Archive for March 26th, 2022


Hints and Tips

· Please pay close attention to what the question asks of you and answer it. Also, pay attention to the instructions. If the question does not indicate that you need to do additional research to answer the question, you should be able to answer the question using course materials (i.e., the text and lectures).

· Use headings. This helps the reader understand the organization and flow of the paper.

· There is rarely, if ever, a need to use an exclamation point in academic writing. Do not do it.



Mark is a senior software engineer at a video game design company based in Vancouver, B.C. The company, DigiPlay (DP), is very successful with numerous popular titles and services. Over the last few years, its growth strategy has shifted to a service model rather than reliance on titles. DP’s head office is in Vancouver, and it has offices and development campuses globally.

Mark has a Master of Science degree from UBC. He has been working at DP since he graduated from the UBC program eight years ago. He received a work experience opportunity while in the MSc program and was offered a position after graduation. DP is a good company to work for. It pays very well and has many perks, including stock options, education opportunities, and progressive leave arrangements. Mark has done very well at the company, has always received glowing performance reviews, and now manages a team of five engineers.

Part A

Problem 1: Mark recently moved into a new condo in Vancouver. He hired a moving company to move his belongings. Unfortunately, during transport, some of his belongings were substantially damaged. Included in the damaged property were some antique pieces of furniture and works of art that Mark’s grandmother had left him when she passed away. The moving company is not accepting responsibility and has said that the property was damaged before the move. Mark wants to sue the moving company for the damage to his property and seek compensation. He estimates that the damage has resulted in approximately a loss of $35,000 – $40,000.

Mark is good friends with Katie, a lawyer in DP’s legal department. Mark does not want to pay for a lawyer and will handle the lawsuit himself. Even though Katie specializes in intellectual property law, she agreed to try and answer Mark’s questions about the legal process. Over lunch, Mark asks for advice on the following question.

1. In what court should Mark file the lawsuit? What are the pros and cons of each court?

2. How does he start a lawsuit? What documents are required, and what information is needed for the document?

3. After he starts the lawsuit, what is the next step he must take?

4. What are his obligations concerning document disclosure?

(20 marks; Max 1000 words)

Problem 2: Katie is working on a potential liability problem with the senior lawyer at DP. A security risk in one of DP’s games has arisen in the last few months. There may be a defect in the programming that could allow hackers to access the user’s personal information. With the assistance of a team from various divisions, Katie’s boss has asked her to prepare a memo for the VP responsible for the security division. Katie’s boss asks her to include the following in the memo:

1. Name and explain the different forms of risk management that DP can employ.

2. For each form of risk management, list two options that DP could undertake. For each option, analyze the pros and cons of the option and its impact on the business.

(20 Marks; Max 1000 words)

Part B

Problem 3: One day, Mark gets a call on his cell from a human resource manager at a game development firm in California. A former colleague, Philip, has given his name as a reference for a new job. Philip was a software engineer at DP for ten years before quitting last year to take a break and travel for six months. While everyone liked Philip, after he left DP, rumours circulated that Philip had breached confidentiality agreements and given trade secrets to a competitor. Unfortunately, Mark forgets that DP has a corporate policy that only direct supervisors can provide references. He tells the human resource manager the following:

“I liked working with Philip. He was a great engineer and always met deadlines. He did good work. However, after he left the company, we found out that he was dishonest. He gave some code to a competitor. He probably got paid for it.”

Three weeks later, DP and Mark get a letter from Philip’s lawyer. The letter alleges that Mark’s statements to the HR manager were defamatory. Philip threatens to sue Mark and DP for $5,000,000 because he did not get the job and has lost out on all the benefits, including stock options, because of Mark’s statement.

Using the IRAC (Issue, Rule, Application, Conclusion) method, analyze the liability of both Mark and DP. Include an analysis of any applicable defences. In your analysis, include at least one case from BC or another Canadian jurisdiction that deals with defamation committed by an employee.

