Archive for January 29th, 2021

The Six Sigma Certification for Human Resources Manager

The Six Sigma Certification
The paper intends to explore the types of Six Sigma certifications and how this certification would assist and train a Human Resources Manager in better handle hiring talent, perfect their paperwork and reimbursement processes, improve upon calculating over time and help the company hire the best possible talent for their employment needs as well as retain employees in order to reduce waste, in this case employee loss and turnover in Healthcare setting.
1.    Types of Six Sigma certification (White, Yellow, Green belt, Black Belt, Master Black Belt, Champions).
2.    Research which and why this certification fits for Human resources manager who would lead the project in the company. Green belt certification would train and certify the Human Resources Manager who would directly participate in Six Sigma projects. The training develops enhanced problem-solving skills and teaches participants to apply statistical methods for process improvement. Green Belt training is ideal for anyone looking to get the most out of their career. Improving the quality of processes and experiences has long been effective within all industries and environments. Employees trained in Six Sigma effectively improve customer satisfaction and consistently increase profitability.
3.    Minimum 1 scholar reference and include the in-text citations.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Cardiac Disparities in the Black Community

It is a fact that the affordability of foods is contributable to adverse health and is equally a socioeconomic concern. Black families show love and socialize by feeding one another. Given a number of issues, this can have detrimental effects on the health of Black people.

Therefore, I think of cardiac concerns and outcomes. One thought is that medications affect black patients differently. This is due to a variety of factors; including genetics, socioeconomic factors as described above, and environmental factors. It is also important to note that minorities are rarely a part of clinical trials, which causes a disparity in treatment outcomes.

Please refer to the attached articles what do you think after reading it
inclue five articles to support it

Critical Thinking

The following are the facts you are to use for the basis for this question.

Georgia and Loren have pooled their savings to create a start-up company to develop and market an idea they conceived while students together at MIT. They obtained permission to use a college lab during late night hours a few nights a week during their last term before graduating to work on the project. Then they were able to move to Loren’s parents garage, which they keep locked.
Now they need more sophisticated resources. They have created a prototype robotic device, called “Phoebe,” that will aid first responders in disaster relief by sensing and locating survivors remotely in areas unsafe for humans and dogs to navigate. Phoebe’s sensors will locate living beings, scan vitals and assess level of trauma.
Georgia and Loren have mapped out both private and public,  civil, and military, applications of their invention, plus continued R & D improvement into next-phase capabilities.
They have not shared their theory, the prototype, their documentation or any of the associated hard and soft technologies with anyone, but anticipate needing to do so to obtain a funding source.

In a coherent, integrated essay, please provide the following advice to Georgia and Loren.  Please organize your essay with appropriate headings so that it is easy to follow your advice and understand the basis supporting it.

Georgia and Loren do not yet have any sort of company or business organization together. They have worked together in an informal collaboration creating Phoebe. They are considering one of the following:  (1)  C-Corp; (2) S-Corp; (3) Limited Liability Company (LLC); (4) General Partnership.  In your essay,
Define each of these four (4)  business organizations;
Explain the pros and cons of each for Georgia and Loren;
Then, recommend one of these four as the best choice for Georgia and Loren; and
Explain why that selection is your recommendation.
Georgia and Loren know they need to protect their proprietary rights to their invention through use of intellectual property (IP) protection.  Three types of IP that might apply are:  (1) patent; (2) copyright; (3) trademark.  For your essay,
Select TWO (2) of these three IP to recommend for protecting their interest in Phoebe.
For EACH ONE that you select, provide the following information for Georgia and Loren:
definition of the IP;
describe how the IP applies to Phoebe;
explain in what way the IP protects their interest in Phoebe;
include length of time the protection lasts; and
explain how they go about acquiring the IP. 
Assessment of your essay will include such factors as accuracy, completeness, application of knowledge to facts, use of appropriate sources in support, organization, and mechanics of writing (grammar, spelling, etc.) and citation. 

Cost management

A firm makes a single product with a marginal cost of $3.50 and a selling price of $5.50. Fixed costs are $30 000 per period.

