Archive for February 16th, 2021

710 Amazon

You will complete a research paper in reference to the company AMAZON.  Be sure to maintain a tight focus on how the organizational design, from a systems perspective.

Please see attached instructions.  Do not start this paper without reviewing the grading rubric.

My Abstract for approval is attached for you to review.
The Books are also attached.



Any topic (writer’s choice)

Summarize  the video and article that you reviewed for this assignment and cite the summaries  in APA style. (See Quoting, Paraphrasing, & Summarizing (Links to an external site.) and Citing Within Your Paper (Links to an external site.)). Compare and contrast the messages in the two web resources, including a comparison of subject, occasion, audience, purpose, and speaker (SOAPS) in each (See Action Words in Academic Writing (Links to an external site.) and Section 1.2 Understanding Context). Share what you learned from the materials this week and identify your confidence in (or concerns about) your role as a college-level writer. You are invited to share relevant audio, video, or images in your post.

Quick tip: Make sure you are *specifically* identifying SOAPS for *both* sources after you write your summary of each.  My suggestion is actually to use bullet points or some other organizational tool as you discuss what you’ve found.  For example:

Source #1 title    Source #2 title
Subject-    S-
Occasion-    O-
Audience-    A-
Purpose-    P-
Speaker-    S-
Sharing what you learned from each source and how you feel as a college-level writer is also an important part of your response, but it’s not the focus.  The majority of your critical thinking will be demonstrated in your SOAPS analysis and source summary.

Introduction: The Coronavirus pandemic and our country’s response to it is a historic event experienced throughout the world. Urie Bronfenbrenner would label this an event in our Chronosystem, one level of his Ecological Systems Theory that represents ev


The Coronavirus pandemic and our country’s response to it is a historic event experienced throughout the world. Urie Bronfenbrenner would label this an event in our Chronosystem, one level of his Ecological Systems Theory that represents events occurring over time and their effects on the other 4 levels of the ecosystem. These events include births, marriages, moves, deaths, job loss, weather events, and illness. Other changes are those the child experiences personally such as new stages of development and maturation. The closing of a rural hospital, cutting funds to schools, changing bus routes in a city are among the other changes in a community that affect children and families. The Coronavirus pandemic and the changes it brings to our society are affecting us on all levels of our ecosystems. What the future holds for us and our children won’t be known for some time, but the pandemic’s effects are and will be significant, especially for vulnerable populations. Sometimes these events awaken us to inequities in our communities and society. Many already recognize that systemic racism has left many people more at risk of serious illness or death due to Covid-19. How the pandemic affects each of us will depend on the context of our personal ecosystem and the decisions we and society make in response.

For this assignment, select a child (infant to adolescent or young adult) and their parent you know well and analyze the ways in which the pandemic is impacting their ecosystems using the model of Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory.

Purpose of This Assignment:

To explore the effects of the current Coronavirus pandemic on the ecological system of a child and their family.


I’ve given you the event, Coronavirus pandemic, for one level of the Ecological System Theory, the Chronosystem. You will reflect on the other 4 levels of your subjects’ ecosystems. Your analysis should respond to the following:

1.  Describe the child, age, gender, special needs, and vulnerabilities to the virus.

2.  Describe each of the levels of the child’s ecosystem, Microsystem, Mesosystem, Exosystem, and Macrosystem. How has the pandemic affected each level of their ecosystem? Address other recent Chronosystem events, unrelated and complicated by the Pandemic, that the child and family face (i.e., separation of parents, new baby, or pregnancy).

3.  How have changes in the child’s ecosystem affected the child physically, emotionally, socially, and academically? What concerns do you have for the child because of the pandemic?

4.  How has the pandemic affected the parent’s ecosystem, socially, economically, medically, and emotionally? What changes, if any, have you observed in the parent-child relationship? What concerns do you have for the parent because of the pandemic?

5.  What do you believe is needed at each of the levels of the ecosystems you’ve described that could provide support and protection for the parent and child? Who should have responsibility for ensuring these needs are met? Explain.

Writing Mechanics:

Written assignments are to be submitted in Dropbox on or before the due date. The Dropbox is available for 7 days after the due date. See the syllabus for rules regarding late assignments. Arrangements for special circumstances must be made in advance of the due date. All files must be saved with .doc, .docx or .pdf extensions. No other format will be accepted.