(25 marks; Max 1500 words)

Problem 4: Unfortunately, DP did not take any of the steps Katie recommended in her report under Problem 2. Four months after DP became aware of the weakness in their software, they had a significant security breach. Hackers obtained the personal information of millions of customers worldwide. Users quickly noticed that thieves were using their credit card numbers, and a public website was discovered that listed all of the users’ private information.

Within two weeks of customers becoming aware of the breach, a class-action lawsuit was filed against DP in Vancouver. The representative plaintiff was claiming, among other things, negligence.

Using the IRAC (Issue, Rule, Application, Conclusion) method, analyze DP’s liability in negligence.

HINT: You do not need to discuss privacy-related torts or legislation. Discuss negligence only.

(25 marks; Max. 1500 words)

Part C

Problem 5: Mark’s team is working on a part of a game that takes place in ancient central Africa. On this project, Mark arranged for DP to engage an external consulting firm to provide insight into the culture and setting of the time period for the game. The consulting firm, Culture Sphere, specializes in this type of work and regularly provides historical research for game developers, authors, creatives in the film industry.

In the consulting agreement, Culture Sphere was supposed to provide its preliminary report to Mark’s team on October 14th. However, because one of its primary experts in African history had to go on medical leave, it notified Mark on September 28th that it would not complete the report by the deadline. They want to amend their consulting contract to change the deadline to November 15th. They send a document to Mark that says:

Amendment to Consulting Agreement

The Parties agree that the deadline contained in the Consulting Agreement entered into on August 1, 2019, requiring that a Preliminary Report be delivered by October 15, 2019, is hereby changed and extended to November 15, 2019.

Signed: ___________________ Signed:____________________

Mark sends the document to Katie and asks whether DP should sign the amendment or suggest a revision. She notices that the Consulting Agreement contains a provision stating that the laws of Ontario govern the contract.

Answer the following questions:

1. Would this modification of the consulting agreement be valid? Explain.

2. Give two options that would make the modification valid. Explain why they would work.

3. If the governing law was BC and not Ontario, would this change your answer to (1)?

(15 marks; Max 750 words)

Problem 6: After the data breach debacle, DP was looking to improve its security and data protection abilities. One way they decided to do this was to buy another company. The company is a Texas-based software firm that specializes in gaming security. Secure Tech had developed new encryption software that was intended for gaming platforms. They also had some of the best programmers specializing in security, and DP wanted to bring the talent into the company.

Mark was part of the team that went to Texas to meet and begin negotiations. Mark had great people skills, and the executive team asked him to come along. The DP team toured the Secure Tech facility, observed the engineers at work, and had great dinners with Secure Tech representatives. Near the end of the trip, negotiations started. During a dinner, the CEO of DP asked the CTO of Secure Tech about a particular piece of code and whether it was patented. The code was an essential piece to Secure Tech’s encryption software. The CTO answered, “yes, we just received patent approval last week.”

The CEO of DP wanted the deal done fast. The class-action hurt DP and the acquisition’s completion would restore investor confidence. He wanted to announce the deal as soon as possible and close before year-end. Because of the rush, the contracts were sloppy, and the due diligence was minimal.

After the deal was completed, Katie noticed that Secure Tech did not actually have a patent for the code. The CTO had mixed up the code that the CEO had asked about with another patent that Secure Tech had obtained. After the acquisition, the patent application for the code was rejected due to a technicality. Shortly after, another company was able to secure a patent for a very similar code.

The CEO of DP is very upset. He would not have paid such a high price for Secure Tech if he knew there was no patent. He wants to sue the former CTO of Secure Tech for the loss. Katie is tasked with providing an opinion on DP’s legal options.

Using the IRAC (Issue, Rule, Application, Conclusion) method, analyze the options available to DP. Include at least one case from BC or another Canadian jurisdiction that states the law applicable to this problem in your analysis.

