Archive for January 29th, 2021

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Read about both managed care and fee-for-service health plans. In a short paragraph, discuss the similarities and differences between these plans. Next, respond to the following question: Does managed care give greater accountability for quality of care than fee-for-service? Why or why not? Use at least one specific example in your post.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Write a well developed five (5) paragraph essay on the ways Kate Chopin uses the different forms of irony in her short story. Use examples and direct quotes from the story for support. Examine each form of irony Situational, Verbal or Dramatic  as it is used in the story. Each body paragraph will be an examination of the form(s) of irony. Visit the following website for tips on writing essays that examine irony in literature


Discover how telehealth is transforming healthcare operations of all kinds. From bringing specialty provider expertise to rural and remote areas to offering clinicians flexibility to better balance their lives, telemedicine use is growing rapidly through integration into the ongoing operations of hospitals, specialty departments, home health agencies, private physician offices, as well as consumers homes and workplaces. Telemedicine is the natural evolution of healthcare in the digital world, since it greatly improves the quality, equity and affordability of global healthcare.


Between 2004 and 2007, the National Institutes of Health conducted a STEP study.
The STEP Study is the name of a clinical trial to test an experimental human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) vaccine that aimed to stimulate production of immune system T cells that can kill HIV-infected cells. The study enrolled 3,000 participants at sites in Australia, Brazil, Canada, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, Jamaica, Peru, Puerto Rico, and the United States.

On the basis of its first evaluation of vaccine efficacy, the findings were as follows:

There were 24 cases of HIV infection among the 741 volunteers who received at least one dose of the investigational vaccine.
There were 21 cases of HIV infection among the 762 volunteers who were vaccinated with a placebo.
In volunteers who received at least two vaccinations:
There were 19 cases of HIV infection among the 672 volunteers who received the investigational vaccine.
There were 11 cases of HIV infection among the 691 volunteers who received the placebo.
The investigators of the vaccine trials have decided to cease immunizations and are contacting study volunteers to inform them of the developments.
Prior to beginning this study, how would you have described the risks and benefits of the study to participants? Share your thoughts and discuss the ethical issues surrounding this study at the beginning and at the time the decision was made to terminate the study.
Justify your response using examples and reasoning. Comment on the postings of at least two classmates, explaining whether you agree or disagree with their views.

National Institutes of Health (2007). Immunizations are discontinued in two HIV vaccine trials. Retrieved from

Cross-Cultural Fusion Analysis, World Music Culture

Goal: The purpose of this assignment is to evaluate the cultural appropriation of music.

Course Objective(s): CO-1, CO-2, CO-3, CO-4


Part of the phenomena of world music is the appropriation by Western musicians of non-Western instruments, sounds, structures and styles. There is also the appropriation by non-Western musicians of elements of Western music, including instruments, sounds, structures and styles. These types of recordings are often referred to as “world beat,” “ethno pop,” or “world pop.” This paper will analyze and evaluation the appropriation of music from other cultures.

For this paper, you will choose one of two options.


This option explores the appropriation of traditional music by Western musicians. Choose one recording from the list below. Write a critical review of the recording addressing the following:

Briefly describe the musical and aesthetic concept behind the recording answering this question: “What was the goal of the artists?”
Discuss how traditional non-Western music is incorporated into the sound of the music. Be sure to utilize musical terminology and scholarly sources to express your ideas.
Does the Western artist show musical respect for the imported tradition(s) represented on the recording? If so, how? If not, why not?
Offer a critical evaluation about ways in which the project succeeds or fails as music, and in developing cross-cultural relationships and understanding.


