Archive for February 17th, 2021

Corporate Performance Report

Review the information of the company Plug Power through Yahoo! Finance and the SEC EDGAR database in the Filings & Forms (Links to an external site.) page. From each section of previous chapters you have read in this class, you will be provided with a foundation to use in completing an assessment of the financial performance of a corporation.

In prior weeks, you learned about portions of the financial statements and how each is analyzed. This week, you will put it all together. Choose a publicly traded organization that is not used in the textbook and complete your own financial statement analysis.

In your paper,

Evaluate the past financial performance of the organization.
Determine the organizations future financial performance.
Assess the organizations financial statements to determine credit risk.
Conduct a screen for the potential investment in the organizations equity.
Choose an analyst adjustment to report the organizations financials.
Explain how the chosen analyst adjustment may help in determining the value of the business.
The Corporate Performance Report

Must be 10 to 12 double-spaced pages in length (not including title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Centers APA Style (Links to an external site.) guide.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Each research paper must be 3 to 5 pages (double space only…….you WILL be downgraded for a page count over five pages…..follow my instructions), excluding the bibliography and endnotes. Remember, approximately 250 TO 300 words is usually one page. Font size MUST not exceed 12 point, no excessive margins – I will strongly enforce this rule! There is NO cover page; the first page must include your name in the upper left corner, nothing more! Your bibliography is not included in the page count. Again, this is a research paper. You may also include digital references, periodicals, articles, etc. All specifics must have in text citations.  Credible research must include substantiation! Substantiation is critical. 
“IF YOU DIDN’T WRITE IT….CITE IT”…..all dates, quotes, statistical and financial data as well as historic specifics and obscurities must be properly sourced or cited in your research, otherwise it is simply not credible information.  This applies to both the two research papers as well as the term project. This actually applies to ALL research documents. 
Be sure you number each page in the lower right corner on each page, not doing so will result in a downgrade. 
In addition, the REQUIRED writing style is APA….all papers must be written in the APA style. Please refer to the website: for detailed instructions OR citations…….please be informed, you will be downgraded if you do not follow this writing style.
The paper will focus on economic OR legal systems and OR the political landscape  OR the technological assets (again, as this applies and impacts fashion merchandising)  within your selected country. Realize your papers are only five pages maximum, so you cannot possibly cover all three topics, but there will most certainly be overlap….no problem……You will explore and research how the economic OR political and OR the legal landscape OR technology within the country has shaped apparel merchandising policies and processes, focus on one of the areas. Has the legal system or government encouraged or restricted the fashion industry within your selected country, are there any global or well known fashion or merchandising companies originating in your selected country? You could also BRIEFLY highlight how those approaches are different to merchandising done in America. I would focus on one of the topics, either the economy of the country OR the legal system OR the political landscape in your selected country, after all your research is only 3 to 5 pages, the topics may easily overlap, no problem but you must intelligently edit accordingly
Lastly, you are expected to conduct research and discuss existing ideas. Personal views, opinions and experiences are welcomed, but should not replace solid, focused and credible research as the most important component of the paper. I expected these research papers to reflect where you are in your college career, as a result, spelling, grammar, format, consulted works and substantiations will be held in the highest regard. I look forward to reading your work, enjoy the process!

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Managing care in a Culturally Considerate manner


Patient Profile
F.M. is a 68-year-old white man who comes to the emergency department (ED) in the early afternoon with a 2-day history of severe chest pain. The pain started on wakening the previous day. The pain increased during the night, but his wife could not convince him to go to the hospital. He comes to the ED today because the pain is severe and no longer relieved by rest.

Subjective Data

Describes recurring chest pain for the past 6 months that was relieved by rest; the pain is a feeling of heaviness in chest with no radiating pain to arm or jaw or accompanying complaints of nausea or dizziness
Recently the chest pain has become severe and is no longer relieved by rest; is now complaining of being slightly nauseated
His father died of a heart attack at age 62
Denies alcohol or drug use
Smokes one pack of cigarettes per day
Describes his lifestyle as sedentary
Objective Data

Physical Examination

Blood pressure 180/96, pulse 98, temperature 99.8 F, respirations 20
Height 511, weight 210 lbs, BMI 29.3 kg/m2
Alert and oriented to person, place, and time
Skin diaphoretic and clammy
Heart rhythm regular, no murmurs or extra heart sounds
Lungs are clear to auscultation
Diagnostic Studies

Hemoglobin 14 g/dL
Chemistry panel is normal
Cardiac markers – pending
Electrocardiogram showing changes that correlate with non-ST-segment-elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI)
Collaborative Care

9% NaCl infusing into IV catheter at 75 mL/hr
Nitroglycerin and morphine given with relief of pain

What are F.M.s modifiable risk factors for coronary artery disease (CAD)? What are his non-modifiable risk factors?
What is the difference between chronic stable angina pain and pain associated with myocardial infarction?
What are diagnostic studies indicated for F.M.?
F.M. is diagnosed as having a myocardial infarction (MI).What are the signs and symptoms of Myocardial Infarction?
What is the priority nursing care for F.M.?
What other interventions do you anticipate for F.M. at this time?

