Archive for January 29th, 2021


Compose a short paper in Microsoft Word on how you feel about communicating through electronic devices. Is it easier than communicating with someone face to face? What do you think are the pros and cons of communicating electronically? What is your opinion on this issue? Make sure to use specific reasons and examples to support your position. If you use sources or direct quotes, be sure to cite them at the end of your paper.


weekly discussion question for class only 180 words required – one reference:

Your company has always depreciated assets using the straight-line method. Your tax accountant has explained that a switch to the double-declining balance method would minimize taxes in the current year, but you are concerned about the impact this change would have on the value of long-term assets on the balance sheet and future tax liabilities.

Respond to the following in a minimum of 180 words:

Assuming your projected sales (and therefore tax bracket) are predicted to increase dramatically over the next 5 years, what should you do?


For the exam, students must turn in organized, polished work of not more than six (6) pages.  Students are expected to refer to the textbook and other sources that we have read for the exam; references to additional (outside) sources are welcome, but not required. BOTH ESSAYS MUST INCLUDE CITATIONS. All references to the literature must be properly cited (in whatever citation form students prefer). Your responses must reflect an understanding of the readings from the textbook and a presence at the lectures. Your responses must be based on the relevant readings, lectures, films, class discussions, and hand-outs. The goal is to demonstrate that you have read the assigned material and understand key concepts. Remember to use specific evidence and/or examples to support your arguments. You should cite your sources and include a Works Cited page in MLA or Chicago format. (Opinions without evidence, however interesting, are not sufficient.)

Please DO NOT use materials from the Internet without clear identification of the source. DO NOT cite texts without using inverted commas and appropriate attribution. Copying of texts from the Internet is considered plagiarism.

Be sure to have a clear argument that you defend with relevant evidence. Please underline your THESIS. Organize your paper with a logical structure and use clear topic sentences and transitions to help your reader understand the logic of your organization. Edit your essays thoroughly to avoid errors and to improve readability. Give each of your essays a title that reflects your argument.

Grading criteria:

Argument: 25% Does your paper have a clear, singular, specific argument that answers the question?
Evidence: 25% Do you use all of the relevant evidence to defend your argument?
Organization: 25% Does your paper have a logical structure and use clear topic sentences and transitions?
Clarity: 25% Is your prose efficient, crisp and polished, free of excessive passive voice or distracting spelling or grammatical errors?

Each essay is worth up to 50 points.

Formatting for each essay:

12-pt., Times New Roman font, double-spaced
1 margins
1000-1200 words (3-4 full, double-spaced pages)
Both Part 1 and Part 2 need to be included in a single document (Word, Pdf, Txt, etc).


Part 1:

How did the New Deal reorient Americans relationship to government?

How did World War II transform Americas standing in the world?

How did decolonization shape post-World War II American life?

In what ways was the Cold War similar to previous wars in the United States? In what ways did it differ? How was this war fought? Use specific examples.

What were the contradictions of the Affluent Society? And how did American life fundamentally change in the 1950s?

What communities were not helped by the new affluency of the 1950s? What led to these disparities?

Part 2:

What characterized the energy and activism of the 1960s? What happened to the idealism of the 1960s?

Discuss the Civil Rights Movement and its connection to decolonization and post-war affluency. Use specific examples.

Describe the Power Movements and their goals and tactics. How did the goals differ for different groups, and what were their tactics? Use specific examples.

How did the New Right shift political discourse in the United States? Use specific examples.

How has globalization and international economic growth changed recent American history? Discuss using specific arguments.

LDRS 400

In this weeks lecture we discussed the communication process. The communication process is a dynamic two-way exchange of information requiring both parties to seek meaning, sending and receiving, providing ongoing feedback through various channels while paying attention to the barriers to communication in the form of noise.

When communication is clearly sent and received working and personal relationships are able to function at optimal levels. When communication breaks down, for a variety of different reasons, the door to conflict opens wide.

Noise gets in the way of clarity. As discussed, noise comes in many forms, both obvious and subtle. In the communication process, we need to pay attention to noise and seek ways to reduce, minimize or eliminate it if we want to improve the communication process.

For your initial post, find and share a communication example that produced less than desirable outcomes, i.e. a bad example of communication. This example can be personal or sourced from the media, TV or the internet.

