Archive for March 26th, 2022

Assignment: Methods Section


Below outlines individual components of your methods section. You should rely on Section 2.06 of your APA Manual (APA, 2010) for examples and guidance on crafting this section as well. For this assignment, you should provide the a detailed outline of the methods needed to hypothetically conduct your research study. You may provide the following information in either a bulleted list OR paragraph form, however regardless of the method you present the information you should use subheadings for each of the sections identified below.

The following cover the key components your assignment must cover, although it is not exhaustive – you may include additional information as needed for your individual projects:

Research Question

Start your outline off by restating your research question(s). 

Research Setting

Where will you conduct your proposed study? If you propose to conduct your study in one county or state for example, how will you assure your sample is representative of the community at large? Be specific – you should clearly identify the location(s) where you will do your research. 


Use this section to describe the proposed sample for your research study. Will you limit the study to a particular population? Why? Is your sample a protected population according to the Institutional Review Board? Be specific – identify exactly who will be in your study, how many participants, how you will identify them, etc. What sampling strategy will you use to select participants?


Will you need any questionnaires or measures to collect data? Will you have to design your own questionnaire to collect data? Will you use existing questionnaires/measures to collect your data? Will you need to develop a survey packet or interview protocol? Be specific – you need to actually identify the questions that you will ask on a survey or interview for example. If doing observations, clearly identify the behaviors you will observe. You must make it clear to the reader how you will collect the information you need to answer your research question. What is your independent variable? What is your dependent variable?

Research Design

What is your research design? Is this an experiment? Quasi-experiment? Qualitative study?

Data Collection

Describe the process of conducting the study. How would you recruit participants?  Will you compensate participants? What will participants do? What order will they take part in research activities? How will you gain access to your study site or participants? For example, how would you gain access to inmates within a prison? What method will you use to obtain the data you need to conduct your study? You should describe the study in enough detail that another research could conduct the same procedures and replicate it just by reading this portion of your paper. This should be a very detailed description of your study. 

Ride Along

 This project will relate the concepts learned in class to the real-world environment.  You will participate in a ride-along with a local police officer. The ride-along must be with a patrol officer/deputy with a local law enforcement agency that responds to calls for service, such as a police department or sheriff’s office. 

 After the ride-along, complete a written summary of your experience, which will compare what you learned in the field with what you learned in class.  Be sure to explain how the officer interacts with the community and how the citizens you encounter interact with the officer.  During the shift be sure to ask questions of the officer to see what their opinion is of policing.  Are the daily activities of a police officer what you thought they would be?  

Your paper must include the name of the agency, the name of the officer, and the date and time of your ride-along.

This will be a two-page typewritten paper (double-spaced, margins no more than 1 per side, font no larger than 12 point). 


Based on the “Purple Innovation, Inc.: The online to offline marketing challenge” case, respond to the following question:

Imagine that you are the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) of Purple and the CEO asks you to devise a marketing communication plan to help generate offline sales at partner stores, such as Mattress Firm. While you may suggest multiple media to help accomplish the task, you know that digital/online marketing will continue to play a role. Develop a digital ad campaign to help drive traffic to partner offline stores. In doing so, please consider the following elements:
Who do you want to target?
What kind of message do you want to convey?
What kind of images/videos and text should be included?
Which digital platforms do you recommend running the ads on?
How will you assess the success of your proposed digital ad campaign?
NOTE: To get a sense of the digital campaigns Purple had been running in the past, please watch the videos described in Exhibits 1, 3, and 4 in the case (appropriate links are provided there).

There is a 2-page single space limit for your response.


Over the years, many educators and administrators have heard, used, or passed on the old proverb, “Don’t smile until Christmas”. The phrase is referencing to classroom management and discipline. The theory is that in order to gain authority and respect initially from your students; is to not smile, joke or promote any humor. Your first impression on students should be positive and welcoming. Students need and deserve an educational experience facilitated by positive adults (Ferlazzo, 2021). No student can benefit with an additional negative adult added to their lives. I am a firm believer that; teachers need a clear and precise classroom management system to succeed. However, students should feel they have entered an educational oasis not a correctional facility. Studies show that students do not perform for teachers they do not like or are uncomfortable with. Let’s stand back and think, “Why do teachers in classroom appear to be so unhappy?” As a student how would feel knowing for an entire school year, I have to interact with someone who appears to be unhappy and serious majority of the time. The most effective teachers know how to appear serious and firm but remain inviting, calm, and professional (Ferlazzo, 2021). Considering Harry Wong’s theory on classroom management presented in his book entitled “The 1st 100 Days of School”, I believe his response would not be supportive of this idea and would also provide evidence that discredits this old proverb. Mr. Wong’s response would probably go like,” Start the school year off in a celebratory mode. The very first days of school set the stage for the remainder of the school year. Set the tone of your classroom; make sure students understand what is asked of them and provide structure, consistency and remain fair. Remember the 1st day of school there are usually little to no discipline issues. Students are shy, anxious, quiet, and subdued. Provide students with a reason to be a part of your class and take ownership in their learning. Do everything in your power to make students feel welcomed and keep in mind that the very 1st day determines the level of respect your students will display and gauges your success for the upcoming school year.” Contrary to popular belief, the #1 problem in classrooms is not discipline but the lack of rituals, routines, and procedures (Hensley et al., 2007). Classroom management is not fueled by discipline but management. You can manage a store but not discipline it; you can even manage a restaurant but not discipline it. With that being said you can manage a classroom but not discipline it. Behavior will rarely be an issue if effective teaching is underway, which starts with teaching students’ routines and procedures. Your attitude determines the “climate” of your classroom. Your students feed and react off of your energy and attitude (Hensley et al., 2007). Attitudes are contagious whether good or bad. I believe I can go on to say with the support of Mr. Wong, is that the first thing your students should see entering and leaving your class daily is a “SMILE”.

