Archive for March 26th, 2022

The DNP Project: Educating and Engaging Stakeholders


PICOT: For adult surgical oncology patients at White Plains Hospital Center for Cancer Care, does the implementation of aromatherapy in the preoperative setting, compared to current practice, impact anxiousness in 8-10 weeks?

Please discuss the importance of engaging and educating stakeholders on your quality improvement initiative.

The first stage is problem identification. When identifying the need for a nonpharmacologic approach to preoperative anxiousness, the DNP student took into consideration the needs of the practicum site. Many patients regularly take antianxiety medication and are instructed to refrain from taking it the day of surgery. Currently, there is no formal practice in place managing these symptoms preoperatively. Stakeholders were a part of the problem identification, therefore having them included in the process promotes engagement and excitement in the quality improvement initiative.  

What is your plan for education of the stakeholders?

The DNP student reviewed the literature to extract the best evidence to support the management of preoperative anxiousness. Upon disseminating the literature, utilizing aromatherapy as a cost-effective, simple, and nonpharmacologic intervention emerged as a fruitful intervention (Abbaszadeh et al., 2020; Abdelhakin et al., 2020; Beyliklioglu & Arslan, 2019; Croke, 2020; Franco et al., 2016). Next, the DNP student adapted this knowledge to local content. Knowing that there lacks a current practice to address preoperative anxiousness, this was an opportunity to integrate a strong, literature-supported intervention. Providing this well identified problem and supported intervention, made educating the stakeholders quite easy. Presenting each stakeholder, personally, with the information obtained was the plan for educating these individuals.  

How will you implement this plan?

Organizing regular meetings and educational sessions, held by the DNP student will be the plan for education. I prefer and would like to hold these meetings in person if possible, so information does not get lost in translation. Educational handouts about the project will also be useful.

How will you foster and continue enthusiasm for your intervention?

Sustainability requires enthusiasm, continuous work, feedback, and revision. Dissemination of results and gained information from the DNP project will serve as a foundation for sustainability. Positive patient feedback and increased patient satisfaction will add to the likelihood of maintaining this proposed intervention. Utilizing the survey information on anxiousness could potentially lead to further exploration of this widespread emotion. The DNP student will serve as an ambassador and cheerleader for the project, while keeping everyone focused and excited about the intervention.  

Provide your instructor and student colleagues with an update on your implementation plans for your DNP Project. Share any successes, challenges, or barriers you experienced this week.

I am having a hard time with the IRB at my institution. They keep on classifying my DNP project as research or study and it seems as though no one is distinguishing between the two. I was out of the office for a few days, hoping to come back to my project being sent to expedited review, although to my dismay and disappointment it has not. I currently have meetings pending with two individuals to help me navigate through this VERY frustrating process. To be honest, this is a huge deterrent for future change, due to the unfriendly process.


Abbaszadeh, R., Tabari, F., & Asadpour, A. (2020). The effect of lavender aroma on anxiety of patients having bone marrow biopsy. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 21(3), 771-775.

Abdelhakim, A.M., Hussein, A.S., Doheim, M.F., & Sayed, A.K. (2020). The effect of inhalation aromatherapy in patients undergoing cardiac surgery: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 48, 1-8.

Beyliklioglu, A. & Arslan, S. (2019). Effect of lavender oil on the anxiety of patients before breast surgery. Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing, 34(3), 587-593.

Croke, L. (2020). Nonpharmacologic strategies to help reduce preoperative patient anxiety. AORN Journal, 111(2), p8-p10.


Madeleine Leininger

Explain Transcultural Nursing by Madeleine Leininger.

How to apply it to your nursing practice? 

2 APA ref 
175 words


Imagine that you have landed your dream job as VP of Communications for a brand you admire. Your first order of business is to create a comprehensive content strategy that supports the brand's business goals. You want to ensure that you have a strong strategy for all types of media: paid, earned, shared, and owned. Prepare a content strategy for your brand. It should be 4-5 pages, including an overview of:

1. Organizational goals that are supported by content marketing

2. Content types 

3. Topics and overall themes

4. Metrics for success

5. Timeline for execution

Submit your strategic plan here as a Word or Google Docs document. 

Content Strategy Rubric

Content Strategy Rubric




This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Strategic Thinking

Business strategy is highly detailed, logical, and represents excellent application of best practices in communications

40 pts


30 pts

Very Good

20 pts


0 pts

Needs additional work

40 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeBrand Alignment

Strategy is on-brand, utilizing effective media channels that support organizational goals, and works with existing brand PR strategies

30 pts


20 pts

Very Good

10 pts


0 pts

Needs additional work

30 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeVariety and Robustness

A wide range of on-brand content types and channels are used.

