Archive for February 4th, 2021

Personal Statement

I’m an international student studying in a college and would like to transfer to a university intended to the major of early childhood and family studies with teaching and learning option.
Here are some facts about me:
I was born in Hong Kong and I’ve been studying there my whole life before I came to the U.S. and study in college. I’m passionate to stay with the kids and I have some experience volunteering with children and teaching students before. I was a Red Cross member in Hong Kong and I have some experience teaching children, I even got a certificate in youth service skills. Also, I’ve joined the reading buddy program in my high school, reading books for younger children to build up their reading and communication skills. I think I get along well with the kids.
I consider myself a good listener and a patient person. It’s my goal to become a teacher and I’ve always wanted to be a teacher since I was young. My kindergarten teacher inspired me and my experiences strengthened my idea of wanting to be a teacher. With this major, I hope to be an early educator or a pre-school educator. I’m a person who hopes to practice what I have learned and I would like to give back to society with what I have learned.


Discussion Question:

Please respond to ONE of the following prompts. 

Provide an illustrative example of a negligence suit that meets all of the required elements (using a hypothetical situation)

Which classifications of law are more commonly applied to professional nursing? From a current media source (e.g. Internet, newspaper article) describe a health-care related incident that depicts one of the classifications of law.


Describe the differences between hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, and continuous renal replacement therapy. How do they work to clean the patients blood and/or remove excess fluids? How is it monitored to be sure it is working correctly? What are the worst side effects that can occur on the treatment?
List three benefits and three disadvantages to each type.  List the type or types of access or accesses used to give each type of treatment.  Discuss who is and who is not a candidate for each type of dialysis and why.

Twitter’s economic analysis

A current economic analysis of Twitter in terms of the various market structure(s) in which the company operates, namely perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly and/or monopoly.
Make research to understand these individual market structures and how which one(s) fit the individual customer segment (businesses and users) and why, and how these market structures impact the competitive nature the your company


Using APA standards, write a five (5) page document as follows:

One Cover Page

One page for your Works Cited
Three pages with your interpretation and comments of one of the Disciplined Agile Life-cycles (only one, make a selection of the list below):
1.The Agile lifecycle. This project lifecycle is based on Scrum but extended so as to provide a streamlined strategy from beginning to end. It is depicted in Figure 5 and described in the article DAD Lifecycle Agile (Scrum Based).

2.The Lean lifecycle. This project lifecycle is based on Kanban. It is depicted in Figure 6 and described in the article DAD Lifecycle Lean.

3.The Continuous Delivery: Agile lifecycle. This modern agile, stable-team lifecycle is based on Scrum. It is depicted in Figure 7 and described in the article DAD Lifecycle Continuous Delivery: Agile.

4.The Continuous Delivery: Lean lifecycle. This modern agile, stable-team lifecycle is based on Kanban. It is depicted in Figure 8 and described in the article DAD Lifecycle Continuous Delivery: Lean.

5.The Exploratory/Lean Startup lifecycle. This lifecycle is based on Lean Startup strategies. It is depicted in Figure 9 and described in the article DAD Lifecycle Exploratory (Lean Startup).

6.Program lifecycle. This lifecycle is for a team of teams. It is depicted in Figure 10 and described in the article DAD Lifecycle Program (Team of Teams).

Slave Narratives and the Music it Created

Olaudah Equianos narrative holds a distinctive place in the American literary canon, it being one of the first such stories to be published concurrently in many countries and still a main staple of African American literature. Narratives of enslaved people give a unique perspective into American Chattel Slavery as does the music that developed from that time period: Spirituals, Gospel, and Work Songs. In your essay, give an analysis of each genrewith examplesand how it connects back to the African Diaspora that is mention in Equianos narrative. This essay should reflect traditions, subversive language, governance, and identity. Make sure that you use your own observations as well as the text to support your analysis.

reflection paper about higher education law

Six-page Reflection Paper Discuss four key areas that you have chosen (the four key areas listed below) in Higher educational  Law, showing your knowledge base in those topics, your practical experience, and your reflection as to what theories or models work or do not work. Expand your discussion with at least 10 recent references outside of the textbook. The paper should be at least six double-spaced pages (12 pt. Times New Roman font) APA7. This artifact is designed to go in the Higher Ed Admin competencies. Follow carefully the guidelines of the reflection paper rubric.

The four key areas are;
1.    Legal Planning and Dispute Resolution
2.    The Colleges Authority and Liability
3.    Employment Discrimination
4.    Affirmative Action
After writing five pages about these four you need to write the fifth paper about how competency, which is shown below, is related.
Higher Education administration requires theoretical knowledge and practical application in the following core competencies:
Leadership and Organizational Development Competencies: This cluster of competencies addresses the organizational aspects of Higher Education, focusing on the achievement of goals and programs that make colleges and universities an educational enterprise.
You need to relate this competency; (Legal and policy issuesHigher Education administration applies and understands the scope of a legal and policy structure appropriate for their field) to the overall information for the reflection paper.

The first reference is
The Law of Higher Education: Student Version 6th Edition, by William A. Kaplin, Barbara A. Lee, Neal H. Hutchens, and Jacob H. Rooksby, published by Jossey-Bass; 6th Edition (March 17, 2020)
Add at least 10 recent references (between 2016 -2020).
The textbook is in the attachment and the rubric also.

The Impacts of Institutionalization

The Impacts of Institutionalization The paper should minimally discuss the effects of institutionalization on inmates, the impact on families and communities, and the difficulties faced upon reentry into general society. Emphasis should be placed on various evidence-based programs that have demonstrated positive results, either by lowering recidivistic behavior, and/or providing greater efficiencies within the correctional system. Funding of such programs, as well as gender-specific issues, and the political dynamics of program implementation should be addressed as part of the discussion.

The paper’s length should be a minimum of 2000 words of meaningful discussion (title page and reference page do not count as part of the word count). You are expected to write professionally with correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar, developing your topic and providing solid examples from our readings, your own research, or your own experiences to back up your statements. The paper must include six references (outside of the course text), with at least two references from a peer-reviewed/scholarly academic journal (peer-reviewed references should be highlighted in bold type in the reference list). You should avoid writing in first person when possible. All papers must be in .doc, pdf, or .rtf format. You must adhere to APA style (although you do not need to provide an abstract). Your work should be double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, with 1-inch margins all around. All papers will be evaluated for originality.

Evaluating Solvency

review the financials of plug power inc. in Yahoo! Finance and the SEC EDGAR database in the Filings & Forms (Links to an external site.) page. You can access the financials by going to the Yahoo! Finance website, typing in the stock symbol of your organization, and then clicking on the Financials tab. After you have read, you will continue analyzing the financial health of the company. In other words, using the ratios provided by Robinson, Henry, Pirie, and Broihahn (2015), you will continue building a comprehensive financial statement analysis of your company.

In your paper,

Calculate the following ratios:
Debt-to-assets ratio
Debt-to-capital ratio
Debt-to-equity ratio
Financial leverage ratio
Interest coverage ratio
Fixed charge coverage ratio
Evaluate the companys solvency, based on the ratios calculated above.
Recommend three areas that the company could improve in order to strengthen its financial position, based on the ratios calculated above.

Must be three to four double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references page) and formatted according to APA.

Engagement and Motivation

Engagement and Motivation
According to DeYoung (2015), it is important to maintain learner engagement and determine the appropriate motivation for learning. Review the third Vila Health challenge, Management and Motivation. Select one of the learning situations and determine how the faculty could support learning while maintaining an engaged and motivated audience.