    My predictions I conclude the Wongs' response to the recommendation, "Don't smile until Christmas" is to simplify the reasonings. I believe that the Wongs would start by discussing the statement first. Next, I believe the Wongs would begin to research the reasonings of such. After analyzing the text information, I concluded that as highly educators require observation and reactions. The Wongs would begin to examine the quote by using their approach within classroom management first. Secondly use their overarching strategy on observing students. Lastly, they will use their principal roles to discuss what is expected of the students. Whenever individuals think of folk wisdom, curiosity comes to mind of tale or fate. My opinion is that the world could research this and everyone would still have their perception. When thinking about the quote: "Don't smile until Christmas", I think about how it can relate to teachers and students. I believe it relates to teachers because the expectations they have set for the students are all positive. This becomes an issue to being blindsided of knowing that students are developing, growing, and making mistakes daily. For instance, the students can start the school year by following the rules, behaving great, listening, and being interested in learning. Towards the end of the year, students have started breaking the rules, misbehaving, not paying attention, and not showing concerns towards learning. Wongs mentioned in the text that teachers are to remain strong without changing their expected and taught rules. Instead, Wongs believes that teachers must enforce them again. It recalls for a management plan, developing expected requirements for students, and also remembering the rules of behavior. The Wongs would also suggest the recommended steps in evaluation and a follow-up with each student. Teachers must always expect unexpected behavior coming from the students. Teachers should always plan, be prepared and be able to critique necessary changes. Additionally, teachers should use this quote to remember as a helpful tool when noticing changed behavior.

Since the Wongs propagate control and strict discipline in class, they would generally agree with the adage “Do not smile until Christmas,” but with some corrections. Mr. and Mrs. Wong would paraphrase it as “Do not smile until effective classroom management established.” “Until Christmas” is an unreasonably long term to be excessively strict with students. Only a few first weeks are usually enough to create an efficient learning environment with disciplined students understanding their priorities and permissions. After this period, the need to avoid “smile” disappears, and students know the limits they cannot breach.

The Wongs would also add that the “Do not smile” system is ineffective in the long term since the primary focus should be on creating a teacher`s plan. Only when the teacher knows exactly how each of his lessons should go will he have control over the situation. Once students are accustomed to a specific routine of the learning process and understand the expectations, it makes no difference whether the teacher “smiles or not.” The self-regulated system is created, and no misbehavior happens. That is why the Wongs believe that teacher`s plan is the key to discipline.

To conclude, Mr. and Mrs. Wong`s response to the stated adage would be ambiguous. They would agree on the need for discipline in the classroom but prefer a completely different approach. The rapid establishment of efficient classroom management and having a plan for each lesson is the central concept that helps teachers control the situation and avoid misbehavior.


, discuss which code you think the new generation of teachers is most unaware of.


Student Name : International GastronomyChef :

Activity 1: Explore current international gastronomic trends and developments

1- Introduction definition of gastronomy:

2- Examine international trends and developments in contemporary gastronomy (Look closely at, thinking and writing about the detail, and questioning it where appropriate)

Trends in contemporary gastronomy:

· Trends like organic, gluten free and artisan foods and the availability of international foods and drinks

· Trends in new wines, spirits, cocktails and other alcoholic/non-alcoholic beverages

· Trends in dining experience including different service methods and modern restaurant concepts

Developments in contemporary gastronomy:





(Support your answers with examples for trends and developments )

3Assess the influence of different cultures on current trends in gastronomy

(give careful consideration to all influence that apply, to identify those which are the most important or relevant and arrive at a conclusion).

