Archive for March 26th, 2022



Topography homework Name ___________________________ 20 points total

Instructions: Read the links in the drop box besides these are my additional suggestions:

1) Download the worksheet and keep a clean copy of the file on a safe place like your homework file. You have created it on your computer desktop.

2) Most of you do not know how to read topographic maps, if you do go ahead and get it done. But if you do not know, then read the information in the two links. You do not need to buy the book!

3) Print a copy of the worksheet and get a light brown or green coloring pencil. Locate the 0 elevation contour line and color all the area above sea level this is elevation greater than 0. Positive values indicate above sea level, negative values below sea level. So now you can see the island of Puerto Rico and the Puerto Rico Trough or Trench as well as the Hawaiian Islands. These depth values are in meters.

4) Find the highest positive values Max elevation and Max depth highest negative values found across the straight lines (vertical cross sections) across the contour lines. This thick straight line is the line of the vertical section or profile. These sections depict the variation in elevation along the line. The panels: A, B, C and D are their graphic representations.

5) To select which cross section is the right one look for the starting height or water depth at the beginning and end of the lines. Then look in between too!


1. Answer the following questions regarding Figure (1) below: a. What is the maximum depth you would reach if you traversed along the

path shown below (2 pts)? ___________________ b. What is the maximum height you would reach if you traveled along the

same path (2 pts)? ___________________ c. Between what 2 depths would you experience the greatest slope (2 pts)?

d. Choose which subpanel in Figure (2) best represents the cross-section shown below (6 pts). __________________



17 -68 -65


Figure 1 (contour lines are in meters)


000 A

4000 B

2000 2000

E 0 0 -£ -2000 a.


~ -4000 -4000

-6000 -6000

-8000 -8000

4000 C

4000 D

2000 2000

– o, ~ 0 E -£ -2000 a.


~ -4000 -4000

-6000 -6000

-8000 -8000


Figure 2

2. Answer the following questions regarding Figure(3) on the next page: a. What is the maximum depth you would reach if you traversed along the

path shown in Figure (3) (3 pts)? ___________________ b. What is the maximum height you would reach if you traveled along the

same path (3 pts)? ___________________ c. Choose which subpanel in Figure (4) best represents the cross-section

shown on Figure(3) (4 pts). __________________


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Q ..,

Figure 3 (contour lines are in meters)


4000 A B

2000 2000

– 0 0 E -£ -2000 a.

-2000 <ll u -4000 -4000

-6000 -6000

-8000 -8000

4000 4000 C D

2000 2000

– 0 0 E -£ -2000 a.

-2000 <ll u -4000 -4000

-6000 -6000

-8000 -8000

Figure 4


  1. Name:
  2. path shown below 2 pts:
  3. same path 2 pts:
  4. d Choose which subpanel in Figure 2 best represents the crosssection:
  5. shown below 6 pts:
  6. path shown in Figure 3 3 pts:
  7. same path 3 pts:
  8. shown on Figure3 4 pts:


3/23/22, 10:12 PM Metacogntion Activity 3 – Spring 2022 – Principles of Biology I (BIOL-1107-OF2) 1/2

Metacognition Activity #3

Due 11:59pm Sunday

Write a 1 page test wrapper reflection on your last two test. Use the following questionsas possible prompts to reflect on your test performance. Please answer one to two questionsfrom each section (preparation for the tests, planning, performance, and next steps). Please usesingle (or 1.5) line spacing, 1 inch margins, and 12 point standard font (Ariel, Times NewRoman, Calbri, etc.) and write in full sentences in paragraph format.

Preparation for Test

How did you prepare for the test? Explain your process.

What resources did you use in preparing for taking the test?

How does your exam preparation compare to three other peers in the class (askthem)


What strategies did you use for studying (e.g., study groups, online practicequizzes, office hours with instructor, review sessions, peer teaching etc.)?

How much time did you study (and how long over what time period)?

What aspects of the course did you spend more time on (or less time on) basedon your current understanding.

What percentage of your test preparation time was spent on these activities?(re-reading the textbook section(s)___?; reviewing your own notes (daily)___?,reviewing your own notes (sporadically)____?; reviewing PowerPointpresentations from lecture ____?; generating your own exam questions andanswering them____?; studying in groups_____?; other strategies____?


How did your actual grade on this test compare with the grade you expected?How do you explain the difference, if any?

How do you feel about your test grade (happy, surprised, disappointed)?

Examine the items on which you lost points and look for patterns. Were youcareless or did you run out of time? (Will need an appointment with Dr. DP tolook at exam results.)

3/23/22, 10:12 PM Metacogntion Activity 3 – Spring 2022 – Principles of Biology I (BIOL-1107-OF2) 2/2

Next Steps

What are you going to do differently for your next test?

What might be your goal (e.g., certain percentage)?

