Archive for February 8th, 2021

Any topic (writer’s choice)


View the following TedMed Talk and answer the following questions.

Why Do Our Brains Get Addicted – Neuroscientist Nora Volkow, director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse at the NIH, applies a lens of addiction to the obesity epidemic.

1. Discuss the concept Volkow notes of addiction as a moral failure.

  2. Relate this concept to the patient, nurse, therapist, family.

International Trade and International Finance

Answer two questions (2 questions out of 3; 25 marks each) Whenever possible, and given the nature of each question, you are expected to illustrate your answers with relevant diagrams and equations. You should strictly stick to the word limit as indicated on each question on the exam paper. Please state clearly the word number under each question. Given the nature of the question, you should cite your work (where appropriate) and references should be included at the end of the paper. References, charts equations and tables do not contribute to the word count. (2 questions out of 3) 1. Answer both parts (a) and (b) of this question. a) Evaluate the effects on the economic welfare of the introduction of a tariff by both a small and a large country. Use diagrams and state the assumptions used. [12 marks, max 400 words] b) Critically assess the economic justification for protecting infant industries from international competition. [13 marks, max 400 words] 2. In a second best world, free trade may not always be optimal or possible. Explain why this may be so, and critically evaluate the potential justifications for various trade management measures. [25 marks, max 800 words] 3. Explain the core predictions of Neo-Classical/Heckscher Ohlin trade theory. To what extent is this model useful for explaining global trade patterns? [25 marks, max 800 words]


Assignment 2: Journal Article Critique

Expectation: 625-700 words (not including title page and references), based on a template, using APA Style.

You are required to complete a journal article critique based on an article in the list below. This assignment is designed to help you read a research article correctly and efficiently and to practice using APA Style. These skills will be valuable in completing the research paper later in the course. This assignment follows the same format as Assignment 1, but you will choose from a different set of articles.

You are required to follow the Journal Article Critique Template provided, which includes the headings required, the questions that you must address, and formatting instructions. Your report must be in narrative (paragraph) form.

Beyea, S. C., & Nicoll, L. H. (1998). Dispelling the myth that research answers all questions. AORN Journal, 68(6), 1044-1047. doi:10.1016/S0001-2092(06)62145-5.

Free speech zones on college campuses and universities

Students Essay title

I.  The major sections in an outline are represented by Roman numerals. 

A.  Each major section contains supporting points, written as capital letters.

B.  There can be as many supporting points as needed.

1. Specific details to illustrate the supporting points are written as Arabic

2.  These specific details can be descriptions, dialogue, or important facts.

a. If necessary, even more specific details can be used and designated                   by lower- case letters.

II. Second major section of the essay

A. Support 1 for second major section

1.  specific detail for this  support

2.  specific detail for this support

3.  specific detail for this support

B.  Support 2 for second major section

1.  specific detail for this support

2. specific detail for this support

C.  Support 3 for second major section

1.  specific detail for this support

2.  specific detail for this support

III. Third major section of the essay

A.  Support 1 for third major section

1.  specific detail for this support

2.  specific detail for this support

B.  Support 2 for third major section

1.  specific detail for this support

2.  specific detail for this support

IV. Fourth major section of the essay






V. Fifth major section of the essay

While your outline can have more than five major sections, your last major section denoted by a Roman numeral should be your conclusion.  The support and details you plan to use for your conclusion should be written out in this section of the outline, using specific support and details just as you have used in the other sections of the outline.

REMINDER:  Throughout the entire outline write the actual  specific points that you plan to use in your essay; dont just announce or use a label.  For example, do not write Talk about that day.  Instead, write down the point you plan to make about that day.  The weather that day was sunny and warm.  The more specific your outline, the more detailed the essay will be, and the greater the chance that your thesis will be adequately supported for your readers.
PLEASE NOTE:  The entire outline is double-spaced, the font is Times New Roman size 12, the headings are at the top left of the first page, and the header is correct by including last name and page number at the top right of each page.  All of your assignments should use this overall MLA format.


Assignment 1: Journal Article Critique
Expectation: 625-700 words (not including title page and references), based on a template, using APA Style
Zimbardo, P. G. (2004). Does psychology make a significant difference in our lives? American Psychologist, 59(5), 339-351. doi:10.1037/0003-066X.59.5.339.

You are required to complete a journal article critique based on an article in the list below. This assignment is designed to help you read a research article correctly and efficiently and to practice using APA Style. These skills will be valuable in completing the research paper later in the course.

You are required to follow the Journal Article Critique Template provided, which includes the headings required, the questions that you must address, and formatting instructions. Your report must be in narrative (paragraph) form.

Covid-19 and Class Inequality

1. Post a brief summary of your two articles (what do they reveal about the relationship between class and Covid-19?). Compare/contrast the articles. (ex. Do they emphasize different points? Advocate for different actions?, etc.). Include links to the articles that you read.

2. Follow the summary/discussion of the articles with your reaction to them. How serious/problematic do you think the issue is? How should the issue be addressed (if at all)?

Ariticle 1:
Article 2:

Psychology 315: Psychology and the Mass Media

Psychology 315: Psychology and the Mass Media
Written Assignment
Assignment Option A: The Power of Advertising
You will select either Assignment Option A or Assignment Option B for the Written
Assignment. Read through both topics and give some thought to each one before you decide
which one you will do. Before you begin, please review the Assignment Manual for additional
information on formatting and APA style. Please review information about academic honesty.
Note that student assignments may be subject to screening with plagiarism detection software.
1. Review the course textbooks and any external sources on the topic of persuasion
techniques used in advertising. Consult the Library Services section of the Student
Manual for information on obtaining library materials to help you with this part of your
2. Select 10 advertisements or commercials that illustrate persuasion techniques that are
discussed in the course. Select as wide a range of techniques as is possible.
3. Write a report that includes the following:
a. An introduction that describes the rationale and purpose of the project, and the
structure of this project.
b. The method used to collect data; for example, how the advertisements or
commercials are selected.
c. For each advertisement or commercial, describe the persuasion technique used.
Explain how a particular persuasion technique or techniques are used in the ad.
For example, some advertisements capitalize on fear while others appeal to expert
advice. Keep in mind that the persuasive appeal is not limited to written words,
but includes how the product is displayed visually. Remember to attach the
advertisements or a recording of the commercials, or computer screen shots of the
advertisements or the website addresses with your assignment.
d. A brief discussion of the effectiveness of each of these techniques, taking into
consideration the target population.
e. A brief conclusion and a description of the limitations of this project.
4. Write a 100- to 150-word summary (the abstract) of your course project.

Declining using the full body imager when travelling

“Write an essay (with introduction and conclusion) on the suggested topic.
Your introduction should include the thesis statement – main idea of the paper (here is more detailed explanation – Don’t include any new information in the conclusion. It should  restate the thesis statement of the paper.
Support your ideas with relevant arguments and examples (in-text citations). List 2-3 sources in the references. Make sure you stick to a required formatting style. Get benefits of these sources and
MLA format –”

“People should read more books or articles to enhance their mental horizons

“Write an essay (with introduction and conclusion) on the suggested topic.
Your introduction should include the thesis statement – main idea of the paper (here is more detailed explanation – Don’t include any new information in the conclusion. It should  restate the thesis statement of the paper.
Support your ideas with relevant arguments and examples (in-text citations). List 2-3 sources in the references. Make sure you stick to a required formatting style. Get benefits of these sources and
MLA format –”