Archive for February 4th, 2021

Traditional Teaching

Traditional Teaching
Lecturing can be an effective teaching strategy in learning situations in which you are introducing new content, stimulating interest, summarizing knowledge from several sources, clarifying difficult concepts, and updating the most recent knowledge lacking in a textbook (DeYoung, 2015). While lecture may be the most common traditional teaching method, there are other traditional strategies that have enjoyed prevalence in the classroom environment. For this discussion, imagine you are preparing a one-hour lesson plan for the educational topic and learner population you identified for your Unit 3 assignment.

Select a variety of traditional teaching strategies such as lecture, discussion, questioning, and audiovisuals.

Divide your lesson plan by changing your traditional teaching strategies approximately every 15 minutes using a maximum of four different strategies.

Use references from your unit readings and independent research to support your choices.

You may choose to include this lesson plan in your final project as an appendix.

(you have all the articles for this class already)

Best Practices in Teaching

Best Practices in Teaching
For this discussion, you will:

Provide a short summary of the current best practices in both a traditional environment and an online environment as identified in the nursing research literature.
Compare and contrast traditional and online teaching practices.
Select at least two teaching strategies that you feel exemplify best practices that could be used in the Vila Health: Teaching Strategies challenge. Provide evidence-based support for your choices.
Discuss how the teaching strategies you selected might facilitate critical thinking.

Teaching Strategies

Teaching Strategies
For this assignment, write a paper in which you address the following:

Utilize your assigned reading from this week and your independent research to write three learning outcomes for your course project, which you began planning in Unit 1.
Explain how these outcomes are reflected in the course content and representative of what is expected of the learner at course completion.
Based on your course content, outcomes, objectives, and learner population, evaluate at least three learning strategies that could be used.
Defend why these are the most appropriate strategies for your course and audience.
Describe the advantages of using your selected strategies.
Use the literature to support the choices you are making.
What possible barriers to learning might you encounter?
What strategies would be most applicable in overcoming those barriers?
How will your strategies keep learners motivated?

Staffing Ratios

This discussion will be based on two readings from this unit’s Studies section:

Associations Between Characteristics of the Nurse Work Environment and Five Nurse-Sensitive Patient Outcomes in Hospitals: A Systematic Review of Literature.
The American Nurses Association Web site section, Nurse Staffing.
In both readings, the issue of staff-to-patient ratio is explored. Staffing is a problem that encompasses patient safety, cost effectiveness, and work-life quality. In this discussion, comment on the following.

Discuss the minimum nurse-to-patient ratio where you practice. How do you reconcile staffing levels and patient outcomes with the financial constraints of most health care facilities?
How do staffing patterns impact patient care beyond the issues mentioned here?
If you live in a state with nurse staffing laws, in what ways do these laws benefit nurses and patients?


diabetes and chronic diseases (urban health)

Write a 1-2 page paper discussing how your topic (diabetes and chronic diseases) has been analyzed at the global level. You should find at least one additional article to support your writing.  Make sure what your writing about has to do with the actual topic not just health.

nurse patient empowerment

Discussion: Nurse/Patient Empowerment

As a nurse, you are the individual who has the ability to empower patients in the decision-making process pertaining to their health care. In addition, you are in a unique position to empower your nursing colleagues to improve job satisfaction and use performance indicator data from dashboards to effect social change.
In this weeks Learning Resources, you examined both the National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators (NDNQI) and the key role nurses play as advocates for patient rights. To assist nurses in being better prepared for this role, programs such as Patient Care Partnership provide guidance.

For this Discussion, you will analyze the use of quality improvement data and discuss how this data can help empower both patients and nurses. Review the Patient Care Partnership information presented in this weeks Resources. In addition, reflect on the media presentation and the information shared by Ms. Manna on patients rights.

By Day 3
Respond to the following:
    What are the best strategies the nurse can employ to empower patients and support patients rights to improve quality of care? (Some considerations to keep in mind may include: providing information on effectiveness, risks, and benefits of alternative treatments.)
    In what ways can NDNQI data from dashboards or quality improvement data be used to support nurse empowerment in practice?
    How has your institution empowered the nursing staff through the use of quality improvement data?
    Provide an example of how you have personally empowered either a patient or a fellow nurse.
Support your response with references from the professional nursing literature.
Note Initial Post: A 3-paragraph (at least 350 words) response. Be sure to use evidence from the readings and include in-text citations. Utilize essay-level writing practice and skills, including the use of transitional material and organizational frames. Avoid quotes; paraphrase to incorporate evidence into your own writing. A reference list is required. Use the most current evidence (usually 5 years old).

    Grid View
    List View
    Excellent    Proficient    Basic    Needs Improvement

Provided a personal example of how to empower either a patient or a fellow nurse.