Potential keys influence: How this influence effect gastronomy what are the positive points of each influence :

· Political

· Social

· Technology

· Economic

· Legal and environmental considerations

Point of view and conclusion:………………………



  • Analyze the ethical implications of a counselor expressing their values to a client.
  • Identify actions a counselor might take when confronted with clients they find difficult to treat due to differences in values/beliefs regarding one or more of the following issues: abortion, suicide, adultery, drug use, domestic violence, and child abuse.
  • Identify some of the legislation and government policies related to clinical mental health counseling or school counseling.
  • Identify factors that might lead a counselor to consider referring a client to another counselor.
  • Describe steps a counselor should take if a referral is not an option and discuss a specific ethical decision-making model that would be used to ensure best practices.
  • Be sure to use the ACA or ASCA Code of Ethics as guidelines when constructing your paper.
  • Include three additional scholarly resources in your paper in addition to the course textbook.


Python Course Capstone - Individual Project


Python and the database tool SQLite, you will develop a functionally project of your choice from the Capstone Project List. You will begin with an approach/strategy statement of the project, use the topics covered in class and document your code using comments inline to the code. And most of all, have fun building a project!

Capstone Project List

You will choose a project from the following list. Include which project you’re working on in your strategy statement.

Airline / Hotel Reservation System - Create a reservation system which books airline seats or hotel rooms (one or the other, doesn't not need to be both). It charges various rates for particular sections of the plane or hotel. Example, first class is going to cost more than coach. Hotel rooms have penthouse suites which cost more. Keep track of when rooms will be available and can be scheduled.

Company Manager - Create a hierarchy of classes – abstract class Employee and subclasses HourlyEmployee, SalariedEmployee, Manager and Executive. Every one's pay is calculated differently, research a bit about it. After you've established an employee hierarchy, create a Company class that allows you to manage the employees. You should be able to hire, fire and raise employees.

Patient / Doctor Scheduler - Create a patient class and a doctor class. Have a doctor that can handle multiple patients and setup a scheduling program where a doctor can only handle 16 patients during an 8 hr. work day.

Recipe Creator and Manager - Create a recipe class with ingredients and a put them in a recipe manager program that organizes them into categories like deserts, main courses or by ingredients like chicken, beef, soups, pies etc.

Flower Shop Ordering To Go - Create a flower shop application which deals in flower objects and use those flower objects in a bouquet object which can then be sold. Keep track of the number of objects and when you may need to order more.

Family Tree Creator - Create a class called Person which will have a name, when they were born and when (and if) they died. Allow the user to create these Person classes and put them into a family tree structure. Print out the tree to the screen.

Quiz Maker - Make an application which takes various questions from a database, picked randomly, and puts together a quiz for students. Each quiz can be different and then reads a key to grade the quizzes.

Boat Rental – Create a boat rental application which holds boat inventory, rental prices, boat availability, reservations and customer booking information.

The expectation for this project is you create your own project. You may use the DBbase class code we've used in HW9 and previous assignments. Code from previous assignments may be used as guidance only. Do not copy components from HW9 and submit as your own work, this will result in a low-end score.

Please do not upload zip files.


Project Rubric

· Code is functional and runs without errors. 10 points

· Strategy/approach to the project. 5 points

· Includes at least 5 custom functions, at least 2 functions to include parameters. 15 points

· Include at least 2 different custom classes (excludes DBbase). 10 points

· Include comments inline to document the code. 10 points

· Include saving/retrieving data from a database. 20 points

· Use inheritance with your classes (excludes DBbase as this was already provided). 15 points

· Include an interactive menu/program to run your project. 15 points

Total points: 100

Submit your work along with your database.


Python and the database tool SQLite will develop a functional project of your choice from the Capstone Project List. You will begin with an approach/strategy statement of the project, use the topics covered in class and document your code using comments inline to the code. And most of all, have fun building a project!




GOVT 200
For this assignment, you will write a 23-page paper (double-spaced, 1-inch margins) providing
at least 1 example of how government has overstepped biblical principles in some form of
economic policy. Be sure to adhere to the format specified in the Course Style Guidelines

Options include the following topics:
A specific piece of legislation relating to business regulation or taxation.
The party platform of either the Republican Party or the Democratic Party (or both).
The role of the Federal Reserve.
The budget process.
In discussing one of these topics, incorporate clear references from the Learn material in the
assigned Module: Week.
Follow the below instructions to compose your assignment:
Length of assignment 2-3 pages.
Make sure to include a bibliography page
Format of assignment Course Style Guidelines
At least 2 sources
Acceptable sources – Scholarly articles published within the last five years, the Bible,
online articles given as assignments, and any other pertinent source that helps the student
answer the assignment prompt.   

Note: You may submit your assignment to the Economics Analysis: Draft Submission
Assignment to check your paper for plagiarism. Your assignment will be checked for originality
via the Turnitin plagiarism tool. After reviewing your Turnitin results, make any edits necessary
and submit your Economics Analysis: Final Submission Assignment.