Archive for January 29th, 2021

Gap Analysis

Gap Analysis Draft

Complete the gap analysis worksheet, using the form provided in the Resources. Based on your ongoing original research and review of existing data (see the second discussion in this unit), identify performance gaps that affect or illustrate the issue you selected for your course project. You should include not only any gaps that state the problem itself, but also those that contribute to causing the problem. Gaps may be identified with numeric values or verbal descriptions depending on the nature of each gap itself. Use a separate row for each gap.

In a narrative, state the problem you are investigating in no more than one sentence. Discuss how you can use this worksheet as your needs assessment project progresses. For instance, how does this gap analysis impact your further research?

SPIN Selling

To gain a basic understanding of a widely utilized sales philosophy knows as SPIN selling and be encouraged to read the full book outside of a class assignment.
Summarize and communicate a complex topic in an easy to understand manner in written format.
Present a complex topic in an engaging, convincing, and easy to understand manner as a “virtual speech” to a virtual audience without reading a script and using no more than three note cards.

The learned skill of asking the right questions in sales dialogue is an accepted best practice in professional selling. However, many sales trainers do not agree on what the right questions are or on the when to ask them.  In this presentation, you play the role of a seasoned sales professional training new sales team members on SPIN selling and the three most important concepts the author of the summary provides.

Read the provided book summary of Neil Rackhams SPIN Selling by HubSpot author Aja Frost.

On paper (submitted as a PDF)
Share your opinion of the research by stating if you think these characteristics are the most important traits of successful sales professional in todays environment.
Support your opinion in a persuasive 5 paragraph format to help your audience successfully achieve their business objectives.

Paper must included:
The opening hook and thesis statement used in your used presentation
Three supportive paragraphs (one for each point in your three point thesis statement | this section is not included in your video)
The compelling call-to-action used in your video presentation
      Optional: Use one or more of the following questions to guide your persuasive paper:

Where do a lot of new sales professionals go wrong when meeting with prospects?
What are some of the most common misconceptions about objections according to the author?
What are some important points to cover when presenting your product or service to a prospect?
Key Points: (Rubric)


(5 points)
Display a solid understanding of the article
Support your opinion with three main topics creating a clear 3-point thesis statement.
(5 points)
Write using professional and industry appropriate grammar and tone and create compelling points.

Create an Innovation

Evaluate the internal processes or strategies within an organization in which you are involved, such as your workplace, school, church, or community group, in order to identify a problem that provides an opportunity for innovation. Then, determine an innovative solution for addressing that problem. Examples of potential solutions are entering a new market, implementing a new practice or process, or even changing management structures. The ultimate goal of your solution should be to increase the diffusion of innovation within the organization and contribute to a culture that appreciates innovation as a key to competitive advantage and organizational success.

Though your final paper will not be due until the end of the course, you should identify your problem and generate potential solutions early on. Begin drafting your implementation plan in stages as you work through the course topics. As with your CLC project, you should research and select a model for evaluating both the feasibility of your idea and the implementation plan. In 1,500-2,000 words, address the following in your plan:

Describe the problem your innovation targets. What is the scope of the problem and which stakeholders, both within the organization and without, does it impact?
Describe your innovation and explain how it addresses the problem. How will it meet the needs of the organization and all stakeholders involved?
How does the innovation contribute to the organizations competitive advantage?
Develop an implementation plan for effectively diffusing the innovation within the organization. Make sure the plan addresses potential resistance and obstacles, including people and processes.
Identify an appropriate method that could be used for measuring the impact of the innovation on the organization. Explain why you think this is a relevant measure.
Finally, assume your innovation is adopted by the organization. Make recommendations for additional improvements within in this organization (in processes, practices, structures, etc.) that could create and sustain momentum for innovation.
Include at least eight in-text citations from at least five secondary resources from your research.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide,

Crime and Punishment

Read:  Wrongful Conviction (Links to an external site below.)  and Facts about the death penalty.  (Links to an external site below.)Check out some of the work done on some of the Innocence Project  (Links to an external site.)cases. Continue reading the course textbook.
2. Watch: Into the Abyss  (Links to an external site.)or  The Thin Blue Line (Links to an external site.)

3. Answer: What are possible reasons for a wrongful conviction? What are the effects on a wrongly convicted person and their family? Do you think the risk of wrongful conviction is an argument against the death penalty and life sentences? Why/why not?

