Archive for January 29th, 2021

explaining conditions

Explaining Conditions
So much of what goes on the body is hidden from view, allowing patients to overlook the connections between body systems, conditions, and symptoms.  For example, in attempting to lose weight, a person may begin skipping meals or vomiting after eating.  Soon after, digestive and/or muscle and joint problems issues may develop, or the person may start passing out.  Anorexia and bulimia begin as psychiatric/behavioral problems but quickly take on more visible, physical presentations.  It is easy for a patient to “explain it all away. In this discussion, explain a condition, symptom, or illness that involves those type of connections.

Identify a condition, symptom, or illness that originates in one system but shows up in one or more others.
List the condition, origin point, and secondary location(s) making every attempt to avoid duplicating a classmate’s topic and progression.
Explain how the condition is related the secondary presentation, making sure to explain any technical terms, reinforcing “Doctor-to-English” translation skills. 
Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

Health Care

Explore and Compare: Resources
Evaluation Title: Source Comparison
This assignment will give you the opportunity to carefully explore two different resource types to further your understanding of selecting the appropriate resource type for your information needs. There are three parts of this assignment. For Part 1, you’ll be reading an article posted on the web and answering questions about the article. For Part 2, you’ll be reading a scholarly article and answering questions about it. In the final part, Part 3, you are asked to sum up your experience and compare/contrast the two information sources.

Part 1

Take a look at the article 9 Lessons I’ve Learned About Feeding KidsPreview the document

Please respond to the following prompts:

Who do you believe is the intended audience for this article?
What is the purpose of this article?
Briefly summarize the article by describing the main points used by the author.
Provide an APA reference entry for this information source.
Part 2

Next, review the following scholarly journal article, Challenges and Facilitators to Promoting a Healthy Food Environment and Communicating Effectively with Parents to Improve Food Behaviors of School ChildrenPreview the document: 

Please answer the following questions:

Who do you believe is the intended audience for this article?
What is the purpose of this article?
Examine the references at the end of the article. Please explain how these references contribute to your understanding of the credibility of the source. 
Provide an APA reference entry for this information source.
Part 3

Summary question: Compare and contrast the two information sources. How is the information found in the article different from the information found in the scholarly journal article? What would you use each type of information for? Finally, describe what you feel is the most important thing you learned from this assignment.

Your assignment submission should be a Word document that fully adheres to the instructions listed above and meets all APA formatting requirements.  Be sure to proofread your assignment.

Reforming Tim’s Coffee Shoppe under new Management.

The goal is to read the description below, then reference to the stimulation I have attached. The screenshots are what each section should be about and each section should be labeled and in reference to the stimulation. What are issues and how they can be resolved?

Final Project

The following Course Outcome is assessed in this assignment:

AC298-6: Use technology and software applications appropriate to the business environment.

You have been practicing with the various elements of this final project throughout the course and throughout various parts of your degree program. Now it is time to put all that you have learned together in a cohesive report.

Scenario: In this scenario you are Mikes good friend whom he has asked for help regarding his recent purchase of Tims Coffee Shoppe. Be sure to tell Mike everything that you can think of that will aid him once he takes over ownership of Tims Coffee Shoppe from the seller. Tell him what he will need to address in terms of setting up his new business and the challenges that he will face. Remember, this is your good friend, and you want him to succeed in this new venture.

Remember, the final project assignment is required to have the following structure:

Title Page

Executive Summary: Overview of your findings



Finance and Accounting

Financial Statements

Problem Solving

Access the instructions and rubric.

