Archive for January 29th, 2021

You have now read a range of texts stretching from the settlement of Plymouth Colony to the first decades of America’s nationhood. How do the literary voices of the Puritan settlers and their descendants differ from the voices of the Revolutionary Period?

Talk about how the literary voices of the Puritan settlers and their descendants differ from the voices of the Revolutionary period. talk about In what ways they are similar. As you respond, consider the writers’ values, beliefs, and concerns, as well as the historical events that shaped their lives.

Functions of Law 3.3

Answer the following questions in 50 to 100 words each.
A. What are the elements of negligence? When and how can a plaintiff claim damages if the defendant has breached a duty of care?
B. If a plaintiff is partially liable for his or her own injuries, what impact would the doctrines of contributory negligence and comparative negligence have on his or her case?
C. Explain the doctrine of strict liability with examples.
D. What are the two elements required to be convicted of an intent crime?
E. What is the exclusionary rule, and how does it discourage unreasonable search and seizure?
Follow APA formatting, including use of 12-point Times New Roman font. Correct use of citations and references is required.

Recalling a Personal Experience


Follow the assignment for Recalling a Personal Experience under Learning by Writing on page 54 of The Bedford Guide for College Writers, Chapter 4. This assignment asks you to write about a situation or experience from your own life in which you moved from one condition into another (it changed how you acted, thought, or felt). Your essay will consist of three elements: description of the situation or experience, analysis of why it was happening or how you approached it, and evaluation of the solution or resolution to it. (This three-part structure does not mean that you should limit yourself to a 5-paragraph essay with 3-part thesis, however. We will discuss this, but please do not write a standard 5-paragraph essay.)

            Your topic may be negative, positive, or both. It could be a recurring or serious problem that you overcame, or did not overcome. It could be your greatest triumph or accomplishment so farwhy you wanted it, what you did to get it, and what it taught you. Other options would include your biggest question in life, luckiest break, worst failure, biggest fear overcome or succumbed to, greatest weakness, strongest superpower, or biggest or smallest regret or missed opportunity. Spend some time brainstorming possible topics before choosing the one with the most promise.

Consider the models in Chapter 4, and do some prewriting to discover ideas before choosing a topic. Remember to use a true story from your own life or experience, to explain the importance of that experience, and to write about the experience in the form of an essay.

You will be graded on the following:

–Strong thesis statement (should say something about the meaning or significance of the topic)

–Logical, balanced organization of the three required elements (description, analysis, evaluation)

–Specific, concrete details and examples.    –Grammar and mechanics

Functions of Law 2.3

Assignment 2.3 requires you to draft a 50-75 word answer for each of the following questions (please be sure to cite any sources used in APA):

Please provide a summary of the facts of this case. Your summary should include what the Conestoga, Hobby Lobby, and Mardel companies objected to as part of their religion. Your summary should also include how the federal government became a party to this case.
What statutory law passed by Congress was at issue in this case?
Which Constitutional law principle(s) were at issue here, and what test did the Supreme Court apply? (Rational Basis Scrutiny?)
How many contraceptives does the federal government require an employer health insurance plan to provide, and did Conestoga, Hobby Lobby, and Mardel have company policies forbidding employees from using the four contraceptives at issue? Did the companies object to providing any form of contraceptives to their employees?
What was the Supreme Courts holding in this case? What if a business owner studied scientific journals and came to the belief that a babys life begins at conception, or shortly thereafter, and then objected to the provision of the four contraceptives in this case? Would they have a Constitutional argument they could make in order to protect their conscience if they were an atheist and did not recognize any form of religion?

Hepatitis C Virus

Discuss the Hepatitis C Virus  and tell us what type of microbe it is, what disease it causes, how the disease is emerging, signs & symptoms, course of disease, treatment and prevention. 
paraphrasing from only credible academic sources. You may not directly quote from your sources, minimum elaboration on the topic of a minimum of 300 words and maximum of 400 words. You must also cite your credible academic reference sources with parenthetical in text citations and provide full end ref information in APA 7th Edition format.

Functions of Law 1.3

Assignment 1.3 requires you to draft a 50-100 word response in APA format to the following five questions.  To organize this submission, I recommend that you simply list the question and include your response directly after it.

What is law and what are some of its functions?
What is English common law, and what role does it play in the U.S. judicial system?
Explain the priority of law in the United States. For example, how do the various laws take precedence over each other?
What are long-arm statutes, and how do they allow states to exercise jurisdiction over individuals or business entities?
What are the two main types of exclusive jurisdiction granted to federal courts by the Constitution?

