Archive for February 17th, 2021

Reflection 2

Formatting your paper in APA style means that you should include the following: a title page, running heads, page numbers, double-spaced text, indentation, and a reference list on a separate page if any. You do NOT need to include an abstract, nor introduction, literature review, or discussion/conclusion.

Part 1: The Dark Side

Throughout the semester so far, we have discussed some negative social implications of technology. For this part of the prompt, you should think about some of these effects. Specifically, you will explain what you think are the two most negative social implications of communication technology. You can address the social implications that we have already discussed in class, but you are not limited to those. Feel free to discuss other implications we will talk about later in this course, that you might have learned about in other classes, or that you discovered through your own investigations. You should explain 1) what the implications are, 2) which technologies are related to these implications and how they are related, and 3) why you think these two implications, in particular, are the worst.

Part 2: The Light Side

Technology can also have positive effects on society. For example, senior citizens suffering from loneliness often benefit from interacting with robots like Paro the adorable sealLinks to an external site.. For this part of the prompt, you should think about some of the positive social implications of technology. Specifically, you will explain what you think are the two most positive social implications of communication technology. You can address the social implications that we have already discussed in class, but you are not limited to those. Feel free to discuss other implications we will talk about later in this course, that you might have learned about in other classes, or that you discovered through your own investigations. You should explain 1) what the implications are, 2) which technologies are related to these implications and how they are related, and 3) why you think these two implications, in particular, are the best.

Grading Criteria

Grading will be based on…

The connection of course material to your responses
Your ability to critically think about the topics and provide novel insights
The quality and clarity of your responses to the prompt
Your ability to explain your reasoning for your choices
The use of correct grammar and punctuation
Whether or not you addressed all parts of the prompt and met deadlines
Whether or not you generally followed instructions

Wholistic Leadership

Locate three peer reviewed, empirical articles related to the potential broad topic area of your dissertation. Remember, your topic area must align with your degree program. Select only articles that have been published within the last 2-3 years and that could logically be included in the literature review of your dissertation.

Write a brief description of the articles (250-300 words total) that includes the following information for each article:

A statement of what the authors studied.
A statement that generally describes the study participants.
A description of the study findings.
A statement of one limitation or future study idea identified in the article.
Write an argument (250-500 words) that presents a potential study topic for your dissertation and defends the need for the potential study. The topic must emerge from a synthesis of the limitations or future study ideas you identified above, and the argument must describe how the potential study might address the synthesized limitations or future study ideas.

Ethical Decision Making and Hiring

The body of your paper: (3 Pages total BODY in length)-Your thoughts should be supported with relevant course content and library research.

Explain the differences, importance, and purpose of both the code of conduct and the code of ethics.
-Secondly, tell me about some of the factors that you would use to make ethical hiring decisions in an organization.
-Why would these be important to include in the hiring process (Example of things that you might include: Legal Ground Rules or other items in our reading material or library that would be considered in the process). Format: APA Paper (With an abstract).

Health Care

The New York City Community Health Profiles capture the health of 59 community districts across the city. They contain over 50 measures of neighborhood health, emphasizing that our health starts where we live, work and play. These reports highlight the disparities among neighborhoods and can be used by policymakers, community groups, health professionals, researchers and residents to encourage community engagement and action.

Go to

Scroll down to find your NYC community/neighborhood. If you do not live in NYC, choose a random neighborhood. Answer the questions in complete sentences. Upload this assignment to blackboard.

Sociology Media and Society

You are the Regulator

You are on a U.S. Congressional committee tasked with improving the quality of our information ecosphere. (Note: this could include professional journalism broadcast on mass media channels and/or less professional content shared through social media or the web.)  Before getting started, you need to do some background research on recent regulatory issues, inhibitors of a free press, information quality, etc., and then explore possible solutions.  Your objective is to write a brief report recommending reform of one regulatory issue that you believe will most drastically improve the information ecosystem in the United States.

First, provide a brief explanation of the problem as you see it.  For example, if you are concerned about the power of owners/conglomerates, indecent content, or (un)equal web access, then you might discuss FCC regulations governing those issues.  Alternatively, you might be concerned about digital platforms (Google, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, etc.) allowing false or misleading information to spread rapidly, which could lead you to discuss Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and what responsibilities it gives platforms as compared to traditional publishers.  Regardless of your focus, be sure to explain the regulatory issue, its recent/current status, and what effects it has on the health of the information ecosystem. That is, what kind of regulatory issue are you dealing withaccess, content, ownership, or something elseas outlined in AMAS chapter 5?  Then, explain how it might be reformed, why the reforms you propose could help address the problems improvements, and if you foresee any complications or potential unintended consequences.

In researching and drafting your report, you should draw on the assigned readings and other relevant course materials.  You may also reference popular media or other policy resources if you find them helpful.