30 pts


20 pts

Very Good

10 pts


0 pts

Needs additional work

30 pts

Total Points: 100

Content Marketing Strategy

Imagine that you have landed your dream job as VP of Communications for a brand you admire. Your first order of business is to create a comprehensive content strategy that supports the brand’s business goals. You want to ensure that you have a strong strategy for all types of media: paid, earned, shared, and owned. Prepare a content strategy for your brand. It should be 4-5 pages, including an overview of:

1. Organizational goals that are supported by content marketing

2. Content types 

3. Topics and overall themes

4. Metrics for success

5. Timeline for execution

Submit your strategic plan here as a Word or Google Docs document. 


ACC 315 Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric

Overview: The final project for this course is the creation of a client recommendation that includes flowcharts, diagrams, tables, narrative, and an executive summary presentation. The final product represents an authentic demonstration of competency because you will analyze a real-world scenario with the goal of making recommendations for an accounting information system.

In this milestone, you will create a table that identifies weaknesses, potential threats, and potential internal controls, along with a brief paper describing the required data elements and the resulting relational database tables.

Prompt: For this project, you will assume the role of a consultant responsible for assessing a client’s business operations and making recommendations for an accounting information system. To complete this project, review the Final Project Scenario document.

Specifically, you must address the following critical elements:

I. Client Recommendation: Prepare a written recommendation for the automation of a client’s accounting system. Address the following elements in detail:

d) Create a table that identifies weaknesses and potential threats to a business and potential internal controls to address the weaknesses and threats found in the chosen cycle.

e) For the chosen cycle, describe the data elements that need to be captured in the accounting information system (AIS), and organize that data into multiple relational database tables. Include the data type, structures, and whether the data element is a primary or foreign key.


Guidelines for Submission: The completed milestone should be submitted as a 2- to 4-page document (excluding title and reference pages). Use double-spacing and 12-point Times New Roman font. Use APA formatting to cite any sources you use.

Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value

Weaknesses, Threats, and Internal Controls

Accurately creates a table that identifies weaknesses and potential threats to a business and potential internal controls to address the weaknesses and threats found in the chosen cycle

Creates a table that identifies weaknesses and potential threats to a business and potential internal controls, but table lacks detail or contains inaccuracies

Doesn’t create a table that identifies weaknesses and potential threats to a business and any potential internal controls


Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value

Data Elements in Relational Database


Accurately describes the data elements that need to be captured in the AIS and organizes that data into relational database tables, including the data type, structures, and whether the data element is a primary or foreign key

Describes the data elements that need to be captured in the AIS and organizes that data into relational database tables, but description or tables lack required detail or contain inaccuracies

Doesn’t describe the data elements that need to be captured in the AIS or organize that data into relational database tables


Articulation of Response

Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization

Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas

Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas


Total 100%

  • ACC 315 Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric
    • Rubric


CSE 4314 Sections

Assignment #3


The student is to write a 1000 word essay addressing the impact of computing on individuals, organizations, and/or society in general. The topic selected for the essay must elaborate on how computer technology in general, or how a specific technology has affected lifestyles, the economy, the environment, politics, etc., and must be currently relevant.


This Essay Theme is to be in accordance with the Syllabus schedule to the TA by Email. The theme will be approved by the professor. The Essay Theme will be no more than 1 or 3 sentences clearly and concisely stating what it is you will be writing about in consideration of the previous section above.

The essay must, as a minimum, include the following elements:

· Title Page

· Student Name & Last Four Digits of ID#

· Title of Essay

· “For Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Professional Practices, CSE 4314”

· Date

· Pages are to be numbered.

· A description of the technology being addressed.

· Why this technology was chosen.

· A Brief History of the technology.

· Positive impacts of the technology.

· Negative Impacts.

· What is the future of this technology (where does it go from here)?

· In-text citations and References.


