Archive for March 26th, 2022


Regulatory Measures

This assignment is a PowerPoint presentation with speakers notes. To prepare for this assignment, access and view the following tutorial: . Also, view Speakers notes.

Please note your PowerPoint presentation needs to have two separate parts.

First, you will examine the Federal Sentencing Guidelines for Organizations (FSGO), the Sarbanes Oxley Act (SOX), the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), and the Foreign Corruptions Practices Act (FCPA). In your presentation

Explain the events that led to each of these regulatory measures.

Describe the impact these laws have had on business ethics.

Illustrate your understanding by including examples in your presentation to support your points.

For the second part of the assignment, use the University of Arizona Global Campus Library to choose an article that describes how one of the laws: FSGO, SOX, CFPB, or FCPA affected an organization. Be sure to choose an article that describes how the chosen law has a positive or negative effect on the organization.

Summarize the article

Describe the effects on the organization.

The presentation:

Must be 15 to 20 slides in length (not including the title slide and references slide) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the University of Arizona Global Campus Writing Center.

Must include a separate title page with the following:

Title of presentation

o Students name

o Course name and number

o Instructors name

o Date submitted

Must use at least four scholarly sources in addition to the course text.

Must document all sources according to APA style as outlined in the University of Arizona Global Campus Writing Center.

Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the University of Arizona Global Campus Writing Center.

Discussion Thread: Character Education

Read the Research Journal Articles in the assigned Learn material, and search on your own for character education resources. In your initial post, describe at least one learning activity that you can use with students to highlight a specific character trait. What makes this learning activity authentic, student-centered, and engaging? Discuss how a Christian world view may inform or change this learning activity depending on the school setting. Cite and reference (in current APA format) the resources you mention in your initial post and replies.(450 word or more)

“Character education and the priority of recognition”

Agnieszka Bate


MODULE 3 Assignment – 100 possible points

Name: ____________________________________________________

Remember the one point = one quality sentence rule.

Part A. Environmental Laws and Love Canal (20 points)

Most of the environmental laws were passed in the 1970s. One reason for this was the discovery of many rivers, lands, and other sites contaminated by toxic waste. I ask you to look at a lot of clips about Love Canal. Some are from the 1970s, some tell the history, and some are some recent sites.

First, as you watch the first clips, I want you to think about which entities acted unethically? Illegally? Explain why you think that way. Fill out the following information. You can put “none” in a few boxes.

Entity and Action

Unethical Actions? Why do you believe so?

Illegal Actions? Why do you believe so?

Good Business Decision. Why do you believe so?

Hooker Chemical

(this row 4 pts)







NY Board of Education

(this row 4 pts)






Home Builders who built home around toxic pit

(this row 4 pts)






Federal Government

(this row 4 pts)






Of all the companies/entities, who acted the most unethically? Why do you believe that? (4 points)



Part B. Discussion related to the Role of Regulations and Ethical Business Conduct (10 points)

You may also Google to find other articles if you are interested in this topic or to help you answer the chosen question.

Questions. Remember to provide a good discussion as this part is worth 10 points.

Answer either a. or b.

a. What role do you believe regulations play in steering the behavior of business? Explain. If you believe they play a role, explain. Pick an industry for which regulations are very important and discuss.

b. What role do you believe regulations play in steering the behavior of business? Explain. If you believe regulations DO NOT steer ethical business conduct, then explain your point of view. What then steers ethical behavior? Explain.

Part C. Food Inc. Documentary as a Catalyst for Deeper Thought (16 total points)

I use the Food Inc. documentary to illustrate the power of multi-national corporations, their impact on the world, and often the unintended consequences that flow from their decisions and actions.

Taking Notes (12 possible points) As you watch the Food Inc. documentary, think about the actions of multi-national corporations, and make note of potential issues caused by the actions of large companies (McDonalds, Monsanto, and Poultry Companies (Smithfield and Perdue). Fill out the following chart for each one.

a. McDonalds (4 points)

Innovative/Good Business Decision or Action

Unintended Consequence from a Decision or Action

Perhaps Unethical Actions

Perhaps Illegal Actions









b. Monsanto (4 points)

Innovative/Good Business Decision or Action

Unintended Consequence from a Decision or Action

Perhaps Unethical Actions

Perhaps Illegal Actions









c. Smithfield/Perdue (4 points)