Unit 9 Assignment Grading Rubric
Points are based on correct and thorough responses to the checklist items using critical analysis.     Percentage
Possible     Points Possible     Points Earned
The following sections should be present and provide a detailed analysis of the issues and how to correct them:
– Cover sheet page
– Executive Summary:
Overview of your findings
– Regulations/Management 
– Finance and  accounting
-Financial Statements
-Problem Solving References page       


Subtotal:     80%     100    
Provides a detailed report with cover sheet (5 pts.) and references page (5 pts.) in appropriate APA format, and provides in the sections: correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar (15 pts.).     20%    25    
Total Points      Percentage
Possible: 100%
    Possible points total: 125     Possible points total: 

Interpersonal Communication

Guidelines for Writing Reflection Papers
The reflection paper is a personal reflection on specific material attached. The primary goal of a reflection paper is to examine how the material intersects with your lived experiences – in school, home, workplace or other.
Best Practices:
* The writer demonstrates an understanding of the material by connecting it to her own ideas, previous experience, or recent learning.
* The paper should not be a free-write or journal entry.
* The writer should go beyond a first reaction to reflect upon the material, synthesize the personal response in the material, and organize it in a concise, cogent fashion.
* Although personal response is central to a reflection paper, the work should also reflect about the content attached.
* The reflection paper should raise questions, and arrive at a conclusion or insight that demonstrates how you, the writer, was influenced by the material or by the reflective process.

The paper should be 2 full pages.

Need two essays for ideas on Topic A and Topic C

topic a
Nursing requires that the essay was written in response to Topic A focus on your goal of becoming a nurse and/or a career in nursing.
The statement of purpose will provide an opportunity to explain any extenuating circumstances
that you feel could add value to your application.
You may also want to explain unique aspects of your academic background or valued experiences you
may have had that relate to your academic discipline.
The statement of purpose is not meant to be a listing of accomplishments in high school or a record
of your participation in school-related activities.
Rather, this is your opportunity to address the admission committee directly and to let us know more
about you as an individual, in a manner that your transcripts and the other application information cannot convey.

Topic C
There may be personal information that you want to be considered as part of your admissions application.
Write an essay describing that information.
You might include exceptional hardships, challenges, or opportunities that have shaped or impacted your abilities or
academic credentials,
personal responsibilities, exceptional achievements or talents, educational goals, or ways in which you might contribute to an institution
committed to creating a diverse learning environment

Elements of Critical Thinking

Search the Internet or media and find an example in which good critical thinking skills are being demonstrated by the author or speaker. Summarize the content and explain why you think it demonstrates good critical thinking skills.

Search the Internet or media and find an example in which the author or speaker lacks good critical thinking skills. Summarize the content and explain why you think it demonstrates the absence of good, critical thinking skills.

Reflection on the stages of child and adolescent development

In your reflection, examine instructional strategies across all developmental domains and address the following:

How knowledge provides guidance to implement appropriate learning strategies to meet the needs of all students.

How milestones can guide you to meet the diverse needs of all students.

How understanding the unique aspects of development guide a teacher to create engaging learning activities. 

Explain how to apply what you have learned in your future professional practice in the classroom.
Support your findings with a minimum of 2-3 scholarly resources.

Ethics in business law

Explain an occurrence when you took the ethics of a company into consideration when deciding between similar products. If you have never done so, explain why not.
Research a company that you admire and examine that companys ethical decision-making. Who is that companys Ethics Officer and what is that officers role? What is it about the companys business and ethical positioning that you admire? Has there been an instance where this companys strong position has helped it to avoid a potential scandal?
Please cite in text and down in APA

Twitter strategic analysis

A companys strategy typically consists of its diagnosis of its competitive challenge, a guiding policy(ies) to address the competitive challenge, and a set of cohesive actions to implement the companys policy(ies). The is the AFI strategy framework, namely, Analysis, Formulation, Implementation. You may review this by doing some research into the AFI framework in understanding strategic management and analyzing your companys strategic plan in light of this framework.  Download and review the strategic plan of the company you have chosen. Examine the strategic direction of the company you have chosen. You will review the strategic plan(s) of the company and reflect on how the strategic plan of any company guides their decision making.
In addition, reflect on the strategic plan in light of current macroeconomic and cultural changes. Discuss briefly the international aspect of the strategic plan.

Apa style with in text citation


Instructions will be uploaded later.

Write an analysis for this article:|A599225945&v2.1&itr&sidITOF&asid5cbf1385

Documents needed are pasted below. Type on the document labeled Analysis.