(25 marks; Max 1500 words)



Purpose of Assessment 

Develop specific strategies with supporting tactics to implement positive change within an organization. You may refer to the information that you prepared in Week 5 to complete this assignment, but your submission should add to your prior research and not just copy your Week 5 assignment.


Youve been hired as a consultant to develop strategies with supporting tactics to implement positive changes in the corporation you chose in Week 5.

Review your analysis of the corporations change process from Week 5 to be sure you have a thorough understanding of the change and the need for the change.

Prepare a 12- to 13-slide Change Management Presentation for the companys Board of Directors. Include the following:

  • Evaluate why this change needed to occur.
  • Discuss how this change impacts the company on a global scale.
  • Discuss how this change impacts employees.
  • Using Kotters 8-Step Change Model, chart strategies and tactics for positively implementing the organizational change. In your chart, complete the following:
  • Develop strategies for each of the 8 steps in Kotters model
  • Develop tactics to support each strategy
  • Justify the effectiveness of each strategy and tactic with a rationale.
  • Conclude your presentation with an explanation of how this positive organizational change will help the company sustain a competitive advantage in the global market.


To prepare for the Week 6 Assessment, choose a well-known corporation, such as , Starbucks, Ford Motor Company, or Waste Management, that implemented a major change. Analyze the corporations change process based on Kotters 8-Step to Change using the .

Kotter’s 8-Step Change Model

  • Step One: Create Urgency.
  • Step Two: Form a Powerful Coalition.
  • Step Three: Create a Vision for Change.
  • Step Four: Communicate the Vision. 
  • Step Five: Remove Obstacles.
  • Step Six: Create Short-Term Wins.
  • Step Seven: Build on the Change.
  • Step Eight: Anchor the Changes in Corporate Culture.

Was this a positive organizational change? Why or why not? If so, what strategies and tactics were effective or ineffective in creating positive organizational change? What strategies and tactics would have worked better?



This week, you will create an educational item about dangerous drug interactions. Choose two drugs from different categories of drugs that we have studied thus far in the course that can have a dangerous reaction if taken incorrectly. Research the drugs’ interactions with other drugs, including OTC medications, and alcohol. Please note that you may not choose the same drug that you are using for your medication research paper for this assignment.

For this assignment:

  1. Create an educational item that describes/displays the dangers associated with the chosen drugs.
  2. This educational item can be in any format, so be creative. For example, you can create a pamphlet/brochure, a flyer, an infographic, a newsletter, etc. (at least one page)
  3. Also include a one page summary as to why you chose the drugs and how you would use this educational item in practice. Make sure to cite your sources using APA formatting. You should include at least two scholarly sources.

Two drugs Librium and oxycodone  


Purpose of Assessment

In this assignment, you analyze the organization you assessed in Week 2 and apply leadership theories and approaches to support organizational change that aligns to the organizations mission and values. You will be measured on how you justify your assessment of the leadership approach.

Write a 700 word paper for your Leadership Styles Rationale. Address the following in your paper: 

  • Restate the needed change within the organization.
  • Analyze the various leadership styles you explored in Week 3 in the context of the organizational culture and proposed change.
  • Justify which leadership style or approach would best support the organizational change.
  • Discuss how this style will support sustainable organizational success. 
  • Discuss how this style integrates the organizations mission and vision. 
  • Discuss how this style will increase value for stakeholders.


To prepare for the Week 4 Assessment, reflect on the leadership theories presented in this weeks readings.

Create a chart comparing at least 3 leadership theories presented in this weeks reading. In next weeks assignment, you will use this information to select leadership theories and approaches to support organizational change that aligns to your chosen organizations mission and values.


Purpose of Assessment

Assess an organizations culture to improve alignment between the culture, mission, vision, values, and strategies.You will be measured on how you assess the organizations culture as well as how your proposed decisions for improvements align to the organizations mission, vision, values, and strategies.

