Archive for January 29th, 2021

Health care Finance

1. Choose one of the major causes of waste in health care spending, such as failure to adopt best practices (e.g. preventive care, patient safety initiatives), fragmented care, overtreatment, etc. and explain how these relate to increased health care costs.
2. Next, provide an example of a strategy that can be used to address wasteful utilization of health care resources and promote coordination of care.
3. Explain how this information relates to your previous knowledge and/or experiences.

Summarizing a reading

The first paragraph should be from this reading and the reading is just the introduction and the first chapter

Theodore Vial, Modern Religion, Modern Race (see Files):
Chapter 1: Kant and Race
Don’t try to tell me everything thats going on in these chapters. Rather pick on the most important point(s) the author is making and elaborate them in your response, ending with a question.

And second paragraph should be about this reading

Jeanine Fletcher, “How Christian Supremacy Gave Rise to White Supremacy”

Both paragraphs should have a question at the end, and both of them should be in separate paragraphs

Hertiage Essay

Central American who can talk about the history of where their family came from. Individual with Mexican family history, I need an outline by next week and an essay in two weeks. I would also provide readings since it needs to be related to the last few readings.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

1st paper-Initial analysis of the organizations present state, industry, client understanding (if appropriate) of their need. This should include organizational strategy, business imperatives, human capital issues/challenges including skills gap and any other human resources issues, along with any other issues you believe are important for your analysis. This paper will also include a short portion on your organization, its name, and mission. You are to write and present an organizational assessment. This paper should be 2-3pages long plus the cover page and reference/citation section.


Short Assignment : Annotated Bibliography for Profiles in Courage Essay
For this assignment, you will write an annotated bibliography in 500 to 750 words. Your annotated bibliography must contain at least four sources, two of which must be scholarly sources (from Library database). These are sources that relate to your Profiles in Courage paper and are hopefully sources that you can use. They can be sources that you will use and include on the works cited page for your profiles in courage essay. 
What is an annotated bibliography?
An annotated bibliography is a list of citations to books, articles, and documents. Each citation is followed by a brief descriptive of the main idea of the article, an assessment of the credibility of the article, and how you will use the article in your paper. The purpose of the annotation is to inform the reader of the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the sources cited. 
Why write an annotated bibliography?
In almost every academic discipline, scholars write and refer to annotated bibliographies in order to organize and orient their research. Scholars frequently use annotated bibliographies written by other scholars in order to get an overview of the topic they are researching and to locate sources that are actually relevant to their specific research topic, thesis, and/or questions. In many ways, annotated bibliographies are time saving tools. Instead of reading hundreds of books90% of which a scholar might not need for her researcha researcher can simply read annotations that will concisely summarize what various texts say (and how), and whether those texts might be worth reading in their entirety.
Annotated bibliographies are also used in order to organize large quantities of information into a single document that succinctly surveys the historical conversation around a particular academic interest. Scholars produce annotated bibliographies not only for other scholars, but also for themselves, in order to get a handle on all the various information that theyve collected. By writing annotated bibliographies, a scholar can figure out how most strategically to use the information theyve collected throughout their research, as well as how to situation their own work into the larger scholarly conversation. For example, scholars want to produce work that offers their fields something new. An annotated bibliography is a good way to track what has already been said and then figure out what still needs to be addressed.  
Elements of an annotated bibliography: 
        Format according to the appropriate citation style (MLA for our class)
        Each source has its own annotation (main idea of author, an assessment on credibility, and how you will use the source in your paper) See Example