Paper is a maximum of 5 pages in length and free of grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors. 1″ margins, double spaced, 11-12 point font. The style of writing facilitates communication

Module 3 humanities


Formulate, express, and support individual perspectives on diverse works and issues.


You will act as a critic for some of the main subjects covered in the humanities. You will conduct a series of short, evaluative critiques of film, philosophy, literature, music, and myth. You will respond to five different prompts, and each response should include an analysis of the topics using terminology unique to that subject area and should include an evaluation as to why the topic stands the test of time. The five prompts are as follows:

1.)Choose a film and offer an analysis of why it is an important film, and discuss it in terms of film as art. Your response should be more than a summary of the film.

2.)Imagine you had known Plato and Aristotle and you had a conversation about how we fall in love. Provide an overview of how Plato would explain falling in love, and then provide an overview of how Aristotle might explain falling in love.

3.)Compare and contrast the two poems below:

I find no peace, and all my war is done;
I fear and hope, I burn and freeze likewise
I fly above the wind, yet cannot rise;
And nought I have, yet all the world I seize on;
That looseth, nor locketh, holdeth me in prison, And holds me not, yet can I scape no wise;
Nor lets me live, nor die, at my devise,
And yet of death it giveth none occasion.
Without eyes I see, and without tongue I plain;
I wish to perish, yet I ask for health;
I love another, and yet I hate myself;
I feed in sorrow, and laugh in all my pain;
Lo, thus displeaseth me both death and life,
And my delight is causer of my grief.


After great pain a formal feeling comes
The nerves sit ceremonious like tombs;
The stiff Heart questionswas it He that bore?
And yesterdayor centuries before?

The feet mechanical go round
A wooden way
Of ground or air or ought
Regardless grown,
A quartz contentment like a stone.

This is the hour of lead
Remembered if outlived
As freezing persons recollect
The snow
First chill, then stupor, then
The letting go

Emily Dickinson

4.)Compare and contrast these two pieces of music:

Beethovens Violin Romance No. 2
Scott Joplins Maple Leaf Rag

5.)Explain in classical terms why a modern character is a hero. Choose from either Luke Skywalker, Indiana Jones, Bilbo Baggins, Harry Potter, Katniss Everdeen, or Ender Wiggins.


Assignment 1: Journal Article Critique
Expectation: 625-700 words (not including title page and references), based on a template, using APA Style
Zimbardo, P. G. (2004). Does psychology make a significant difference in our lives? American Psychologist, 59(5), 339-351. doi:10.1037/0003-066X.59.5.339.

You are required to complete a journal article critique based on an article in the list below. This assignment is designed to help you read a research article correctly and efficiently and to practice using APA Style. These skills will be valuable in completing the research paper later in the course.

You are required to follow the Journal Article Critique Template provided, which includes the headings required, the questions that you must address, and formatting instructions. Your report must be in narrative (paragraph) form.



These are the steps for submitting your 10 abstracts assignment due this week. If you are using the library resources at Fayetteville State University, you will be able to obtain all the articles you need for your approved research project. The abstracts you would be submitting for evaluation would have to be obtained from the journals and databases link from the library.

If one were to assume that you are interested in searching the Academic Search Complete databases, you would

1. Click that link, and type in your search terms for the articles on your selected research topic.

2. After the computer has pooled all the articles related to your topic, these will be presented on a fresh page with the titles, a short summary of what is in the articles, and a link for the actual article in text and PDF. You are only to use articles from the year 2000 and newer.

3. Your task is to read each of these titles, and if they address your specific research question, click on the title, and not on the PDF or the full text of the article itself. The title will bring you an abstract on the next page.

4. Highlight the abstract, copy, and paste it into a Word document. Repeat this copy and paste exercise for all the research articles you would like to use for your research proposal. Note:  This is the ONLY time you are authorized to “cut and paste.”

5. You may search all the applicable databases for your articles. These include: Academic Search Complete (Links to an external site.); ProQuest Psychology Journals (Links to an external site.); ProQuest Science Journals (Links to an external site.); PsycARTICLES (Links to an external site.); PsycINFO (Links to an external site.); PubMed (Links to an external site.); Science Direct (Links to an external site.); etc.

