Archive for February 4th, 2021


For Dropbox Assignment 2, you are to prepare and submit a PowerPoint presentation based on one of the topics listed in Exercise 5-3 on page 146 of the textbook. You are to assume the role of a communication consultant who has been invited to speak on your selected topic at a conference. Your audience consists of approximately 100 middle-managers and top-level executives from both the private and public sectors.
Although the text states that your presentation should be five minutes in length, you are to disregard the amount of time. Instead, your presentation should be between 15-25 slides, including a title slide, and a final slide asking for questions.

– Title Slide: The title slide should include the name of the topic, your name, date, and the course name.
– Background/Introductory Material: By way of introduction, you should include some background material/facts regarding the topic. This could include statistics, graphs, charts, and any other information that you believe is important for your audience to know about the topic
– Discussion: In this section of the presentation, you need to make your audience aware of how the topic is relevant to their industry, company, or organization. In other words, why should they be concerned about the topic?
– Recommended Strategies and/or Solutions: In this section, you should recommend specific strategies for your audience to consider. As stated in the text, given the topic you have chosen and the make-up of your audience, what type of evidence would you use to persuade them to accept your proposed strategies and solutions?
– Narration: Your presentation must include narration, either in the form of a spoken narrative accompanying each slide, or a narrative script in the Notes section accompanying each slide.

In preparing your presentation, you must use one of the three organizational patterns for persuasive presentations described on page 122 of the text: the problem-solving pattern, the state-the-case-and-prove-it pattern, or the psychological-progressive pattern.

Your score will be based on both the graphic design/visual impact of your presentation, as well as your analysis and discussion of the topic. This must be a professional presentation and will take some time, so do not wait until Week 7 to begin working on the project.

Here is the feedback on your last submission of this assignment:


For Dropbox Assignment #2, you were to prepare and submit a PowerPoint presentation based on one of the topics listed in Exercise 5-3 on page 148 of the textbook. You were to assume the role of a communication consultant who had been invited to speak on your selected topic at a conference. Your audience consisted of approximately 100 middle-managers and top-level executives from both the private and public sectors.

Although the text stated that your presentation should be five minutes in length, you were to disregard the time expectation. Instead, your presentation should be between 15-25 slides, including a title slide, and a final slide asking for questions.

In preparing your presentation, you were to use one of the three organizational patterns for persuasive presentations described on page 122 of the text: the problem-solving pattern, the state-the-case-and-prove-it pattern, or the psychological-progressive pattern.

Your score was based on both the graphic design/visual impact of your presentation, as well as your analysis and discussion of the topic.  Grading was based on the content of your slides and following assignments instructions.

For content, it seems you missed the objective of this assignment.  You seemed to have submitted a PPT on communications in an organization and not one if the items on Page 46 of our txt.  Your score is based on the compliance of the before-mentioned criteria and its application to the assignment rubric.

Correct these issues on your completely new subject and you should be fine.

Padres De La Patria

1. Introduction w/ a thesis
2. Core section that (a) summarizes the reading and (b) responds/reacts to the reading by addressing one or more of the following questions:
How is the assigned reading related to ideas and concerns discussed in the course?
For example, what points made in previous course materials, class discussions, or
lectures are treated more fully or expanded upon in the reading?
How is the reading related to other problems in contemporary Latin America?
How are ideas and conclusions from the reading related to your life, experiences,
feelings, and ideas? For instance, what emotions did the reading arouse in you?
Did the reading increase your understanding of a particular issue or idea? Did it
change your perspective and/or add detail to your perspective in any way?
3. Conclusion. The conclusion must include a brief statement on the merits of the reading: the importance of the scholars findings to the history of Latin America, the validity of those findings (based on the types of evidence/primary sources evaluated by the scholar), or the completeness of the reserach (Are there any questions left unanswered? Or does it provoke new questions for you?).

Double-spaced; Times New Roman size 12; 1-inch margins
Title: original and reflective of the when, where, and what (i.e. topic or thesis) of your paper
Page numbers at bottom-center or top-right
Chicago Style footnotes

– No secondary resources! Only the writing I uploaded.

Literature Review


Write a 5-6 page (not including the title and reference pages)
APA formatted paper with an introduction and conclusion.
APA headings for each section of the paper
At least 10 references
Step 1: Capstone Project

Write a thorough  literature review paper
Step 2: Consider

Subheadings (Themes Discovered In Review)
Notice Of Gaps In Knowledge
At least 10 references within 5 years and peer reviewed.
Please based this essay on the essay that I am going to attached below and please use the template below thank you

Read the following article and complete a reaction paper:

Reaction paper guidelines

Throughout this course, you will be writing reaction papers about assigned articles. The articles will supplement the textbook and lecture material and provide you with experience reading published papers.

Reaction papers do not review or summarize the article. Rather, you will give a reaction to the reading. Reaction papers can be fun to write (I know, but stick with me here). There are different approaches to reaction papers, and you can vary yours for each paper. What will remain consistent is that you will think critically about the information and respond with a thoughtful response.

Here are some possible approaches to reaction papers, but there are others. Feel free to google good reaction papers for more ideas or tips.

