Archive for January 29th, 2021

Drugs and Mind

Read: link + attachment!


Answer both questions


After reviewing the readings, if you had to explain why someone is drawn to use drugs to the point of becoming dependent on them, what would you say?


After reading the resources and spending sometime reflecting on the use of language as a tool to promote or challenge stigma, what are your thoughts?

Python in Digital Forensics

Week 3: Discussion – Search and Index

As we known search is a key method used in forensics, but we also know some of its limitations. For this discussion compare keyword searching with either regular expression searching or indexing. Point out the pros and cons using real examples, reference specific cases that have either been solved or foiled through the use of search.

Please be sure to source references

new testament analysis presentation

Session 4 New Testament Analysis Presentation
Pauls letters shape a great deal of the doctrine of the early church and our modern church, as his letters form a large piece of the New Testament that we read today. Throughout the epistles, Paul introduces several different doctrinal themes which have powerfully shaped Christianity throughout the centuries.
For this assignment, please construct a presentation (PowerPoint, Prezi, Powtoons, etc.) on a major Pauline doctrine from the list provided. Please choose one doctrinal theme from the following list:
Day of the Lord
Please address the following based off of the theme that you select:
Explore the importance and significance of this particular doctrine in Pauls theology.
Discuss/explore how the teachings of Jesus influenced Pauls understanding of this particular doctrine.
What impact does this doctrine have on the modern church? How should Christians live in light of this doctrinal truth?
Be sure to utilize, in proper context, various scripture references in your presentation. The presentations should be 4-6 slides long, not including the title slide and reference slide. If you selected a video tool to create your presentation, or to include a voiceover, please make the video no more than 6 minutes long. If you do not include a voiceover, please include detailed notes in the notes section of your presentation that would assist any presenter.
If you

how was Ulysses a hero

Using the book The adventures of Ulysses not odysseys get 3 events in the story which proves how Ulysses is a hero. Its a 5 paragraph essay. 1st intro 2nd first event 3rd second event 4th third and last event 5th conclusion. Please get evidence and have a good analysis. THANK YOU SO NUCH THIS MEANS A LOT ? about 3 or 4 pages

Any topic (writer’s choice)

this essay has two parts. part one will be a summary of this article, you can write about 400 words. part two will be your own thoughts and commentary which is also 400 words. You can find the requirement in detail in the attached PDF file. Thank you.

The power of yet

Please, make sure to go through all the files and follow the process step by step. There is a sample in one of the file, please make to go through. The link of the video you need to watch is in one of the file.   the power of yet   by CAROL S DWECK.

Do not plagiarism.

Bill Veeck and Chicago Baseball

Click the link below to watch the video:

Video review should be between 2 to 3 pages (typed, double-spaced, one-inch margins, 12 point font)
Include the following information:
1.What the video meant to you: what did the video teach you?
2. How you feel the video is related to the class topic.
3. Would you recommend watching the videos to others (why or why not)?

Write two-three discussion questions on the film


In a recent unpublished Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis working paper (June 2020), Misty L. Heggeness investigated the impact the COVID-19 shock had on parents’ labor supply during the initial stages of the pandemic.

One of the consequences of the shutdowns has been a functional collapse of the childcare industry, and this has placed an unbalanced burden on working mothers. This observation led Ms. Heggeness to ask the following questions: “Will mothers be able to keep their jobs as … they are continually forced to balance childcare, household production, online schooling, and work? … (and) what role (will) fathers (or their significant others, podmates, housemates, etc.) play in the intermediate and long term?” (p. 21}

Given her questions, how do you see the domestic sphere and the formal labor market playing out over the next few years? What impact do you envision this pandemic having on gender wage equality, gender-based labor market participation rates, women’s’ rights, and mental health?

Assuming grade schools remain closed this semester and possibly into next, do you expect to see fathers, significant others, and/or extended family members (including podmates, quarantined buddies, etc.) stepping up across the board and taking on substantially increased roles in sharing household production and childcare or are you less optimistic and expect to see little domestic change at the household level, or, even worse, a greater increase in domestic violence, pod disorder, and/or divorce filings?  According to Ms. Heggeness, she strongly believes what happens in the domestic sphere will influence what happens in the labor market for both men and women.

Domestic responses to the abrupt changes we are now experiencing in the childcare industry have not and will not be uniform across households and demographic areas, but still which household trends do you think will likely dominate American society over the near term?  Search for some published data to support your opinion. Based on your opinion, can you think of anything we should be demanding from our government to promote the recovery of our childcare economy and to advance women’s rights as we continue to work through this pandemic and attempt to vaccinate the general public?

Journal entry

Select two clients you observed or counseled this week during a group therapy session. Note: The two clients you select must have attended the same group session.
Then, in your Practicum Journal, address the following:
    Using the Group Therapy Progress Note in this weeks Learning Resources, document the group session.
    Describe each client (without violating HIPAA regulations), and identify any pertinent history or medical information, including prescribed medications.
    Using the DSM-5, explain and justify your diagnosis for each client.
    Explain whether cognitive behavioral therapy would be effective with this group. Include expected outcomes based on this therapeutic approach.
    Explain any legal and/or ethical implications related to counseling each client.
    Support your approach with evidence-based literature.

6 resources


Northouse, P. G. (2019). Leadership: Theory and practice (8th ed.). SAGE.



Having now studied the trait approach, skills approach, and behavioral approach, which seems to appeal the most to you to assess your current, past, or proposed future professional or personal situation? Share how you can use your preferred approach. If none of them resonate with you, explain why, and offer alternatives you find useful.

Most of us have experience with in-groups and out-groups. Discuss a time when you were in one or the other and wished you were in the one you were not. In other words, you might have been in the in-group but resented the extra pressure and responsibility, or, conversely, you might have been in the out-group and wished you had more access and input in decisions being made. How did leadership theories manifest in these situations? Most of us have experience with in-groups and out-groups. Discuss a time when you were in one or the other and wished you were in the one you were not. In other words, you might have been in the in-group but resented the extra pressure and responsibility, or, conversely, you might have been in the out-group and wished you had more access and input in decisions being made. How did leadership theories manifest in these situations?