You are required to calculate:

a. The C/S ratio

b. Sales at break-even point

c. Number of units to break even

d. Sales to achieve a profit of $10 000

Question 2

a) Smith Limited has made the following estimates for next month

Selling price $25 per unit

Variable cost $10 per unit

Fixed costs for the month $300 000

Forecast output 30 000 units

Maximum output 40 000 units

You are required to calculate the:

i) contribution margin ratio

ii) break-even point in units

iii) break even points in sales revenue

iv) margin of safety at the forecast output

v) number of units to generate a profit of $100 000

b) List and explain five (5) assumptions of break-even analysis

5G doesn’t cause COVID-19, but the rumor it does spread like a virus

Topic: 5G doesn’t cause COVID-19, but the rumor it does spread like a virus
by Gina Mantica, Boston University.


Instruction: A 1/2 page summary and a link or co

Researchers found that COVID-19 misinformation spread exponentially across the countries, much like the coronavirus itself. Credit: Frederik Lipfert on Unsplash
People’s fear of 5G technology is rational. Such technology does emit radiation, even if it’s at low levels. But 5G isn’t all that different from 4G, and it certainly doesn’t cause COVID-19 despite such rumors having spread rapidly across the globe.

Researchers need to better understand how misinformation like this spreads in order to hone their intervention efforts and prevent misinformed perspectives from taking root. In society’s virtual world, preventing technological misinformation, in particular, is important now more than ever.

A research team led by Elaine Nsoesie, a Hariri Institute Faculty Fellow, investigated how COVID-19 misinformation proliferated using the same epidemiological techniques for modeling disease transmission. Nsoesie, along with Nina Cesare, a postdoctoral associate at the BU School of Public Health, and other scientists from Harvard Medical School and cole Polytechnique Fdrale recently published their findings in the Journal of Medical Internet Research.

The team examined the spread of COVID-19 misinformation across eight English-speaking countries, including the United States, using Google Trends. The researchers focused on myths that the World Health Organization (WHO) “busted” on its website including the relationships between COVID-19 and alcohol, ginger root, the sun, 5G, and hydroxychloroquine.

What Nsoesie and colleagues found was that some COVID-19 misinformation spread exponentially across the countries, much like the coronavirus itself.

This rapid proliferation isn’t surprising. Most people were scrambling for any sort of information on the mysterious virus in the early months of 2020. “There was such a rapid proliferation of any information at the onset of the pandemic that misinformation had a golden opportunity to enter the public conscience,” said Cesare.

Thankfully, debunking myths online seems effective in stopping their spread. As soon as public health officials at WHO responded to COVID-19 misinformation on the WHO website, the number of Google searches for that misinformation dropped significantly.

But, the team was surprised that there seems to be a consistent, global misunderstanding of 5G technology. The myth of “COVID-19 and 5G” spread faster than any of the other rumors they investigated. “I didn’t expect 5G to stand out among the misinformation as much as it did,” said Nsoesie.

Trends in searches for “coronavirus and 5G” from December 2019 to October 2020. The black vertical line indicates when the topic was listed as a myth on the WHO website (Nsoesie et al., 2020). Credit: Nsoesie et al., 2020
What makes this even more surprising is that 5G technology isn’t brand new. Rather, it’s a continued development, based on international standards, of the communication technologies preceding it, like 4G.

“5G is the new standard for communication technology. It allows for faster communication by using different frequencies and multiple antennas,” said David Starobinski, a professor in Boston University’s Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. “It is an evolution of communication technology rather than a revolution,” he said.

Even though 5G technology isn’t entirely new, there are a few reasons why people might have believed it causes COVID-19.

For one, there is very little transparency from researchers in communication technologies that leads to institutional distrust. “I think the belief has something to do with a certain distrust in government and the ability to tie this narrative about 5G technology into conversations around government surveillance,” said Cesare. This distrust is a concern even now, as myths around microchips being put into vaccines explode on Facebook.