Innovative/Good Business Decision or Action

Unintended Consequence from a Decision or Action

Perhaps Unethical Actions

Perhaps Illegal Actions










d. Other Food Inc. Issues (this part is worth 4 points) Food Inc. also makes some other points including the Food Libel Laws prevent people from talking about food, the regulatory agencies are greatly influenced/controlled by people from the Food Industry, the Food Industry wants to control the information we have about what is in our food, and Even if you choose not to eat at a Fast Food Restaurant you are still buying food at a grocery store that was produced by the same system. Pick the issue that concerns you the most and explain why this issue concerns you. (4 points)

Part D. Analyzing the Actions of your Documentary Organization (26 points)

The organization you are using as the center of your Documentary Case Analysis: _____________________

Does this organization meet the definition of a multi-national corporation? Explain why you answer the way you do. Where is the company’s home-base and in which different countries does it operate? (3 points)

As you think about what the organization’s behavior or action in the documentary, answer and discuss each of the following questions:

What did the company/organization do that was Innovative or a Good Business Decision or Action? (4 points)

What did the company/organization do that was Illegal? Discuss the laws you believe the company/organization violated. (4 points)

What did the company/organization do that was unethical? You have discussed this in previous assignments, but list those actions again here. (4 points)

What were the UNINTENDED consequences of the company’s/organization’s actions? These really have to be results that were not planned or should have been known. (4 points)

Who or what had the ability to enforce the violation of laws or regulations? For example, were private citizens bringing law suits? Or were there governmental agencies that were conducting investigations and enforcing violations? Explain what the different methods at play to try to get the company to act differently. (4 points)

How effective were those methods above to get the company/organization to act differently? (3 points)

Part E. Your own digital privacy. (13 points)

1. Conduct a Google search entering your name. What kinds of information do you find? Be general is describing it?

2. When you do a Google search, do you find information that is not you? What is an employer attributed this information to you – what would be the result?

3. How much of the information is incorrect, if any? Were you aware this information was available about you.

4. Go to or similar site and conduct a search on yourself. What types of information did you find? Is it accurate? Do not pay for a report. Just go with what you can look at for free.

5. Enter the name of one of your parents into Was the information you found correct?

6. Go to Facebook and search for your profile as if you were a stranger. What kinds of information could a stranger find out about you?

7. If you were conducting an online character check on you for a job, and based on the good/bad information you found online, would you recommend that you proceed to the final interviews? Why or why not?

8. What are your thoughts after going through these steps?

Part F. Electronic Privacy Information Center (15 points)

Explore the information and resources you find at the above link. Look around the site until you find something that interests you here. Tell me about what you found and why it is of interest to you. Again, remember to discuss your answer with at least 20 quality sentences. If you are struggling to write enough, then tell me about 2 different topics that interest you and why.

Assignment 3- Ethical Leadership in Business

Please answer the following questions in the template attached. More information is attached below.

Claim and adjustment letter

Make us believe that you are the head of research for a biological research organization. Six months ago, you purchased a $2,000 commercial refrigerator for storing research samples. Recently, you suffered a loss of more than $600 in samples when the thermostat failed and the temperature in the refrigerator rose to more than 48 degrees over the weekend. Inventing any reasonable details and using what you have learned from Chapter 14, write a claim letter to the manufacturer of the refrigerator.

 the claim letter (Figure 14.6) on page 373, and the “good news” and “bad news” adjustment letters (Figures 14.7 and 14.8) on pages 374 and 375, respectively.

Writing patters

Think about the writing you do as a professional, a volunteer, a citizen, or a friend. Respond to the following questions and, if it’s relevant, include your own personal experience:
Which two patterns of writing do you most frequently use? Describe how you use them.
Which two do you least frequently use?  Explain why you don’t use them.
Which pattern(s) would most help you achieve your goals? Identify ways these patterns could benefit you.

Writing patters

Think about the writing you do as a professional, a volunteer, a citizen, or a friend. Respond to the following questions and, if it’s relevant, include your own personal experience:
Which two patterns of writing do you most frequently use? Describe how you use them.
Which two do you least frequently use?  Explain why you don’t use them.
Which pattern(s) would most help you achieve your goals? Identify ways these patterns could benefit you.


Human Services Discussion

Current events and news stories can shed a lot of light on the trends impacting human services agencies. Locate two different newspaper or journal articles on the same issue, published within the last year.

