guidance Document ( (Links to an external site.) ) and investigate other sources on the internet or in the current literature. There are companies currently producing chips. Read marketing information found online for companies producing chips for additional background information.
Explain how you use smart devices in your personal life. How has this technology been incorporated in society?
Assess the Ethical, Legal and Social Implications:
What are the potential legal, ethical, and social implications, which should be considered if implementing and using RFID or the Smartcard if it is instituted, in your practice setting?
Identify populations who might greatly benefit from the use of the RFID or the Smartcard? (e.g. people with Alzheimers, children, those with cognitive disabilities, etc.).
Refer to the scenario above. How would the redundancy of information be addressed for the RFID or the Smartcard
Evaluate the Scenario and Discuss a Policy to Incorporate
Identify how your organization could incorporate the use of either of these technologies (RFIDs or other smart devices, such as Smart phone) in the practice setting?
Discuss the logistics. How would a healthcare provider access the information from the patients RFID or the Smartcard?
In thinking of the scenario above, identify the extent that patients can access their own information? Can the user access the exact same information as the healthcare provider?
What types of policies might be needed at your healthcare facility to safeguard patients who have an implanted RFID or the Smartcard?
Conclusion and Recommendation
Draft a conclusion statement which summarizes a possible recommendation for using RFID or Smartcard devices or explain why you feel further consideration of use is not warranted.

Grammar and APA Format
Present your analysis in a scholarly, 4-6 page, APA-formatted paper with the following elements:
Title Page (not included in page count)
Citations throughout
Introduction Catch the readers attention with interesting facts and supporting sources.
Body of analysis:
Present the pros and cons about the RFID or the smart card. Think globally and historically.
Identify the ethical, legal, and social implications of RFID or the Smartcard
Discuss policies to incorporate at your facility to safeguard patients with RFIDs or the Smartcard.
Conclusion and Recommendation Summarize the analysis and offer a recommendation. Is the RFID or the Smartcard a plausible method for the future of health care interoperability and portability of health information?
Reference Page (not included in page count)

To the Lighthouse and Feminism

Although marking the passage beyond heterosexual marriage as a narrative ending, Lily Briscoes rise as even an alternatively public woman and meaning-giver does not then fully dismantle the ideological dichotomy of public/private that To the Lighthouse encodes in Part One as masculine/feminine Mary Lou Emery, Robbed of Meaning: The Work at the Centre of To the Lighthouse. Do you agree with Mary Lou Emerys statement that Western feminism is about the construction of the subject through processes of exclusion? Is this what To the Lighthouse does with Lily? Discuss by making close reference to the text and the article.

Working with the Elements of Rhetorical Analysis

Our experience in society is dominated by visual texts, from television commercials to
memes, to music videos. These texts attempt to shape our worldview via the rhetorical
approached they employ, and in turn we are constantly faced with the dilemma of
interpreting this influence.


This is a formal paper that “connects” at least one specific theme or issues in the readings to a contemporary issue or experiences in your life today.
After completing the notes on all the readings for that day you will then select at least one of the themes/issues in the readings to connect to something in the present.  This can be a current event or a personal experience, but you must provided examples and analysis to link the current issue directly with the readings.
The paper section should be 1 to 3 pages in length.
During the Reconstruction period was the idea of combining women’s suffrage and black suffrage together.
Recently the idea of combining BLM and the Me Too movement.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please complete ALL THREE of the Professional Development exercises.

1.    Some institutions that require students to develop e-portfolios as a part of their program of 
        study also may use this evidence of student learning to evaluate the program quality or
        generate evidence for accreditation reports. What do you think should be the driving purpose
        behind requiring electronic portfolios professional development planning or institutional
        evaluation? What are the merits of each approach?
2.    Conduct a literature search for a scholarly article about e-Portfolios and how they are used in
        nursing. Summarize the findings, and discuss how this may be applicable within your nursing
3.    Investigate a healthcare informatics technology trend
            -Use both Internet sites and library resources to describe the trend.
            -Cover both hardware and software requirements.
            -Discuss considerations for implementing the trend.
            -Discuss how the technology trend will impact nursing knowledge and/or practice. 

Please submit one APA formatted paper 1000 words, not including the title and reference page. Each assignment should have a minimum of two scholarly sources.


Please read each of the comments in the attached file and prepare a constructive response to that comment.
1. What is the transformational leadership response to the following comments?
a. From a patient: Nobody is answering my call light.
b. From a physician: The patient care team X isn’t as helpful as they should be.
c. From a classmate at an HCO in another city: I’m looking for best practices in inventory protection. What can you tell me?

2. You’re rounding, and associates say the following things. What is the best response to support the mission and the transformational culture? Your response should include what the leader should say, and at least the first round of any next steps that the leader should take.
a. So-and-so hit on me.
b. We need more staff!
c. So-and-so was late today and sick yesterday. Third time this month!
d. I disagree with the orders on this patient.
e. Dr. So-and-so never washes his hands!

Please read instructions.

Module 1 Discussion 1: Initial Observation


When you are given a medical case, what is the first thing that you do? You make an observation. Remember, the first step in pathophysiology is to make an observation of the changes in the tissues, and the general appearance or condition of the patient. This assignment will give you practice making observations about the Case Study in the Exploration of Homeostasis: The Body Attempting to Adapt to the Environment section. You should not conduct any research at this point. It is ok to make mistakes and not be perfect. Just share any initial thoughts you have about it. You are not graded on your expertise. Rather, for this assignment, you are graded on your ability to ask questions and be inquisitive.

You should spend approximately 2 hours on this assignment.


In a post that is a minimum of 150 words, respond to the following:

1. What are your initial reactions and observations of the case?

2. Mr. Smith was diagnosed with sickle cell anemia. He has an ulcer in the medial side of his ankle. How would the condition of the red cells contribute to what the patient suffers from?

3. How would you describe inflammation? How do you recognize that Mr. Smith has an inflammatory response? Is inflammation always bad? Do you know of any white cell disease that reduces our inflammatory response?

4. Mr. Smith is allergic to penicillin and iodine. What do you know about allergies? What type of hypersensitivity is it?

5. Mr. Smith’s mother had a right radical mastectomy due to breast cancer. How would you define a malignant tumor? How would you differentiate a cancerous tumor from a benign tumor?

I have included the reading material

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please read chapter 2 of the main textbook
Q) Discuss the following statements. Do you believe that they are generally true, or that they dont happen in the real world? Should they be true? What competitive advantages might accrue to an HCO where these statements are true?
a. Managers do not give orders.
b. Managers do not make decisions.
c. Managers spend a lot of time listening.


Please the attached documents for the instructions and material.

Write a Journal Article Review for the article provided of 1100 words, not including the title page or reference page. You will need to discuss how the theoretical model or treatment described in the article compares to the information discussed in the textbook chapter 3 provided. No more than 20% of the Journal Article Review may be quotations. You must cite and reference the original article, the course textbook chapter 3, and one additional scholarly article.

Each Journal Article Review must include these sections:
    Title page
    Article caption at top of first page of text (current APA style) to identify the article
    Statement of the author’s purpose
    Background of the issue
    Application of supply chain management theory relevant to article
    Managerial implications of article findings (23 paragraphs)
    Summary of the article and its context
    References (Current APA style)

This format must be followed.