Crime, Policing, & The Foreign Born

In 1929, President Herbert Hoover convened the National Commission on Law Observance & Enforcement to address the notion that prohibition, police misconduct and criminality amongst the foreign born was unique to only the most impoverished marginalized American Cities. One of the main issues that President Hoover was faced with, was trying to link immigration to criminality, however the Wickersham Commission Report found evidence to the contrary. 

In this paper, you are tasked with explaining the findings of the Wickersham Report as it relates primarily to our discussion of Justice, and what Justice looks like for different segments of the US population using Blacks idea on how the law work/moves as your foundation.

Your paper should be 2-3 pages in length, double spaced with appropriate margins. Please use Times New Roman Font (or like font) no larger than 10-11 sized. You should also include a work cited page along with a cover page with a clever title.

You must use APA citations when making references to both lecture readings, and lecture content.  You must use full sentences and stay Academic Voice throughout.

        Explain why people mostly ignored the findings from the Wickersham Commission Report on Crime & the Foreign Born. Also, explain why in 2022 Americans still believe black and brown people are responsible for the majority of crime committed in the US. Note you must use at least three points from both the Wickersham Commission Report & Sampsons NYTs Article.

        Using Blacks ideas explain the impact of being labeled marginal and integrated in relation to the Criminal Justice System especially when it comes to culpability & lawlessness.  Your answer must be in relation to the Wickersham Report and it must include at least two examples from lectures and the readings.

        Using Blacks ideas about the law explain the differences between Centrifugal & Centripetal Law and how this relates to our discussion of crime and the foreign born note you must include at least one example of each in your assessment.

        Finally, do you believe much has changed in terms of perception of crime and the foreign born since the Wickersham Commission was convened?  If you believe perception has changed, explain why and how?  If you believe that perception continues to remain the same, explain  why, & what perpetuates these thoughts?  Is it social stigma? Is this something you believe is just endemic to certain parts of our country (See Arizona & Sheriff Joe Articles on Canvas)  Based on history, what does your gut tell you.

Grading Rubric:
        Intro & Conclusion brief intro about Doing Justice, Black, The Wickersham Commission Report, Crimes related to Prohibition, & in Philadelphia. Conclusion summary of paper and findings.  (15 Points)

        Body/Content fulling answering each question as it appears with direct examples and or quotes from all required sources Wickersham Report/Black/Sampson Article & Videos (50 Points)

        Style font size(nothing over 11 TNR) and style used, spacing, use of a front page with a clever title and including a work cited page, sentence structure, repetitiveness, wording, clarity, formatting, number of pages submitted (2-3), and academic voice (use of proper wording and phrases). (20 Points)

        Citations using proper APA citations where direct information is cited from all of the readings. (15 Points) Failure to use proper APA citations will result in an automatic 15-point deduction from this paper grade.

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