Archive for January 29th, 2021

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Using the course materials provided in weeks 1 and 3 lessons, please write a 500-word minimum essay that addresses all aspects of the following topic?

1. Define and describe the field of anthropology and what some of their research interests are.

2. Define culture and some if its characteristics.

3. Using the film “The Cobra Gypsies” provide at least three examples of their culture and at least two ways their culture has been influenced by Western societies.

personal letter

hi there you wrote this letter for me. it got called I’m sorry i got cover and was hospitalized i was never able to complete the order. i used this app 100 times this is the first time this happened. i hope you still have the letter you wrote i can release the funds and get it, if possible

Financial Analysis of Walmart

In your paper, address the following four parts in a Word document:

Part 1: (three to five paragraphs)

Summarize the trends in your companys ratio performance over the 3 most recent years. Be sure to address the following ratios included in Appendix C:
Profitability ratios: ROA, ROE, return on investment (ROI).
Liquidity ratios: quick ratio, current ratio.
Debt management ratios: long-term debt to equity, total debt to equity, interest coverage ratio.
Asset management ratios: total asset turnover, receivables turnover, inventory turnover, and accounts payable turnover.
Per share: book value per share.
Part 2: (two paragraphs)

Interpret whether the trend for each ratio (listed in Part 1) is an improvement or a decline in performance for the company.
Create a table that lists each ratio as either a strength or a weakness in the most current year, based on its trend and your interpretation.
Determine the overall financial strength of the company based on the ratios identified as either strengths or weaknesses.
Consider all of the ratios discussed so far. Is the companys strength the fact that the debt management ratios are improving? Or is it that the liquidity ratios are increasing? Is the companys weakness that the turnover ratios are declining? Or is the companys weakness that debt management ratios are weakening?
Categorize the companys overall ratio performance as either strong, neutral, or weak, based on your determination from the ratios.
Part 3: (one to two paragraphs)

Compare your chosen companys ratio performance to the industry competitor ratios in the most recent year based on Appendix D. Be sure to address the following ratios included on Appendix D:
Profitability ratios: ROA, ROE, gross margin, and net margin.
Liquidity ratios: quick ratio and current ratio.
Debt management ratios: long-term debt to equity, total debt to equity, and interest coverage ratio.
Asset management ratios: asset turnover and inventory turnover.
Create a table that lists each ratio as either higher or lower than the average ratio for the competitors in the industry.
Part 4: (one paragraph)

Categorize the companys overall financial performance as either better than average, average, or worse than average compared to the industry based on the ratios.
Interpret which ratios are the most important and explain your reasoning.
Justify your conclusion based on the table you created, your interpretation of which ratios are the most important, and the companys overall ratio performance compared to the industry competitors.


I chose a Roomba. You will choose your own topic (with exception of the not allowed technical objects listed in the previous section) for this assignment. The subject of your description must be a technical object (e.g., clock radio, digital thermostat, Roomba, CPAP machine, blender, food processor, etc.). Because you must accurately describe an object in at least 500 words, do not pick something too simple such as a paper clip. Choose a topic that is complex but manageable. Once you have identified a technical object, research it. Take time to learn about what the parts are called, and how the parts work. This might require you to read background information or otherwise inform yourself about the topic.

Audience and Content Requirements
Your primary audience would be someone who has little experience with the object that you are describing (e.g., if you select a stapler, then you need to imagine an audience of people who have little experience with the object, perhaps children).

Regardless of the object, your final paper should be at least 500 words; you must include ALL of the following contents in your description (given in order of how the content should appear in your paper):

-Introduction (DO NOT label the introduction “introduction” per APA guidelines)
Orient your audience by providing a one-sentence definition of the object (first sentence)
Preview its various parts (2-3 sentences)
Discuss its uses and functions (1-2 sentences)
Preview the content of your description (1 sentence)

-Detailed Description of the Object
Describe each part of the object in detail, including its dimensions, materials, principles(s) of operation, function, and relation other parts (2-3 paragraphs)
Use the present tense
When introducing a new concept or term, you do need to provide a brief definition for a non-technical audience, e.g.:
“The bezel, or outer ring connecting to the lugs, allows the wearer to set a different time zone”
You will notice in this sentence the definition for the term “bezel” is a subordinate clause and is not its own separate sentence. You can also use parenthesis for definitions in the same sentence.

Re-state the major use(s) and function(s) of the object to solicit the audience’s support or awareness of the object
Note: Do not use the second person POV or personal pronouns in an object description.

Document Design and Illustrations
Give careful thought to illustrations and design elements:

-Use headings and sub-headings throughout the document. Mark the body and conclusion of your document with headings (again, do not mark the introduction per APA guidelines). Use sub-headings to indicate the beginning of each part/component of the object you are describing.

