Archive for February 16th, 2021


DeYoung (2015) suggests that simulation exercises are categorized by their degree of fidelity, or how accurately the simulation mimics the real world. A simulation that has a low fidelity might include one that teaches laboratory skills, such as administration of an enema on a model. An intermediate fidelity might include a mannequin with heart sounds. A high-fidelity simulation might include a computerized mannequin that provides virtual physiological reactions.

For this discussion, you will design an intermediate- or high-fidelity simulation of a simple procedure or short-case scenario of your choice that includes decision-making and critical thinking skills. Be sure to include the following elements in your discussion:

A simulation plan that includes the objectives, complexity, cues needed, and debriefing.
A description of what you believe is the educator’s role.
Evidence-based research from two resources not required for this course to support your choice of simulation.

Identify an emerging public safety ethical trend or organizational ethical issue and present the issue in a PowerPoint presentation

Identify an emerging public safety ethical trend or organizational ethical issue and present the issue in a PowerPoint presentation. Conduct research into your issue and incorporate the results of your research, including high-quality references, into your presentation.

The Ethical Issue Presentation shall cover all of the following topics:

-Presentation and discussion of academic and anecdotal resource materials
-Deconstruction of current public safety ethical issues related to your topic
-Discussion of the results of your research into public safety ethical issues related to your topic, including high-quality references
-Identification of acceptable and effective professional  public safety ethical principles related to your topic, including possible best practices

Include references on a separate slide, in proper APA format (7th edition)
This project is worth 100 points and is 20% of your final grade. The presentation should be 10 to 15 slides in length, excluding table of contents, graphics and tables, and references. Be sure to include references to support your presentation. In the following descending order of preference, information sources must be either peer-reviewed articles, government reports, or other sources approved by your instructor. Internet information sources from other than authoritative sources are discouraged. See the PowerPoint Project Rubric grading rubric for more information.

Chapter 6 – Essay 3

How would you measure crime in Edinburg, Tx? Is there e a community policing program? Do the neighbors encourage each other to report incidents to the police? Explain.

Formatting: You must cite your textbook and provide information about the assignment from it.
Helpful Links:

Avoid writing in the first person. This means avoiding I, my, you, we, our, us, or this observer. Do not use phrases like, I think that, or in my opinion, or I do not agree that. Simply omit such phrases, and go ahead with your statement. That said, academic writing generally does not include opinions.

Health Policy Paper

Instructions: Your local, state, or federal legislator is aware that you are a DNP recognized as a nurse leader, health care expert, and constituent in their local community. As a recognized subject matter expert, they ask you to assist them in evaluating pending health legislation by submitting a position paper on this health policy issue. You are to identify a current or emerging health care policy issue identified as critical to the future of health care in your community. This position paper should include a summary of evidence-based research and pertinent background information on the topic providing the legislator with a substantive yet concise briefing on all aspects of the health policy issue. Be sure to provide and cite substantial (pertinent) evidence from the literature that supports your discussion.

Competencies for Risk Managers

Competencies for Risk Managers Part 1


Read the nine mini-case study series from the Project Management Institute on the Global Green Books Publishing company before starting this assignment. The readings were assigned during Week 6.


Write a 34-page paper in which you:

Discuss at least three challenges that project managers face as effective risk managers at Global Green Books Publishing and provide a rationale for your choices.

Look at Chapter 2 of Practical Project Risk Management to review the most common challenges.

Discuss at least three key skills/competencies project managers need to be effective risk managers at Global Green Books Publishing and provide a rationale for your choices.

Go to Basic Search:  University Online Library to locate at least two quality resources other than your textbook to use in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources.

This course requires the use of University  Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the University  Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course.

Examine the competencies and skills needed for effective risk management based on challenges at a given company.

Sources on there way post soon

Health Policy Paper

Instructions: Your local, state, or federal legislator is aware that you are a DNP recognized as a nurse leader, health care expert, and constituent in their local community. As a recognized subject matter expert, they ask you to assist them in evaluating pending health legislation by submitting a position paper on this health policy issue. You are to identify a current or emerging health care policy issue identified as critical to the future of health care in your community. This position paper should include a summary of evidence-based research and pertinent background information on the topic providing the legislator with a substantive yet concise briefing on all aspects of the health policy issue. Be sure to provide and cite substantial (pertinent) evidence from the literature that supports your discussion.

Communication Paper about sex

Use the movie friends and benefit
If you are using other movie please ask me first
Please dont use complecated sentences. Use shorter sentences that make the writer look like international studetn,

I have attached the rubric and a reading that you need to use below.

