Archive for February 4th, 2021

Medical research that may harm the subjects should be allowed if a breakthrough treatment is developed that would help many.

Thesis/Topic: Medical research that may harm the subjects should be allowed if a breakthrough treatment is developed that would help many.

Please upload your entire first page of the thesis paper. Make sure you have written a strong thesis statement and a purpose or focus statement in the introduction. In addition to this, you need to include an outline for your paper.

please see attached file for the whole instructions.

Teaching and Learning

1.    Go to Chapter 10 in your textbook.  Consider the title of this chapter has been changed from Teaching Patients and Their Families to Teaching Nursing Students and Nursing Students as Learners.  In your opinion, is the information in this chapter applicable to nursing students? Support your opinion.
2.    Discuss five factors /considerations from this chapter that could be applied when teaching nursing students. 
3.    Discuss three (3) characteristics of a successful nursing instructor.
4.    Discuss the relationship between each of the QSEN competencies (QSEN website) and patient teaching.

Making the decision for abortion, men should not have equal rights in the decision making as women

** This is only the outline, it’s not a paper. 

First page of the thesis paper. Make sure you have written a strong thesis statement and a purpose or focus statement in the introduction. In addition to this, you need to include an outline for your paper.

**** IMPORTANT ***** Please remember, you need an ethical theory and three ethical principals to support your thesis and one theory and two principals in opposition to your thesis and this needs to be reflected on the outline. You cannot use the same theory & principals for both.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

First, read the directions below for the NBA/CBA Case study in your textbook: Chapter 9 — 9.1.  titled “The Six-Word Tweet” (We also could call it the “Six-Word Tweet that rocked he world of the NBA and CBA.

(Note: You won’t be able to see the comments of other students until you post your comments first.)

Read the case study and describe what you think are the main causes for misunderstanding between the two organizations. Use the questions presented at the end of the case study to guide you.

Then, recommend tactics that you believe would or should have been used to resolve the conflict experienced by the NBA and the CBA as well as the individuals involved on all sides of the issue. How can your tactics improve intercultural communication and organizational performance of all the parties? When appropriate, make reference to the textbook summary and other articles you may have read about this case.

E book link:               
Log in email: [email protected]        passwordEmmaphz110077.

Personal Ethics Statement (Workplace Ethics)

1.    Read Chapter 5 in Meeting the Ethical Challenge of Leadership.
2.    In the book, locate and complete Self-Assessment 5.2: The Self Report Altruism Scale  (completed assessment will not be submitted as part of the assignment).
3.    With clear, insightful critical thinking, reflect and answer the following questions:
a.    What does your score on the Self-Assessment 5.2 (on the page 429) reveal about your willingness to help others?
b.    Reflect on the article Workplace Helping: Interactive Effects of Personality and Momentary Positive Affect. Have you experienced an emotional change after helping someone? If you had a positive emotional affect did this encourage you to act this way again?
c.    How can you engage in more altruistic behavior?
d.    Explain whether you believe your identified changes in behavior impact the work ethics of others.
4.    Your reflection should include at least two scholarly sources.

What I want to be known for

Each of us is leaving a mark on our surroundings as a result of our communications as we pass through those environs or as we linger within them.  Few of us take time to contemplate the nature of that mark or our ability or responsibility to make changes so what we leave behind is something that we are deliberately and passionately shaped. Do we want to leave that mark to chance when we all can make it something of our choosing? 

In 100 words or so prepare a statement which clearly identifies what you want to be known for.  This is not to be a tombstone epitaph – this is meant to be a set of ideals by which you want to be known for today.  Don’t ramble, put some serious thought into it.  Please do not tell me the ‘why’. I just want to know the ‘what’.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

you’ll be asked to do some further exploration into the fantasy genre in order to get a better feel for what we’re going for in our games.

First read this (Links to an external site.).

Here’s a list of the 200 best fantasy movies of all time (Links to an external site.). Is this list authoritative, final, and definitive? Well, no. Any such list is probably a mixture of some smart comparisons and a few cultural or temporal biases. Of course, critics absolutely know this and so they try to solve the problem by going out and making another list. It’s ridiculous, but we can’t help ourselves. Human beings love to argue about problems with no answers. It’s why we’re awesome and doomed.

Okay, I’ll stop.

Just in case that last long paragraph made you doubt list’s authority, here’s another list (Links to an external site.). Is it better? Who knows? It’s shorter, so that’s certainly something.

Choose two films and watch ’em. STOP. READ THE ENTIRE PROMPT.

First of all, you need to approve the films with me. No one will be watching the same two movies. If you watch the same movies as someone else, you can’t complete the assignment, so make sure that you get my approval before you do anything else. Also, many fantasy films are sequels or are in some way attached to other films, so it’s importantespecially if you’re unfamiliar with the genrethat you’re not starting in the middle of a story somewhere. I can help you with that, if necessary.

Secondly, you absolutely need to choose films from these lists. I’ve seen almost all of these (except for 2)yes, seriouslyand I know them well, and that will help me to assess your writing.

Only one of the films you choose may be animated. Even then, depending upon what you’re proposing, I might refer you to something else. Animated films often have receptions that are over-simplified or which appeal to a childish sense of the world. Of course, this is sometimes what makes them appealing. But there is a “depth” issue, too, meaning that some child-oriented fiction is simply too simple.