”    Points Range:9 (12.00%) – 10 (13.33333%)
Initial post contains well developed and insightful analysis that brings new insight into the discussion .    Points Range:8 (10.66666%) – 8 (10.66666%)
Initial post contains reasonable analysis that brings insight into the discussion.    Points Range:7 (9.33333%) – 7 (9.33333%)
Initial post contains minimal analysis that brings limited insight into the discussion.    Points Range:0 (0.00%) – 6 (8.00%)
Initial post lacks analysis and brings little or no insight into the discussion.
“Analyzed ways NDNQI and other quality improvement data may be used in support of nurse empowerment in practice.

”    Points Range:14 (18.66666%) – 15 (20.00%)
Initial post contains well developed and insightful analysis that brings new insight into the discussion .    Points Range:12 (16.00%) – 13 (17.33333%)
Initial post contains reasonable analysis that brings insight into the discussion.    Points Range:11 (14.66666%) – 11 (14.66666%)
Initial post contains minimal analysis that brings limited insight into the discussion.    Points Range:0 (0.00%) – 10 (13.33333%)
Initial post lacks analysis and brings little or no insight into the discussion.
“Relates how an institution has empowered the nursing staff through the use of quality improvement data.

”    Points Range:14 (18.66666%) – 15 (20.00%)
Initial post contains well developed and insightful analysis that brings new insight into the discussion .    Points Range:12 (16.00%) – 13 (17.33333%)
Initial post contains reasonable analysis that brings insight into the discussion.    Points Range:11 (14.66666%) – 11 (14.66666%)
Initial post contains minimal analysis that brings limited insight into the discussion.    Points Range:0 (0.00%) – 10 (13.33333%)
Initial post lacks analysis and brings little or no insight into the discussion.
Offered overall best strategies the nurse can employ to empower patients and support patients rights to improve quality of care.    Points Range:9 (12.00%) – 10 (13.33333%)
Initial post contains well developed and insightful analysis that brings new insight into the discussion .    Points Range:8 (10.66666%) – 8 (10.66666%)
Initial post contains reasonable analysis that brings insight into the discussion.    Points Range:7 (9.33333%) – 7 (9.33333%)
Initial post contains minimal analysis that brings limited insight into the discussion.    Points Range:0 (0.00%) – 6 (8.00%)
Initial post lacks analysis and brings little or no insight into the discussion.
“Entered the discussion thread on 3 separate days. Wrote at least two posts to two separate peers.

Responses are appropriate to the topic, substantive, and promoted discussion by one or more of the following:
contributing insight to move the discussion forward.
offering substantial and/or different points of view and asks questions to add to discussion
including extra references or websites for peers to consider
relating discussion to different areas of practice and applying concepts to practice

**Additional points may be deducted for late posting per the University late policy.”    Points Range:14 (18.66666%) – 15 (20.00%)
Response posts add substantial ideas and perspectives that invite further analysis and discussion. Participated 3 or more days in the classroom and responded to more than 2 classmates.    Points Range:12 (16.00%) – 13 (17.33333%)
Response posts are proficient and provide adequate analysis and discussion. Participated 3 days in the classroom and responds to at least two classmates.    Points Range:11 (14.66666%) – 11 (14.66666%)
Response posts are limited and provide minimal analysis and discussion. Participated less than 3 days in the classroom and/or responds to less than two classmates.    Points Range:0 (0.00%) – 10 (13.33333%)
Response posts are inadequate and provide no analysis of discussion and/ or there is no participation in the classroom.
Uses evidence to support a claim and give credit to the source. Uses course learning resources and seeks additional scholarly resources to support ideas. Displays sentence, paragraph, and essay skills. Writes in a scholarly, well-organized manner using own words by synthesizing evidence/resources. Paraphrases to avoid plagiarism of the source. APA: No more than one short, unique quote with correct APA format. Appropriate use and format of in-text citations and reference list.    Points Range:9 (12.00%) – 10 (13.33333%)
Writer demonstrates excellence in all sentence and paragraph level skills within discussion board posts to meet the 4000 Academic Writing Expectations for this level.    Points Range:8 (10.66666%) – 8 (10.66666%)
Writer demonstrates proficiency of most sentence and paragraph level skills within discussion board posts to meet the 4000 Academic Writing Expectations for this level with only one format or writing issue needing to be addressed.    Points Range:7 (9.33333%) – 7 (9.33333%)
Writer demonstrates minimal skill in meeting sentence level and/or paragraph level skills within discussion board posts to meet the 4000 Academic Writing Expectations for this level with less than or equal to three format or writing issues needing to be addressed.    Points Range:0 (0.00%) – 6 (8.00%)
Writer demonstrates inadequate skill within discussion board posts to meet the sentence and/or and paragraph level skills in meeting the 4000 Academic Writing Expectations for this level with four or more format or writing issues needing to be addressed.
Description:NURS 4006 Discussion Week 4 Rubric

