Archive for February 17th, 2021


You have three alternatives for this first paper: Grief, Illness, or Caregiving.


3-4 pages, drawn from your own personal experience (no research is necessary for this first draft).
This essay concerns an encounter you have had with death, loss or grief; with life-altering illness or disability; or with
caregiving. Reflect thoughtfully on how this experience has affected the social, emotional, psychological, spiritual, and
physical dimensions of your life. Consider how this has changed you, what you have learned, and what questions you may
have surrounding the experience. Where are you now in relation to this experience?

Concert Report

Title of the First Piece
Objective Description
Objective Descriptions are your description of what you observed in the music as it was performed. Describe each movement of the piecewrite a separate paragraph for each movement. Provide a narrative of your observations concerning such elements as melody, rhythm, dynamics, tempo, instrumentation, texture, form, etc. Describe the major musical characteristics of the piece, including the solos, tempo, dynamics, instrumentation, or themes, etc. Note that a narrative is not a list or summary it is a sequential description of what occurred as the piece was played.

You must write about every piece performed on the concert.
You must describe all movements of each piece.
You must write a separate paragraph of objective description for each movement of multiple movement pieces. For example, if the piece has four movements you will write four paragraphs of objective description, one for each separate movement.
You should cover a wide range of important features of the music avoid focusing obsessively on only one or two aspects too much.
Keep in mind that the primary content of your paper is the objective description material. Other required components such as the subjective reaction and quality of performance sections should comprise a much smaller portion of the overall report.

Introduction to Geography

double-spaced with 1-inch margins and a 12 point font. Use APA style for citations and provide a reference page.

Describe Spain and its current economic health by using measurement indicators learned (e.g., GDP, GNI, etc.).
Does its economic status reflect the overall quality of life in the country?
What other countries does it trade with, and what are its chief exports and imports?
What do you see for the future economy of Spain? Explain.

Concert Report

Title of the First Piece
Objective Description
Objective Descriptions are your description of what you observed in the music as it was performed. Describe each movement of the piecewrite a separate paragraph for each movement. Provide a narrative of your observations concerning such elements as melody, rhythm, dynamics, tempo, instrumentation, texture, form, etc. Describe the major musical characteristics of the piece, including the solos, tempo, dynamics, instrumentation, or themes, etc. Note that a narrative is not a list or summary it is a sequential description of what occurred as the piece was played.

You must write about every piece performed on the concert.
You must describe all movements of each piece.
You must write a separate paragraph of objective description for each movement of multiple movement pieces. For example, if the piece has four movements you will write four paragraphs of objective description, one for each separate movement.
You should cover a wide range of important features of the music avoid focusing obsessively on only one or two aspects too much.
Keep in mind that the primary content of your paper is the objective description material. Other required components such as the subjective reaction and quality of performance sections should comprise a much smaller portion of the overall report.

Introduction to Geography

double-spaced with 1-inch margins and a 12 point font. Use APA style for citations and provide a reference page.

Identify two organizations in Key West, Florida (e.g., your city, county, or state) that are involved in creating local sustainable solutions. Examples would be a community garden, green building initiatives, recycling programs, renewable energy projects, public transportation, etc.

Once the two organizations have been identified, write on those organizations that includes a brief summary of what they do, the goals of the organizations in terms of sustainability, and finally, how people in the community can contribute.

Start up business plan – 24 hour daycare

Please see attached.  I’ve highlighted key pieces of the business plan project instructions and have already prepared a business plan proposal.  This requires business plan pro or palo alto software.  It has to be done using the “plan as you go” business plan.

Latina Literature Argumentative Essay

DIRECTIONS: For this assignment, you will write a 1-page, single-spaced response where on the reading I provide. Your goal in the paper is to strike an argumentative claim,and reasonably prove your position through identifying and close reading textual evidence. Your thesis should be clear and precise and show that you are making an argumentative claim. Please read the directions below carefully for this assignment.

1.  You must have a single,fully developed, argumentative thesis where you make a claim about the text and attempt to prove your position in your response.

2. Evidence: Your essay must incorporate textual evidence and analysis to corroborate your claim. Make sure that you do not leave the quote to speak for itself but always extrapolate the passage and explain the relevance of the quote for your argument as a whole. Ask yourself: How is this passage advancing or proving my position to my reader? Afterwards, explain explicitly the answer to that question in your response. Above all, you must reasonably prove your claim with the evidence you select and the analyses and arguments you make.

3. Information on only summarizing: While you must inevitably summarize certain scenes to convey your point, your primary focus should be on analyzing scenes or quotes from the text. If your evidence only consists of identifying scenes and explaining what happens in that moment of the plot, then you are not analyzing or close reading, simply storytelling. In the end,make sure you are constructing an argumentative piece of writing that proves a claim, not regurgitates the narrative.

4. Be detailed! Do not be vagueboth in language and claims. Oftentimes, students may believe that the claims they are making are clear,understandable,and make sense. Although arguments are clear for the writer, readers are not in your head, and they are rarely thinking exactly what you are. To ensure your reader fully understands the point you are making, spell every component of your argument out, even if you believe what you are saying is implicit. You want to be sure that I am completely following every step of your argument, so please be as detailed as possible. However, with this recommendation in mind, you also want to avoid redundancy. Do not keep repeating a contention that you have already sufficiently proven.

5. Formatting: The paper must be typed in 12-point Times New Roman font, with 1-inch margins, and single-spaced.

pediatric clinical case study

IntroductionThe Purpose of this paper isMy patient’s name is Martinez Juan, and he is 11 years old. He had a brain injury after a rollover event in his parents’ bed. After being found in bed unresponsive at the age of 8 months while co sleeping with his father, he presented with a hypoxic brain injury after being found in cardiopulmonary arrest. He is cortically blind and doesn’t have functional movement. he needs total assistance.
His nursing diagnosis:
1. anoxic brain damage.
2. osteoporosis without current pathological fracture.
3. epilepsy, unspecified
4. lack of expected development in childhood.
He also has tracheostomy and gastrostomy.

2. Write several paragraphs describing this condition: cause, incidence, signs and symptoms, treatment and prognosis.

4.What is your patients chronologic age? How has this diagnosis affected the patient physically? Cognitively? Developmentally? Compare your patients developmental milestones to normal milestones for that age (use textbook and journal articles to support your information). Incorporate Erickson, Piaget and other theorists.

5.ConclusionSummarize what you wrote for proper APA format, spelling, grammar, punctuation, references, following instructions, etc.

Must use a minimum of 4 evidence-based references such as Journal Articles and Textbooks (Use at least 3 journal articles for your paper, 4th reference could be your textbook). References must be current, 5 years old maximum. (WebMD, Wikipedia, Yahoo, CDC, NIH etc. are not considered as evidence-based resources; they are websites).

The emergence of fur trade society in the West and the North was necessary to the success of the fur trade and Aboriginal economies. Discuss.

Write a well-organized essay of 7501000 words on ONE of the following topics. Please be sure to clearly identify your essay topic at the beginning of your essay. You are expected to use relevant evidence from your Canadian History: Pre-Confederation textbook, the video presentations by Canadian historians, and from the readings in Units Six to Ten. Feel free to use other articles from the Recommended Readings lists in the course or textbook.

The Epic of Gilgamesh and the Epic of Sunjata

The topic is “In the stories read, how do words (or narratives) contribute to bringing
about change or transformation in people or society? Are there any
limitations to the transformative power of words in those stories?”
The narratives are The Epic of Gilgamesh and The Epics of Sunjata.
It is supposed to be two pages, mla formatted, with one quote from each text.