Archive for March 26th, 2022

Passive Reconnaissance

Passive reconnaissance is the act of gathering information about a target without directly interacting with that target. Its like spying on the target with binoculars or interviewing their acquaintances instead of speaking directly to them. The key is to gather as much information as possible without letting your target know you are gathering information.
In a real-world situation, a hacker will conduct passive reconnaissance to gather information that can be used to formulate an attack against users and systems. Passive recon is typically followed by the scanning and enumerating phase, in which the hacker attempts to actively probe the systems identified during passive recon. Passive recon is also sometimes referred to as open-source-intelligence gathering (OSINT), as it uses publicly available sources to collect intelligence on a target.
In this lab, you will form customized search queries using Googles search operators. With WHOIS queries, you will learn how to query Internet registration authorities about registered domains. In the later parts of the lab, you will use two hacking tools, theHarvester and Maltego to collect and organize information from indexed databases. Finally, you will bypass LinkedIns privacy settings.

In this exercise, you will practice research and writing about a technical topic, for a potential employer someday.  Perform research of each of these items and write a 600 word essay on the following items.  Develop headers and sections as appropriate.  Use 3rd person only.  Provide citations when appropriate, and a proper APA formatted reference in the references section.  In addition to the other references you may use, you are required to have at least 2 scholarly sources (peer reviewed journal articles) and 1 scripture citation (relate the concept applied and/or the impact of the action to your Biblical Worldview).  Do not use the lab instructions or any Liberty documents as your reference.  Add your work below in this template, including headers and references section.  Ensure you cover the following topics (in order).  Questions for each topic are given to prompt your thoughts, answer all of those questions, but dont repeat them.  Feel free to give more content, just be sure to cover these items. Place your essay within this section, remove these instructions when you understand them.

1)    Passive Reconnaissance 
a)    What is passive reconnaissance?
b)    Why do hackers use passive reconnaissance?
c)    Can organizations prevent passive reconnaissance?  Why/How?
d)    What are some of the search operators you can use in a Google search to query results from specific domains, Web sites, or links?
e)    What would be the Google search syntax to search the site for Firefox exploits?
f)    When using theHarvester, what are command switches -d and -b used for?
g)    In the lab you used Maltego to graphically display what information?
h)    If, while viewing LinkedIn profiles, you notice that a persons name is shown as LinkedIn Member, how might you be able to view their full name?

i)    How does this topic of passive reconnaissance and your understanding of satans attacks relate to your Biblical worldview?

2)    Lab Assignment

a)    What did you learn in this lab that surprised you?
b)    What was your favorite part and why?
c)    What steps did you have issues with, or what challenges did you have?
d)    What would you change in the lab, if anything?

Passive Reconnaissance

Passive reconnaissance is the act of gathering information about a target without directly interacting with that target. Its like spying on the target with binoculars or interviewing their acquaintances instead of speaking directly to them. The key is to gather as much information as possible without letting your target know you are gathering information.
In a real-world situation, a hacker will conduct passive reconnaissance to gather information that can be used to formulate an attack against users and systems. Passive recon is typically followed by the scanning and enumerating phase, in which the hacker attempts to actively probe the systems identified during passive recon. Passive recon is also sometimes referred to as open-source-intelligence gathering (OSINT), as it uses publicly available sources to collect intelligence on a target.
In this lab, you will form customized search queries using Googles search operators. With WHOIS queries, you will learn how to query Internet registration authorities about registered domains. In the later parts of the lab, you will use two hacking tools, theHarvester and Maltego to collect and organize information from indexed databases. Finally, you will bypass LinkedIns privacy settings.

In this exercise, you will practice research and writing about a technical topic, for a potential employer someday.  Perform research of each of these items and write a 600 word essay on the following items.  Develop headers and sections as appropriate.  Use 3rd person only.  Provide citations when appropriate, and a proper APA formatted reference in the references section.  In addition to the other references you may use, you are required to have at least 2 scholarly sources (peer reviewed journal articles) and 1 scripture citation (relate the concept applied and/or the impact of the action to your Biblical Worldview).  Do not use the lab instructions or any Liberty documents as your reference.  Add your work below in this template, including headers and references section.  Ensure you cover the following topics (in order).  Questions for each topic are given to prompt your thoughts, answer all of those questions, but dont repeat them.  Feel free to give more content, just be sure to cover these items. Place your essay within this section, remove these instructions when you understand them.