Peter Gabriel, “Passion” (created for The Last Temptation of Christ soundtrack based upon Middle Eastern music)

Kate Bush, “The Sensual World” (featuring Bulgarian women singers)

Paul Winter, “Kurski Funk” (jazz and Russian village music)

Outback, “Dance the Devil Away” (Australian Aboriginal music combined with folk guitar)

Baka Beyond, “Spirit of the Forest” (jam sessions with Baka Pygmies and composer/guitarist Martin Cradick

Linda Ronstadt, “Por un Amor” (featuring Mexican and Mexican-American musicians)

Talking Heads, “Born Under Punches” (appropriation of scratch, funk, Afro-Beat and jj rhythm)

“Ambilanao Zaho” (pop/avant-garde guitarists Henry Kaiser and David Lindley with musicians in Madagascar)

“Diaraby,” guitarist Ry Cooder with Ali Farka Toure, a griot from the Sahara

Robbie Robertson and the Red Road Ensemble, “Coyote Dance” (pop music with Native American music)

Led Zeppelin, “No Quarter” (collaboration with musicians from Egypt)

Beats Antique, “Dope Crunk” (experimental world fusion and electronic music)


This option explores the fusion of Western music elements with aspects of traditional music. Choose one recording from the list below. Write a critical analysis of the recording addressing the following:

Briefly describe the musical and aesthetic concept behind the recording answering this question: “What was the goal of the artists?”
Explain how elements of Western musical traditions (e.g., instruments, styles, textures, cultural references, recording techniques) are combined with those of the featured non-Western tradition(s). Be sure to utilize musical terminology and scholarly sources to express your ideas.
Discuss musical and ethical issues that the recording raises. Are musicians from non-Western cultures selling their own musical traditions short when they combine these traditions with Western styles and techniques? Can music remain traditional while incorporating elements of modern Western music?
Evaluate how the project succeeds or fails as music, and in developing cross-cultural understanding and relationships.


The Ravi Shankar Project. “Seven and 10” (fusion of Indian raga, the technology of synthesizers and digital sampling keyboards, and Western popular music)

Sheila Chandra, “True” (fusion between Indian classical music and English pop)

Ofra Haza, “Kirya” (Yemenite Jewish songs performed in a pop style)

R. Carlos Nakai, William Eaton & Will Clipman, “Feather, Stone & Light” (New Age Native American music)

Baaba Maal, “Sidiki” (Afro-Pop)

Yat Kha, “Yenisei Punk” (Tuvan “techno-ethnic-acid-folk music”)

“Shakti India” with John McLaughlin, Shankar, Zakir Hussain, T.H. Vinayakram (fusion of Indian classical music and jazz)

“Deep Forest, “Deep Forest 1992” (samplings of Pygmy music)

Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan and Eddie Vedder, “The Long Road” from Dead Man Walking

The Bulgarian Voices, “Lonely Bird” (Bulgarian female choir with Tuvan overtone singers)

Musi-O-Tunya, “Katonga” (Zamrock – combination of traditional African music with psychedelic rock and funk)

This paper should be 750-1000 words in length. This assignment should reflect knowledge and understanding of the course materials. Points should be supported by specific information from scholarly sources. This paper should be written in paragraph form using complete sentences with a clear introduction and conclusion.



– Content applies to subject matter.

– Demonstrates knowledge and comprehension of major issues and concepts.

– Content reflects the use of analysis, synthesis, and comparison.

– Major points are stated clearly and are developed and supported by specific details, examples, research, or analysis supported by information from scholarly sources.


– Response has an organized and logical structure with an introduction and conclusion.

– Smooth sentence and paragraph transitions.

– Sentences are complete, clear, and concise.


– Response follows standard rules of grammar, usage, punctuation, and spelling.

– Any material referenced is properly cited with both in-text citations and references formatted in MLA style. This is an excellent website for citing in MLA.

– For papers submitted as attachments, formatting should be double-spaced with margins no more than 1 inch. Please use 10 or 12 pt. fonts.

– Papers submitted as attachments must be .doc, .docx or .rtf files. File formats can be changed by going to the “File” drop-down menu and selecting on “Save As.” Please note that papers submitted in any other format will not be accepted or graded. Papers must be submitted in the proper format to be considered on time.

Papers will be evaluated according to the Short Paper grading rubric (see attached). Please review and utilize this grading rubric in order to maximize points earned on this assignment.

This assignment is due by Sunday of Week 4 at 11:59 pm (Eastern time). Please note that late submissions will be automatically downgraded.

