Archive for February 16th, 2021

compare and contrast


This is a multi-part Writing Assignment. You must complete all three Parts. There is no minimum word requirement. However, you are expected to provide a thorough explanation and analysis. Required graphs must be DRAWN by you, scan or take photo of the graph, save as a PDF, and submit as part of your paper.

Every Writing Assignment expects you to use “positive economic analysis”, as defined in Chapter 1 of the textbook. In other words, please do not express your opinion. Use economic analysis to answer the questions.

Your goal is to convince me that you know and understand the economic tools that you use to answer the questions.


The city of Wilmington, Delaware, hometown of the current President and your instructor, is a very poor city. The mayor of Wilmington has decided to impose a law to cut all rental rates on apartments in half and to fix them by law at this level.

A. Will this help the poor? Why or why not? Be sure to distinguish between the short run and the long run. Draw a GRAPH to support your argument. (Ch. 4-2)

B. If rent controls in general harm the poor and their city, why do elected officials constantly favor rent controls? (Ch. 6-5)

Part 2:

Answer the following questions:
A. What does GDP measure, and why is it a useful tool for economists, business decision makers, and government policy makers? (Ch. 7)
B. Explain at least two important things GDP does not measure. (Ch. 7)

Part 3:

Answer the following questions:
A. What are the three types of unemployment, and which two compose the natural rate?
B. Give an example of a person who would be counted in each type.
C. Would an economy with 2 percent actual unemployment be in a recession? Why or why not? (Ch. 8-3)


Submissions must be in Microsoft Word or PDF format.
Draw graphs, scan or take photo, save as a PDF, and submit as part of your paper.
Late submissions will not be accepted.
All work must be your own. Do not collaborate with classmates; do not copy and paste from the internet or any other source.
You can use any course material to complete the Assignment (open book, notes, PowerPoints).
DO NOT USE OUT-OF-CLASS research or reference materials.
Use “positive” economic analysis, as defined in chapter 1.
Again, your objective should be to convince me that you know the topic.

Media Literacy

Discussion Board up. 


How Media Literate do you feel yourself to be? 

Please answer the following:

Define media literacy.

Explain how mediated and nonmediated communication differ.

Read pages 34 to 56 Chapter 2

Pharm Week 7

Ms. Whitley is a 26 year old female. She has a history of asthma since grade school, for the last 3 months she has had to use her Albuterol inhaler 3-4 times per week, sometimes at night. She states she has chronic knee pain from playing soccer in high school, no surgeries, takes Acetaminophen as needed. She also asks about starting a birth control method, currently using condoms. She asks what you think about medication to help with weight loss since she would like to drop the 20 lbs she gained in college.

1. What medication recommendations will you make? Include the drug class, generic and trade name and starting dose range. Provide rationale for your choices.
2. Discuss any potential side effects and drug interactions for this patient.
3. What non-pharmacological interventions would you suggest?
4. What patient education would you provide?

Initial Post:

Citations: At least two high-level scholarly references in APA from within the last 5 years

The underlying factors of psychopathic behaviour in youth

submit a proposal topic for your final paper. Your
topic proposal should be 2 pages in length (excluding title and reference pages) and
formatted according to APA style. You also need to utilize a minimum of 3 peerreviewed sources that were published within the last 5-7 years, in addition to the
Begin with an APA title page this is great practice!
1. State your tentative Final Project title:
2. State your research question(s): How does your study relate to previous work in the field
and address a gap in the literature, and why is your study important?
3. Complete a literature search. Identify at least 3 peer reviewed journal articles for your
Literature Review. Create an APA style References section listing each source you will
4. Describe the main information you found in the literature about your topic and how your
research question is related to this information.
5. Describe how you will locate data for your analysis (e.g., will you do a survey, where
will you get your subjects, etc.).
6. Identify your subjects, sampling procedures, measures with reliability/validity, research
design, and proposed statistical analyses. What do you plan to do?
7. State your hypothesis:

Any topic (writer’s choice)

read link
and watch video

How does the history of housing illustrate the concept of institutional or structural racism as described in the text?
What do you think has been the legacy of racial discrimination in housing? Explain?

Week 7 Case Study

Choose one specific cultural group in the U.S. or elsewhere for which you have a particular interest (I chose the Arabic culture). Conduct a literature search for varied types of credible, peer-reviewed scholarly publications which may include journal articles, book chapters, white papers; government publications or sources such as credible professional nursing and healthcare organizations.

Required Content for the case study

1. What are the appropriate interdisciplinary interventions for hereditary, genetic, and endemic diseases and high-risk health behaviors within this culture?
2. What are the influences of value systems in this culture on childbearing and bereavement practices?
3. What are the sources of strength, spirituality, and magico- religious beliefs associated with health and health care within this culture?
4. What are the healthcare practices for this culture such as acute versus preventive care, barriers to healthcare, the meaning of pain and the sick role; and traditional folk medicine practices?
5. What are cultural issues related to learning styles, autonomy, and preparation of educational content for this culture?

Format: APA 7th ed. citation format.
Research: A minimum of five scholarly reference citations is required.

Business for the glory of God: The Bibles teaching on the moral goodness of business.

Read the following: Grudem, W. (2003). Business for the glory of God: The Bibles teaching on the moral goodness of business. Wheaton: IL: Crossway. ISBN: 9781581345179.
Submit a book review of 1,000 words in current APA format. Choose 1 chapter and write an in-depth review of the chapter you choose. Discuss 1 or 2 main points with which you agree and 1 or 2 with which you do not agree, supporting your thoughts with well-reasoned arguments. Your analysis must also be supported by at least 3 sources other than the Grudem book, and by biblical principles. Each additional source must be cited in-text and in a reference list in current APA format. This review will be evaluated based on the grading rubric provided.

Quality Improvement Initiative Proposal Draft

In Unit 9 you will submit your final assignment, the Data Analysis and Quality Improvement Initiative Proposal. For this discussion, please post a draft outline of your proposal. This is an opportunity for you to get feedback on your assignment and make improvements.

Refer to the Data Analysis and Quality Improvement Initiative Proposal assignment description and scoring guide as you develop your draft, to ensure that you will be able to meet all the requirements of the assignment.


Accountability in the Workplace

We are all responsible for qualityhealth care leadership, providers, volunteers, and yes, even patients and their families. An organization with high standards and a reputation for delivering quality patient care will inevitably have a culture that demands both professional and personal accountability. Failing to meet standards of care is detrimental to patient safety. The resulting repercussions may cause harm that reaches well beyond the individual to staff, management, and regulatory agencies.

In this discussion, describe a time when you witnessed another person on the interprofessional team not being accountable. Be sure to follow the requirements for initial postings found in the Faculty Expectations Message (FEM).

What were the effects?
What ethical course of action should have been initiated?
How did the facility respond?
How can the patient and the organization partner to develop safer care?

Any topic (writer’s choice)


According to McIntosh’s article, how does racism affect the lives of white people?
Why do you think it is so difficult for whites to recognize this particular effect of racism in their own lives?
There have been many instances of police brutality and police killings of black and brown people in the past, why do you think that the recent killing of George Floyd has led to so many White people exploring their privilege for the first time?