1)    Passive Reconnaissance 
a)    What is passive reconnaissance?
b)    Why do hackers use passive reconnaissance?
c)    Can organizations prevent passive reconnaissance?  Why/How?
d)    What are some of the search operators you can use in a Google search to query results from specific domains, Web sites, or links?
e)    What would be the Google search syntax to search the site for Firefox exploits?
f)    When using theHarvester, what are command switches -d and -b used for?
g)    In the lab you used Maltego to graphically display what information?
h)    If, while viewing LinkedIn profiles, you notice that a persons name is shown as LinkedIn Member, how might you be able to view their full name?

i)    How does this topic of passive reconnaissance and your understanding of satans attacks relate to your Biblical worldview?

2)    Lab Assignment

a)    What did you learn in this lab that surprised you?
b)    What was your favorite part and why?
c)    What steps did you have issues with, or what challenges did you have?
d)    What would you change in the lab, if anything?


Case Analysis Template[footnoteRef:1] [1: For general case preparation strategies, see also:]

Current Situation

Step 1. The Facts

WHO is the decision maker?

WHAT is the task to be done (decision to make, problem to solve, opportunity to seize)?

WHY has the issue arisen now? What is its significance to the organization?

WHEN does the decision maker have to decide, resolve, act or dispose of the issue? What is the urgency to the situation?

Step 2. In Depth Analysis

Analyze the case situation using the core model at right. Consider the following sorts of questions (the exact questions will vary somewhat depending on the case).

1. What business problem are we trying to solve?

2. Why is that problem important to the business?

3. How does the nature of the current IT contribute to or alleviate the problem?

4. How does the current organization (structure, people, culture etc.) contribute to or alleviate the problem?

5. How did we get here? Critically assess the factors that have contributed to our current situation?


Use your analysis of the current situation to identify the relevant criteria.



Why Selected?

Analysis of Alternatives

What options are given in the case?

Are there additional options you think need to be considered?

Performance Against Criteria









Which option do you think is best? Why?

How does this proposed solution address the business problem identified in your analysis of the current situation?


How will you go about implementing your decision (who will do what, when, and how)?

Short Term (= ________ days/wks/mths/yrs)

Medium Term (= _____ days/wks/mths/yrs)

Long Term (= ________ days/wks/mths/yrs)

What are the major risks associated with your decision?

What steps will you take to avoid or mitigate those risks?

Renaissance and Restoration

1. Write on ONE of the following passages, showing how in attitude, themes and style it is
characteristic of the period.

b) LEANTIO O my lifes wealth, Bianca!
LIVIA Still with her name? Will nothing wear it out?
That deep sigh went but for strumpet, sir.
LEANTIO It can go for no other that loves me.
5 LIVIA [Aside] Hes vexed in mind; I came too soon to him;
Wheres my discretion now, my skill, my judgement?
Im cunning in all arts but my own love.
Tis as unseasonable to tempt him now
So soon, as a widow to be courted
10 Following her husbands corse, or to make bargain
By the grave-side, and take a young man there:
Her strange departure stands like a hearse yet
Before his eyes, which time will take down shortly. [Exit]
LEANTIO Is she my wife to death, yet no more mine?
15 Thats a hard measure. Then whats marriage good for?
Methinks by right I should not now be living,
And then twere all well. What a happiness
Had I been made of, had I never seen her;
For nothing makes mans loss grievous to him
20 But knowledge of the worth of what he loses;
For what he never had, he never misses.
Shes gone for ever, utterly; there is
As much redemption of a soul from Hell,
As a fair womans body from his palace.
25 Why should my love last longer than her truth?
What is there good in woman to be loved
When only that which makes her so has left her?
I cannot love her now, but I must like
Her sin, and my own shame too, and be guilty
UL15/0393 Page 3 of 8
30 Of laws breach with her, and mine own abusing;
All which were monstrous. Then my safest course,
For health of mind and body, is to turn
My heart, and hate her, most extremely hate her;
I have no other way. Those virtuous powers
35 Which were chaste witnesses of both our troths,
Can witness she breaks firstand Im rewarded
With captainship othfort! A place of credit,
I must confess, but poor; my factorship
Shall not exchange means witht. He that died last int,
40 He was no drunkard, yet he died a beggar
For all his thrift. Besides, the place not fits me:
It suits my resolution, not my breeding.
[Enter Livia]
LIVIA [Aside] I have tried all ways I can, and have not power
To keep from sight of him. [To him] How are you now, sir?
45 LEANTIO I feel a better ease, madam.
(THOMAS MIDDLETON, from Women Beware Women,

