Archive for January 29th, 2021

critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making.

Differentiate among critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making. Apply each of the concepts to 3 different scenarios you have observed or engaged in during your career. If you are very new to nursing, use examples from nursing school clinicals to answer this question.

All scholarly sources cited in-text and as references must be APA compliant, including direct quotations.  All sources must be within the last 5 years to be relevant evidence based practices.

Draft Cost Management Document

You will be creating a 2-3 page cost management document related to your project.

1.Project Overview — Provide a brief description of the project (scope statement, not entire document, just a high level overview; one or two brief paragraphs)
2.Estimation Process Description — At minimum address the following items:
a.What estimating method or methods will you be using?
b.Why will you be using these methods? Provide a valid explanation as to why these methods were chosen over the alternatives.
c.Who will be responsible for creating the estimates?
d.Who will be responsible for reviewing and approving the estimates?
e.How will the estimates be aggregated?
f.How will you seek to account for padding and reserves in your estimates?
g.Statement regarding level of accuracy and units of measure and organizational procedures link (see PMBOK Guide)
3.Current estimate of your chosen project
a. Create a brief summary of the estimated costs associated with the major deliverables of your project.
b.It is best to create a table of the major deliverable and the cost associated with each and then provide a total
c.Note: This initial estimate should be a high-level estimate

Document should professionally formatted using titles, headers, and bullets where appropriate.
Consider using a MsWord document template to format the report.
A template may be used for the formatting, but all content must be original to you.
You must include a title page and cite any outside sources using a works cited page according to APA 6th edition guidelines
Submission is free of grammatical errors and misspellings

I’ve attached both the project summary and work break down structure(MS project file). Please elaborate on the project summary based on research and imagination, the project is made up.

If you don’t have Ms project, I’ve also attached screenshots of the WBS!

Please answer all questions according to the project summary and the WBS attached! The estimating methods I’m going to use are top-down and analogous, please don’t use others!

Any topic (writer’s choice)

* Reflect on several things that strike you in the chapter.  You may want to include an insight or an observation on the part of the author that you find interesting, thought-provoking, challenging, resonating, convicting, or even annoying and distressing. You may comment on things with which you agree or disagree.
* Your reflections need not be long, but they need to be specific enough to show that you have given the chapter a good read. A comment that reads, I like the chapter. It is interesting, does not count.

Asymmetric information

Please read the two articles and do an abstract of both articles separately.
Please think also about real-world examples of adverse selection and moral hazard.
Please use a simple english (no mother language)
use only the documents uploaded not other sources.
no plagiarism

1. abstract/summary of asymmetric information
2. abstract/summary of asymmetric information 1
3. give and example of adverse selection and moral hazard

policy memo about National School Lunch Program

Source about understanding NSLP and the issues:
4: 2017 Trump Era (uploaded)
5: final rule_nutr (uploaded)

Source about supporting NSLP:
4:Schwartz (uploaded)
5: Cullen et al (uploaded)


Keep memos to two pages, single-spaced, one-inch margins, 11-12 pt font.
You may use numbering, bullets, or indentation to make your points stand out.
Address the memo to your audience at the top of the page.
Be sure to include a minimum of 5 citations. Cite the references on a third and separate page.

Adolescent Marginalization

1. Read the article explaining Kurt Lewins sociological conceptualization of the adolescent as a marginal man.
2. Then, briefly summarize what you read in the handout, be sure to capture the main ideas in your own words.
3. Next, provide an example of an adolescent whose behavior appears to overlap between childhood and adulthood, as in the article. In other words, the adolescent chose at one moment to behave like an adult and at another moment chose to act like a child. Use an example based on your own observations and experiences (don’t make up an example!). Clearly identify the child-like behavior(s) and the adult-like behavior(s).