Question answering

Each essay answer should be no more than 1000 words in length. You must not
exceed the specified word limit. This is a maximum word limit (+10% does not apply).
Markers will be instructed that they do not have to mark anything beyond the 1000
words limit.

There are 4 questions pick 2 to answer. Some questions have 2 parts(A and B) and some have 1.

Answer TWO questions!!!!!

Question 1. Corporate strategy
You work for a large private investment firm that has recently brought a controlling
share of a large retailer based in Manchester. You have been asked as an operations
consultant to outline the different strategies the new Managing Director could use to
turn around the business.

a. Outline the key features of the three key corporate strategies developed by
Professor Michael Porter:
(i). Cost leadership strategy
(ii). Differentiation strategy
(iii). Focus strategy (50 marks)

b. Critically evaluate the key features of the disruptive innovation strategy and how
it can be used by firms to compete against large established rivals in a
competitive market. (50 marks)

Question 2. Process Analysis
The firm where you work is looking to design and develop a new performance
management system that will be used for all the key processes along with the production
Critically evaluate the importance of the following types of performance metrics and
how they can be used to monitor processes within a production line. Use examples of
specific performance measures to support your answer:
Safety Performance
Quality Performance
Cost Performance
Delivery Performance
Morale Performance
Environmental Performance
(100 marks)

Question 3. Lean production system
You have been hired as an operations consultant to advise textile manufacturers that
are struggling to respond to changes in customer demand and improve product quality.

a. Describe the important role played by Just In Time (JIT) within the lean
production system. (50 marks)
b. Explain how the Andon System is used within the lean production system to
help improve product quality. (50 marks)

Question 4. ERP systems
After graduating from the University of Manchester you have been hired by a small
startup firm that is growing rapidly in the consumer products industry. Due to its fast
growth rate it is struggling to coordinate its production, inventory, and shipping
processes. Your first task is to write a report about how Enterprise Resource Planning
(ERP) systems could be used by this firm to coordinate its operational processes.

a. Describe how Aggregate Production Planning (APP) is used within a ERP
system. (50 marks)
b. Critically evaluate the important contributions the Master Production Schedule
(MPS) and the Bill Of Materials (BOM) make to a ERP system. (50 marks)

SOCW 6500 Week 11 assgn 2

Prior to your field education experience, you completed an agency learning agreement that outlined potential goals and objectives related to social work practice skills that you sought to acquire during this course.

Like a contract, your agency learning agreement also provided your field instructor a set of criteria that would measure your social work practice skills. For this course, you will undergo a formal evaluation of your social work practice skills.

As you engage in future field education experiences, you will be able to refine and hone the development of those skills.

For this Assignment, review your agency learning agreement and the results of your midterm evaluation. Consider how your field education experience fulfilled the goals and objectives in your agency learning agreement. Reflect on what you would like to gain in future field education experiences.

Note: You should receive your midterm evaluation from your field instructor.

Describe whether you met or did not meet the goals/objectives in your agency learning agreement and include the results from your evaluation.
Compare your learning agreement and your evaluation to critically consider how the two are compatible and how you may approach completing the learning agreement differently next term.
Describe the social work practice skills you developed.
Describe potential areas where you might need improvement in relation to social work practice skills, ethics, or professionalism.
Explain how your next field education experience might address those areas.
Explain how participation in this course might inform your future field courses, what will you do the same, what will you do differently.
Be sure to submit the results of your evaluation to this assignment.

Per usual, I will upload the results once I receive them.

Library Data Base for a Research Paper

I will upload a file regarding instructions of the assignment. The purpose of the worksheet is to help conduct research for my future paper. Fill free to choose one topic listed on the worksheet.

I highly recommend watching the following videos for guidance in terms of completing this assignment.

What is a database?:

Finding databases: to an external site.

PubMed Literature Search:

PubMed Filters Sidebar

Google Scholar Literature Review:



Getting to know the audience in preparation for communicating about an intervention is critical to the success of a public heath campaign. Approaches for communicating with policymakers, advocacy partners, and lay audiences need to be considered. For the intervention proposed, primary and secondary audiences for the information should be identified. For example, if you are working on a healthy diet and exercise program for adolescents, the primary audience would be adolescents and the secondary would be families of the adolescents.

Present what you could use as your message for the primary and secondary audiences of your intervention. Specify the cultural factors that may need to be considered to be effective in specific communities.