Archive for February 4th, 2021

Position Paper on Health Policy Supporting California’s RN Staffing Ratio Policy (AB 394)

California’s RN Staffing Ratio Policy (AB 394)

This research paper should discuss the California RN staffing Ratio Policy and provide evidence supporting the policy. Final position on the policy is to support the policy and the implementation. There must be a introduction and a conclusion. Must address all sections below. Properly format in APA 7

Introduce the policy by providing an overview of the suggested or implemented policy: background of the topic, including main elements of the policy, costs, and quality/safety. Assert your main thesis statement.
Offer an evidence-based, informed opinion in support of the suggested or implemented policy. Describe at least two major contributions that this policy makes to health care, nursing, or health outcomes. Provide support with at least three sources of evidence.
Discuss at least one opposing opinion to the suggested or implemented policy. Provide evidence and/or data to support the counterargument.
Present a final position on the policy. Support the final defensible argument with current literature.
A. Restate your argument.
B. Provide a plan of action, but do not introduce new information.
In total, your paper will be 4-5 pages in length, not including the title page or reference page.

Provided a fully developed introduction presenting an overview of the policy with insightful analysis of concepts and related issues.

Provided a fully developed evidence-based argument with a minimum of two major contributions to healthcare, nursing, and/or health outcomes presented with insightful analysis of concepts and related issues.

Provided a fully developed opposing opinion to the suggested policy with insightful analysis of concepts and related issues.

Provided a fully developed final position supported with current literature with insightful analysis of concepts and related issues.

Provided a fully developed  plan of action with conclusion with  insightful analysis of concepts and related issues.

Demonstrates fully developed APA formatting and referencing requirements with no formatting errors.

Your introductory paragraph and every paragraph that follows should have a minimum of three sentences, with an average of four to five and no more than seven sentences. The last sentence of your opening paragraph should be the thesis statement, which summarizes the purpose of the assignment and how you intend to address it. The sentences preceding your thesis statement should simply provide background that contextualizes your thesis for readers.
Each paragraph should begin with a topic sentence, which summarizes the paragraphs main argument or idea. Also, the last sentence (or lead-out) of each paragraph should be a transition statement that connects what you discussed in that paragraph and what is to come in the next one. In the middle of each paragraph, you should cover something with your own thoughts, and in a separate sentence, provide a sentence paraphrased from a source with an in-text citation at the end. The source may back up your opinion, or give an alternative viewpoint, or even simply provide some background.
The body of your paper should have a couple of paragraphs or more. Your conclusion paragraph should briefly summarize the main points of your paper and place the paper in the context of social change. While your conclusion should not introduce new topics, you may suggest a direction for future research. Generally, you should not write anything in the conclusion that would require you to cite a source; instead, the conclusion should represent only your own thoughts and analysis.

see instructions

Review the article( and compose a reflection.


What was interesting about them? What did you learn you did not know before reading? What worked or did not about the story? Was the detail good or lacking? Which quotes resonated? What tactics did they use you liked or did not?

Case Study #1-Which Insurance is best?

Case Study #1 Which Insurance is best?

For each scenario below, pick the health insurance that would best meet their needs and provide your justification. The insurance options you have to choose from is provided here in the 2020 Benefits GuidePreview the document.

Scenario 1: Marc Jacob, who lives in South Florida just got a new job and he needs to enroll in health insurance. He has 90 days to make his selection. Marc is a 30-year-old male, with no underlying health conditions. He does travel for his job for 2-3 weeks at a time. When he is not traveling, he works at the office. What health insurance plan should he enroll in that would provide him with the best coverage? Thoroughly provide your justification and keep in mind the items listed below. Also, reasonable assumptions can be made to justify your selection of the best health insurance plan for Marc. 

Please include these assumptions you make in your answer.

Think about the contracted service areas (i.e., state only or nationwide)
Coverage for individual versus family
Annual deductibles
Monthly premiums

Scenario 2: Arya Stark is married with 4-year-old twin boys and lives with her family in South Florida. She recently got a new job as a Director of Operations of a large healthcare organization. She has 90 days to make her healthcare insurance selection. She does travel on occasion for business, but she also takes family trips during the summer when her kids are out of school. Her husband is a diabetic and also a cancer survivor, but herself and her kids are healthy individuals with no underlying health conditions.  The twins are active with sports and are involved with swimming, martial arts and gymnastics. What health insurance plan should she enroll in that would provide her and her family with the best coverage? Thoroughly provide your justification and keep in mind the items listed below. Also, reasonable assumptions can be made to justify your selection of the best health insurance plan for Arya. Please include these assumptions you make in your answer.

Think about the contracted service areas (i.e., state only or nationwide)
Coverage for individual versus family
Annual deductibles
Monthly premiums


Department of Management Services. (2020).  Benefits guide 2020 plan year.  Retrieved from

In-text citation would be: (Department of Management Services, 2020).

