Archive for February 4th, 2021

Organizational Care Goals for Interprofessionals

Organizational Care Goals for Interprofessionals
Reflect on the specific care goals in your organization. Think about how they are measured, monitored, and discussed with interprofessional team members. In addition, in your organization, how are goals to improve care chosen, and how do interprofessional team members collaborate in the setting, monitoring, and achieving of goals? For this discussion, consider the following

Identify specific care goals in your organization.

What guidelines does the organization follow to determine and measure patient outcomes and care goals?
How do interprofessional team members participate and collaborate in the setting, monitoring, and achievement of patient goals?
How do interprofessional team members effect change in the organization within the context of a specific outcome measure?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Mrs. Collins could have an injection in several joints in her body. Mrs. Collins did not have an adverse reaction to the medication, but what if she did? There could have been several errors that could have taken place that led to an adverse reaction. Explain at least 2 errors that could have caused an adverse reaction and the rights that were violated and why.

For your citation, you might use articles that show examples of proper technique for administering medication. You can also find articles that suggest how to report medication errors.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

What are two drugs that you think should be available withouta prescription? In your explanation of why you selected those drugs, include general precautions and possible adverse reactions. 

For your citation, you might use articles that show examples of drugs that had been prescription drugs in the past but no longer require a prescription. You can also find articles about how other countries classify prescription drugs to determine if the same process can be applied in the U.S

ted talk

Creativity is an important attitude that can impact an individual’s ability to think critically. After listening to the TED Talk by Ken Robinson, what do you think? Do schools kill creativity? Provide your conclusion to this question and support it with at least two reasons.

A Reply needed, Only 3 rebuttles are needed

One of the standard steps in producing a scientifically verifiable research study is to conduct a review of the existing literature.  However, as we debated in the first Discussion, authority and documentation are sources of knowledge that may have their weaknesses.  Written treatises are not infallible and may lack the empiricism and objectivity of the scientific method.  Even if they are based on observable evidence and follow the scientific method, part of the literature review process is to critique the studies and potentially find flaws or gaps that were not addressed.  So, why do we do this in the first place?

1) Describe the multitude of reasons we conduct a literature review, from determining what was already discovered; to developing a theoretical framework; to finding flaw in the instrumentation, validity, reliability, and analysis and interpretation of data; and finding gaps  in the literature.  How does this position us as researchers to conducting a comprehensive inquiry?  What benefit does it provide to discuss why we expect either similar or different results to the existing study?

2) What about sampling?  What are the pros and cons of conducting a census to generate parameters about your population?  What are the pros and cons of pulling a sample from the population to generate statistics?

3) What would you consider an adequate sample size and sampling technique if you were conducting a nationwide poll on perceptions of Sociology degree holders?  What would an adequate sample size and sampling technique if you wanted to find out why Sociology programs include research methods courses?  Who would you talk to to get that data?

Discussion Post: Communication for Change

Watch the video, John Kotter – Communicating a Vision for Change at

Based on this video, assess the means of communication that are available to us as leaders. Review Kotters comments regarding communication, and efficient and effective communications. As the leader of a large organization implementing a change, develop a strategy for communicating your vision of change. Discuss the tools that the organization would use as well as the frequency of communication.

*** Please use 3 or more scholarly sources


The Graduate (Nichols, 1967)

