Archive for January 29th, 2021

Principles of Anatomy and Physiology

Explain Nutrition: Body Weight and Energy Balance and describe what learning techniques you used to master the material.

Nutrition: Body Weight and Energy Balance
Research suggests that all animals have a metabolic set point that determines how much energy we need in a day. This is determined by a number of factors, including genes and lifestyle. Studies from behavioral genetics suggest that 30 to 50 percent of the variability in weight is due to genetics. In terms of lifestyle, the level of activity influences how metabolically active our cells are. Body weight will remain stable so long as the calories consumed are equivalent to the calories expended. In the short term, the body will cope with too many or too few calories by changing the metabolic set point, so overeating during the holidays is not a problem, but, in the longer term, these set points can get adjusted to new levels based on changes in lifestyle or diet.

Overfed & Undernourished documentary sick

Answer the following question

Please answer the following questions (please type)

1) Outline the variety of topics mentioned in the documentary that affect the physical, emotional and spiritual health of children and families.  Write as many as possible.

2) Would you send your son or daughter away in order to change the course of overall health?  Why or why not?

3) Who is PRIMARILY responsible for the over all physical, emotional and spiritual health of a child.  Please explain.

4) What did you think “nourishment” was before you watched the film?  How does the film define “nourishment”?  (think whole child)

5) What are the environmental (ecological) factors demonstrated in the film?

6) What keeps you from changing negative habits/values in your own lifestyle?

7) What keeps parents from changing negative parenting values/habits?

8) Make a list of reasons that parents may give you for not promoting physical activities in their families and cooking healthy and a list of practical and easy solutions that you would recommend (make a chart).

9) What would be the number one strategy you would recommend to a parent for managing the media of there young children?

10)  How did this documentary impact you?  What really spoke to you?  As an educator, a parent, a teacher, a community member?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

In the U.S. Mexico border region, how are people, places, and environments brought together through unequal relations? Document this through specific examples of capital investments, labor (workers), population density, environmental issues, and migration. How could we develop social exchange and productive infrastructure that benefits both countries? Be specific and be bold.

Process Analysis Journal Review


You must discuss how the theoretical model or treatment described in the article compares to the information discussed in your textbook. No more than 20% of each Journal Article Review Assignment may be quotations. You must reference the original article and the course textbook.



Journal Article Review must include these sections: Please do in this order.

Title page
Article caption at top of first page of text (current APA style) to identify the article with author’s name
Statement of the author’s purpose  (Subtitle)
Application of supply chain management theory relevant to article  (Subtitle)
Background of the issue  (Subtitle)
Managerial implications (23 paragraphs)  (Subtitle)
Summary  (Subtitle)
References (Current APA style) Original article, textbook and one additional scholarly article.

African American History

Choose one of the questions for your main post. Respond to at least one student who answered a different question from you. The answers should come from your textbook, the book of primary source documents, the assigned website, the lecture, videos, and the research you conducted in the APUS Library. Respond as many times as you wish. Your two best responses will be graded. The initial post with well referenced facts is due by Wednesday, 11:55 p.m. ET and 2 peer responses are due by Friday, 11:55 p.m. ET. Do not research on the Internet.

1.) What explains the different shifts in ideology among some leading black political figures in the early twentieth century? Why did some become more nationalist and others more socialist? Were these two currents incompatible? Why was progressivism largely for whites only? How did the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) respond to the conditions during this era?

2.) Describe the “new Negro” of the 1920s. How were they new? How successful were African Americans in achieving independence and equality in the 1920s?

3.) To what extent do you think that the Ku Klux Klan’s philosophy was consistent with other American ideas and principles of the era?

4.) How did African Americans express their freedom through the Harlem Renaissance?

5.) The “New Negro” of the Harlem Renaissance was many things. W. E. B. Du Bois attempts to express it one way as a “double consciousness” — where the black man wants white America to appreciate his African roots, and where he wants to be American. Langston Hughes expresses it in poetry with his 1925 poem, “I, Too, Sing America,” in which he reminds his readers that while darker, he too is America. How did the Renaissance celebrate being black and American?

nursing theory

1.    Identify your specialty area of NP practice: Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP)
2.    Select a nursing theory, borrowed theory, or interdisciplinary theory: Fawcett and Ellenbeckers Conceptual Model of Nursing and Population Health (CMNPH)

Address the following:
    Origin Where and when did this theory come from?
    Meaning and scope How the theorys concepts relate to one another.
    Logical adequacy Looks at logical structure of the components of the theory.
    Usefulness and simplicity How practical or helpful is the theory?
    Generalizability Can the theory be applied to other situations?
    Testability Can the theory be supported by empirical evidence?

Provide an example how the theory could be used to improve or evaluate the quality of practice in your specific setting (hospital setting). What rationale can you provide that validates the theory as applicable to the role of the nurse practitioner.

Applying event study methodology to calculate market reaction to takeover announcement.

assignment applying EVENT STUDY methodology to calculate market reaction to takeover announcements.
The paper needs to use EXCEL to sort out the data, use STATA for regression analysis, and then put the analysis results into the essay, which requires the knowledge of ECONOMETRICS.


at least 250 words and 2 scholarly references within last 5 years

The term andragogy is often used to describe Malcom Knowles’ theory of adult learning, while the term pedagogy was traditionally used to describe curriculum developed for children. Select a course you took lately and look for the principles of andragogy or pedagogy in the course structure. Share your findings with your classmates and whether or not you thought the curriculum was effective. Support your response with literature and with examples.

Heroin; substance/abuse/addiction

Paper focused specifically on Heroin; substance/abuse/addiction. 

Should clearly address and present understanding of the following:
1. Overview of the pharmacological nature of the substance (characteristics and properties);
2. Drug administration (how the drug is administered or used);
3. Distribution and elimination (the route in which the substance takes once it enters the body and how it is eliminated from the body);
4. Effects of the drug on the user (acute and chronic);
5. Treatment options specific to the drug and prognosis; and,
6. How the issues relevant to this drug have influenced the study of substance abuse and the field of treatment.


Discuss what you learned from both materials (i.e., articles, videos) assigned for this week. Make sure to include (1) main points of the chapter/articles/videos (please summarize in your own words and do not list!) and (2) your own reaction to the author’s ideas. Keep in mind that your personal reaction should be more than your mere opinion. You should be critically evaluating the ideas presented and integrating these ideas with evidence and information you learned from the assigned class materials.