Archive for January 29th, 2021

Federal Gun Laws

You are to write a current event paper, approximately 750 words in length, consisting of a summary and analysis of a current event having to do with FEDERAL GUN LAWS. You must cite a minimum of five references (sources) in the paper and include a works cited page at the end of the assignment to provide full bibliographic information for each of the references that was cited in the text of the paper.
The purpose of this assignment is to provide their perspective on a domestic or foregin policy issue (FEDERAL GUN LAWS). Students will prepare a summary and analysis of a current policy issue. The issue must be reported in a news story during the term of the course (this news story is one of the sources you will use for the paper). A deeper understanding of the issue can be developed by reading additional articles or information on the topic. You must cite your reference (news story), as well as any other sources from which you use information in the writing assignment.

Provide a thorough, but brief, summary of the political issue. An understanding of the issue should be developed by reading the articles uncovered during research for the assignment. The information provided in the summary will lay the foundation for you to react and respond to (analyze) the political issue. Be sure to properly cite within the text (according to MLA style) any information that you obtained from one of your sources. Citations must be provided, even for paraphrased information.
Present your perspective on the political issue. Think critically about the topic discussed in the articles and clearly express your thoughts about it in writing. Consider eight standards for critical thinking (Paul and Elder, 2103): clarity, accuracy, precision, relevance, depth, breadth, logic, and fairness. Ask questions, such as
How can I validate the accuracy of my statement?
How is this information relevant?
How does my conclusion address the complexities of the issue?
What is another interpretation or viewpoint of the issue?
Does my conclusion follow from the data and/or statements I have provided?

Money, the least of his worries

Essay ENG 130: Literary Response for Setting
This assignment focuses on your ability to: learn how to interpret the literary device of setting
and how it affects the character of the story/poem.
The purpose of completing this assignment is: as a student, in your career, and individual
lives, you will often need to look beyond the plot and summary of what you are reading and put
a different spin on it. An example of this might be interpreting data and the varying components
of how that data was created, as well as what to do with the data as you move forward.
Prompt (What are you writing about):
Choose one of the readings from this unit and in a well-crafted 2-page essay, respond to the
following prompt:
Choose one of the stories/poems in Units One or Two. Analyze the setting place and setting
mood and how this setting and mood shape the story?

Instructions (how to get it done):
Read through all of the instructions of this assignment.
Read all of the unit 1 and 2 resources.
Select one of stories or poems to write about.
Your audience for this essay is people who have read the stories/poems.
Use text examples to support your answer.
Your essay will have the following components:
o A title page
o An Introduction
o A thesis at the end of the introduction that clearly states how setting shapes the
o At least two supporting sections that defend your thesis/focus of the essay
o Text support with properly cited in-text citations
o A concluding paragraph
o A reference page with the short story citation
Length and format: At least 2 pages.
The title page and reference page are also required, but they should not be factored into
the 2-page length of the essay.
The paper should be double spaced with 1-inch margins. Choice of fonts: 11-point
Calibri, 11-point Arial,12-point Times New Roman. Essay should conform to APA
formatting and citation style.
Use the third-person, objective voice, avoiding personal pronouns such as I, you,
we, etc.
Please use the short story sources and any outside sources you need to create a
properly formatted APA reference page.
Use APA format for in-text citations and references when using outside sources and
textual evidence.
Skills to be assessed with this assignment: creating effective thesis statements,
incorporating text, responding to literature.
Please be cautious about plagiarism. Make sure to use in-text citations for direct
quotes, paraphrases, and new information.
Mini lesson on thesis statements:
Questions to ask yourself:
o What is the setting of my chosen story? What is the place? What
is the mood created by the author? How do the place and mood
affect the story for the reader?
o For example, it is apparent that in Whitmans I Hear America
Singing you would devote a supporting section to the locations of
his poem and a supporting section to the mood he creates through
the setting.
Translate that into a thesis:
o After you have made connections to these two areas of setting
you will then form your thesis.
o Here is a example template for your thesis. You are welcome to
use this template for your essay:
In Walt Whitmans poem I Hear America Singing, it is
apparent that the setting place and location shape the poem
through the obvious American workers locations and the
tone of triumph and hopefulness.

