Archive for February 17th, 2021

M8.2 Discussion: Oral Communication – Final Project Presentation GECC

M8.2 Discussion: Oral Communication – Final Project Presentation GECC

At the end of last week, you submitted the culmination of 7 weeks of thinking, research, and writing. You should be proud of what youve accomplished! This week, youll get the chance to share your Final Project with your peers in a short “elevator pitch” video presentation.

An elevator pitch is a very short synopsis of your topic, something that could convince an audience during an elevator ride. To create one, youll need to think about the most important points of your argument to get across to your audience, and remember that your audience has not done the same amount of reading on your topic as you have over the last 7 weeks, so youll need to make sure your explanations make sense to a non-expert.

Begin by reading page 8.10 in your webtext and looking back at your final project and reflecting on its most important points.

Discussion Instructions
Initial post: Then, by Thursday of Module 8, create a 2-minute video clip (and a text transcript) that addresses the following:

Convince the audience of your thesis argument for your final project in a short elevator pitch. To do this youll need to introduce your topic and thesis statement, then articulate the main arguments in support of it in a way that non-experts can understand.
Then, reflect on the research process in this course what was the most important thing you learned through the last 7 weeks of research and writing and how do you plan to apply it in your future coursework and beyond?
NOTE: You will need to include a transcript or closed captions with your video in order to make it accessible for people with hearing disabilities. The easiest way to do this is to write out a script in advance and attach this to your post as a transcript. Use the Audio Script Writing Guide for help creating a script.

NOTE: Read the resources below for help with creating your video (or if a video is not possible an audio file) If you experience trouble uploading your video file to Canvas directly because of a slow internet connection, read option 4 in the Tips document below.

You will not be able to see posts written by your classmates until you create your initial post.

Replies:  Then, from Friday through Sunday of Module 8, reply to your classmates videos with text replies. Comment on their elevator pitch and self-reflection. Comment on specific aspects of your peers oral communication skills what did they do well? How did they communicate their points effectively? How have they improved since Module 6? Please be sure to reply to at least two of your peers’ posts. 


Tips for Creating a Video (also includes alternate audio-only information)
Audio Script Writing Guide

Lecture Reflection Responses

During the online lectures for the topics of Trait, a writing prompt will be announced. These writing prompts are to encourage watching the online lectures in a timely fashion and reflecting on the material presented. Students will be given a prompt to complete a brief (approximately 1 paragraph) reflection paper on the class material, worth 4 points each. Papers will be scored on the basis of submission (2 points) and correctness and effort engaging with the material (2 points).

The Final Draft

This is my paper that I want to revise and change. Like I want this paper to be more on about indulge in a movie sense element. Like I want the lines to be short not a lot of lines from characters. Because basically It just give dialogue. I want you to read the story and figure out what needs to be change. My instructor want it to be more dynamite and very understandable for the audience to read. Make this a movie. Also the character Laura seems to be a little bit of an issue. Mostly, she is giving to more dialogue in her lines. Some certain lines shouldn’t be said out, it should be in action. Remember, this is a story about two friends surviving to get out of a dark place. None of them should not know how to get out. Please be more affirmative in writing this paper. Give it your best shot. It’s alot of changes, make sure you follow the instructions carefully. Read this file down below and give your in take on what should change. Please like I said, don’t give a whole dialogue in between lines, just make it plain simple not to long for the audience to get bored. If you have any other questions let me know!!! Good luck!

Need case study on each topic min 300 words

Consider the following scenario: Your patient has suffered from schizophrenia for two decades and has received classic dopaminergic treatments since the onset of illness. The latest research supporting use of the glutamatergic model has not been tried on your patient, and there is an opportunity for your patient to enter clinical trials utilizing glutamate-based treatments. Your patient suffers significant executive function impairment and memory impairment. Do you recommend participation in the clinical trial? Why or why not?

Tshirt company

Based on a Tshirt Business

This discussion will also assist everyone as your complete your business plans.  I want everyone to think about (if you have not already) the form of business you would like to establish… discuss this and explain why you have selected that form.  For example, if you have decided to form a corporation, why is that your selection?  If you decide to operate “on your own” as  a sole proprietor, why do you plan to do that?

Also, what are the advantages and disadvantages of the business form you selected? 

Finally, originally, I had included one more question here regarding franchising, but I am going to shift just a bit….