Radicalization Models

-Compare and contrast at least two different radicalization models that explain terrorist motivations.
-Summarize behavioral and psychological factors associated with disengaging from terrorism and describe what efforts or programs are most effective in countering radicalization and why.

Recommended Source: King, M. and Taylor, D. M. (2011). The Radicalization of Homegrown Jihadists: A Review of Theoretical Models and Social Psychological Evidence. Terrorism & Political Violence, 23(4), 602-618.

Use the above article and 7 others!!

Personality theory in a work place

This Competency Assessment assesses the following outcome:

MT302M2-2: Apply personality theory within a business environment.

Choose either a medical supply company, a hospitality services company (i.e., hotels, inns, tours, etc.), an event security service, an industrial manufacturer, or a beverage company. [Note: You cannot choose a real company. This must be a fictitious company using the scenario below.]

A family company (in the industry of your choice from those options above, but no real companies may be used) has been in business for over 40 years. They have always had a family member as president of the company. The business has been mostly conducted via email, phone, and in-person; but in general, the business systems are outdated. Now with the increasing competition, they realize that without change, the business may not survive. With no family member currently to lead the company, they must do an intensive search for an individual suited not only to their industry with the right expertise and education, but the right personality to lead the company into a new era.

This company has a culture that is currently very insular and most employees effectively pass their jobs on to someone else residing in the local community who they refer for the job; so all employees really feel like one extended family. They look to each other to help one another out in times of duress either at work or personally. Although their market has been predominantly in the U.S., with little or no diversity in the workforce, they are increasingly getting inquiries from Mexico and Latin America. There are 300 employees in this major metropolitan eastern city, and the salaries and benefits have always been on a par with the industry salaries elsewhere in the U.S. Their belief in family first, timely response to customers, and honesty have been hallmarks of this family business.

The founders remaining family members are not inclined or are unable to take over the business and have called you in as their consultant to tackle the executive search. In light of the possible future demands and needs of this company, address the checklist items.


Identify the industry choice from the five options provided (you can name the company with whatever name you choose, but it should not be a real company). This will be the title of your paper. An example would be: Finding a new leader for Industrial Widgets Company (fill in the underlined part with your company name). Explain what the company makes or services it provides and the industry you chose from the options provided.
Summarize the problem, and the companys culture as presented in the scenario. Describe any changes that might be necessary and that will pertain to the type of personality the new president will need to have.
Explain the traits and personality factors that should be considered when selecting the next president using the Reading from Chapter 5. Include the Big Five personality traits, Hollands typology, and at least one other personality theory (for Competency) or at least two other personality theories (for Mastery) in your response (you may use the Internet but provide the source url).
Explain how the personality of the new president you described previously would benefit the employees and the success of the company going forward.
Submit your 810 slide PowerPoint presentation with no more than five bulleted items per slide, using 24-point font, with either audio (or speaker notes below each slide) with additional title and reference slides to the Dropbox.
Access the assessment rubric

Disclaimer: The organization and characters depicted in this exercise are fictional. Any resemblance to real organizations or individuals is purely coincidental.

Directions for Submitting Your Competency Assessment

Before submitting your Competency Assessment, save your work on your computer in a location and with a name that you will remember. Make sure your Assessment is in the appropriate format (PowerPoint). Then, when you are ready, you may submit to the Competency Assessment Dropbox.

Minimum Submission Requirements

Address all the checklist items using correct English grammar and spelling and submit your original PowerPoint presentation with no more than five bulleted items per slide. Then include speaker notes to provide details concerning each bulleted item (below each slide) or audio should be provided for each slide.
Be sure to cite both in-text and reference list citations where appropriate and reference all sources. Your sources and content should follow proper APA citation style. Review the APA citation style found by accessing the Academic Tools area and choosing the APA resources. Your presentation should include an additional title slide and it should be using 24-point font, with correct citations, Standard English with no spelling or punctuation errors, and correct references (on the last additional reference slide.)
If work submitted for this competency assessment does not meet the minimum submission requirements, it will be returned without being scored.


Plagiarism is an act of academic dishonesty. It violates the University Honor Code, and the offense is subject to disciplinary action. You are expected to be the sole author of your work. Use of another person’s work or ideas must be accompanied by specific citations and references. Whether the action is intentional or not, it still constitutes plagiarism.

For more information on Universitys Plagiarism policy, refer to the current University Catalog.

review the clinical guideline

Review of the clinical practice guideline (click download PDF) and answer two questions:
1)  Purpose of the CPG
2)  Type of provider that would utilize the CPG

I need like 3-6 sentences for each question

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Managing care in a Culturally Considerate manner


Patient Profile
F.M. is a 68-year-old white man who comes to the emergency department (ED) in the early afternoon with a 2-day history of severe chest pain. The pain started on wakening the previous day. The pain increased during the night, but his wife could not convince him to go to the hospital. He comes to the ED today because the pain is severe and no longer relieved by rest.