Quality Improvement Initiative Evaluation

Quality Improvement Initiative Evaluation
Professional Context
Too often, discussions about quality health care, care costs, and outcome measures take place in isolationeach group talking among themselves about results and enhancements. Because nurses are critical to the delivery of high-quality, efficient health care, it is essential that they develop the proficiency to review, evaluate performance reports, and be able to effectively communicate outcome measures related to quality initiatives. The nursing staff’s perspective and the need to collaborate on quality care initiatives are fundamental to patient safety and positive institutional health care outcomes.

You have been asked to prepare and deliver an analysis of an existing quality improvement initiative at your workplace. The QI initiative you choose to analyze should be related to a specific disease, condition, or public health issue of personal or professional interest to you. The purpose of the report is to assess whether or not specific quality indicators point to improved patient safety, quality of care, cost and efficiency goals, and other desired metrics. Your target audience is nurses and other health professionals with specializations or interests in your chosen condition, disease, or public health issue.

In your report you will:

Define the disease.
Analyze how the condition is managed.
Identify the core performance measurements related to successful treatment or management of the condition.
Evaluate the impact of the quality indicators on the health care facility.
Be sure to address the bullet points below in your analysis, as they correspond to grading criteria in the scoring guide. You may also want to read the Quality Improvement Initiative Evaluation Scoring Guide to better understand the performance levels that relate to each grading criterion.
Additionally, be sure to review the Guiding Questions: Quality Improvement Initiative Evaluation document, linked in the resources, for additional clarification about things to consider when creating your assignment.

Analyze a current quality improvement initiative in a health care setting
Evaluate the success of a current quality improvement initiative through recognized benchmarks and outcome measures.
Incorporate interprofessional perspectives related to initiative functionality and outcomes.
Recommend additional indicators and protocols to improve and expand outcomes of a quality initiative.

Communicate evaluation and analysis in a professional and effective manner, writing content clearly and logically with the correct use of grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
Integrate relevant sources to support arguments, correctly formatting citations and references using current APA style.


Time Analysis

This is a three page assignment with an APA cover page and APA reference page for a total of five pages. Add an introduction that states the purpose of the paper. Then detail the three sections of your paper as follows (use these three subheadings).

Time Analysis.
Complete a time log in a table format (see sample below) that indicates the number of hours you spent in week one (Monday through Sunday). Be sure it totals 168. Write what you learned from this analysis. Center and label this figure in your paper Fig.1 My Weekly Analysis.

My Strengths.
Use an online instrument (you choose) or other source (properly documented) that indicates your work strengths and work preferences

My Next Professional Goal. Detail your next professional (not educational) goal with a minimum of two references and an enumerated list of steps and target dates. Be as specific as possible

Quality Indicators

For this discussion, review the following two resources from this unit’s Studies section:

Core Measures.
National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators.
As you know, quality indicators are common measures that apply to most patients or disease-specific measures that convey the quality of clinical care for patients with specific diagnoses. Using standard quality indicators to measure and report outcomes helps ensure that medical facilities are providing safe, effective, patient-centered care. We use both qualitative and quantitative data to explore our success with health care delivery and outcome measures. Interprofessional teams need to use this information to define, develop, and implement quality processes.

In this discussion, describe the quality indicators and specific data types used in your organization.

Define quality outcomes in your organization.
What have you learned from the specific quality indicators about your nursing practice and your role on an interprofessional team?
How have quality indicators helped you identify areas for improvement as a provider and team member?
Describe a decision you made based on quality indicators and how this affected the interprofessional team as a support system.

A mission statement for Generation Z

Create a mission statement for generation Z based on a SWOT analysis you create. Make sure to include background and objectives for why you chose what you did. 3-5 pages in length.

(I created this mission statement, which you can use if you like or you can make another one)

“We strive for change through the experience of our elders as we are able to identify the key problems that may have not been seen as problematic in the past, while using our technological advancements to reach heights that have never been reached before.”

A SWOT i made for generation z is …

strengths= mindful approch to leadership, focused on impact, tech savy, team orientated, multitaskers, outspoken

opportunities= less risk adverse, innovative/ entreprenurial, highly educated

weakness= precived as not knowlagable or lazy, lack of real world experience, difficult to motivate, need for immidiate gratification

threats= not taken seriosuly by senior teams, competitive job market, online reputation

*** please note, you don’t have to use my SWOT or mission statement, but you can if you’d like,  i just thought i would share ****