Wk 3 – Broadcast Media Types and Their Influence [due Mon] Assignment Content


Wk 3 – Broadcast Media Types and Their Influence [due Mon]
Assignment Content

Consider the types of broadcast media presented this week: music, radio, movies, and TV.

Write a 300- to 400-word answer for each of the following questions:

Which of these types of broadcast media do you feel has had the greatest impact on American culture over the past 50 years?
Which of these types of broadcast media do you feel has been the least influential over the past 50 years?

Cite sources to support your assignment.

Format your citations according to APA guidelines.

Discuss Collaboration Considerations

1. Address the bullets below.

Answer question #1 at the end of Chapter 1 in Team Writing (p. 11).
Complete the Team Preparation Worksheet in Chapter 3 of Team Writing (p. 30).
Find 2-3 collaboration tools applications and another 2-3 web meeting applications.
2. In your initial discussion board posting, use your answer to question #1 and the completed team prep worksheet to draft the following sections for the Team Charter (do this individually for now. You will synthesize your work later.)

Broad Team Goals
Measurable Team Goals
Other Concerns
3. Find two applications you can collaborate with. such as Zoom and Google Hangouts.

4. Then, list and link to each application you found for collaborating with your teammates. Briefly discuss at least one thing you like about each and at least one thing that worries you about using each.

Please find samples provided and base your work on it, this should be very simple with the sample provided.



Write about how John Marshall created the practice of judicial review in America as well as the legal culture as a whole for the United States. Talk about how he deftly “split the baby” in order to maintain respect for the Supreme Court as an institution and how he dealt with Presidents such as Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson.

Write an essay of at least three to four pages, double spaced 12 point New Times Roman font, discussing your thoughts on these readings. You may not collaborate with others.

If you cut and paste text, then quote, do not paraphrase with cut and paste as it tends to not work well and may cause plagiarism allegations. Proper paraphrasing is best done by reading text on one side of your screen and writing on the other one. If you need help ask a librarian. All papers must be submitted on D2L under Assignments and will be screened by Turnitin. No paper copies will be accepted. You must also submit the Turnitin report in pdf or you will not receive a grade on the exam. The report may be submitted afterwards.

There is a tendency in Japan that the real law is not exactly as they are written and look. Please discuss the merits and demerits of this

Hi, I assigned you last time, if you don’t remember me you can have a look at #186123839! I loved your paper and this time is very related to the previous task! so I assigned you again:)

Basically, the topic is ‘There is a tendency in Japan that the real law is not exactly as they are written and look. Please discuss the merits and demerits of this’

I uploaded the handed out materials in the class, so it will be very helpful to write the report. Please have a look and write the report based on this! you should read and understand what the lecture’s content or flow is.



Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please Read the Attached Reading (Leviathan, Authors Introduction, Ch. 1 6; 10-13) then do the following:

QUESTIONS, REFLECTIONS, & COMMENTS (QRCS) Please make a post offering at least two thoughtful and substantive questions, reflections, or comments (QRCs) inspired by your engagement with the material below.
— At least one of the QRCs must explicitly identify a passage( quote a passage and then respond to it) from the reading attached that you found intriguing, confusing, enlightening, etc. to lift up for consideration. You should quote the passage in full in your post along with a clear citation so others can easily find it in the text, and briefly explain your reasons for highlighting this passage this can come in the form of substantive questions about, interpretations of, or challenges to the ideas expressed in the passage.

For the second QRC, you may choose to lift up another passage, but you are not required to do so. Instead you may choose to offer a more general question about the ideas under consideration, a reaction to the podcast lecture, an argument you are trying to work out, or a connection you have made, or events in the world. In other words, each paper should have two clearly distinct QRCs, at least one of which lifts up a passage from the text.

Also, I attached(The screenshot below) an example of what the post you are gonna make should look like.

Persuasive Presentations

Please watch 3 videos below which are an effective persuasive presentations and make comment for each. Comment in general about the videos and give your overall impression.
Try to write at least 5-6 sentences (1 paragraph) for each video.


You can use these questions in help of discussing the videos:

What were your overall impressions? What makes these presentations effective? Were there elements of the presentations that could have been improved?

Were the presentations effective at holding your attention? If so, what were the elements of the presentations that were able to hold your interest.

What types of evidence did the presenters provide? Was the evidence convincing?