Archive for February 16th, 2021

Critical Analysis for healthcare

Write a critical analysis for the article provided

1. Introduce the subject of the critique and identify the author(s). Give some preliminary information indicating the main point to be discussed. Review any background facts or issues that must be understood before the point of the article being critiqued can be appreciated. Possibly include additional biographical data. Is this one of a series of essays on this theme? This portion should be brief.
2. Briefly summarize the argument of the author. Be as objective as possible so that the reader understands what the article said.
3. Analyze the authors presentation based upon points presented and whether or not the author succeeded.
4. Respond to the presentation or focus upon the assumptions the author makes. State your reaction to, opinion of, and evaluation of these assumptions or assertions. Clearly support any reactions so that they do not appear to be arbitrary judgments. This may be accomplished by adding support from authority, using logic, observation, or personal experience. What emerges from the analysis?
5. Finally, state your conclusions about the overall piece reviewing the strengths/weaknesses.

Impact of education on employment

You worked on 2 past assignments for you. I am looking for 3 differently worded, but similar themed answers, to an interview of 11 questions regarding the impact of post secondary education on employment skill sets.

I’ve attached your previous work. This should follow a similar format.


*Introduce a psychological disorder that is of interest to you: Depression

*Discuss the biological, psychological, and/or social relevance of examining this disorder.

*Provide a brief overview of the clinical attributes of this disorder.

*Provide a brief overview of the points that you will address in your presentation.

*Explain the strengths and limitations of the clinical assessments designed to evaluate the disorder.

*Discuss challenges related to reliability and validity in the assessment of the disorder.

*Explain the concept of diagnosis by exclusion, using the selected disorder as an example.

*Articulate how assessments contribute to diagnosis by exclusion.

*Explain the relationship between the publication process of the DSM, the contribution of research in Explain the strengths and limitations of various therapeutic approaches designed to treat the disorder mental health, and the practice of clinicians.

*Discuss the relevance of non-pharmacological approaches in the treatment of the disorder.

* Discuss the balance between do no harm and duty to treat

* What attributes of the disorder do you want your audience to remember most?

*In what ways does the information youve shared enhance what we know about the disorder?[In

*what ways does the content that youve shared contribute to our biological, psychological, and/or social well-being?


Problems:    Chapter 3-45 (Logan B. Taylor) South-Westerns Federal Taxation, Comprehensive Volume (2021).  Prepare the Tax Return for 2020.

Changes to Problem:  Change all year-ends to one year later; that is, for example, 2019 becomes 2020.

The following information should be helpful in your preparation of the tax return.

(1)    (a)    Requirements:  Prepare the federal income tax return on the appropriate IRS forms.  (Even if you use a software program, you must turn in manual entries on IRS forms.)  Copies of those forms and instructions are available at FOR ELECTRONIC SUBMISSIONS IN ONLINE CLASSES, PLEASE MAKE EVERY EFFORT TO SUBMIT, IF POSSIBLE, EITHER A SINGLE PDF OR A SINGLE WORD DOCUMENT OF THE ENTIRE TAX RETURN. THANK YOU.

    (b)    Additional Requirements: Prepare a brief top sheet summarizing the factual information in the format of the tax formula

(2)    Strategy: You might want to start with page 1 of the 1040 and manually make entries (pencil recommended).  You may then need to do subsidiary forms (e.g., Schedules A & B). You might also want to work out the figures for the tax formula roughly first before beginning the return.

(3)        Check figures:
        Adjusted gross income            78,400
        Taxable income                    53,600

    b.    Forms required: 1040 pages 1 and 2, Schedules1, A, and D, Form 8949, Part II.

(5)    Additional Helpful Information:
    a.    Please use the sequence numbers in the upper right-hand corner of the official IRS forms for the proper order.
            b.     Do not calculate next years estimates or any late filing penalty or interest.

Janice Morgan, age 24, is single and has no dependents. She is a freelance writer. In January 2019, Janice opened her own office located at
2751 Waldham Road, Pleasant Hill, NM 88135. She called her business Writers Anonymous. Janice is a cash basis taxpayer. She lives at 132
Stone Avenue, Pleasant Hill, NM 88135. Her Social Security number is 123-45-6789. Janice’s parents continue to provide health insurance
for her under their policy. Janice wants to contribute to the Presidential Election Campaign Fund.
During 2019, Janice reported the following income and expense items connected with her business.
Income from sale of articles $85,000
Rent 16,500
Utilities 7,900
Supplies 1,800
Insurance 5,000
Travel (including meals of $1,200) 3,500
Janice purchased and placed in service the following fixed assets for her business. Janice wants to elect immediate expensing under 179,
if possible.
Furniture and fixtures (new) costing $21,000 on January 10.
Computer equipment (new) costing $12,400 on July 28.

Janices itemized deductions include:

State income tax $2,950
Home mortgage interest paid to First National Bank 6,000

Property taxes on home 2,500
Charitable contribution to her alma mater, State College 1,200

Janice did not keep a record of the sales tax she paid. The amount from the sales tax table is $437.

Janice reports interest income of $4,000 on certificates of deposit at Second National Bank. She made estimated tax payments of $3,000
for 2019.;jsessionid=XNOo1DDkGz131xulmqum_yff.21?value=1040&criteria=formNumber&submitSearch=Find

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Research the topic. Write a one page paper (double spaced) offering a summary of the research and how you feel this could impact your future career in nursing. Please make sure you CITE YOUR SOURCE(S). Sbj: Smart Homes
On a seprate page please watch and seperate these question and answer it with 100 to 150 words.
Question 1:tedTalk Discussion:
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How does censorship impact you?  If it does not, think of who censorship might impact and what the would look like.question two
TedTalk Discussion:
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How can we apply the ideas shared here?  How could situations like this be changed with technology? Question 3 Discussion: advances in telecommunications. Explain how advances in technology have impacted telecommunications.