Archive for February 18th, 2021

How can brand image be communicated via social media marketing

Each learner will research, write, and submit an eight (8) page typewritten, double spaced report on a marketing topic. These eight (8) pages exclude the title page and the page listing the references. The report will systematically describe, critically evaluate, and thoroughly analyze the chosen topic. Specifically, the learner must choose one marketing topic from the textbook for an in-depth analysis. It is here important that the learner uses practical examples to show how organizations worldwide have applied the concept discussed. 

It is expected that the learner use at least eight (8) peer reviewed journals made available at the Tusculum University Library through the research and write-up processes. In addition, it is expected that the report use examples from the popular press (i.e. CNNMoney, Business Week, Wall Street Journal etc.) on how businesses worldwide have applied the topic chosen. The sources referenced (from peer reviewed journals and the popular press) cannot be older than five (5) years.

Summary Book ” Hello! – seventh edition marketing research Ch. 1-9″

I need a very clear and easy summary of the book ” Hello! – seventh edition marketing research” from chapter 1 to chapter 9. (I uploaded the image of the book)
the chapters summaries need to be very simple and clear explained (not English mother language)
pls. when you need to cite something or is very important indicate also the page of the book where you find the info.

United Africa

Africa has been the underdog for a long time despite having all the resources and man power to run itself. Other continents have taken advantage of the divided state of the continent. Gaddafi had a vision for Untited States of Africa with one president and one currency. Discuss the outcome if these came to pass .

What is Anthropology?

Assignment Directions

Complete the Chapter 1 reading and answer the following questions. You must answer the questions using information from the assigned reading. Try your best to summarize the information and write what you have learned in your own words. Any text that you directly copy needs to be in quotation marks. Copying from the textbook will not be enough to get a high grade (see the grading rubric below). For full credit, you should either explain the information in your own words or if you copy text from the book, you should also provide your own interpretation.

Please re-copy each question above your answer, making sure to include the question number. Answer in full sentences and DESCRIBE when asked to do so. Submit your answers directly into the submission box. To avoid losing any of your work due to technical problems, I strongly suggest that you record your answers in a word or text file and then paste them into the submission box when you are finished.

You will be graded using the following rubric:

    Outstanding work with thorough, detailed, and clearly written answers

Here is the book