Argument Analysis Essay

Using “Encouraging Learning” reading and your work from the corresponding Argument Analysis assignment (see file attachment for this, I have the answers), write an essay that fully conveys your position on Hsun Tzu’s argument. In no more than three pages, your writing should address at least the following points:

Your thesis – What is your position on the argument(s) being made in Encouraging Learning? How effective is his argument to you?
Technique – What specifically makes his argument effective or ineffective? Identify and describe specific aspects of his writing to explain this. If ineffective, what would have made this better and why? If effective, what is particularly effective and why? Examine the claims that are being made to support your effort here.
Credibility – Based on his choice of support for his argument, how credible do you believe Hsun Tzu to be on the topic? What makes him believable, if at all? What would, in your opinion make him more credible?

The Standard: 12 point font, Times New Roman, double-spaced.
Cover page with title, heading, and running head, page numbers upper right hand header.
1st person perspective not allowed. Use general terms that do not invoke the reader.
Standard essay mechanic – Introduction/thesis, body, conclusion


Articulating Transferrable Skills:
In this exercise, we will begin by identifying transferable skills and translating anthropological concepts that you can apply to resumes, CVs, application letters, and an elevator pitch or speech.  An “elevator speech” is a short “pitch” that can be given immediately when a situation warrants.  In this case, it is an introduction to yourself and your interests in an anthropologically relevant way.  You will gear the speech to particular audiences at different times, but the bulk of it will remain the same most likely.  (for example I have a different one for film festivals than I have for academics).

Objective: To think about and synthesize your anthropological learning these past years, and to articulate how and why this training is significant and useful to a wider public.
Outcome: A list of transferrable skills and translated anthropological perspectives you can use in an elevator pitch or other conversation with non-specialist audiences

You can think of this exercise in 2 parts:
I.  Gather the Data:
1. Begin by re-reading Omohundro’s (1998) Actions  piece on Career Advice for Anthropology Majors.
2. Think about the skills and perspectives you’ve learned as an Anthropology Major.  To help with  this, think through the activities we did and topics we talked about in class, i.e. Anthropology student learning outcomes, ‘What does Anthropology Do”, and “What I did in Anthropology Class”. (shown in the screenshot named “class material”)
3. Look at your own resume or CV, and see what kinds of skills you’ve developed over time both inside and outside of class.

II.  Articulate Your Ideas:
1. Based upon Omohundro’s list of transferable skills, identify 3-4 that most closely align with your own experiences and future goals.  List the skills.
2. For each skill you’ve listed, give at least two specific, detailed examples of fieldwork, labwork, or coursework that illustrate your training and capacity in that particular skill.  Some skills may draw from the same experience (eg. archaeology field school), but different aspects and activities will be used to substantiate each skill set.
3. Next, pick three of the following Anthropological frameworks (or use one of your own) that best fit within your skill set and your future goals:  holism, intercultural competence, biocultural change, empiricism, relativism & power, anti-ethnocentrism.
4. Then, for each anthropological framework you’ve listed, think about how you could explain its importance and meaning to a prospective employer, grad school, or funder with a story.    The story is crucial, and one of the best ways to explain complex anthropology paradigms to non-specialists.  You have two choices.  You can either:
Provide a hypothetical scenario (“Imagine a world where”, your dream job, etc) in which these skills would be crucial;
Provide a concrete example from your own experiences that illustrate the concepts and their application.

The Short Activities Rubric will be used to grade this exercise.
1. Anthropological Perspectives (1) Exhibits awareness and understanding of ethnocentrism, cultural relativity, contexts, and power in all activities;
2. Course Concepts & Examples (1) Directly and appropriately utilizes course terminology in all writing and activities; Describes and utilizes appropriate examples from course materials (readings, films, individual fieldwork, media sources);
3. Follows Instructions & Puts in Effort (3)  Is this a compare/contrast discussion?  Did you find outside sources if required?  Were you supposed to upload an image?  Follow the directions!!  And put in some effort.