Live your truth. Express your love. Share your enthusiasm. Take action towards your dreams. Walk your talk. Dance and sing to your music. Embrace your blessings. Make today worth remembering.

Dr. Steve Marboli

How true is this?  Today  and every day is a great day to express yourself, tell someone you love them, take action.  How will you remember today?  I am remembering it for cold weather, surprise flowers, trying a new recipe and a good visit with family.

How will you remember today?  Do we have an opportunity to make each day memorable?  What truths give your strength?  Share your thought, ideas, your enthusiasm in this week’s Blog!!!

blog writing

Operational Plan

a.    Create a restaurant training manual outline to assist in orientation and training Use the following headings: restaurant knowledge, mission, history (should you consider you restaurant a new concept rather than established you can focus on the importance of the location), staff roles, steps of service for FOH & BOH, menu description for staff.
i.    Provide an opening paragraph (at least 200 words) that will provide a brief overview of your restaurant concept, level of service (fine, upscale, casual/family), location and market.  This will be a good introduction to your new staff and to help them focus on the Orientation and Training in your manual. (Consider this just a very brief recap of your Restaurant Concept developed in Section #1).
ii.    For each heading: provide 2 points or necessary components for that section (approximately 100-200 words for each point).  Consider the question: Why is it important for the new employee to know purpose of your point?
b.    The chosen format will be useful in training sessions and must include a Table of Contents, separated into sections, and have a professional/attractive style.

martin luther king, jr., “letter from birmingham jail”

You should begin your initial research about your chosen literature with some biographical information
about the author then begin to read as much analysis of your particular selection as possible. When you
are ready to begin writing your research paper, the biographical information should be very brief as an
introduction to your literature.
Keep in mind that the purpose of your paper is to critically analyze your chosen work, focusing on some
aspect of the overall work that helps to define and unify a central argument. Possible research questions
might include:
What is unique about the work that makes it worthwhile?
What technique(s) does the author use?
What argument(s) are central to this piece?
How effective are these argument(s)?
What is unique about the way the writer presents these argument(s)?
How do the writers techniques help define this piece as literature of importance?
These questions are not all inclusive but should serve as a guide as you are researching and reading.
Your finished paper should adhere to the following requirements:
2000-word scope
One primary source (chosen piece of literature)
No less than three credible, academic secondary sources (research)
Correct use of in-text documentation and Works Cited page (MLA format)
Wikipedia and other WWW sources are not always reliable. You should be able to find biographical
information and some critical sources from the online library databases. Critical sources that you find
online should be from previously published articles in a reputable magazine, journal, or newspaper, and
can be found in an academic database.
The importance of a careful, methodical writing process should not be underestimated here. If your
research paper is not solidly grounded in each of these steps, your final product will be inadequate. Be
sure to use your instructor as a resource; contact him or her as needed during the formative stages of this
paper to insure that your work, albeit rough, is also efficient and substantial.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Briefly summarize your theoretical understanding of globalization (its definition, processes, and effects) based on the theoretical readings

Analyze the two stories referenced below to explain how attributes such as sex, class, race, location, culture, and religion impact peoples individual and collective experiences of and responses to globalization. Your analysis should discuss specific people/characters, events, and actions.

Reflect on how the stories you have analyzed have enriched your understanding of globalization. For example, how do they complicate, illustrate, humanize and even challenge the theoretical formulations presented in scholarly readings

The majority of your paper should be devoted to the second and third bullet points above


Explain in detail each of the four categories and related positions of Perry’s Scheme of Intellectual Development. Support with in-text citations.

Questions to answer and frame your written assignment essay:
a. Explain in detail each of the four categories and related positions of Perry’s Scheme of Intellectual Development. Support with in-text citations.
b. In your opinion which of the four categories/positions would Associate in Science (or Associate in Applied Science) students be in as they first enter the dental hygiene program? Support with in-text citations.
c. Would they be at a different position on the scheme by the end of the two years? If so, which position do you believe they are in? How do they progress along the continuum? Support with in-text citations.
d. In your opinion, which of the four categories/positions would the Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene student be in at this time in their careers and education as they first enter the degree completion program? Is the Associate in Science recent graduate with three to six months clinical experience entering the Bachelor of Science program in a different Perry position than the Bachelor of Science student with many years of clinical experience? Support with in-text citations.
Questions to answer and frame your written assignment essay:
a. Please take the Kolbs Learning Style Inventory. Do you agree with your results and does it describe your learning style? Support with in-text citations.
b. Describe in detail all four Kolb learning styles; Accommodating, Assimilating, Converging, Diverging as well as the respective dimensions. Support with in-text citations.
c. Which learning style best describes the dental hygienist and other health professionals? Support with in-text citations.
e. In your opinion, does a distance learning environment accommodate all four learning styles and can a student move around the Kolb wheel in such an environment? Support with in-text citations.