Any topic (writer’s choice)

    Describe the response to a stressor and the meaning that the stressor has for an individual in an age group of your choosing.
    Depict how genetics, past experiences, conditioning, and cultural influences affect perception of stress and stressors in your selected age group?
    Indicate how stressors may be external or internal for the age group you have selected.
    Describe how individuals may be more vulnerable to the effects of stressors at certain times.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

    Describe the response to a stressor and the meaning that the stressor has for an individual in an age group of your choosing.
    Depict how genetics, past experiences, conditioning, and cultural influences affect perception of stress and stressors in your selected age group?
    Indicate how stressors may be external or internal for the age group you have selected.
    Describe how individuals may be more vulnerable to the effects of stressors at certain times.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Research and find one example of a company utilizing an HR practice which is arguably giving it a competitive advantage.

Submit a 1-2 page paper outlining the following:

1.-The company

2.-The HR practice

3.-The advantage to the company

4.-The basis for the conclusion

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Research and find one example of a company utilizing an HR practice which is arguably giving it a competitive advantage.

Submit a 1-2 page paper outlining the following:

1.-The company

2.-The HR practice

3.-The advantage to the company

4.-The basis for the conclusion

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Whistleblower Cybersecurity Crisis Training: Stakeholder Press Conference Exercise (Edward Snowden)



Cybersecurity Crisis Training: Stakeholder Press Conference Exercise (Edward Snowden)

Purpose: This exercise is designed to give you practical experience in handling real-life cybersecurity threats or attacks for their organization. Through this exercise, you will better understand how the types of cyber-attacks described in class are applied, take a shot at forming policy solutions, and sharpen you communication skills.

Deliverables: Prepare a sample press packet.  This press packet should include the following items:

Press Release (1 page)

Short technical background sheet (1-2 pages)

 This section should describe in more detail the technical issues of the problem at hand.  It may also include pictures and diagrams.

Frequently Asked Questions (1 page)

 This section should anticipate questions other stakeholders or the media would ask in response to the problem and should provide your organizations answers.


Read the material found via the links below. Additional research on stakeholder positions is strongly suggested as well. You may use any resource you deem necessary to prepare your statement, press kit, and for Q&A.

Potential roles:

There are two important stakeholder roles in this cybersecurity legal case. You may choose to take on one of two different roles:

 US Citizens

 U.S. National Security Agency

Select one of the following scenarios

Scenario: A 36-year NSA veteran, William Binney resigned from the agency and became a whistleblower after discovering that elements of a data-monitoring program he had helped develop — nicknamed ThinThread — were being used to spy on Americans.


Scenario: Mark Klein was among the first to expose the NSA’s domestic wiretapping efforts. The former AT & T technician watched the construction of the secret switching room at the telecom’s facility on Folsom Street in San Francisco

Scenario: Daniel Hale, a former National Security Agency (NSA) official has been charged with giving classified documents on drone warfare to a journalist.  Hale, 31, was indicted by a grand jury on five charges relating to the alleged leak. Each charge carries a maximum 10-year prison sentence. The US justice department said Hale was arrested.

Scenario: Thomas Tamm stumbled upon the existence of a highly classified National Security Agency program that seemed to be eavesdropping on U.S. citizens. The unit had special rules that appeared to be hiding the NSA activities from a panel of federal judges who are required to approve such surveillance. Tamm exposed the Bush administrations domestic warrantless eavesdropping program that intercepted private email messages and phone calls of U.S. residents without a court warrant.

Scenario: Edward Snowden leaked classified information from the NSA in 2013 when he was contractor employee for the CIA.  The documents disclosed global surveillance program by the NSA and the Five Eves Intelligence Alliance working with telecommunication companies and European governments.

Assignment: Your assignment is to explore one of these incidents further, using your research to present it from the perspective of your assigned stakeholder. Your goal is to hold a press conference which explains the controversy and your organizations future plans or suggested policy changes in response to it.