· Post a summary of the issue and information from both articles that best describe the issue.

· Explain how the issue impacts the work of human services agencies.

Source References

1) Resilience in the system: COVID-19 and immigrant- and refugee-serving health and human service providers

Link –

2) COVID-19 and the calls of humanistic social work: Exploring the developmental-clinical social work concerns of the pandemic

Link –



Project Title: Annual Office Picnic

Project Overview/Deliverable

This is a project to lead the planning team on an effort to plan and execute the annual office picnic

celebration. The annual celebration is one that is enjoyed by the entire office and their family members.

While preparations are made for 500, there is an average attendance of 350. This leadership team is

eager this year to encourage more participants from the management group, who typically pass up the

event. The project will cover a theme driven event that includes location selection, menu options which

will be put to a company-wide vote, activities, entertainment and party gifts for employees and children.


The project includes the following tasks:

1. Select a date

2. Select a theme that represents the company motto of the importance of work-life balance and

having fun.

3. Select a prime location for the event and manage permits and necessary documentation

4. Select and provide adequate entertainment for adults and children of all ages

5. Provide diverse menu and catering options

6. Conduct employee voting for menu options

7. Select and provide adequate games and activities for adults and children of all ages

8. Select approved party gifts for employees and children

9. Improve attendance rate of management team

10. Manage needed rental equipment

11. Marketing materials to get the word out


Your team consists of volunteer employee members that represent every department within the

organization, including: Sales, Marketing, Customer Service, IT and HR.


$100,000 including a 5% contingency fund of $5000 to respond to risks.

Major Milestones

Milestone Deliverables

Date & Location Selection Select a final date and location for the picnic.

Menu Selection Voting completed and final selection and securing of menu/catering for the picnic.

Entertainment Solidified and booked entertainment for the date of the event.

Marketing Marketing plan complete and execution of communication materials are prepared and ready to be distributed.

Activities Activities are selected and booked for the day of the event.

Gifts Employee and children gift selections are completed.

Confirmations All major items are confirmed for the day of the event.


Customer/Sponsor: Provides overall direction on the project. Responsibilities include: approve the project charter and plan; secure resources for the project; confirm the project’s goals and objectives; keep abreast of major project activities; make decisions on escalated issues; and assist in the resolution of roadblocks.

Name Email

Jim Caldwell – CEO [email protected]

Project Manager: Leads in the planning and development of the project; manages the project to scope. Responsibilities include: develop the project plan; identify project deliverables; identify risks and develop risk management plan; direct the project resources (team members); scope control and change management; oversee quality assurance of the project management process; maintain all documentation including the project plan; report and forecast project status; resolve conflicts within the project or between cross-functional teams; ensure that the project’s product meets the business objectives; and communicate project status to stakeholders.

Name Email

Student Name Student Email

Team Members: Work toward the deliverables of the project. Responsibilities include: understand the work to be completed; complete research, data gathering, analysis, and documentation as outlined in the project plan; inform the project manager of issues, scope changes, and risk and quality concerns; proactively communicate status; and manage expectations.

Name Email

Kristina Roth – Sales [email protected]

Jacob Burns – Customer Service [email protected]

Rachel Jules – Marketing [email protected]

Brett Lyons – IT [email protected]

Raymond Jones – HR [email protected]

Success Measurements

• Complete all requirements according to final inspection checklist

• Complete project under the budget constraint of $100,000

• Complete project within a 6-month time frame


 Please provide feedback to the below. APA Style. Must be a substantial meaningful feedback. 


As an employer sending people to Dubai, there are many things to consider, and all of them could be vitally important to the managers moving there.

The cost of living in Dubai is very high, so the compensation packages will have to be renegotiated to keep the employees happy, and at the same relative wealth level enjoyed in the United States.

Internet can be restricted, with some tools (such as Skype) disabled across normal internet plans. Using a VPN will be vital to be able to communicate freely with the company and even keeping tabs on things back home.

You’ll need to get a permit to work in Dubai, and keep it up to date. If you lose your job, you’ll have only a month to find a new job, sponsor, and get everything legal again. 

Because Dubai is a Muslim country, the laws are built around the religion of Islam, which may be more restrictive than you’re used to. You’ll need to dress conservatively, and follow the customs as well as possible. During Ramadan, while expats are allowed to eat during daylight hours, they should avoid doing so in front of others. 
