Archive for January 29th, 2021

HS210 Medical Office Management – Unit 5 discussion board

Topic 1: Critical Thinking Application

The practice partners ask Elaine, the medical office manager, to prepare a budget for office supplies and equipment for the upcoming year. How can Elaine prepare for this challenging task, using her time management skills to plan for keeping the supply inventory up to date at all times? What references can she use to develop an accurate budget for the coming year? Be sure to answer all questions thoroughly.


10pts -Define what magic is
10pts -Claim/thesis with the title, author, genre
10pts -Introduce quote 1
10pts -Quote 1
10pts -Explain quote 1
10pts -Introduce quote 2
10pts -Quote 2
10pts -Explain quote 2
10pts -Conclusion
10 pts- Grammar (capitalization, spelling, indeting, quotation marks, punctuation)



Indirect assessments derive from recollections, reconstructions or subjective ratings of events. Examples of indirect assessment’s could include interviews, checklists and even rating scales. This discussion encourages you to explore behavioral interviews and the best practice necessary for effective implementation. For this discussion, post a substantive response to the following discussion question:

Discuss at least three necessary interpersonal skills for an interview and why these are important for effective implementation.
Why do practitioners typically avoid ‘why’ questions in a behavioral interview?

The art of the selfie

“Write an essay (with introduction and conclusion) on the suggested topic.
Your introduction should include the thesis statement – main idea of the paper (here is more detailed explanation – Don’t include any new information in the conclusion. It should  restate the thesis statement of the paper.
Support your ideas with relevant arguments and examples (in-text citations). List 2-3 sources in the references. Make sure you stick to a required formatting style. Get benefits of these sources and
MLA format –”

International Business Strategy



– Requirments

Select an industry of (medicine), e.g (Pfizer)
*E.g. The (Medicine)  industry in the middle east, focusing on the strategic group of chronic diseases medicines.

      Submit a written report as per the following format:

1. Overview analysis of the industry: (or strategic group within the industry). Please undertake research to determine the structure of the industry within the country you are examining. Multiple sources of evidence should be critically analyzed and presented in a clear and easily understandable format for the class and the report. For example, industry overview in global and country context, number and size of firms, industry life cycle, etc. (Hint: consider using some form of infographics).

2. Industry competitiveness analysis: clearly present the competitive structure of the industry. At a minimum, the five forces framework and strategic group analysis should be used in your analysis.
-You can mention the process of supply chain strategy as well…   

3. Analyse and identify key resources and capabilities utilized by firms within the industry to achieve sustainable competitive advantage (SCA): Clearly present some of the firms within the industry that have SCA based on the development and utilization of their resources and capabilities. An overview of the industry and clear examples using (VRIO) model will be needed. What are the key resources and capabilities needed to be successful?

4. Institutional-based view of the industry: What are the formal and informal rules of the game when operating in the industry being analyzed? Give clear examples of how formal or informal institutions would impact on firms operating in the industry within the chosen country.

5. Conclusion and recommendations: From the analysis undertaken by your study, what overall recommendations would you make to firms interested in entering this industry? What are the advantages and disadvantages of entering this industry? As a consultant what advice can you give?   



1- Overview of industry
*Historical development
*market structure
*regulations governing operations
*Size, growth, main firms, market position, and share

2- Industry Competitive Analysis (future focus)
*Identify key future trends (use PESTEL)
*How competitive environment is going to change (use 5 force)
*Strategic groups and their strategy
*External shocks 

3- Key Resources and Capabilities
*What key R&C required to compete
*Criticality of R&C
*How easy to obtain/ develop/ protect (use VRIO)
*Value chain structure and application of R&C

4- Institutions formal & informal
*Rules, regulations impacting operations
*Informal rules impacting operations
*Perceptions and expectations from customers

******Plagiarism is strictly forbidden


Ethical Nursing Practice

For this discussion you will be examining ethical nursing practice. In three to five paragraphs answer the following questions.

Define in your own words “ethical nursing practice.”

Describe the basis or framework you used for your definition.

Explain the difference between legal and ethical nursing practice.

Discuss one ethical or bioethical dilemma a nurse may encounter and describe how it could be handled.