Another explanation for why folks might associate 5G with COVID-19 is that such technology emits invisible electromagnetic waves that people fear could impact their health. “People are much more worried about things [like radiation] that they cannot see,” said Starobinski.

While exposure to high-power radiation can be harmful to health, Starobinski assures that there have been safety guidelines on the radiation from communication technologies and 5G should be safe to use. “People have been using smartphones for years and we don’t see evidence that this radiation has caused noticeable increase in diseases or hospitalizations due to usage,” he said. He also noted that “regulators have set limits on the radiation power of 5G devices, though additional safety studies may still be warranted.”

And, such radiation can’t cause COVID-19. COVID-19 is a viral disease that comes from the coronavirus known as SARS-CoV-2.

To stop the spread of similar myths in the future, experts need to consistently and clearly correct common misconceptions. And better transparency from both government bodies and researchers could prevent misinformation from ever taking root.

“We [researchers] need to humanize the conversations around misinformation and continue to share true information so that misinformation becomes less prevalent in the media,” said Nsoesie.

Performance Measurement

Case Company W:  Separating Sales forecasts from Demand Planning.
Are forecasting strategies different for independent demand versus dependent demand?
How is lumpy demand forecasting different from forecasting with set lot sizes?
How do benefits from better forecasting reach the bottom line?

Rio De Janeiro, Brazil

The purpose of this project is to enable students in Cities of the World to develop a critical understanding of the challenges and prospects for one city or an urban region in the world based upon an assessment of its origins, current conditions and plans for the future.  The assessment should explore what is distinct about the city/region, its origins, population size and composition, governmental structure, economic and environmental assets and institutions, as well as its built environment.  What are the current issues that shape its planning and politics? Consider its livability and what makes it a good or not-so-good place to reside, and for which groups. 

These are just some of the questions you can consider in your assessment, but you can definitely go beyond these issues based upon your interests as well as the uniqueness of the place you are examining.  You should try to get current information about conditions and these are accessible from multiple sources, such as journals, web info, books, YouTube sources, etc.  Over the semester, I will have you ask for a brief update on your research to check on progress.

System Breakdowns

Use your ideas to rewrite summarize in your own words what I posted below. I just need 3 paragraphs thanks!!!

I think the first major breakdown is indicated by the name of this documentarymedicine has been driven by profitability. This has led to physicians consciously (or subconsciously) treating patients in a way that has less to do with the quality of care and more for the increase in profits for the physician. Additionally, this has led to several other issues such as:

Hospitals not releasing treatment procedures because they want the competitive advantage
Medical doctors less likely to enter PCP as it poses more of a financial risk
Increased costs not aligning with increased access or quality of care.
Additionally, it seems that in the US, medicine is focused on being the best at rescue care for bragging right. Rescue care is a small part of our HCS so it doesnt make sense that it is given so much emphasis within our systems. This also feeds into the fact that there seems to be a focus on work done and the technicality of the work versus giving care that is beneficial to the patient. There are many instances where a cheaper and more cost-effective option would be better for the patient in the long term, but theyre given a more expensive and less effective treatment.

This also leads to the issue of there being a shortage in PCP. Being a PCP not only receive a lower income, but the role also may not be as glamorous as other subspecialties. As a result of the shortage of PCPs and just the lack of access, many patients do not have access to PCPs. This then leads to more expensive treatment options as interoperability is not where it needs to bet, patients may have duplication of work done across various specialists. Without a PCP, many patients also view the Emergency Department as the only way for them to receive care. OverallI think in addition to the points made above; medicine should aim to be proactive vs reactive.