In a 7 slide presentation with visuals and speaker notes to the leadership of the organization you chose to explore in Week 1, complete the following:

  • Assess the current culture within the organization at the time of your experience.
  • Develop the Change Management Plan using Kotters 8-Step model.
  • Determine the desired outcome as a result of the proposed change.
  • Analyze the alignment between the organizations, mission, vision, values, strategies, and the proposed Change Management Plan.


 1. Discuss the recommendations of JNC-7 and JNC-8, with regard to health outcomes and practice implications.  

2. Discuss medications to treat GERD. What specifically should patients be taught about these medications to prevent adverse side effects? 

1 PAGE each

Use at least 1 scholarly article for each


Number 1 Post: BW

The medication regimen for Eric Johnson will require multiple drugs to treat the patient's illnesses. The patient's diagnoses are pneumonia, chlamydia, and seasonal allergies. 

Q1. What are the recommended medications to start this specific patient on? Please provide the drug class, generic & trade name, and the initial starting dose. 

For this specific patient, the medication of choice to treat chlamydia and pneumonia will be doxycycline (Vibramycin) and loratadine (Claritin) for seasonal allergies. The dose schedule for doxycycline (Vibramycin) will be 100mg PO twice daily for seven days (Rosenthal et al., 2021, p. 764). For the patient's seasonal allergies, loratadine (Claritin) 10 mg will be taken PO every day for allergy relief. 

Q2. Discuss the mechanism of action of each of the drugs.

The reasoning to choose doxycycline over azithromycin for the treatment of the patient's chlamydia is that there can be better effectiveness with the doxycycline than the azithromycin. The mechanism of action of doxycycline is done by inhibiting protein synthesis. According to Mizushima et al., (2021) "The treatment with doxycycline 100 mg twice daily for 7 days was superior to that with azithromycin 1 g (para. 4). Doxycycline is a long-acting tetracycline. According to Rosenthal et al., (2021) "The tetracyclines suppress bacterial growth by inhibiting protein synthesis" (p. 676). The way that doxycycline inhibits protein synthesis is by binding to the 30S ribosomal subunit which inhibits transfer RNA to the messenger RNA-ribosome complex in the bacterial cell (Rosenthal et al., 2021, p. 676). 

The reasoning behind prescribing loratadine (Claritin) to this patient is to help the patient have relief of symptoms without the sedating effects of other antihistamines. According to Sighu & Akhondi (2021) "Loratadine selectively inhibits H1-receptors primarily located on respiratory smooth muscle cells, vascular endothelial cells, the gastrointestinal tract, and immune cells" (para. 4). This allows loratadine to manage allergic rhinitis and urticaria without the sedating effects of first-generation antihistamines.  

Q3. Discuss the side effect profile of each medication you listed. 

With doxycycline, there are multiple side effects that the patient will need to be taught. Doxycycline can cause hepatotoxicity and gastrointestinal irritation. The irritation of the GI tract can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and possibly esophageal ulcers (Rosenthal et al., 2021, p. 677). 

With loratadine, the side effects are rare but may include "headaches, dizziness, and GI distress" (Sidhu & Akhondi, 2021, para. 10). While it is rare, there is the potential for lethargy with the use of loratadine. For this purpose, the patient must know not to take any other CNS depressant medications that could affect the patient's lethargy (Sidhu & Akhondi, 2021).  

Q4. Are there any interactions between any of the medications you prescribed?

There are no known drug interactions between loratadine and doxycycline. Loratadine should not be taken with alcohol or other CNS depressant medications such as narcotics and barbiturates (Rosenthal et al., 2021). Doxycycline should not be used with antacids and magnesium laxatives because of nonabsorbable chelates with metal ions and doxycycline (Rosenthal et al., 2021). Doxycycline should also not be given with digoxin or warfarin because of increased GI absorption that increases INR levels and increased digoxin levels (Rosenthal et al., 2021). 

Q5. What other non-pharmacological interventions would be suggested?

