Archive for February 13th, 2021

Assignment #2

– I will post a pdf of this if this seems confusing.

This is the second part to this assignment. Last time you researched 3 articles. This time you have to research 6 articles. I will post the first assignment that you have done to avoid any confusion.

Find at least 6 original studies related to your health topic that you plan to use in your term paper and record the key terms searched so your search can be replicable.

Summarize the purpose of the 6 studies that youve selected and key findings. Remember to put these ideas into your own words and provide proper in-text citations in APA format.

If  you  are  struggling  to  summarize  your  articles,  please  review  the  journal  outline  PDF document under the files tab on canvas to help you brainstorm.Do not copy what the authors said and do not cut and paste. Use your own voice. Summary must  be  at  least  600  words.  The  studies  cannot  include  a  meta-analysis  or  a  systematic review. The studies can be quantitative or qualitative, but they must address your health.

1.  What database did you use?  __________________________________What key terms did you use? __________________________________

Study 1:

Study 2:

Study 3:

Study 4:

Study 5:

Study 6:

2.  Write the citations below. Practice with formatting the citations in APA.







Here is a useful link for APA formatting is a useful link for APA in-text citations Review Helpful



A research design/proposal regarding feminism under international relations. (Feminist Perspective). Clear explanations over ontological, epistemological and methodological standings of the research design. A small discussion regarding the question, event, region included in the design. Finally a small reference to possible literature that can be used.



The writing of this two-page (500 word) written assignment will:

Facilitate the RN to BSN nursing student’s understanding of the professional role in deciding and determining whether healthcare information on a self-identified medical or health website is written on best practice, current evidence and is reliable and credible.
Support the professional nurse’s use of Health on the Net (HON) Foundation’s Code of Conduct Medical and Health Website Evaluation form in the decision-making process in order to:
Evaluate and analyze the information found within the medical and health websites

Determine whether the medical and health information is based on evidence, is accurate and valid 

Health on the Net Foundation’s Code of Conduct Medical and Health Website Evaluation Form can be found at Health on the Net Foundation for Medical Professionals  ( and the Health on the Net  ( also provides health information regarding HONcode certification. Locate and utilize the evaluation form within the HONtools section. The Health on the Net

Assignment overview

Technology is constantly changing whereby the access and use of web-based healthcare information by patients, family members, and the general public as well as healthcare providers is on the rise. Healthcare information is readily available at the press of a button. However, the credibility and reliability of the information are not always known. To support and facilitate appropriate decisions, use of best evidence practice as well as to enhance patient-centered care, professional nurses need to be able to evaluate, analyze and validate the reliability and credibility of healthcare information found within websites and the internet.

Step 1 Introduction

Choose a website, HON criterion and Decision-Making Skills

Identify and briefly describe a medical or health website of your choosing which addresses a specific disease or health condition seen in a current area of practice
Discuss the purpose of the HON Foundation’s Code of Conduct Medical or Health Website Evaluation form
Step 2 Website, HON Criterion, Evidence and Safety Concerns, Recommendation(s)

The writing section will address the following information:

Outline and discuss the website which addresses a specific disease or health condition seen in a current area of practice
Based on each HON criterion categories discuss, determine, and analyze whether the information provided on the website is based on evidence, is reliable, is credible, and is accurate and valid
Identify, describe and discuss the evidence which supports the meeting of the HON evaluation criterion categories
Address and discuss areas of the website that do not meet the HON evaluation criterion categories
Describe any safety concerns patients and or their families need to be made aware of regarding the information within the self-identified website. Provide appropriate (2-3 Scholarly peer reviewed and published within 5 years) evidence and support for answer(s)
Based on the HON evaluation criteria, discuss whether or not you, as a professional nurse would recommend this website to your patient and or families, provide appropriate evidence to support your decision
Step 3 Reflection and Summary

Reflect on the process of evaluating the information found within the medical or health website, your role as a professional nurse in evaluating information on the Internet, and lessons learned
Briefly summarize how professional nurses might incorporate the HON website evaluation form criterion to assist and support their decision-making skills and current nursing practice.

management of disaster planning

Please read and review the chapter objectives in our text Chapter#3 “Structuring a Department” and the attached supplemental text Chapter#4 “Management and its Basic Functions”. For this assignment, imagine you are a RC supervisor, RC manager or in a position of leadership in a hospital or academic medical center near the site of a natural disaster (ex. Katrina or “Super-Storm” Sandy) or an infectious disease outbreak similar to the 2019 CoVID (C-19) pandemic event. What are some good examples of Planning, Organizing, Directing, Coordinating and Controlling (be sure to include all 5 in your discussion) that you would need to address in order to effectively manage the consequences of the disaster? Please provide sufficient detail and several examples of each management function in your response. Given the importance of this topic and external research required, you will have 2-weeks to complete the assignment. I would suggest conducting an Internet search using the key words “disaster planning”; “management of disaster planning”; “disaster planning for natural events” and “disaster planning for infectious disease outbreaks”.

ch 4:

Antecedents, Behavior, and Consequences

Antecedents, Behavior, and Consequences
For this assignment, use the case study about James on page 263-276 in your Functional Assessment text. Create a blank Functional Analysis Observation Form (FAOF) using page 264-265 in your Functional Assessment text as a guide to document the behaviors of James.