The income gap between the earnings of PCPs and specialists is the major driver of physician’s choice between these two groups. My proposed solutions for this problem are:

Medicare should change the Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) and its method of updating to channel more income to PCPs and less to specialists
The U.S. should develop a loan forgiveness program for physicians who practice primary care
On the other hand, we have the problem of treating more patients that will monetary profit the providers rather than providing quality care to the patients. Fee-for-service (FFS) is the most traditional payment model of healthcare and it needs to change. My recommended solution for this problem is:

Switching to an alternative payment such as bundled payments, patient-centered medical homes, or accountable care organizations
When things stop being about money (that will most likely be impossible in a capitalist country) and more about the well being of our people, our healthcare will be better.

case study assignment

Mr. Coles, a 60 year-old-male, was brought into the ER.  He is a construction worker who was involved in an accident at the job site.  He has obvious severe head and neck traumahis scalp and neck were badly lacerated and he has an impacted skull fracture, he remains in a comatose state. His initial urine lab test was within normal limits. A Complete Blood Count (CBC) was done and his hematocrit was 30%. When his blood was sent for typing, it agglutinated with anti A and anti B serum. Further testing was done and revealed that Mr. Coles blood lacked the Rh factor.

Question 1: Explain the term blood typing, what is the purpose of this test and how is it completed.  What do Mr. Coles results indicate? 
Question 2: If Mr. Coles is requiring a blood transfusion, what blood group(s) and type(s) can he receive? Why?

The physician discovered that Mr. Coles was the great-great-great grandson of Queen Victoria.  So, his fracture was repaired without further delays and the following orders (and others) were given:
    Transfuse 2 units of blood
    Check and record vital signs; report any adverse reactions
    Apply pressure bandage to any bleeding episodes immediately

Question 3: Explain the hereditary blood disorder that Mr. Coles has inherited.  How will that affect his current treatment?
Question 4: Describe 2 types of transfusion reactions.  What are the symptoms, why do they happen and what are possible consequences?

On the second day of his hospitalization, the nurse noticed the following on Mr. Coles:
    Rapid heart rate, nervousness, and hand tremors
    Skin warm and flushed
    Sweating and rapid respirations

Upon receiving this information, the physician ordered further blood tests to be done. Lab test confirms the diagnosis of over activity of an endocrine gland. 

Question 5: What would you say Mr. Coles hormonal problem is and what is the cause of his signs and symptoms? Explain your answer.

You are expected to submit a professionally completed assignment with the required sections as outlined below. Answers to the case scenarios should be written with enough detail that someone without prior healthcare knowledge will understand the information.

Required sections
1.    Answers to all the questions:
a.    Typed and double spaced.
b.    Not exceeding 4 pages (not including reference and title page)
c.    Proofread for spelling, grammar, and sentence structure.
d.    APA format.

2.    Other documents:
a.    A cover page with students and professors name.
b.    A copy of the case study scenario. 
c.    Reference page.
d.    A copy of the rubric.

Business law

In this assignment, youll need to decide whether Paula Plaintiff has any legal claims arising from a series of unfortunate events. After reading the scenario, answer the questions that follow, making sure to fully explain the basis of your decision.

Paula Plaintiff is shopping at her favorite store, Cash Mart. She is looking for a new laptop, but she cant find one she likes. Then, realizing that she is going to be late for an appointment, she attempts to leave the store, walking very fast. However, before she can leave, she is stopped by a security guard who accuses her of shoplifting. Paula, who has taken nothing, denies any wrong doing. The officer insists and takes Paula to a small room in the back of the store. The guard tells Paula that if she attempts to leave the room she will be arrested and sent to jail. At this point, the guard leaves the room. Paula is scared and waits in the room for over an hour until the manager comes in and apologizes and tells Paula that she is free to go.

About this same time, Geoffrey Golfer is hitting golf balls in his backyard. Geoffrey decides to break out his new driver and hits a golf ball out of his backyard into the Cash Mart parking lot. The golf ball hits Paula Plaintiff on the head and knocks her unconscious just as she is leaving the store.

In a 610 paragraph paper, answer the following questions:
What types of legal claims could Paula make against Cash Mart and Geoffrey?
Consider the following:
What are the possible tort claims that Paula can make against Cash Mart? Discuss the elements of the claim and how those elements relate to the facts in the scenario.
Was Geoffrey negligent when he hit the golf ball that injured Paula? Discuss the elements of negligence and use facts from the scenario to support your decision.
If Paula files a negligence claim against Geoffrey will she file in civil court or criminal court? Explain the difference between civil court and criminal court.