A trope is a repeating pattern of figuration within a genre or other rhetorical context. Put more simply, it’s one of those things you see over and over again in certain movies, or read over and over again in certain texts. For example, a young woman is walking home alone through the woods at night in a horror movie. Suddenly, a monster appears. Oh no. She takes off running. What’s going to happen? If you guessed, “she’s going to trip and then the monster will miraculously be right behind her,” yep, you’d be right. And why did you guess this? Because we’ve seen it over and over. Usually, a trope is meant to represent somethingworks as some kind of metaphor or symbolbut when tropes pop up frequently, it’s almost as if they lose their original intention.

After you’ve seen both films, choose two tropes from the list of tropes (Links to an external site.) in the first linked article. Both of the tropes you use should be represented in some way in both movies.

Next, write about both tropes. Discuss how they’re used in both films and what the effect is in each. Specifically, you should find a way that both of the tropes you discuss are working slightly (or perhaps dramatically) differently. This is essentially compare and contrast, so you can also discuss how they’re similar, but remember that the point of any short essay is to be interesting. Being interesting in this case is specifically part of the assignment.

Your response should consist of a minimum of four paragraphs. The first paragraph should describe the first trope you’ll be discussing and how it shows up in both films. The second paragraph should compare and contrast the usage of the tropes in both films, especially how they’re working in both films to reinforce a particular message. Once you’ve addressed the first trope, repeat your response for the second.

You can, if you wish, write more than two paragraphs per tropein fact, if you’re writing your paragraphs correctly, you’ll probably need to. Remember this ONE VERY IMPORTANT TIP: PARAGRAPHS CAN ESTABLISH ONLY ONE SPECIFIC POINT. That’s it. One. If you’re paragraph is discussing more than one main idea, then the paragraph is incorrect. Above all, establish the main idea for the paragraph in the topic sentence. This is a critical element of good writing.

When you discuss evidence (usually, a specific image or scene) from the films, use the Three-Step Method to introduce and analyze your evidence. STEP ONE: Introduce the scene so that the reader knows what you’re talking about. You do this by briefly describing the scene, just as you would if you were discussing the film with a friendthey would need enough information to understand what you’re referring to. You can be brief, because you can assume your reader has seen the films under consideration, but you should be comprehensive enough so that there’s sufficient context to work with. STEP TWO: Briefly describe the exact, specific instance of the trope you’re going to discuss. Note that this isn’t the same as STEP ONE, so be sure to make the two steps distinct. STEP THREE: Analyze your evidence and establish the point you’re arguing for. Nothing is automatic or clear merely by describing a scene. You must assert why your point is valid.

If you’re having trouble with any of this, seek me out for a meeting.

I’m happy to help you with this. The point of this exercise is to give you some necessary context so that you can be better acquainted with the genre under consideration. The other point, of course, is to get in some more practice with your analytical writing. In order to complete this assignment to earn the extra credit, you may (most often will) need to revise your response, but I’ll let you know what you need to do.

Your response should be 1000 words, minimum.

5.6 Module 5 Group Discussion: Before the Flood

1Q: What is your carbon footprint according to the quiz? (also include a screen shot of your completed quiz score from the website above). Are you surprised by your score?  What three factors do you believe contributed the most to your score?

2Q: Describe at least five anthropogenic causes for global climate change that were discussed in the film Before the Flood.

3Q: What is the Paris Agreement?  How do you feel about President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw from this agreement?  (please remember to be respectful to your peers….we are all entitled to our opinion).

4Q: Describe at least three things or changes in your everyday behavior that would allow you to reduce your overall carbon footprint in the upcoming year.

Breast Implant Removal (Explantation)

APA format: Paper must be three pages in length (not including title page), double-spaced, 12 point Times New Roman or Arial font; 1 margins.
Title page
3 page report
Reference page
Resources: A minimum of three approved sources must be used to support your information. Wikipedia is not a valid site and should not be used. These sources must be used within the text of the report and included in the Reference page at the end of the report. Do not plagiarize.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Instructions for Analysis Essay #1
Your essay must be at least 1000 words (approximately 2-3 pages long). Microsoft Word has a word count feature, and you can usually view the word count in the bar at the bottom of Word. If necessary, search Google for help on how to view the Word count in Microsoft Word.  Please download the attached template, which contains additional instructions.  The template document is formatted correctly for your essay.  Leave the centered sub-headings in the essay — they are important for organizing your essay and facilitating grading by the rubric. 

Please write only in your own words. You are encouraged to read various sources to learn more about your information system, or about information systems in general, but due to the brief length of the essay, you are discouraged from directly quoting from your sources. Instead, explain what you learned from your research and what you know from your own experience with the system, in your own words. List the references you consulted in your research at the bottom of your essay in APA format (minimum of 3 references).

In Analysis Essay #1, you will address the following: 1) introduction to your information system, 2) characteristics of the users of the information system, 3) description of the features/functions of your information system, including the inputs and outputs associated with each feature and how each feature is used within your organization, 4) impact of the information system on your organization, and 5) conclusion.  Specific details about what to include in each section can be found in the attached template.