ACC 315 Final Project Scenario Background You met Jill, the owner of Peyton Approved Bakery, a couple of years ago when she first started her business. You recall how much help she needed with starting her business, organizing her financial transactions, preparing financial statements for potential stakeholders, and making decisions related to growth and expansion. Jill has now approached you regarding her desire to expand the business. Since you have kept Peyton’s books since its inception, you are familiar with her business transactions; however, you realize that for Jill to grow her business, she must transition from her current manual way of doing business into a more automated mode of operations. The first step, you believe, is to automate her accounting information system. Although you are familiar with Jill’s numbers, you have no idea how her day-to-day operations occur. After looking over her financial transactions, you understand the business activities that Peyton Approved Bakery is primarily involved in: sales, accounts receivable, purchasing, inventory, and payroll. To get a better feel for how Jill actually operates the business, you schedule a meeting with her to discuss how these transactions occur. Initial Meeting During the meeting, you ask Jill to tell you more about her goals for the business. She indicates that she wants to provide quality treats for pets all over the country at a reasonable price. Jill states that since her business has grown so quickly, she thinks it is time to expand. She’s sure she can sell her products online and maybe even open another store in a different location, perhaps another state. You ask Jill to detail her current processes, and she tells you the following: BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT I pride myself in making delicious, freshly baked treats for pets of all kinds. We make everything from cakes and donuts to cookies and candy! We are truly unique. As you know, I hired two part-time employees to keep up with the orders. One employee, Pierre, bakes most of the items, and the other employee, Renee, is my “go-to ga”’! She does everything from taking orders, collecting payments, ordering supplies, and delivering products to keeping up with the inventory. With your help, I was able to secure a loan from my bank to help really establish the business; I would like to go back to them for additional financing. My parents also think that I should expand the business and are willing to invest in the expansion! SALES CYCLE A small percentage or our sales are purchased off the shelf; most of our business is special order. We sell half of our products through phone orders; the rest of our products are sold to customers who walk into our shop. Besides pastries, we also sell other related merchandise such as pet party accessories, pet dishware, pet toys and gifts, and so on. Both Renee and I handle the sales that occur in the shop.

When a customer places an order, we write the order by hand. We jot down the customer’s name and address, phone number, and the details of the order, including:

 The type of pastries

 The quantity of each pastry desired

 The date of the order

 The date the customer wants to pick up the order We immediately calculate the cost of the order by using a price sheet, and we include the price of the order on the customer order sheet. If it’s a walk-in order, we give the customer a copy of the customer order. The financial information from the customer order is then copied to a duplicate sales order form; one copy goes with the customer order, and the other is placed in a folder of outstanding orders. The customer order is picked out of the folder by Pierre or me to process. After we bake the items, we sign the customer order as complete. When the customer receives the product, a copy of the sales order is given to the customer with a receipt of purchase. If the sale was a credit sale, Renee creates an invoice by hand and gives it to the customer; the second sales order is signed as complete and forwarded to you for accounting.

ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE CYCLE We do both cash and credit sales; I give the OK to customers who purchase on credit. Since I have known most of our credit customers for a long time, I don’t have many problems with collecting from them. We also do cash sales in the shop. Sales that are generated in the shop are cash only; I don’t extend credit to walk-ins. All credit sales customers receive a copy of the sales order when they pick up the order with a copy of the invoice. We give customers 15 days to pay the account in full; we do not give sales discounts for early payment. We can only receive payments in person in the shop; customers can pay with cash, check, or credit card. Either Renee or I will collect the payment and issue the customer a receipt of payment. We use a cash register and credit card reader to record payment. Cash is deposited daily. I review the register tape and credit card receipts at the end of each day. We staple the receipt of payment to the invoice and send all invoices to you, paid or unpaid, at the end of the week. Customers that do not pay within 15 days are sent a reminder letter. We have very few issues with non-payment. INVENTORY CYCLE We only bake items after we receive a customer order and sales order. We price our baking inventory by the job; we charge an overhead fee of 25% of the materials and labor costs. Pastry inventory does not last long in our shop. We do our best to bake only what is needed, so there is very little waste in our shop. When we need baking supplies to make our pastries, we simply get what we need from the inventory room; we don’t fill out a form when we get or use baking supplies. We make a certain amount of pastries for walk-ins; these pastries cannot stay on our shelves for more than 24 hours. Pastries older than 24 hours are thrown out. Renee reviews the merchandise and supply inventory weekly and keeps track of the supplies that need to be purchased. I sometimes tell Renee what to order; however, she is good with keeping adequate baking and merchandise supplies on hand. When we need supplies, Renee can just pick up the phone and place an order for what we need. To speed up the process and keep costs down, Renee picks up the supplies on a weekly basis. If we run out of something, she may do another pickup during the week. Merchandise and baking supply inventory is kept in a room in the back, which we all have access to.

ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CYCLE In the middle of the month, we request an “open” purchase order of baking supplies on account. We have good relationships with several vendors, so they let us buy our supplies on revolving credit. Since

we don’t have much space to store supplies, our vendors let us keep an “open tab” and pick up items as needed. Each vendor hands Renee an invoice for the supplies she picks up. We can get a 1% discount if we pay the invoice in 10 days; otherwise, we have 30 days to pay the bill. Renee pays most of the items over the phone or on the computer. Our vendors email us receipts of payment. Renee staples the proof of payment to the vendor invoices. We send all invoices, paid or unpaid, to you at the end of the week.