Week 4: Merit-Based Compensation and Employee Motivation Discussion

Week 4: Merit-Based Compensation and Employee Motivation Discussion
No unread replies.No replies.
Provide your own perspective on the following statement: An employee in a higher-level job position should receive a larger absolute merit increase compared to an employee in a lower-level job position. For example, a production manager of California Closets company has a current salary of $60,000. A production associate has a salary of $35,000. The manager level of job position is level 5, while the associate level job description is level 3.  Both production manager and production associate have shown a 4% merit increase in 2017. However, the total amounts of absolute merit increases they will receive are different – production manager will receive $2,400, and a production associate will be entitled to $1,400. Do you agree or disagree with such approaches? Explain why. What would be the impact of such an approach on both employees motivation?

The quality of your posting will be assessed, not your viewpoint. Your posting will be assessed based on your understanding, thinking, writing, communication, application, and documentation, using the rubric provided. To view the grading rubric associated with this discussion, click the Options icon (3 dots) in the top right corner of the page, and select Show Rubric.

Click on Reply below to post an initial post to the discussion prompt by 11:59PM on Thursday of this week. Your Initial post must be at least 400 words and demonstrate course-related knowledge. Comment on at least two colleagues’ posts, by clicking on Reply below their posts, by Saturday,11:59 PM of this week. Response posts must be 150 words minimum, debate or substantiate the original post, and provide support for each reply post position.

Week 4: Practicum Activity 4

Sponsor:  Usually a little more detail is required around the authorization…example…”I was authorized access to ____ data by my sponsor who has asked to be confidential, however, he/she is at the ___ level of management with both access to the data and would be authorized to allow me this access.  I would like to thank my sponsor for this opportunity.”

Aim of Study:
Later you get into scoping your objective, but on the purpose slide — your purpose should be narrower that “problems facing Walmart” and you could say right here — Problems with the Kronos Scheduling System at Walmart.

Normalize feedback and tell how…employee survey?  NPS (Net Promotor Score) or Likert or?
system “should be programmed” — that is not a measurement…maybe say something like, IT tickets % complete to be 95% or greater to have the program updated to the full current roster” (you need something measure-able).

Week 4: Performance Improvement Case

This week, we will continue to apply the 7 Quality Control Tools discussed on page 477 of the Managing for Quality and Performance Excellence text.

Complete both of the following tasks:

Task 1: Do Problem 23.b from Chapter 8 on page 447 (run chart/control chart).
A run chart displays data over time. The vertical axis represents the measurement; the horizontal axis is the time scale. Example 8.10 on page 396 discusses the run chart and Figure 8.10 on page 398 shows what a run chart looks like. A control chart is a run chart with two horizontal lines called the Upper Control Limit and Lower Limit. Figure 8.14 on page 404 depicts a control chart. See the discussion on pages 403-404 for more detail.
Make a run chart using the attached data.  Be sure to label the axes correctly.
Now make a control chart by adding Control Limits that you select.
Task 2: Complete the Janson Medical Clinic case on pages 511-513 (Pareto diagram).
A Pareto diagram shows the characteristics observed on one axis. The characteristics are ordered from largest frequency to smallest. The measure of each characteristic is on the other axis. Figure 9.21 on page 500 and Figure 9.7 on page 480 show examples of the Pareto diagram. Read the discussion on pages 479-481 for details.
Review the Check Sheet of data in Table 9.6 on page 511.
Construct a Pareto diagram for the causes of dissatisfaction identified.
What conclusions do you reach?
Select the top three sources of patient dissatisfaction and make a cause-and-effect diagram showing the possible reasons behind them.
Propose some process improvements to the flowchart in Figure 9.28.  Include re-designed processes in the to be flowchart that you think might help.
How will your suggestions address the sources of dissatisfaction in Table 9.6?
Additional resources for assignment
Prob08-23_data.xlsxPreview the document
To submit your assignment, select Submit Assignment, follow prompts to upload your work, add any comments for your instructor in the comments box (optional), and then click Submit Assignment.


respond to the following prompts.

1. What is your opinion about Christians working to convert other Christians, who are not in their denomination to join them, to save them from the consequences of sin and earn the rewards of heaven?

2. Whats your opinion about converting non-Christians?

3. What about doing Christ-like good works in faith-based missionary settings whether in inner-cities or in impoverished countries?

4. Have you had any experiences in this type of charitable regard? If so, what good did it do for you. If not, would you seek one out?