1.  Describe the setting, the persons involved, what was said or not said and analyze what you think caused the miscommunication.

2.  What examples of noise can you identify in this example? Explain.

3.  What would you recommend to the persons involved to get a different, positive result?

4.  From this example and this weeks lecture, how might you approach communicating differently in the future?

Use articles or your textbook to cite support for your approach for the future. Make sure you move beyond opinion and towards supported assertions.

Historical Analysis Paper

Historical analysis is a method of the examination of evidence in coming to an understanding of the past. It is particularly applied to evidence contained in documents, although it can be applied to all artifacts. The historian is, first, seeking to gain some certainty as to the facts of the past.

A historical analysis essay is a paper written to table arguments proving a particular thesis. The arguments are based on history and should prove insight by using both primary and secondary historical sources to prove the essay’s thesis statement.

For this assignment, you are a budding historian, trying to make sense of some aspect of the history we cover in this course.

You should survey your textbooks primary sources. They are typically included at the end of the chapters, though you will also find some included in the chapter text.

For your assignment, you will include at least two (2) but no more than three (3) primary sources from the textbook for class.


Please choose at least two (2) but no more than three (3) primary sources from your textbook to write a historical analysis paper.

You can use any material that we have read/watched in class as secondary source material. If you do use any of that material, you must cite the ideas or quotations using footnotes.

Before writing the analysis of the sources, come up with a research question that the sources will address. Include the research question in your essay.

CAUTION: The goal is to write a cohesive essay – not  individual source analysis paragraphs. Make the sources speak to each other. Put them together to draw a larger conclusion.

Write a three to four-page (1,000-1,250 word) historical analysis that CAN INCLUDE the following:

– Describe the document/source. Who wrote it, when, where? Do you know who the author is by name? Do you know the race, age, or gender of the author?

– Why do you think the author wrote the document? What was the author’s motivation for writing? Did s/he have an intended audience? Can you discern any particular characteristics about the audience?

– What kinds of conclusions can you draw from the sources?

– What do we learn about the time period in which the documents were written?

– Do the experiences that are described in the documents relate to history that we will discuss in class? Please use the  course textbook American Yawp as secondary sources to help with this question.


You must include references for material taken from primary and secondary sources. All references should follow MLA guidelines.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Read  The Jilting of Granny Weatherall  the material that I send it to you.Write a 200 word response explaining why you think Porter chose to write this story using the stream of consciousness technique providing at least one quote to back up your claims. Why is it necessary for this story to be told in this way? Cite using the author’s last name and page number after a quote: (Porter 77). DO NOT use excessively long quotes to artificially lengthen your response. Write formally and avoid the first and second person.Stay in third person.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Hughes, Ginnett, and Curphy (2019) textbook covers the various skills leaders need to develop to be effective. Each student will choose a Leadership Skill that he or she would like to improve. Write a 5 page report (less than 5 pages will not be accepted). 

Next, you will provide a rationale for choosing to work on this particular skill, the plan to improve yourself in this area, your efforts over at least a two-week period of time to build skills in this area, your results, and your expectations of using this skill in the future.

This paper must be 5 pages in length (double-spaced), not counting the title and reference pages.
It must include a minimum of 4 scholarly references (journal articles, not less reliable-web sources).
Using pronouns will be acceptable given the nature of the assignment.
Paper should have an introduction, body, conclusion, and reference section.
Paper should also have appropriate headings and sub-headings in the body of the paper (please refer to APA manual)
Write transition sentences between sections so that the reader knows where you are going and why.
Paper must be written according to APA style and be carefully referenced.
Appearance, punctuation, grammar, neatness, and spelling count.
Every assignment must include the FCE title page (found in APA/Writing Resources) and a reference list in APA form and style.

This must be a professional looking paper to receive full credit. This assignment will be worth 25% (25 points) of your grade.