Subjective Data

Describes recurring chest pain for the past 6 months that was relieved by rest; the pain is a feeling of heaviness in chest with no radiating pain to arm or jaw or accompanying complaints of nausea or dizziness
Recently the chest pain has become severe and is no longer relieved by rest; is now complaining of being slightly nauseated
His father died of a heart attack at age 62
Denies alcohol or drug use
Smokes one pack of cigarettes per day
Describes his lifestyle as sedentary
Objective Data

Physical Examination

Blood pressure 180/96, pulse 98, temperature 99.8 F, respirations 20
Height 511, weight 210 lbs, BMI 29.3 kg/m2
Alert and oriented to person, place, and time
Skin diaphoretic and clammy
Heart rhythm regular, no murmurs or extra heart sounds
Lungs are clear to auscultation
Diagnostic Studies

Hemoglobin 14 g/dL
Chemistry panel is normal
Cardiac markers – pending
Electrocardiogram showing changes that correlate with non-ST-segment-elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI)
Collaborative Care

9% NaCl infusing into IV catheter at 75 mL/hr
Nitroglycerin and morphine given with relief of pain

What are F.M.s modifiable risk factors for coronary artery disease (CAD)? What are his non-modifiable risk factors?
What is the difference between chronic stable angina pain and pain associated with myocardial infarction?
What are diagnostic studies indicated for F.M.?
F.M. is diagnosed as having a myocardial infarction (MI).What are the signs and symptoms of Myocardial Infarction?
What is the priority nursing care for F.M.?
What other interventions do you anticipate for F.M. at this time?

See instructions

You will identify a plan for a maximum-security prison when a shortage of flu vaccine is identified during a national influenza outbreak. Your plan will include a nursing intervention for each level of prevention of influenza. You will determine who should receive the flu vaccine among civilian workers and prisoners.

Your plan will include a nursing intervention for each level of prevention of influenza and a determination of who should receive the flu vaccine among civilian workers and prisoners. You will also identify environmental factors that will place the prison population at high-risk.

3 pages APA7th

Will racism ever disappear?

presenting your proposal, provide a brief overview of the issue in question, making use of at least five outside sources in the process. In addition, discuss your interest in the issue (what led you to the issue, why it is of importance to you), and your plan of action for conducting research on the topic.

Marketing Strategy

Marketing Strategy

This competency assessment assesses the following Outcome(s):

MT219M1-1: Summarize the basic components of a marketing strategy.

Read the scenario and respond to the checklist items based on the Reading and Learning Activities.

Your instructor will assign a business type or industry to you.

Introduction: Examine the four marketing strategies and read about the importance of doing viable marketing research before you begin planning strategy. Based on what you learn, you will begin this assessment by examining the mission statement and then move on to address the situation analysis based on where you live. You will first address the background marketing research based on the business type that will be provided by your instructor.

Read the scenario and respond to the checklist items based on the reading and practice activities.

Scenario: Lee is the owner of Lees [business type assigned by your instructor], which is located in the city closest to where you live. Lee has now hired you to design the basic components of a marketing strategy for his business. You must use the industry assigned by your instructor.


Summarize a marketing strategy for Lees business, addressing each of the six parts.

Part 1 Mission:

Redefine Lees mission. Lees current mission is more of a product-oriented mission statement. For example, We sell flowers or We make pizza.

Write a marketing-oriented mission statement for Lees business.
Part 2 Situation Analysis:

Organization Strengths and Weaknesses:

Describe methods that Lee could use to identify his internal strengths and weaknesses information. For example, some businesses use secret shoppers to identify an organizations strengths and weaknesses. Explain your response.
Environmental Scan:

Who are the direct and indirect competitors for Lees business located in your area?
Using sources like the S. Census Bureau (go to Browse by Topic), describe the demographics affecting Lees business in your area.
How is technology being utilized in the industry assigned that might have a positive or negative impact on Lees business?
Identify Lees competitive advantage against his direct and non-direct competitors in the city nearest to where you live.
Define the term sustainable competitive advantage and explain what advice you would give to Lee in his quest to build a sustainable competitive advantage.
Part 3: Marketing Objectives

Set marketing plan objectives for Lees business (see page 25 of your text).
Identify at least two S.M.A.R.T. goals (i.e., specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and relevant to the mission, and time-bounded).
Part 4: Marketing Strategy

Describe the target market strategy for Lees business. Paint a very clear picture of who Lee will be targeting for his product. For example: Appealing to an entire market, concentrating on one particular segment, or multiple market segments.
Explain the four strategies for growth: market penetration, market development, product development, and diversification. How can Lee use market penetration to increase his sales? Explain.
Briefly describe your marketing mix strategy: product (size, colors, packaging, use, etc.), place or distribution method, pricing, and promotion.
Part 5: Implementation

Using the concepts from the text, explain how you will turn your plan into a reality. For example: Detailed job assignments and activity descriptions.
Part 6: Evaluation

Using the concepts from the text, describe how you will evaluate your marketing strategy.
Respond in a minimum total of 3 pages: 1 pages (350 words) for Parts 13 and 1 pages (350 words) for Parts 46 in a Microsoft Word document with additional title and reference pages using the current APA format and citation style. Your paper should include headings, an introduction, and a conclusion. Go to the reading area for help with APA.


U.S. Labor Department. (2018). Bureau of the census.