PAYROLL CYCLE Renee and Pierre work various hours throughout the week and do not have a set schedule. Neither punch a time card; however, they write down the number of hours they work each day. I review the hours they write down at the end of each week to make sure they are reasonable. Since Renee uses her own car to deliver orders and pick up supplies, I reimburse her for mileage on her car. Renee gives me a mileage report each week. I use the rates you gave me to calculate the reimbursement for mileage, and I add the reimbursement to her weekly pay. I pay both Renee and Pierre weekly by company check that I personally write out and sign. I forward the time sheets, reimbursement calculation, and check register to you weekly.

“So, that’s the story of my business,” Jill says. You thank Jill for her time and all the information she gave you. You tell her that you will go through the information and come back to her in a week or two with thoughts about potential next steps. After considering Jill’s goals and hearing her processes, you are convinced that you need to do a thorough analysis of Peyton Approved Bakery to assess the feasibility of an automated AIS, how it would impact Jill’s current processes, and how it could enhance her ability to reach her goal of expansion.


Art review

Monet. The water lily pond, need help gathering info about the famous monet art .

A bridge over a river  Description automatically generated with low confidence

Write a Two Page Paper.

1. Visit a virtual museum as listed below and select an artwork to review. If you visit an actual museum, extra credit of 10 points are available. Many museums are open by appointment right now. Provide proof of attendance with a photo of your entry ticket, dated within March – April 2022.

2. Introduce the artwork by artist, title, date, and medium preferably in one sentence.

3.  Intensely observe and describe the contents of the artwork in detail in your own words, and discuss it in terms of some of the vocabulary you have learned in this class.  Imagine you are describing it to someone who can not see it, as if you are helping them visualize it. Set the overall scene, then establish the details. Describe as many details as you can in a logical way. What formal factors shape the artwork? What is your response to it? In your description include human terms, such as how the artwork feels. Is there a mood or emotions associated with the work? 

4. When talking about the work you can discuss the artist in the past tense, but always refer to the artwork itself in the present tense, unless it was destroyed.Past Tense: The artist used a variety of warm colors to express a feeling of joy.Present Tense: The painting gives a feeling of joy through the use of warms colors.

5. Include a few insightful sentences about the work's historical significance such as how it fits into art history, or within the artist's own body of work, or specific to the context of the show. This provides a broader context of the artwork.

6.  The paper must be written in 3rd person meaning, with no use of  “I, you, or we.”A sentence in the first person: "I went to the museum and saw a painting of irises by Vincent Van Gogh."A sentence in third person: "At the museum is a painting of irises by Vincent Van Gogh."

7. Although the majority of the paper is to be written with your own words and ideas, be sure to properly quote and cite any reference materials utilized. Try to write the paper from your own point of view before reading and searching for more information. I am not too picky about how you cite your sources, just be sure to acknowledge them within the paper, with quotations, or if paraphrased with a number or author's last name in parentheses and cite at the end of the paper. Most of what you might quote will come from the museum site or article that you find on the internet. When known acknowledge the author by listing their name and provide a link to where you found the information. This part goes at the end of the paper with the accompanying citation number and/or author's name.

Anxiety in Children and Adolescents – 1.5 pages

  • Recommend one FDA-approved drug, one off-label drug, and one nonpharmacological intervention for treating anxiety disorder in children and adolescents.
  • Explain the risk assessment you would use to inform your treatment decision making. What are the risks and benefits of the FDA-approved medicine? What are the risks and benefits of the off-label drug?
  • Explain whether clinical practice guidelines exist for this disorder and, if so, use them to justify your recommendations. If not, explain what information you would need to take into consideration.
  • Support your reasoning with at least three scholarly resources, one each on the FDA-approved drug, the off-label, and a non-medication intervention for the disorder. Attach the PDFs of your sources.

Unit 4 journal business


We all enter into contracts without reading and understanding all of the terms of the contract, but who has time to read and understand pages of small print, or who can afford to hire a lawyer every time they get a new cell phone or buy a car? Have you ever entered into a contract without really understanding all of your obligations involved in the contract? You might say that you have not done that, but think whether you really understand all of the terms of the contract for your cell phone service, your cable or satellite television service, the loan for your car, or your lease or mortgage. Is there anything each of us can do to avoid entering into contracts that we do not understand without missing out on things we need and want? Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.