6. An example of the abstracts you would be submitting has been posted for your review. Note that the information you submit must state the following. Abstracts submitted without the information below will not count. (See module “Sample Abstracts of Articles.”)

title of the article;
author or authors;
the abstract;
the journal in which the article is published, and
the year of publication (which should not be earlier than the year 2000).
7. After obtaining the 10 abstracts, save your Word document and upload it for submission. NOTE All assignments are to be uploaded to the assignments portal. No assignment is to be sent to my e-mail address.

Hopefully, these steps are clear for all, but if there is the need for further clarification, feel free to send your questions to me by the Canvas tool.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Read the information in Appendix A (especially p. 323) of your textbook for information about writing the introduction to your research proposal before you begin this assignment.

******** Also, under this module, PLEASE watch the YouTube video labeled “WRITING THE LIT REVIEW” on writing an integrative literature review by Dr. Lilia Sevillano before beginning this assignment. You will find this video in the General Resources for Research Proposal Assignment folder. This video is crucial in writing a good introduction for your proposal. *********

Begin the paragraph with indentation. The review is an integrative discussion of the literature on the topic. Your approach should contain these elements:

1. Identify current statistics that highlight the importance of the issue you hope to address with your research. A simple search with Google can give you some research reports that highlight the necessary statistics to illustrate the problem.

2. Follow up with an integrative discussion of the results and conclusions of the studies that have examined aspects of the phenomenon of interest to you. By integrative is meant that you are to find the themes in groups of studies and summarize these. There may be different groups of studies that arrive at different conclusions. A good review is one that is able to identify such studies and offer a critical assessment of the differences in the conclusions drawn.

3. Be careful to cite the literature you use throughout your text. Make your personal views about the methods, and conclusions of the studies you review known in this discussion. Do not be shy about stating your agreement with the methods and conclusions of the various studies you review, and why. If you disagree with the methods and conclusions, state why, and support your position with evidence in the literature. Identify where there could be improvements in the research strategies to clarify any disagreements in the literature, or fill gaps or areas that have hitherto not been examined, and how your current proposal will help in that effort. Summarize the main outstanding gaps in the literature in your review and state why there is a need for your proposed study. End with a prediction of what will happen when your study is performed.

In a nutshell, after one has read your literature review and introduction, one should see a logical reason for why your current research proposal is necessary. A good review is one that achieves this goal. A bad review and introduction lacks focus, and cannot justify the reason or rationale for the research proposal. If your review shows that the research has already been done, then the question that would follow is: what then is the rationale for proposing to do what has already been done? Your rationale for the proposal must be one that introduces a new perspective to the problem, or a new method for addressing the issue.

5 features of emotional intelligence

Professional nursing demands emotional intelligence in the five domains of emotional intelligence:  Emotional self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skill. 

Please also see attached article, 5 features of emotional intelligence, for more information on the domains of emotional intelligence.


Beqiri, G. (2018).  5 features of emotional intelligence.  Virtual Speech.  Retrieved from

For you which domain is the most developed and which is the least developed?  What steps can you take to address the domain that is least developed?

Utilize APA format for citations and references. You may use your textbook and/or journal articles for resources. Use at least two references.

Graves disease

At least 2 current (within past 5 years) professional (not patient-focused) peer-reviewed journal articles. 1 of these must be the latest clinical guidelines. Do not include patient-focused resources in your references.  Write your slides using professional terminology.  You are expected to include risk factors or causes, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, ways to prevent or slow progression, and key interprofessional collaboration (which other professionals ar eneeded other than nurses to help patients get better?) on a maximum of 11 slides (including references) with a minimum font of 18.  The last slide should be references. Cite your source(s) at the bottom of each slide using APA format.  Slide citations may be in a smaller font.

Emergency Management Plan

1.  In the Week 6&7 readings you have seen several approaches to the execution of a TTX.  Is there one format that you find particularly effective?  Please identify and explain your choice. i attached the table top exercise from week 6 and 7

2.  Is there one of these approaches that you feel would be effective for your TTX with your sponsoring organization? my table top exercise is a fire emergency evacuation for a residential building.

3.  Why do all of these TTX disciplines use Injects?  Do you believe they are necessary?