Pharmaceutical Sciences

Please can you read the introduction file and talk about biofilm in pharmaceutical industry.


This should be between 5 and 10 pages in length. All materials employed in the study should be listed with their source (company, product number and grade) in an Appendix at the end of the project. The Methods section should be written in the third person singular, passive voice (e.g., Membrane vesicles were thawed at room temperature. A 5 l aliquot was removed for protein determination allowing a sample corresponding to 50g of membrane protein to be removed from the thawed sample).
You should provide sufficient detail for someone to repeat the work. The Methods section should be subdivided into Methods and Experimental. Reference all appropriate methods used and describe novel protocols in detail. Include in this section the equipment used and such procedures as photography. The Experimental subsection should include a description of the experimental design, the nature and object of each experiment and statistical techniques employed (cite any statistical or presentation software used).

Discussion – ENM2L4

Respond to each of the following questions.

1. Some students interpret Heglar’s essay, “I Work in the Environmental Movement: I Don’t Care If You Recycle” as, “There’s no use in recycling (or changing light bulbs, or installing solar panels, or adopting a vegan diet). There’s not much the individual can do.” But is that Heglar’s point? What is the basic argument that Heglar makes in her article? Write a one-paragraph summary of at least 100 words that explains her argument. You need to read to the end of the article to really understand her main idea. It is not what the title implies.

2. Do you agree, disagree, or both agree and disagree with Heglar’s point? Write a one-paragraph argument of at least 100 words that explains your answer to this question.


Prof Virginia

Research Paper 103


Research Paper Topics

COVID-19 (natural or man-made or climate change (man-made or natural

Mind control

Is 5G dangerous?

Should we eliminate the electoral college?

Gun control good or bad?

Are extra cameras and lights necessary for our  security or an invasion of our privacy?

Vaccines, especially for COVID-19 are they helpful or dangerous?

Is it  too late to save our planet?

Use of fluoride in our water


The Death Penalty

Legalization of marijuana

Introduction:  One paragraph: Introduce your topic.  State why this topic is important to you and what you hope to learn about it. (One paragraph)

Body Paragraphs: Summarize and analyze  at least three articles on your topic.  It should be a controversial issue; find articles that take opposing articles. (At least two paragraphs),  If necessary, define the issue..  Share background information on your topic.  Become a expert. You can use the website and any of the sources he references.

Conclusion:  What did you learn that surprised you about your issue?  What do you predict will happen?

Do we need a call to action? Analyze and think critically.  Do you have any solutions?  You must include a Work Cited Page. 

You must turn in an Annotated Bibliography,

You must use at least three credible or Peer Review articles from our LAVC Library Data Base,, governmental sources or scientific journals. 

Your research paper  should be at least five pages long and include a Works Cited Page.

Remember your research paper must be in MLA format include the following format:

title page



works cited page

Here is a link.  You can also call our LAVC librarians.  All our references you use can be sent to you in MLA Format…

You will also find helpful

Remember you need an introduction and attention-grabber.  Each of your body paragraphs needs to contain a topic sentence that relates to the thesis.  Back up your topic sentences with the following type of information:

relevant to the argument


personal experience

second-hand experience

reason and logic

expert testimony



Think of your argument as a courtroom  case you want to win, Show the inaccuracies or weaknesses of your opponent and the strengths of your case, Believe in your case and win over the reader,

Substance Abuse and the Family: It effects more than just the addict.

The paper should focus on how substance abuse and addiction affects and impacts the individual user and the family and should clearly address and present understanding of the following:

1. General progression of substance use in the individual;
2. General progression of substance use impact on the family;
3. Family issues specific to substance use (think about enabling and such issues);
4. Family dynamics that interfere with treatment and recovery;
5. Individual and family treatment considerations; and,
6. Effective components of individual and family treatment.

Getting a valid sample in educational setting

There are two different discussions and they are highlighted in yellow.  The chapters for the course are attached as well to use for the citations.  You’re to reply to each of the discussions with a minimum of 200 words which is why I’ve ordered 2 pages, one page for each discussion.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

There are two different discussions and they are highlighted in yellow.  The chapters for the course are attached as well to use for the citations.  You’re to reply to each of the discussions with a minimum of 200 words which is why I’ve ordered 2 pages, one page for each discussion. 

Free Speech on Campus

You are the president of Camden County College and you are writing a memo to all of the colleges constituencies regarding the issue of free speech on campus.

To the extent that you wish, you may include commentary on the following concepts, among others:

First Amendment
Hate Speech
Critical Thinking
Learning to make informed judgments in complex environments
Trigger Warnings
Safe Spaces
Swaddled Generation

Calculate the grade level (i.e., readability) of your memo and include a word count.

TARGET LENGTH: 250 to 400 words