The patient will need to rest and drink fluids while the doxycycline combats pneumonia and chlamydia. For the patient's fever, the patient will be educated on the use of acetaminophen (Tylenol) for fever reduction. The patient should be told to not consume more than 4000 mg of acetaminophen per 24 hour period to reduce liver toxicity (Rosenthal et al., 2021, p. 502). One suggestion of a non-pharmacological intervention for the treatment of the patient's allergies will be to include the use of local honey for the treatment of the patient's seasonal allergies. In a study performed by Munstedt & Manle (2020), it was found that the use of local honey can relieve seasonal allergic rhinitis. According to Munstedt & Manle (2020) "Another cohort study of 23 patients showed that after regular consumption of local honey 12 patients (52.2%) were free of complaints after treatment while in nine patients (39.1%) the situation improved considerably" (p.584). While the patient has already been tested for chlamydia, it will be important to educate this patient on talking with his sexual partner and to potentially treat the partner as well. McDonagh et al., (2020) explain, "A recent review identified patient barriers to testing including lack of knowledge, perceived low risk, embarrassment, fear and stigma and facilitators including increased awareness and self-sampling" (p. 571). This patient should be educated on the potential risks of not treating this infection and how to not be reinfected with the disease in the future.  

Number 2 Post: JZ

For this week’s case study, we are reviewing a case of a 21-year-old male, with a history of seasonal allergies, who comes into the clinic with complaints of a stuffy nose, shortness of breath, fever 102 at home, a productive cough, and urinary burning with clear penile discharge. He admits to unprotected sex. His current vital signs are BP 125/75, HR 116, Temp. 102.5, O2 94%. He has no known drug allergies. After a clinic workup with rapid testing and a chest x-ray, he is diagnosed with pneumonia, chlamydia, and seasonal allergies.

The recommended medications to start this patient on depending on the patient’s comorbidities and risk factors. Being a young adult, with no known chronic health conditions other than seasonal allergies, an oral antibiotic for his pneumonia treated in the outpatient setting could be used at this time. For healthy patients who are appropriate for outpatient treatment, the recommended first-line treatment is with a macrolide class medication such as azithromycin (Zithromax) targeting the most common causal pathogen S. pneumoniae (Grief & Loza, 2018). Azithromycin is an antibiotic, which is available in 250 mg, 500 mg, or 600 mg tablet forms. For mild community-acquired pneumonia, 500 mg PO as a single dose on day 1, then 250 mg PO on days 2-5, with a total dose of 1.5 g (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2021). Azithromycin binds to the 23S portion of the 50S bacterial ribosomal subunit. It inhibits bacterial protein synthesis by preventing the transit of aminoacyl-tRNA and the growing protein through the ribosome (Iqbal, 2022). Side effects include liver concerns and GI issues – nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, jaundice, and clay-colored stools.

Moreover, to treat this patient’s chlamydia, doxycycline (Oracea) could be given, which is an antibiotic that is from the tetracycline class. Oral tablets are available in 50 mg, 75 mg, 100 mg, or 150 mg tablets. Dose for adults and children aged 8 and weighing 45 kg or more is 100 or 120 mg PO every 12 hours on day 1, then 100 or 120 mg PO daily as a single dose or in two divided doses (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2021). The bacteriostatic action of tetracyclines, like doxycycline, is intended to stop the growth of bacteria by allosterically binding to the 30S prokaryotic ribosomal unit during protein synthesis (Patel & Parnar, 2022). Side effects include GI issues – nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, bloating, constipation, clay-colored stool, hives, and itching, among others.

