Archive for February 4th, 2021

To a Skylark

think of a major claim that you can make about the poem and build an argument to support that claim using evidence from the text. your claim may be a specific interpretation of the poem, a view about the poems attitude towards the subject, the relationship of the subject to the historical context of the poem, the significance of some element of the poems form or another similar type of analysis .
your essay should include:
your interpretation of the poem
textual evidence to support your interpretation
an analysis of specific elements of the poem
a discussion of how specific elements of the poem( such as theme, figurative language, or structure) affect the meaning of the entire poem
a major claim about the poem
an argument to support your claim


All the instructions on how to make the ppt are in the link that is attached below. I have attached the photos for chapter 5. please remember that the textbook is a secondary source, kindly use the additional readings links for exegesis and talk about one topic only

I have also attached an example ppt. Kindly note that this is an example only, do not recreate this but hopefully, this helps make instructions clearer

Explain one of the ways of preserving food products throughout time and the science behind such technique.

“Write an essay (with introduction and conclusion) on the suggested topic.
Your introduction should include the thesis statement – main idea of the paper (here is more detailed explanation – Don’t include any new information in the conclusion. It should  restate the thesis statement of the paper.
Support your ideas with relevant arguments and examples (in-text citations). List 2-3 sources in the references. Make sure you stick to a required formatting style. Get benefits of these sources and
MLA format –”

Book Analysis

Essay Topics for Frankenstein

Please, analyze and quote the text of the novel only, as your primary source. Do not use any secondary sources or critical essays available online (this time I will run the plagiarism check through Turnitin). If you want to support your analysis by a secondary source from a scholarly article, you may use a few short quotes only from the essays available within the book itself – Norton Critical Edition of Frankenstein.

Your essay should be 3-4 pages long and formatted according to the same MLA guidelines that you applied to your previous essay. In addition to the entire module dedicated to essay structure and writing, I have also included a few Frankenstein essay samples by my previous students. Everything you might need to review in relation to planning, outlining, writing and formatting your essay is covered on our Canvas page.

Choose one of the following topics for your essay. Remember that you will have to focus the topic of your choice into your own, precise thesis.  After your introductory paragraph, each body paragraph should focus on one major point in support of your thesis, and then analyze that point by offering evidence only from the text of Frankenstein quotes and/or paraphrased evidence.  Always aim for clarity and precision. Avoid over-generalized or generic  statements, universal truths and plot summary.  We all know the events in the novel.  I am interested in your opinion, interpretation, and your ability to analyze Frankenstein, supported by the specific evidence that you consider important.

1. Is Frankenstein  a condemnation of blind ambition and extreme pursuit of scientific achievement without regard for consequences and ethical implications? Victor Frankenstein’s own reflections on his career would seem to imply as much. Is he right? Is this what the author wants us to think?
2. Mary Shelley is careful to outline the progression of the Creature’s awareness, beginning with his earliest sense impressions. This progression seems to duplicate the stages of infant, child, and general human development. Does this account tell us anything important about what it means to be human? How does this relate to his journey from complete innocence to revenge and guilt?
3. How should we pursue knowledge according to Shelley?
4. Frankenstein may seem to endorse the common modem sociological premise that antisocial or criminal behavior is conditioned by rage, which in turn is induced by society’s rejection of its marginal members. Does the novel give clear support to this sociological premise?
5. After Frankenstein’s decision not to create a female mate for the Creature, the latter vows to avenge himself on Frankenstein on his wedding day. Through all the long months during which Frankenstein broods over this threat, it never occurs to him that Elizabeth, and not he himself may be the intended victim. What do you make of his rather incredible lapse of imagination? What is wrong with Victor?
6. Do Victor and the Creature appear as doubles, two sides of the same mind? Does it seem that Victor, in some way, complies with the Creatures acts of revenge?
7. Victor had many opportunities to organize the capture of the Creature and destroy him earlier to prevent more death around him. Why doesnt he do that? Is he able to?
8. How do the notions of extreme enterprise, blind ambition, pursuit of power and fame, reflect some of the fundamental ideas within patriarchal structure, hierarchical social order and European views of the world in the 19th century, according to Frankenstein?

Here a link is for summary of book or I will also attach the book. But quotes must be put into the essay from the original book.

Patriotism and Homeland

i need an annotated bibliography for the following sources
annotation must be in a minimum of 150 words, not including the citation
annotation must include at least one effective quotation
must follow the latest MLA style of formatting and documentation.
provide your working thesis statement at the top of your paper
working thesis: Patriotism to ones homeland in the twenty first-first century comes in various forms and yields different results depending on its support from the citizens and societies.

Gangl, Katharina, Benno Torgler, and Erich Kirchler. “Patriotism’s impact on cooperation with the state: an experimental study on tax compliance.” Political Psychology 37.6 (2016): 867-881. Accessed 26 Jan 2021.
Ouyang, Kang. “Integration of the Patriotism and the Homeland of Mankind.” The Chinese National Spirit. Springer, Singapore, 2017. 173-204. Accessed 23 Jan 2021.
Rakhimjonovich, Abdurakhmonov Farhod, and Abdurakhmanova Zuxra Erkinovna. “THE SENSE OF PATRIOTISM AS AN IMPORTANT FACTOR IN THE FORMATION OF NATIONAL UNITY.” Journal of Critical Reviews 7.5 (2020): 993-996. Accessed 23 Jan 2021.
Sifuma, Maureen W. Determinants of National patriotism in Kenya: a case of Nairobi county. Diss. University of Nairobi, 2015. Accessed 21 Jan 2021.
Younge, Gary. Patriotism needn’t be negative but it has to be honest. The Guardian, 3 Jan 2020. Accessed 24 Jan 2021.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

In today’s fast moving environment, do you think that strategic planning and management is becoming more or less important than in the past ? What are the key trends facing businesses, and which do you think are the most important ? (hint: look at pages 8-14 of the Hitt textbook, but also, don’t forget the pandemic, and you are also allowed to have your own perspectives – there are no caste iron right or wrong answers !).  Do you think that the types of strategies that companies are following now are different from 20-30 years ago ?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

A manufacturer delivers a new tractor to Farmer Ted on the first day of the harvest season. But the tractor will not start. It takes two weeks for the right parts to be delivered and installed. The repair bill comes to $1,000. During the two weeks, some acres of Farmer Teds crops die. He argues in court that his lost profit on those two acres is $60,000. The jury awards the full $1,000 for the tractor repairs, and $60,000 for the lost crops. Identify the two types of awards. Is it fair that Farmer Ted received 60 times the value of the repair bill for his lost crops?


Examine how the Anticipatory Mode of Documentary Filmmaking is used in the Waters of Death episode of Life After People. Explain why you believe this mode is or is not effective in moving people to action in this documentary program.
Thesis statement in opening paragraph.
Conclusion demonstrates proof of thesis.

Archaeology of Shamanism

Book Review (20%) review of three recent research (post 1990) papers on archaeology of China, five to six pages, double spaced. The content of these three papers should be related to each other and serve as the basis of your research paper. It must be properly referenced after the journal Antiquity.

Explain the sovereign paradox

Double spacing,
12pt Times New Roman
1 inch margins,
No more than 1 inch of space dedicated to title and header,
No extraneous space between paragraphs or headers.

Cite lectures and class readings where appropriate (stated in the parenthesis)
Do not use outside sources