I also found some articles that will help you. You can talk about how relationship and sex is not that smooth and how first time sex is often nervous and hurtful, and talk about lubrication etc.

Discussion 3

Watch a documentary split : divorce through kids eyes

There are multiple sections in the documentary. Choose from one of the sections:  Families, Change, Feelings, Wondering, What happened?, Wishing, Moving on, Back and Forth, Missing, Two Homes, Stuck in the Middle, What Helps, Talking, New People and Life Goes On. Identify at the top of the post the section you chose, the name, and age of the child.
Identify one child and highlight what was particularly poignant about what they said in facing that stage of the divorce.  WHY was it particularly poignant for you?
Does the child’s reaction agree or disagree with the readings? 
Describe how you will incorporate the reading content into your work with children and families. Consider the strength-based protective factors. What would you specifically do, when, and how?

why the first two years of any college education should be free

Argument EssayUsing the topic you have chosen (remember to choose a fresh topic-not something like abortion that has been written about so often that there is no new information out there), pick a position on that topic and write a three and a half to four page paper attempting to convince your audience to agree with your topic using the strategies we have discussed in class (common ground, refutation, avoiding fallacies, etc.).  Remember, this paper can be an extension of the exemplification essay, but it must include a refutation. This essay should follow the guidelines that previous papers have used: have the proper heading, include a title, be double spaced, use 12 point Times New Roman font, and include the basic components that all essays have (an introduction with a thesis, body paragraphs, and a conclusion).  Remember also that all late papers will not be accepted.  As you are working on this paper, keep the following things in mind:Your thesis should tell readers the topic you are arguing, where you stand on that topic (whether you are for or against that issue), and the reasons why (three point thesis.This paper can be an extension of the refutation essay, but it must have a refutation paragraph. You will be required to do research for this paper.  At minimum, you will need three sources, one of those from a database and one from a book (no Internet sources!).  The book cannot be your textbook.  The librarys databases are not considered Internet sources. You must include copies of your sources when you turn in the final copy of your essay.Your sources will be cited in the paper using MLA format, and you will be required to have a Works Cited page at the end of the paper.  Remember if the Works Cited page is not in the correct format, points will be deducted.  You will also be required to complete a PowerPoint based on your chosen topic, and you will use this presentation to present your topic to the class.  The PowerPoint must be at least fiveslides in length and should follow the general outline of the essay. Other than these guidelines, you are allowed to be as creative as youd like when creating the PowerPoint.Copies must accompany every source that you use in your paper.  There should be at least one secondary source per main point.  You cannot pass the paper without including three sources.Likewise, you cannot pass the research paper without including copies of your sources exactly as I specify below.Highlight quotes on copies.
o    Guidelines for copies of sources:Database or Internet Source print out the entire articlePrinted  article  (includes  reprinted  articles  in  reference  books  such  as Twentieth Century Literary Criticism) copy the entire article and the title page and copyright information from the reference book it is inBook    copy  the  title  page,  copyright  information,  and  only  the  page  or pages you have used (cited) in your paper

Sociology – Poverty in the U.S

Conduct Internet research about poverty in the United States and create a photo essay that
depicts the economic struggles that many Americans are facing today. Photo essays consist of a collection of photographs or images that portray a particular message. The idea of this assignment is to be creative, so don’t let a new type of assignment hinder you. The photo essay should have an organized theme, linking two photos in some way in the essay.

Theme ideas include a certain area or region (urban or rural), lost jobs, a personal story, the recession, immigration, economic impact of globalization, low-paying jobs, slums, kids and poverty, hunger, elderly and poverty, single parents and poverty, health care and poverty, drugs, or other social issues that may be associated with poverty. You are not limited to these ideas; you may pick any theme that you think depicts the economic struggles of Americans.

the following needs to be in one document:
1. Two photos that support one common social theme
2. Each photo must come from a different webpage, article, or source. In other words, do not find an article or photo essay online and copy both photos from that one source. The photos may be your own photos, photos found online, SOC 1010, Introduction to Sociology 2 or a combination of both.
3. Provide a 100-word (minimum) description for each of the two photos that states what each of the photos represents.
4. The descriptions should educate the reader about the social theme you are presenting.
5. Provide a 150-word (minimum) summary of your photo theme and explain how social class as a social structure
influences the opportunities or life chances for the individuals or individual in your photo essay.
6. Conclude with a statement of what you learned from this photo essay assignment