The disruptive target behaviors for this analysis include James’:

Hits and kicks adults when confronted for inappropriate behavior.
Noncompliant behavior.
Off-task behavior.
Disruptive Behavior.
Property Destruction.
You will also target his cooperative behavior.

Use the table you have created to record:

The antecedents (A) that trigger the behavior.
The consequences (C) that follow the behavior.
The setting events (SE) that may be affecting behavior.
Remember that there may not be setting events for each instance of behavior, but they may be present throughout the activity. Antecedents and consequences may also occur across paragraphs.

Once you have completed the table:

Use the space below the table to list the patterns or consistencies in antecedents and consequences that appear to be related to the disruptive behaviors.
Develop a summary statement concerning antecedents, disruptive behaviors, and consequences. Then develop a summary statement concerning antecedents, cooperative behavior, and consequences.
Explain the importance of conducting assessments prior to the implementation of intervention. How does this ensure effective treatment?
Assignment Requirements
Your assignment should meet the following requirements:

Written communication: Should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA formatting: References and citations are formatted according to current APA style guidelines.
Resources: A sufficient number of scholarly or professional resources.
Length: 23 double-spaced pages.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12-point.

Case Study Reference:
Dahlquist, L.K.C.C. M.(2014). Functional assessment: Strategies to prevent and remediate challenging behavior in school settings. Pearson Higher Ed.

Physician leadership in medical group practice

Discuss how the various departments within a medical practice or health system collaborate to
help improve operations and exceed patient expectations.

minimum of 2 cited source materials using APA formatting.

please find the book  we use in this course attached :

Marketing Resesrch

Assignment #2: Test Market Designs

Please recommend a test market design and address the associated questions for 2 of the following 5 scenarios. In your answer, be sure to label the Independent Variables (IV), the Dependent Variables (DV), and any control variables. Include the timeline and associated costs. Also, in answering the questions, you might consider using X and O to help describe your plan. See experimental designs starting on page 158. Be as specific as possible.  Your test market design for each scenario should be approximately 2-3 pages in length.

Please organize your response to each scenario using the following headings:
1.  Objective of Test-Market:
2.  Variables: Identify the main IV(s) and DV(s)
3.  Control Variables: Identify these and explain why you need to control for them.
4.  Test procedure details and justification: (briefly describe the plans to carry out the test. What will consumers do? What will the company do? How many test markets? How long should it last for? What are the associated costs? What information do you need to obtain to help answer the question of interest?) Be sure to justify your decisions.
5.  Overall Recommendation: Given the associated direct and indirect costs of conducting your proposed test market, and keeping in mind the four main factors listed in the text  to consider in determining whether or not to conduct the test market, (p. 167-168) do you recommend conducting the test market you outlined above? Please explain your answer.

a. Design a test of a new pricing strategy for orange juice concentrate. The brand is an established brand, and we are only interested in testing the effect of a 5 percent price increase and a 5 percent price decrease. All other elements of the marketing mix will remain the same.

b. A soft drink company has determined in taste tests that consumers prefer the taste of their diet product when sweetened with Splenda in comparison to Equal. Now they are interested in determining how the new sweetener will play in the marketplace. Design a test market that will achieve this goal.

c. A national pizza wants to test the effect on sales of four different discount coupons. Design a test that will do this in a way that gives a clear read. Your focus should be on the effect on sales volume. Financial analysis after the test results are in will address the revenue and profit impact.

d. A national value-priced hotel chain needs to understand the business impact of including a free buffet style breakfast to guests. Design and justify a test that will do this.

e. A credit card company needs to test its strategy for attracting college students to its card. It is going to continue using booths in student unions and other high-traffic campus locations. It has been offering free CDs from a list to those who sign up for its card, but since other card companies are using this approach, the company wants to try some alternatives. It is considering free MP3 downloads from iTunes and t-shirts featuring popular music groups. Design a test that will tell the company which option to choose if its goal is to increase signups by the largest amount.

Physician leadership in medical group practice

Discuss how the various departments within a medical practice or health system collaborate to
help improve operations and exceed patient expectations.

minimum of 2 cited source materials using APA formatting.

please find the book  we use in this course attached :

Wolper, L. F. (2013). Physician practice management: Essential operational and financial knowledge (Second ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Assignment #1 – Cultural and Social Considerations in Health Assessment

Discuss why is it important for nurses to consider both their own socio-cultural identity as well as the clients socio-cultural identity in their health assessment? What could be the result if the nurse does not consider either their own or the clients socio-cultural identity in their health assessment

Explain how you would incorporate a culturally competent approach to your assessment
of the specific client described below.
You are going to assess a 28-year-old client, Maara Khaled. Maara recently arrived to
Canada as a refugee from Syria. (V4)
a. Please include at least two specific, relevant, and evidence-informed
techniques/strategies you would use within your RPN scope.
b. Students should then include a brief explanation for why each technique was chosen.

Jaw Pain- response to student

On the attached file , you see two different paragraphs from 2 different writers. These 2 writers talked about a case study regarding Jaw pain. please respond to each writer separately . Make sure to use the reference as well. You can use the same reference that the writer used for his own paragraph. I highlighted each response name with Yellow color. The name that I used are not a real names. They are fake , so dont message me about the name of the writers . please use positive critique and do not use any negative comments.