…… has anyone ever thought about going into business by purchasing an existing business for sale?  What would you consider purchasing, and what are the advantages of this option?

fight for independence

1. Write a positive essay about one of the key individuals of the Revolution: Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, Swamp Fox, Betsy Ross, etc. Here’s a list of many  of those for you to consider: (Links to an external site.) You must have three reliable sources (books or journals, no Wikipedia). Except for books, I expect you to use journals from the Delta data bases. (Links to an external site.)  If you need help doing this, see or email our librarian. Do not wait until the last minute to seek help.  Here are what should be covered in each of the five paragraphs:

a.First paragraph: Introduce your individual with a three-point thesis arguing something about that individual.  Do not list historical facts. I want you to argue something about this individual.

b. Second paragraph:  Topic sentence is built on first point of thesis sentence.  Quote a source, introducing it with a signal phrase and then explain why the quote is important and expand the argument of your point with examples, comparisons, etc.

c. Third and fourth paragraphs are built on second and third point of thesis sentence following guidelines of point b. above.

d. Final paragraph: Your conclusion, sum up your arguments about this individual. Include a great quote about this person if you wish.

2. A book analysis of Killing England: The Brutal Struggle for American Independence.  You will have to purchase this book, (Amazon, etc.) in either print or digital (Kindle) form. You will not regret the purchase. This will be the only source required. Your analysis should be outlined as follows:

Intro Paragraph: Hook, title of book, author. Thesis that states your argument about the value of the book. This does not have to be in three-points.

Paragraph 1: What you learned that surprise you. Include page numbers and appropriate quotes.

Paragraph 2: What individuals in our struggle for independence most impressed you?

Paragraph 3: What abuses of England or other factors caused our secession from England to happen?

Paragraph 4: How did America defeat England? Don’t just write about battles; tell me about tactics, diplomacy, luck, etc.

Conclusion: Would you recommend this book? Why? How does this book cause us to appreciate our great country?

Explain the concept of aret

Read the excerpts from Homers Iliad (Links to an external site.) Book 16 and Odyssey (Links to an external site.) Book 9, pp. 138-143 [Follow the links it you want to explore more of the text]. Explain the concept of aret with specific examples from the text and discuss what details you can determine about life in archaic Greece, include clothing and weapons, social interactions, and religion. Your paper must be at least 775 original words in length and in MLA format.

Formatting Guidelines:

This essay must be well-written, and free of spelling and grammatical errors. The essay will be judged on the quality of your understanding of your chosen topic and discussion of the historiography. You should be able to organize a large body of material and facts (and too few facts that are reliable) in order to produce a coherent argument about your topic that is well organized and supported by primary and secondary sources.

Style: Times New Roman 12 point

Sources: Use academic sources only. Avoid the internet as a secondary source (it can be useful for preliminary research but look up the references and use them instead). The library has a small collection of books and journals but does has access to many more online. Use JSTOR to find scholarly articles. Primary sources can be harder to find and you may need to use an online version. This is fine but be careful that it is from a reliable source.

Referencing: you should use MLA Style (parenthetical) referencing

Octavio Paz

Octavio Paz is credited with being one of the leading intellectuals of “mexicanidad.”  In the three poems you have read, how do you see Paz’s exploration of his Mexican identity?  Is there something universal in the poems that speaks to you and your own sense of identity (even if you are not Mexican)?  Why or why not are these poems personally resonant to you.

Background information on Octavio Paz

Text of Poem #1 “Proem”

Text of Poem #2 “The Street”–Street-

Text of Poem #3 “Dawn”

irving response

Have a title, 5 FULL paragraphs of writing. Single space with one blank line between paragraphs. Quote from the reading you chose (either “Rip Van Winkle” or the “Legend of Sleepy Hollow”  and have a correct bibliographic entry on the reading following MLA style. Edit it carefully. Do not summarize the story–respond to it!


At least five full paragraphs.  In your paper, be sure to answer these questions: Would this sermon be effective today? Why not? What is your response to this sermon? Why was it so effective then?

I chose to mainly follow this rubric which I developed from the directions on how to write a response paper:

_/2 Five correctly formatted paragraphs

__/2 First or third person only, no second person

__/2 Creative Title of reading and author in first paragraph

__/2 Response that avoids excessive summary and no grammatical errors.

__/2 Correct MLA Works Cited