General Instructions: For this week’s discussion, select a moment from The Graduate that utilizes cinematographic techniques in meaningful ways. Your goal is to explain how cinematographic techniques contribute to the mood/tone/meaning of your chosen moment. Be sure to avoid scenes that are covered, in-depth, in the lecture. Write 200+ words.
The Basics: tell us when the scene takes place in the film, and very briefly (one sentence) state what is happening.
The Techniques: IDENTIFY *all* of the cinematographic properties evident in the scene/moment. Only use technique terms from the book.
The Meanings: Explain what this scene achieves in terms of meaning generation. Identify how some or all of the cinematographic techniques contribute to the meanings generated in your chosen moment/scene.
The Meanings and The Bigger Picture: Explain, to the best of your ability, how the meanings generated in the scene/moment link up with broader themes or take-aways from the film overall.
Suggestions: The readings, lectures, and supplementary clips are vital to completing this discussion assignment effectively. The book and lecture, in specific, demonstrate how to analyze techniques for meaning generation. [For reference: cinematographic techniques include: lens choice, focal properties, framing, hue, scale, depth of field, onscreen and offscreen space, speed of motion, camera distance, angle, height, level, movement, and optical point-of-view.] Your post should contain several terms from the chapter.
At Least One Screenshot/Clip Required. Reminder: intentionally collecting and embedding screenshots is a requirement for this class. You are expected to collect YOUR OWN SCREENSHOTS. Its very obvious when students grab ones from another student’s post (!) or Google images (I know, tempting); the point is for you work with intent, to collect screenshots from the specific moment you are writing about. If you’d like to head back to the screenshot/video embedding sandbox, please do! 

HRIS and Workforce Development

Topics for Selection
Working within the framework of the Unemployment office, select one of the following HR-related issues. Focus on how HRIS would be utilized by public administrators to approach the specific topic in a more effective, more efficient manner.

    Identifying performance issues with current employees and developing the means to improve performance.
o    These activities must be tracked to measure employee performance to ensure it is meeting or exceeding performance requirements for the organization.

    Identifying and developing outstanding performers through training, coaching, or mentoring to better prepare them for future challenges and opportunities within the organization.

Assignment Instructions
In your assignment, address the following:
    Evaluate the use of HRIS in supporting effective HR practices by public administrators managing the Unemployment office.
o    Provide a specific example to illustrate your point. 
    Evaluate the use of HRIS in supporting effective communications between the Unemployment office and external factors associated with the selected employee topic.
o    Provide a specific example to illustrate your argument. This might include anyone external to your agency, which could be the HR function of the city or county, or a corporate attorney for the city or county.
    Evaluate the use of HRIS in supporting more effective internal communications within the Unemployment office in relation to the selected topic.
o    Provide a specific example to illustrate your point. This might include communications with the employee, other organizational units, or other leadermanagers within the organization.

Submission Requirements
Your assignment should meet the following requirements:
    Written communication: Written communication should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
    APA format: Resources and citations must be formatted according to current APA style and formatting. When appropriate, use APA-formatted headings.
    Resources: Your ideas must be supported with relevant scholarly sources that are dated within the past five years and are properly cited and referenced in current APA style. There is no minimum number of citations for this paper.
    Length of paper: 67 typed, double-spaced pages, in addition to a title page, references page, and if included, an abstract.
    Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.

US foreign policy

Choose any 3 out of the 6 questions to answer

1.Choose one of these clips. What are the justifications for war articulated by President Franklin Roosevelt, President Lyndon Johnson OR President George W. Bush?
2.Given the goals of U.S. foreign policy, in a paragraph explain why blowback happens. Why people around the world object to U.S. foreign policy aims?
3.Write a one paragraph letter either defending or attacking U.S. military spending. Use evidence from U.S. Military Spending and the video Why Does the U.S. Spend So Much on The Military.
4.In a paragraph answer the following prompt: If you had been in congress during the Iran-Contra affair would have you supported impeaching President Reagan? Why or why not?
5.Using evidence from the section Economic Interests and the video rbenz & The CIA, Guatemala 1950s write a paragraph explaining the role you think economic interests should play in U.S. foreign policy.
6.To protect state secrets, should the U.S. government still be using the Espionage Act to prosecute people like Edward Snowden? Why or why not? Use evidence from How WWI Changed America: Citizenship and WWI, NSA Whistleblower Edward Snowden and The Role of the Public in a one paragraph response.


The Patient Protection & Affordable Care ACT has been the health care law for the past ten years. The previous administration wanted to repeal and replace the law. However, they could not come up with a new health plan. The Biden administration is planning  to expand the ACA and have apublic option.

AFFORDABLE CARE ACT EXPLAINED: (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)

Explain how the new healthcare delivery systems and healthcare technology should impact a new healthcare law decision. Discuss how these new technologies, which improve patient quality care and life longevity, should be covered in a new health care insurance law.  (300 to 400 words)