What study strategies are you going to use next time to enable you to get thatscore?

metacognitive activity 3


Metacognition Activity #3

Write a 1 page test wrapper reflection on your last two test. Use the following questions as possible prompts to reflect on your test performance. Please answer one to two questions from each section (preparation for the tests, planning, performance, and next steps). Please use single (or 1.5) line spacing, 1 inch margins, and 12 point standard font (Ariel, Times New Roman, Calbri, etc.) and write in full sentences in paragraph format.



Write a research paper on the real-world application of the chosen technology. Your paper should include the type of organization(s) that benefits most from this technology. Elaborate on what business problem the technology solves. Also, how does it help the organization achieve one or more of the following:

Achieve operational excellence through higher levels of efficiency and productivity

Create new products, services, and business models

Raise revenue and profits while lowering costs by increasing customer and supplier intimacy

Improve decision making for managers and employees

Increase competitive advantages

Ensure survival caused by business environment changes




theory and ideology

Read the attached article about the shootings that occurred in Atlanta on Tuesday, March 16, 2021: Find at least three other sources that describe the background and motivation of Robert Aaron Long. Analyze how the Social Bonding Theory, the General Theory of Crime, and Labeling Theory might explain his behavior using the information available in these sources. Based on your assessment, which of the three theories provides the best possible explanation? Explain your reasoning.

home work on us history to 1877 define 4 terms

In paragraphs of approximately 5-7 sentences, define four of the following terms. Your answers should use the Ware and Taylor readings to define what each term is and how it relates to early American history.

(NB: For some of these answers, you might find that there is more information in the reading than you can put into a 5-7 sentence paragraph. In those cases, you can make some editorial choices. That is, what do YOU believe are the most important things to know about the term you are defining, and shape your answer according to your choices.)

Women’s roles in Native American cultures

Slave women in the Chesapeake colonies

Women and the “consumer revolution”


Bacon’s Rebellion

The Puritans

Settler/Indian relations in New England

Example of a full credit answer (taken from Alan Taylor, Colonial America, chapter 4, “Chesapeake Colonies.”)

West Country Menwere a group of influential and prominent Englishmen who, with the backing of Queen Elizabeth I, began the English empire. The West Country men envisioned an empire that could absorb the growing numbers of poor people in England and turn them into profitable workers who would grow Englands wealth and power. Additionally, they wanted an empire that could challenge the power of the Spanish empire and curb its attempts to spread Catholicism in the Americas. (England was a Protestant country). They exaggerated the cruelty with which Spanish explorers had treated indigenous people in America and insisted that those peoples would welcome the English as a preferred alternative. The West Country men twice failed to establish a colony on Roanoke, but eventually were successful at creating a permanent colony in what is now Virginia called Jamestown.

home work on us history to 1877 define 4 terms

In paragraphs of approximately 5-7 sentences, define four of the following terms. Your answers should use the Ware and Taylor readings to define what each term is and how it relates to early American history.

(NB: For some of these answers, you might find that there is more information in the reading than you can put into a 5-7 sentence paragraph. In those cases, you can make some editorial choices. That is, what do YOU believe are the most important things to know about the term you are defining, and shape your answer according to your choices.)

Women’s roles in Native American cultures

Slave women in the Chesapeake colonies

Women and the “consumer revolution”


Bacon’s Rebellion

The Puritans

Settler/Indian relations in New England

Example of a full credit answer (taken from Alan Taylor, Colonial America, chapter 4, “Chesapeake Colonies.”)

West Country Menwere a group of influential and prominent Englishmen who, with the backing of Queen Elizabeth I, began the English empire. The West Country men envisioned an empire that could absorb the growing numbers of poor people in England and turn them into profitable workers who would grow Englands wealth and power. Additionally, they wanted an empire that could challenge the power of the Spanish empire and curb its attempts to spread Catholicism in the Americas. (England was a Protestant country). They exaggerated the cruelty with which Spanish explorers had treated indigenous people in America and insisted that those peoples would welcome the English as a preferred alternative. The West Country men twice failed to establish a colony on Roanoke, but eventually were successful at creating a permanent colony in what is now Virginia called Jamestown.


Copyright © Edgenuity Inc.

Creating a Movie Poster Student Guide


Create a movie poster that effectively advertises the film adaptation of The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll

and Mr. Hyde.


In this assignment, you will create a movie poster for the film adaptation of The Strange Case of Dr.

Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. The movie poster should create an appropriate mood. It should incorporate

elements of design that reflect the genre, plot, and theme. Think about important characters and

scenes when illustrating your poster. Your poster should include text elements such as taglines or

quotations. The project is worth 100 points.

Assignment Prompt:

Create a movie poster that effectively advertises the film adaptation of The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll

and Mr. Hyde.