A discussion of why you feel the topic is important and worthy of study (or not). If it helps, you can also frame this as Why the instructor thought this paper was something we should all read.
An application of the information to your own experiences.
An application of how the information might relate to your future career.
Relating the information/findings from the article to other information from the course. This can be very interesting when it is not an obvious connection.
Alternative interpretations of the findings or ideas.
Discuss whether the information illuminated something in your thinking or changed your perspective.
Relate the information to current issues in life or society.
Discuss how development in this are might look different at other developmental stages.
Regardless of the approach you take, you will want to demonstrate that you have read the information and critically thought about it. You may discuss multiple topics within a paper to achieve the length requirement if necessary.

Tips for writing.

Actively read and take notes on the reading.
Develop a thesis statement and create an outline before writing the paper itself.
Try to not be only critical (as in 2 full pages of nothing but criticism).


Each reaction paper is worth a max of 40 points.

Each paper will be evaluated on length (20 points) and quality (20 points).

To achieve the full 40 points, the body of the paper must be 300 words (about 1-2 pages, double-spaced, 12-point, Times New Roman Font, 1-inch margins) in length and demonstrate a thoughtful reaction to the paper. Points will be deducted if either of these requirements are not met. Papers that are not submitted to Canvas by the deadline or are submitted improperly will not be graded.

Also, please put your name in the document and as part of the file name.

Making the decision for abortion, men should not have equal rights in the decision making as women.

first page of the thesis paper. Make sure you have written a strong thesis statement and a purpose or focus statement in the introduction. In addition to this, you need to include an outline for your paper.

**** IMPORTANT ***** Please remember, you need an ethical theory and three ethical principals to support your thesis and one theory and two principals in opposition to your thesis and this needs to be reflected on the outline. You cannot use the same theory & principals for both.

opry live stream

For your first Opry Assignment, please answer the below questions on a word document, followed by a three paragraph review of the show.  Please be detailed in your review, and avoid comments like “it was good, I like country music.”  What did you think of the lyrics and song subject matter?  Or the instrumentations? Even the clothes of the performers?  Did anything surprise you?  You are not required to like the show; in fact explaining your dislike would make for an interesting review.


What group opened and closed the show?
When did this group officially join the Grand Ole Opry?
What are a few of the places that host Bobby Bones mentioned they have played?
Why does co-host Natalie Stovall host certain segments of the Opry?  What else is happening while she is on camera?
What circle does Michael Ray talk about, and why is it significant?
How was the recording of Michael Rays third album different in COVID times?
What song do Maddie and Tae open their set with?
What major life event have both Maddie and Tae gone through in the past few years about (and written a song about)?
What had Maddie and Tae not been able to do with their latest #1 Hit, Can You Die From a Broken Heart?
What song does the opening group close the show with?

Link to watch the January 30th Opry:

Any topic (writer’s choice)

First, read the directions below for the NBA/CBA Case study in your textbook: Chapter 9 — 9.1.  titled “The Six-Word Tweet” (We also could call it the “Six-Word Tweet that rocked he world of the NBA and CBA.

(Note: You won’t be able to see the comments of other students until you post your comments first.)

Read the case study and describe what you think are the main causes for misunderstanding between the two organizations. Use the questions presented at the end of the case study to guide you.

Then, recommend tactics that you believe would or should have been used to resolve the conflict experienced by the NBA and the CBA as well as the individuals involved on all sides of the issue. How can your tactics improve intercultural communication and organizational performance of all the parties? When appropriate, make reference to the textbook summary and other articles you may have read about this case.

MGMT818 2004D 01 Unit 6 Discussion board

Topic:  Leadership Theory Mind Map

MY DISERTATION : Exploring the Strategies Managers Use to Handle Disgruntled Employees in Military Healthcare Organization

Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

Most DM dissertations are based on one or more foundational concepts and theories found in the management or leadership literature. Although your discoveries may result in new knowledge, the conclusions of your research can be connected to the body of scholarly management research. Review all of the theories (and research additional theories if needed) that were discussed in the course.

Discuss the following:

    Examine the leadership theory that forms (or is closest to) the basis of your dissertation research interests.

    Create and attach a mind map showing the visual connection between the leadership theory that you selected and your dissertation research interest.


Write an informative essay informing an audience of how a particular belief has had a positive or negative global or societal impact.

Write in 3rd person. 
use this website to find 3 sources

Find 3 sources about what you belief in, and  Write an informative essay informing an audience of how a particular belief has had a positive or negative global or societal impact. Maybe you can do something about self-determination and how hard works pays off?
Please put a works cited page at the end.


For this task, you will read three news articles intended for a general audience reporting the results from correlational studies. You can find the links to these articles under your weekly resources. For each of the articles, you will answer the following questions and provide justifications for your answers:

    Provide a brief summary of the topic of the article.
    Determine which variables are the focus of the research.
    Describe how the results of the correlational analyses are presented.
    Does the author of the article present the results as causal? In other words, does the author make statements that one variable causes the other?
    Can you think of any additional variables that were not included in this study that may be important to consider?  Please describe the variables.
    Based on what you know about correlational research, does it make sense to make lifestyle changes based on the research presented in this article? Please explain your answer.
    Use one of the news articles to locate, and then read the primary source article in the NCU library. Did the news article accurately represent the research conducted? Please explain your answer.                           

Length:3-5 pages

Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.