Peer Review

review at least two of your peers’ reports and give them feedback about it. The purpose of the feedback is to give them more input into how their report is perceived by others and then allow students the opportunity to edit their reports as they see fit. Please include those thoughts that you have about the positive and developmental aspects of others’ papers. reply posts (125-word minimum) must offer new insight to the discussion.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Read the Introduction (pages 1-10) to There Is No Planet B. Then, using the attached document file, write an essay in which you to the following:
Summarize the Introduction in a single introductory paragraph. – This summary should include the complete, properly capitalized and spelled  and MLA formatted title of the book, the full name of the author properly spellled and capitalized. Further, this summary should also include a brief 1-2 sentence presentation of the author’s credentials.
Properly signal (According to Berners-Lee…or Berners-Lee argues) quote, and cite (in MLA style) what you believe to be the main argument offered in the Introduction.
Then, explain the quoted argument in your own words.
Respond (with either agreement, disagreement, or partial agreement) to the author’s argument AND explain the reasons for your response. This statement should be your thesis statement and become the guiding statement for the remainder of your essay.
Develop 2-4 body paragraphs that meet the following requirements:
Each body paragraph must begin with a declarative sentence that explains a particular reason or insight related to the thesis statement
Each body paragraph must include 2 supportive quotations from appropriate academic sources  you gather on your own (including, but not limited to There Is No Planet B). Using these sources requires you to properly introduce the authors and article titles the first time you quote from them. Quotations must be properly signaled and cited.
Further, you must follow all quotations by an explanation of some kind.Each body paragraph should end with 2-3 synthesizing/summative sentences that brings the paragraph together and begins a transition to the next paragraph.
6. Develop a 5-8 sentence conclusion.


7. Create a correct MLA8 style Works Cited page that includes There Is No Planet B (I have created this citation for you in the attached document file) and any other sources you used

Marketing class

Pick a product or brand of your choice that is sold in your geographical location. From an examination of any marketing medium (such as advertising, packaging, or website) and reflecting on the 4Ps of marketing, construct a value proposition for the product or brand. Conduct substantial research on the product or brand in order to get a good understanding of how the brand has evolved and where it is heading.

Submit a 2-3 page paper, (independent of the title page and reference page) double-spaced in Times New Roman font which is no greater than 12 points in size. Be sure to cite any sources in APA Format. Conduct substantial research on the product or brand in order to get a good understanding of how the brand has evolved and where it is heading.

Constructive Essay

5 Page Essay

Now that you have watched the video create a very thorough essay outline for ONE of the following two sample essay questions:

1. Discuss the development of at least two different African powers in ancient history? What were the major challenges faced by these powers? How did they overcome their issues and find success?

2. Discuss the impact of the triangular trade on colonial history? How did the triangular change the western hemisphere? Who were some of the main powers involved in the Triangular Trade?

teacher response

the posibility of a give an take society. hasnt society shown that its hard to achieve. nurses as practicioners have to work under a doctors licence. is this reality or are nurses still living in the past

five papers to support this paper

Policy and Guidelines for the Informatics Staff: Making Decisions to Use Informatics Systems in Practice

Choose a specific situation in a practice setting related to the use of an EHR tool or system. Write a brief paper analyzing a need for specific policies and guidelines related to the tool or system and place the actual policy and guidelines as appendices to the paper. There are three parts to this assessment.

Part 1: Establish policy and guidelines for the use of an EHR system or data collection tool to support and apply the evidence-based practice. Create a brief 23 page paper to address how the policy reflects the following analysis:

An evaluation of the function of the tool related to evidence-based practice.
An analysis of the work setting using evidence-based practice.
An analysis of how the tool/system supports the strategic plan for evidence-based information use in the organization or practice setting.
An analysis of how the tool/system contributes to creating efficient workflows and safe practice within the context of evidence-based practice.
An assessment of how the tool/system contributes to interprofessional care and patient satisfaction.
Part 2: Create a one-page policy with references placed as an appendix to the paper.

Part 3: Create one page with guidelines on how to use the policy in practice placed as an appendix after the policy.

Review the Health Informatics Systems Planning, Analysis, Design, and Build for Nursing scoring guide prior to submission to ensure you address all required grading criteria.

Additional Requirements
Part 1: Paper
Title page: Include your name, course, date, and instructor.
Reference: Five scholarly sources that support the policy and guidelines. Additional references may be used.
Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA (sixth edition) style and formatting. Use a running head, title on the first line of the first page of text, a brief introduction, a minimum of Level 1 headings used for each section of the paper, and conclusion. Abstract not required.
Length of paper: 23 typed, double-spaced pages.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
Part 2: Policy Statement
Length of paper: One page, double-spaced policy statement with references placed as an appendix.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
Part 3: Guidelines
Length of paper: One page, double-spaced guideline of steps on how to use the policy in practice placed as an appendix after the policy.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.