Archive for January 29th, 2021

Week 4: Content Discussion

Week 4: Content Discussion
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Turn to the Chapter 4: Workforce Focus Discussion Questions on pages 195-197 of your Managing for Quality and Performance Excellence text. Respond to one the following questions:

Option 1: Review the Hackman and Oldham organization design model on page 167.  Then consider a job you have (or had).  Apply the model to evaluate how the job design impacted your motivation and satisfaction, as well as organization effectiveness. [Discussion Question 9]
Option 2: On pages 183-185 of the text, review the discussion of Performance Appraisals.  What are the main points of controversy?  What is the best performance appraisal approach you have experienced (at work or school)?  Do you agree with the 360-degree feedback approach or do you take a more traditional viewpoint toward performance reviews?  Why?
Option 3: What motivates you to study and perform in the [on-line] classroom?  How do the motivation theories discussed in the text apply to you personally?  Give a couple of specific examples, please.  Make a suggestion based on the motivation theories that might lead to better ways of teaching and learning. [Discussion Question 7]
Click on Reply below to post your initial thread to this discussion by Thursday 11:59PM of this week. Include information from the weekly readings to support your response. You may write an essay of 300-500 words that responds to one of the questions or record a 1-2 minute video in this forum or on YouTube using your APU NetID and password and link the video in this discussion.

Read the Discussion Board posts of at least five other students.  Post a thoughtful reflection of at least 100 words for two other students by clicking on Reply below their posts by Saturday 11:59PM of this week. Alternately, you may prepare a 1-minute video response to two other students by inserting a video in this discussion or uploading it to YouTube and post the link in the Discussion Forum. Please respond to those students who provide feedback on your post , as a “back-and-forth” discussion can be fruitful for learning.

To view the grading rubric associated with this discussion, click the Options icon (3 dots) in the top right corner of the page, and select Show Rubric.

managerial finance company report

Minimum 10 pages. Identify and obtain a copy of a 2018 or 2019 public company year-end annual report.  (  or Your paper should focus on your view – Did this company have an efficient board, why and why not? On top of corporate governance analysis, an in-depth analysis of financial report and thereby the companys performance is also a requirement to reach a conclusion. 
*APA Format

summary essay

For our fourth essay this term, write an objective summary of Eric Schlosser’s “What We Eat.” Your summary needs to be about 400 words long. Quote at least once from the article. Stay objective. Your audience, remember, is unfamiliar with the article–if they’d already read Schlosser’s article, why would they read a summary of it? Use the writing process; outlining will be especially helpful here.

Why does the U.S have an open border with Canada and not with Mexico

Why do we have an open border with Canada but not with Mexico? Why do we have open borders for commerce but not for people? View the following videos before you respond.

Whats the status of Trumps U.S.-Mexico border wall?

The Wall: A 2,000-mile border journey

60 Minutes on the border

Trump’s proposed border wall dividing Texans

LDRS 420

The topic is Understand    how    organizations    respond    to    changes    in    the    external    environment.

Find 6 scholarly reference about how organization respond to changes. 6refrence, 6 ways of how organization changes. Therefore, plz write 6 paragraph based on each reference, you dont need to right intruduction backgroud and conclusion paragraph. this is is a speech sheet of a presentation. the most important plz provide the link of the refrence.

Critical Thinking Peer-Reviewed Journal Article: Univ or Workplace?

Read the following peer-reviewed journal article and provide a 500-word essay about critical thinking, what it means to you, what the article taught you and if you agree or disagree with the results of the critical thinking study.  Upload the 500 word essay to Canvas.  Any format is acceptable in Microsoft Word and cite the article at the end of the essay. This is a graded assignment. Be sure your name is typed on the first line of the essay and that your name appears in the file name. On Page 124, specifically address what these statements mean to you:
Effects on employability
Following this line of reasoning it is not surprising that some companies also considered the effect of poor CT ability on graduate employability:
“If you dont have the critical thinking part, at least the basics of it introduced at university, you might be at the risk of not getting a job. Maybe then I dont select them if they dont have a particularly strong critical thinking/problem-solving approach.”

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Developping a Raspberry Pi applicationIn this part 2 you are invited to develop a Raspberry Pi application that controls a LED via a push button: You press the button the LED turns on. You release the button, the LED turns off.
Figure 1: Raspberry Pi PrototypeIn your presentation you should:-Provide the list of equipment you used for this Part 2 (1 or 2 slides).

-Describe the python code you developped to control the LED.
-Provide a live demo.

The part 2outcome should be presented in a power point (10slides minimum)with references.

Myths and American History

Based on your article assignment on Columbus (see syllabus)found under the course content, please discuss the ways that narratives about early American history that dont always convey the the broader, more inclusive context that needs to be addressed.

Carefully explain what the narratives are and any supporting evidence for these interpretations.
What arguments can be made against these particular narratives about American history?
In what ways do particular narratives emphasize aspects of American history that fuel particular slanted and/or partisan interests?
How do sources contradict these narratives and/or provide additional important perspectives?
Which of the examples that you have provided do you think is the most problematic and the one that most ignores other important aspects of the full picture? Why?
Your paper should be a minimum of 2.5 pages in length and should use appropriate forms of citation. You should have at least one citation for the article that you have chosen to use. The first paper deals with Columbus.  Please note that papers will automatically be evaluated through for plagiarism. Any paper with a similarity rating over 25 percent will receive a zero as per the syllabus policies on academic honesty.

Rational, Natural, and Open Systems


Discussions are collaborative learning experiences. Therefore, the student will create a thread in response to the provided prompt for each forum.  initial thread must include a minimum of 7 sources in addition to the Bible Discussion rubric. Each thread and reply must integrate at least 1 biblical principle.

Discussion: Rational, Natural, and Open Systems
Compare and contrast the rational, natural, and open systems of organizations. The following should be addressed at a minimum:
1.    Defining characteristics
2.    Relationship between the three
3.    Theoretical viewpoints
4.    Personal perspectives

Any topic (writer’s choice)

The following videos will help you recognize the dangers associated with social media and the adolescent population.

The Dangers With Coming of Age in a Social Media-Fueled World

Teens on Social Media Go from Dumb to Dangerous
This assignment is based on the information presented in the two videos
Question 1
It is imperative that we educate parents and adolescents on the dangers of social media. As an APN, or even just a parent, how would you approach this? List at least three dangers and potential solutions. Include at least two other resources in your references with links for your colleagues to explore.