Assignment Instructions

Step 1: Identify elements to include in your poster.

a) Recall the purposes of an advertisement, and think about examples of movie posters.

b) Consider the elements of a movie poster, such as images of important scenes, notable

characters, and taglines.

c) Decide on what aspects of the genre, plot, and theme to include on the poster.

Step 2: Create an appropriate mood.

a) Identify the genre of the story and its most important features.

b) Determine how plot events, characters, or themes can reflect the genre.

c) Choose elements of design that reflect key aspects of the story and its genre.

Step 3: Use text effectively.

a) Brainstorm key words to include in a tagline.

b) Determine an effective tone for a tagline.

c) Write a concise tagline that uses key words and reflects the tone.

d) Think about how to incorporate quotations from the text on the poster.

Student Guide (continued)

Copyright © Edgenuity Inc.

Step 4: Create your movie poster.

a) Use images that reflect the story and grab the viewer’s attention.

b) Include other elements of design that set an appropriate mood, such as color and font.

c) Include a tagline and/or a quotation from the text.

d) Remember to save your work as you go.

Step 5: Evaluate your movie poster using the checklist.

If you can answer “yes” to each question, you are ready to submit your movie poster.

□ Does your movie poster contain elements that reflect genre, plot, and theme?

□ Does your movie poster accurately portray characters or scenes?

□ Does your movie poster create a mood that is appropriate for the story?

□ Does your movie poster incorporate concise taglines or relevant quotations?

□ Does your movie poster have a persuasive appeal?

Step 6: Revise and submit your movie poster file.

a) If your work does not meet all of the requirements on the checklist, revise it.

b) Once you have completed your movie poster, you will save your file. (Ask your teacher for


c) Return to the Virtual Classroom and use the “Browse for file” option to locate and submit your

assignment. Congratulations on completing your assignment!

d) Ask your teacher for further instructions about printing and presenting your work to an


Project 2: Nations Behaving Badly Step 16: Deliver to Your CISO


As a synthesis of the previous steps in this project, you will now submit the following for grading a packaged deliverable to the CISO that contains the following:

  1. Cybersecurity Risk Assessment including Vulnerability Matrix
  2. Incident Response Plan
  3. Service-Level Agreement
  4. FVEY Indicator Sharing Report
  5. Final Forensic Report

Based on the feedback you have received, you should have revised the deliverables. Although many of these deliverables were initially developed in a team setting, each team member is responsible for submitting his or her own documents for individual assessment.

Before you submit your assignment, review the competencies below, which your instructor will use to evaluate your work. A good practice would be to use each competency as a self-check to confirm you have incorporated all of them in your work.

Check Your Evaluation Criteria

Before you submit your assignment, review the competencies below, which your instructor will use to evaluate your work. A good practice would be to use each competency as a self-check to confirm you have incorporated all of them. To view the complete grading rubric, click My Tools, select Assignments from the drop-down menu, and then click the project title.

  • 2.2: Locate and access sufficient information to investigate the issue or problem.
  • 4.4: Demonstrate diversity and inclusiveness in a team setting.
  • 5.3: Support policy decisions with the application of specific cybersecurity technologies and standards.
  • 5.8: Apply procedures, practices, and technologies for protecting web servers, web users, and their surrounding organizations.
  • 6.1: Knowledge of methods and procedures to protect information systems and data by ensuring their availability, authentication, confidentiality, and integrity.
  • 8.1: Employ ethics when planning and conducting forensic investigations, and when testifying in court.
  • 8.2: Incorporate international issues including culture and foreign language to plans for investigations.

Take Action

For this assignment, each team must designate a member who will submit the initial deliverable for the team. Other team members must submit their assignment folder entries for this deliverable in order to receive a grade and feedback. To avoid confusion, please add a comment to your submission, e.g., “I am a member of team [xyz]. [Student name] will submit the deliverable for our team.”

Revisions should made be made as a team and resubmitted using the same process. However, if a team member disagrees with the team’s deliverable, he or she is allowed to submit a separate revision based upon the original deliverable.

Take Action

Submit your assignment to your instructor for review and feedback.

Follow these steps to access the assignment:

  • Click Activities and Assessments in the top navigation bar.
  • Click Assignments.
  • Select the relevant assignment.

Mini-Case Study

Case One:

As the new benefits manager at Riley Industries, you have decided to implement a high deductible health plan (HDHP) for the employees. You have heard that HDHPS has many benefits, such as substantial cost savings resulting from employees taking charge of their health. You have also heard there are disadvantages. How should you educate the employees of Riley Industries on HDHPS? What if the employees want to keep their previous insurance plans instead? Discuss the other advantages of HDHPS to both the employer and the employees, including how employees are able to promote better health through these plans. Name some other disadvantages of the plans, including the inability to save for possible deductibles costs. What is your opinion on companies moving toward HDHPS?

Include a conclusion

in text citation is required
at least 3 scholarly references