Rubric for Assignment One

The Leadership Skills Paper Assignment is worth 25% (25 points) of your grade. Content is worth 15 points; writing quality is worth 6 points and APA style is worth 4 points. The following three (3) components will be graded in each category. Also, refer to this website for additional guidance on formatting papers:

Content (15 points)

Accurate representation of the Leadership Skill chosen

Detailed rational for choosing the Leadership Skill

Detailed plan to show improvement in this area

Detailed list of efforts, results, and expectations of the skills

Overall organization of assignment

Writing quality (6 points)

Proper use of grammar, syntax, and punctuation

Graduate quality writing

Logical flow of ideas

Appropriate integration of research

APA style (4 points)

Appropriate use of direct and indirect quotes

Appropriate use of citations in the text

Correct format of reference list

Assignment 1 Leadership Skill Rubric
Assignment 1 Leadership Skill Rubric
Criteria    Ratings    Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent
1. Accurate representation of the Leadership Skill chosen 2. Detailed rational for choosing the Leadership Skill 3. Detailed plan to show improvement in this area 4. Detailed list of efforts, results, and expectations of the skills 5. Overall organization of assignment
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting Quality
1. Proper use of grammar, syntax, and punctuation 2. Graduate quality writing 3. Logical flow of ideas 4. Appropriate integration of research
6 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA style
1. Appropriate use of direct and indirect quotes 2. Appropriate use of citations in the text 3. Correct format of reference list
4 pts
Total Points: 25

Case Study: Operations/Value Chain Role

** You will be writing this portion based on the Operations/Value Chain Role
Please see attached files.
Please cite sources. Here are some resources:

Case Background

October 29, 2018 Indonesian Lion Air Flight 610 vanishes, later to be discovered to have crashed. No one onboard survived.
March 10, 2019 Ethiopian Airways flight ET302 crashes. No survivors.
Two seemingly unrelated events with a combined 346 people dead in no-survivor accidents. Was there a link? It was quickly determined that both incidents involved a Boeing 737 Max aircraft. Despite the two crashes, which gained global news status, Boeing continued to publicly defend that its planes were safe, refusing to recall the Boeing 737 Max aircraft immediately and launching an in-depth investigation.
In late March 2019, the New York Times revealed that after days of mounting pressure, the United States eventually grounded Boeings 737 Max aircraft, reversing an earlier decision in which American regulators said the planes could keep flying after the deadly crash in Ethiopia. A National Transportation Safety Board investigation later revealed that the aircrafts new MCAS software was a contributor in both crashes. Whistleblowers emerged to allege the company cut corners to reduce costs and speed production while not documenting safety faults. Boeing continued to lose orders from airliners and its stock price and revenue dropped precipitously throughout the year (NY Times).

Your teams task is to write the press release from the perspective of Boeing. Each team member will assume one of the roles that are explained on the Team Roles Introduction sheet. Together you will write a one-page (single-spaced) press release that briefly explains what this recall means for the company, its stakeholders and the community at-large. Remember, your contribution to this press release should be 4-6 sentences focused on information from the perspective of your role.

the impact of the pandemic of coven 19 in the hospitality industry

Using a template for a scientific poster, of your choice, you are to produce a proposal to your S7 capstone thesis (dissertation) of 500 to 600 words. Font 9 and Times New Roman. The sections required are
A) Topic (13 words maximum)
B) Introduction: Background with at least two references; Aim (three lines maximum)
and three objectives beginning with Higher order action verbs to be found in Blooms
taxonomy and a rational with at least one reference.
C) Literature review (a critical reflection on the main literature of your topic) at least
three references.
D) Methodology: Method/s and why it/they are relevant; Population and sample;
analysis; Trustworthiness or reliability and validity.
This is a highly synthesized document only the important factors should figure. No bullet points are allowed.
Hand in instructions:
1) Print poster on A3 format and bring to class 25; 27 & 29 January for discussion.
2) Hand in date: 1st Feb 2021 at 15pm on Moodle turnit in.
    Project Tasks and Weighting

Moncler Italy

I have to write a report on Moncler and my idea is to introduce a beauty line only for winter/skiing products (face mask, hand cream, hair oil etc..) by making a partnership with l’oreal.

– Analysis on Moncler (general background, positioning, competitors, SWOT analysis turnover costs,  EBITDA, EBIT, net income, net financial position, assessing leverage, ROE, ROS, ROI etc.)

Identify a problem Moncler has and explain why a beauty line would be suitable (with sample products for Moncler as well as the partnership with l’Oreal.