-Do not write large chunks of text without headings and sub-headings
-Single-space the text
-You must include at least two illustrations.
-You may create your own, use illustrations from other sources or adapt illustrations from other sources.
-Make sure you provide source information for all illustrations immediately below each illustration using APA guidelines (see lesson 2.4 for more information).
-Apply as many of the four basic design principles as possible (Contrast, Repetition, Alignment, Proximity) to enhance the reader’s orientation and understanding of the document.
-Use serif and sans-serif typefaces for the header and body;
-Use up to two complementary colors;
-Place like content in proximity to each other; and,
Make sure all of the elements have alignment.
-Design your document for consistency (grid patterns, margins, justification, white space, indentation, font style and size). Review pages 128-131 in the course textbook
-Keep in mind that your purpose is to describe the object yourself, not rely upon external sources to do the work for you. (Inclusion of cited manufacture specifications will result in a 20-point deduction).
-Using one of the objects that is not allowed will result in 10-point deduction.
-Minimum word requirement: 500 words (Failure to meet the minimum word count will result in a 5-point deduction)
-Make sure to include URLs for citations, as needed (Failure to include working URLs will result in a 5-point deduction)

Unit 4 Assignment

After reading the material for the week, create an educational flyer for patients at a 10-physician outpatient clinic. The information should explain the clinics patient portal. Be sure to cover what it is, how to register for it, and the features of the portal. List the benefits of using the portal. The goal is to convince consumers of the value of using the portal and increase usage. The flyer should be one full page, and only one page.

the crucible

From a work of literature you have read in or out of school, select a character who learns a lesson about one of the ideas listed in the box below.
In a well-developed composition, identify the character, describe how he or she learns the lesson, and explain how the lesson is important to the work as a whole.

about Elizabeth from the crucible

Elephantiasis (aka lymphatic filariasis).

Hi there,

Please help me with the Research Paper for my Microbiology class, the topic I want you to do research on is
Causative Agent:
Scientific name of organism(s)? Cellular/structural characteristics:
If Bacterial: Gram reaction, shape and arrangement, metabolic capabilities, etc.
If Viral: Genetic molecule, enveloped/naked, size, provirus, multiplication cycle, etc.
If Prion: Description, location in body, function of normal form, etc.
If Eukaryotic: Kingdom, multi- or uni- cellular, life cycle, metabolic capabilities, etc.

How long have we known about the disease?
History of vaccine development/treatment?
Changes in our knowledge and attitudes of this disease throughout history?

Prevalence and transmission of the disease:
Where in the world is it prevalent? How many people currently infected?
Reservoir? Mode of transmission? Rate of new infections?
Rates of morbidity and mortality?

Pathogenic effects on cells, tissues, organs, and systems:
What is the damage the pathogen inflicts and how is it inflicted?
Mechanical damage, toxins, damage from immune response?
Sequence of infection: Incubation, prodrome, illness, decline, convalescence.
Signs and symptoms of infection?

Response and Treatment:
Activity of the immune system against the pathogen:
Cell mediated, humoral, innate, acquired?

Medical treatment:
Diagnosis? Progression of the disease in the host with vs. without treatment?
Antibiotic resistant strains?
Prophylactic measures?

Socio-politico-economic issues:
Historic and present-day issues that impact the spread of the disease.
Practices and policies that help limit the spread of the disease? Cost of treatment?
of the  Elephantiasis (aka lymphatic filariasis) disease.

All the instructions are in the files that I uploaded, and please follow it carefully, use  single-spaced, with 1 inch margins and 12-point, Times New Roman font.
And you don’t need to do the Cover Sheet, just do the research on the topic i gave you.

thank you, and good luck. 🙂

Critical Thinking

In a coherent, integrated essay, please provide the following advice to Georgia and Loren.  Please organize your essay with appropriate headings so that it is easy to follow your advice and understand the basis supporting it.

Georgia and Loren do not yet have any sort of company or business organization together. They have worked together in an informal collaboration creating Phoebe. They are considering one of the following:  (1)  C-Corp; (2) S-Corp; (3) Limited Liability Company (LLC); (4) General Partnership.  In your essay,

Define each of these four (4)  business organizations;
Explain the pros and cons of each for Georgia and Loren;
Then, recommend one of these four as the best choice for Georgia and Loren; and
Explain why that selection is your recommendation.
Georgia and Loren know they need to protect their proprietary rights to their invention through use of intellectual property (IP) protection.  Three types of IP that might apply are:  (1) patent; (2) copyright; (3) trademark.  For your essay,

Select TWO (2) of these three IP to recommend for protecting their interest in Phoebe.

For EACH ONE that you select, provide the following information for Georgia and Loren:
definition of the IP;
describe how the IP applies to Phoebe;
explain in what way the IP protects their interest in Phoebe;
include length of time the protection lasts; and
explain how they go about acquiring the IP. 

video summary

write 2 bullet points on each of the above of things you found interesting and or fascinating

3 0.1 The Wall Street Code | VPRO documentary | 2013 # 51
3 0.2 Nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio data: How to Remember the differences # 12
3 0.3 The Normal Distribution: Crash Course Statistics #19 # 12
3 0.4 What are confidence intervals? Actually # 25
3 0.5 Confidence interval example # 19


*Give an example of a specific product whose value is perceived differently by the customer and the business supplier.
(Let’s try to expand beyond the ones mentioned in the textbook, although they should give you some ideas.)

*Identify these differences in value and provide an explanation of why final consumers and business suppliers might perceive them differently.

*What is meant when we say that business-to-business demand is inelastic in the short term and discontinuous in the long term? [you might find some clues in your textbook p. 11]

*Give an example of a real business/industry that illustrates this phenomenon.

Text Book: Vitale, R., Giglierano, J., & Pfoertsch, W. (2011). Business-To-Business Marketing: Analysis and Practice. Upper Saddle, NJ: Prentice Hall.