        Each annotation contains a summary or explanation of the works main points and/or purpose of the workbasically, its claimswhich shows among other things that you have read and thoroughly understand the source
        Each annotation also contains some critique of the argument as well as the authority or qualifications of the authorwho is the author and what are her qualifications? Are they a leader in the field? A doctoral student? Is this source commonly cited or is it obscure (you can often verify this through Google scholar)? What is the point of view or perspective from which the work was written? For instance, you may note whether the author seemed to have particular biases or was trying to reach a particular audience
        Each annotation also includes some sort of synthesis by commenting on the worth, effectiveness, and usefulness of the work in terms of your own research project. How does this work impact your research? How might you use it to make your own argument? You may also want to make relevant connections between this work and other works on your list (compare/contrast). 
A good annotated bibliography:
        Encourages you to think critically about the content of the works you are using, their place within a field of study, and their relation to your own research and ideas
        Proves you have read and understand your sources
        Establishes your work as a valid source and you as a competent researcher
        Situates your study and topic in a continuing professional conversation
        Provides a way for others to decide whether a source will be helpful to their research if they read it
        Could help interested researchers determine whether they are interested in a topic by providing background information and an idea of the kind of work going on in a field
        Includes concise and precise annotations
Form and Audience:
For this class, your annotated bibliography should be organized in paragraph form (one or two paragraphs per entry, roughly 150 to 200 words, depending). The audience is an academic one that is interested in the same topic as you and might want to know more about your sources. You are providing a succinct summary and evaluation for them. The rhetorical choices you make in your annotations should make your audience clear.
See Example

Four sources
At least two scholarly sources
MLA formatting and citation
Any paper that does not meet these specifications will not be accepted.
Due Date: Post to Canvas by 11:59 PM, Saturday, 9/5

Veterans health: (mental and physical health) current needs and potential solutions

For this discussion, you are assigned a health care related event topic based on the first initial of your last name (see table below). Based on your assigned topic, research a current health care related event and create an initial discussion post that is a minimum of 250 words. All referenced materials must include citations and references in APA format. Please see directions for including APA Style elements on these Writing Center pages:

Confucian Virtues, the Dao, and Wu Wei in Daily Life

As we discuss Chinese religions, how can the Confucian Virtues, the Dao, and wu wei be used in our daily lives?

Please respond to the following:

Confucius wrote of the Superior Person, in which every normal human being cherishes the aspiration to become superior to their own past and present as they set their sights on “perfect virtue.”  When the basic Confucian principles and his notion of ren (pp. 207-208) are guided by virtue, relationships should work a certain way.

At the heart of Daoism philosophy is the concept that the universe works harmoniously according to its own ways and we should be in harmony with the universe. The principle underlying our oneness with the Tao is that of wu-wei, or “non-doing.”

So, the main discussion questions for the week are:

Identify and explain at least three (3) aspects of Taoism, wu wei and Confucian virtues that would be practical for us.
How are these concepts similar to those we have studied so far?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

You will review and write a one-page paper (plus the cover page) on your insights to the articles with implications for organizations and managers.  You should also consider the implications for the organization you are serving in a management consulting role. The papers in reading/writing order are:1.Assessing Organizational Culture made Simple

Social Media Resources

In750-1000 words, describe the common standards and policies that both impact and are impacted by using social media resources. Consider the following in your response:
Why would a health professional want to use social media as a means to connect clients with community resources?
What are the benefits and risks when referring clients to a natural support/community resource?
What risk factors are involved in your decision making as it relates to community resource referral?
Use at least three reliable resources to support your arguments.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Lets imagine you are working in an urgent care clinic as a staff medical assistant. Its a full moon and there is a major flu outbreak in your area. Your clinic has already seen more than 150% of its normal volume, and it’s still two hours from closing time.

Ellie James (DOB 06/26/2014) was just seen by the nurse practitioner and was prescribed a Tylenol suppository for her fever. The nurse practitioner orders a suppository to be administered in the office. As you are selecting the medication, you accidentally select the aspirin suppository because the two have similar packaging. You administer the suppository and notice as you are documenting the medication that there is an error. Describe your next steps and takeaways from the event. Beyond legal aspects of reporting, what moral aspects should be a factor in reporting culture?

For your citation, you might use articles that show examples of how healthcare facilities report medication errors. You can also find articles from experts that suggest the legal and ethical implications of reporting, especially reporting med errors from coworkers, superiors, or providers.