Papers must be uploaded as an attachment. Please also double check that your attachment is in .doc, .docx or .rtf format.

DISCLAIMER: Originality of attachments will be verified by Turnitin. Both you and your instructor will receive the results.

I am looking forward to reading your analysis of cross-cultural fusion music. Let me know if you have any questions about this assignment. I am happy to help in any way I can.

Functions of Law 4.4

Consider the following scenario:
Simon has done so well in the food truck business that he attracted the attention of numerous investors. However, Simon never really considered partnering with other vendors until he received an inquiry from the Street Foods R Us franchise.

Orlando, the owner of the Street Foods R Us franchise, was interested in the possibility of setting up business in a food truck park with Simon as a part of a franchise agreement. Orlando would be the franchisor, and Simon would be the franchisee. Orlando would supply Simon with the use of his nationally known trademarks as well has his expertise. Orlando wanted to be certain that Simon was serious, so he asked Simon to secure a land lease and $20,000 for start-up costs. The $20,000 was to be paid to Orlando.

Simon withdrew $10,000 of his savings to secure a multi-year land lease and took out a $20,000 mortgage on his home to cover the franchise start-up costs. When Orlando mentioned that they needed lighting for nighttime vending, Simon contracted with an electrician service to install commercial-grade outdoor lighting fixtures throughout the property. The electricians bill totaled $8,000.

breach of contract
Despite numerous phone calls, Simon did not hear from Orlando again until a month later, when Orlando advised Simon that the leased land was not to his liking and that the franchise start-up costs would be $45,000 instead of $20,000.

Frustrated by Orlandos demands, Simon protested and asked Orlando to reconsider the deal. Orlando refused and told Simon, Take it or leave it. To recoup his losses, Simon filed a lawsuit against Orlando based on breach of contract and undue influence. Orlando responded by asking the court to dismiss the case because no formal franchise agreement was ever signed between the parties and because he did not unduly influence Simons business decisions in the matter.
Using the Simons Food Truck (Wheelin and Dealin) Template.docx, describe the elements necessary to form a contract.
Follow APA formatting requirements, including use of 12-point Times New Roman font.
Correct use of citations and references is required.
Refer to OCLS APA Writing Styles Guides for questions.
When you have completed your assignment, save a copy for yourself and submit a copy to your instructor by the end of the workshop.

Jones, doyle, and condorcet

answer the question referencing the uploaded material.
QUESTION:  Drawing on your reading in Doyle and/or Jones, I want you to reflect on whether there are lessons to be drawn from the French Revolutionscientific laws of history if you will. Was the Revolution inevitable? Must Revolutions always be so violent? Do the unintended consequences of the Revolution negate its achievements?

Walmart Case Study

For this discussion, you will explore the relationship between financial analysis and strategic analysis in a review of the case study Walmart, Inc. in 2018: The Worlds Biggest Retailer Faces New Challenges .

A case study is a puzzle to be solved, so before reading and answering the specific questions, develop your proposed solution by following these five steps:

Read the case study to identify the key issues and underlying issues.

These issues are the principles and concepts of the course area which apply to the situation described in the case study.

Record the facts from the case study which are relevant to the principles and concepts of the course area issues.

The case may have extraneous information not relevant to the current course area.

Your ability to differentiate between relevant and irrelevant information is an important aspect of case analysis, as it will inform the focus of your answers.

Describe in detail the actions that would address or correct the situation.

Consider how you would support your solution with examples from experience or current real-life examples

Complete this initial analysis and then read the discussion questions. Typically, you will already have the answers to the questions, but with a broader consideration.

At this point, you can add the details and/or analytical tools required to solve the case.

In an original post, present a well-written answer and diagnosis for the following case study questions:

How well is Walmart performing relative to its competitors?

From (a) the financial data and  (b) what we know about Walmarts businesses, can we identify the sources of Walmarts inferior performance?

How are Walmarts shareholders and stakeholders affected by the performance?

What can Walmarts management do to close the performance gap?

******requirements ******

Embed course material concepts, principles, and theories (require supporting citations) in your initial response along with at least one scholarly, peer-reviewed journal article.

course material reference:

Strategy Planning Contemporary strategy analysis 10th
John Wiley & Sons.
Grant, R. M. 2019

See details

Choose one or two of my questions at the end of this post to pose a succinct response that shows you have thought about, and have a personal position on that issue.  Express your response with proper grammar, spelling, and be brief.  Spend more time thinking than writing your initial response.  After you have written your response but before posting, edit out all non-critical words and phrases to assure you have expressed your thoughts and feelings sufficiently for others to understand.  You may express what is in your personal background that makes you see it that way.  You can allude briefly to your own personal experiences and observations.

Here are the questions or short circumstances from which you will choose to respond with a post after the online class session 2 begins:

1. Its obvious that everyone has different opinions about what is ethical when it comes to certain issues such as politics.  Write a short report on whether you consider yourself to be tolerant about others views of the ethics of some or all matters, and whether you are truly open minded enough to have your ethics challenged with the possibility that you may change your mind about what is or is not ethical.  You must be honest about yourself for this to be a useful exercise.  There is no right or wrong answer.  You will be graded on how you support your position.

2. In the Parable of the Sadhu (Unit 1), put yourself in the position of one of the persons who could have done more to help the priest. What would you have done under the same exact circumstances, given your own current code of ethics?  You must be honest with yourself here.  You have aspirational goals which will conflict with helping the man.  Explain your justification for what you would have done.  Class:  DO NOT CRITICIZE a classmate for being honest if they dont indicate they are a charitable person under these circumstances. Hear them out as they explain why they feel their likely action is the right  For instance, if you knew for sure the Sadhu had only a few hours to live, and caring for him would prevent you from achieving that lifetime experience, what would have been gained if you had forgone that achievement only to keep a man in pain for a few hours until his death where there is no more pain?

3. When you are subordinate to a higher authority and the higher authority commands you to do something you would not do yourself because of your ethics, do you follow the higher authoritys instructions even if there is no law that will punish you for not doing what the authority commands? Does that depend on who is the higher authority?  Would it be different if that authority is a religious figurehead, a parent, a boss, or someone over you in the military?  What if that authority is only a temporary authority as in the case of your child being kidnapped and you are responding to the kidnappers authority over you?  What if that authority is someone who has always loved you and taken care of your every need and want?

4. Is a little white lie permissible? Is a white lie permissible in some situations and not others?  Explain your position in terms of social lubrication where a little lie is told to make others happy.  (Your hairdo is beautiful!  When in fact, its just pain ugly to anyone and everyone who views it.  Or That outfit youre wearing makes you look great!  When the truth is that it makes you look as if you should be in a clothing zoo as an oddity not fitting with any other species, and just plain ugly.)  Or perhaps, Youre a great employee.  When the truth is the person is a lousy employee and you are about to fire them because of that, but you say a lie to try and help the person to be less distraught or depressed about their shortcomings.)

5. Is it ever the right thing to do to tell an outright lie? (Recall the movie Liar Liar (A movie starring Jim Carrey) about a habitual lying lawyer whose sons birthday wish is that dad is re-programed to be unable to tell a lie.  The lawyers biggest asset was his mouth, but its now a liability.  (Pun intended.)  What would happen if we were not able to tell lies in any circumstance?  Is that ethical or not?

BONUS OPPORTUNITY!  Two extra points are available for any class member watching or re-watching the movie Liar Liar (1 hr 27 min)and giving me a short one-paragraph report on what you learned about ethics from it, whether you take this question to analyze or not.  Deadline for the report is class session 5.  Hand in the report to me online at the beginning of a face-to-face class or send it by email.


Morbidity and mortality are the two demographic phenomena most commonly studied in epidemiology. These two phenomena allow us to view disease trends and associated changes over time.

Discuss morbidity and mortality in terms of how you would use them in developing prevention strategies aimed at increasing attention to disease and decreasing adverse health outcomes.

Justify your response using examples and reasoning. 2 references