For this patient’s seasonal allergies, he complains of a stuffy nose and cannot remember what he formerly used for his allergies. As a practitioner, I would call the patient’s pharmacy or check with his doctor if it formerly provided the patient with relief. I would use caution in recommending medication as Sudafed as this medication could raise his heart rate further, and due to the fever, he already has an elevated heart rate. He could try fluticasone (Flonase) which is of the corticosteroid class. The patient can initially use 2 sprays (100 mcg) in each nostril once daily, as needed for symptom control (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2021). Fluticasone is a steroid that works to reduce the chemical causes of inflammation, decreasing swelling in the nasal passages. Side effects include hypersensitivity reactions such as facial swelling, itching, and skin rash.

For his fever, acetaminophen (Tylenol) could be used at home. Controlling his fever could also reduce his heart rate once his temperature is controlled. Acetaminophen is an analgesic of the para-aminophenol derivative class, which can also be used for mild pain. The adult dose is 325-650 mg PO every 4-6 hours. Acetaminophen inhibits the synthesis of prostaglandins in the central nervous system, leading to its analgesic and antipyretic effects (Anderson & Nappe, 2021). Side effects include liver injury or failure, as well as skin or allergic reactions.

For the drugs described, it is important for the practitioner to note that azithromycin when taken with acetaminophen can cause a drug interaction. It slows the metabolism of acetaminophen. So, caution needs to be used in treating this patient’s fever. As an alternative, Ibuprofen or Motrin can be used as well. With doxycycline, a drug interaction can occur when taking doxycycline and penicillin together. It decreases the bactericidal action of penicillin. Drugs such as warfarin can decrease the action of acetaminophen. So, it is important for the practitioner to fully assess and reconcile the patient’s medications to avoid such interactions.

Non-pharmacological therapies that could be recommended could be for the patient to use a humidifier to help his nasal congestion, drink plenty of fluids, and to wear a condom during sexual intercourse. Education could benefit this patient, especially on symptoms of Sexually Transmitted Diseases and how to prevent the spread. If the patient continues to have seasonal allergies, seeing an Allergist could help. If the patient has not seen a specialist for his allergies, and just his Primary Care Physician – placing a referral could assist as well. All of these actions could help this patient work towards improved health.

The Critical Questions section

critical question :

These are the 4 critical questions selected for this assignment. Each member take one question and prepare solution.

1. How to improve the performance of grant recipients?

2. How are incorporeal and strategic benefits captured in organizations?

3. How can organizations continue to maintain relationship with donors to keep sustainable growth?

4. Limitation in the research of value creation.

you need to work on question 2 

2. How are incorporeal and strategic benefits captured in organizations?

i have shared one of Dissertation which is really good if anyone wants to refer.


Instructions for Deliverable

  1. Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade. You can learn more about the specific skills being assessed by reviewing the links in .
  2. Prior to working on your Problem Strategy and Solution Formulation Analysis, be sure to read and review all articles and readings listed on the  page as well as the following chapters in the course textbook: Marketing Strategy: A Decision-Focused Approach.
    1. Chapter 8, “Marketing Strategies for New Market Entries”
    2. Chapter 9, “Strategies for Growth Markets”
    3. Chapter 10, “Strategies for Mature and Declining Markets”
    4. Chapter 11, “Marketing Strategies for the New Economy”
  3. This assignment has three sections:
    1. Critical Questions
    2. Solutions
    3. One-Page Model
  4. The Critical Questions section (up to two pages) will include the following:
    1. From a marketing perspective, develop four critical questions that will help answer how your selected organization can best create value within its industry. In constructing your critical questions, think about how DeVoe School of Business Virtuous Business Model could influence the organization and its stakeholders within its industry.
    2. Under each critical question, fully explain in a paragraph how it can help answer, from a marketing perspective, how the organization can best create value within its industry.
    3. Clearly indicate team members’ contributions.
  5. The Solutions section (up to four pages)
    1. Based on your four critical questions, propose four marketing strategies that will best help the organization increase the creation of value to its stakeholders. Include details for each strategy (for example: goals, objectives, action steps, protocols, resources, metrics to measure, definition of terms, etc.).
    2. Under each marketing strategy, fully explain how the strategy will help create value and how the strategy is aligned with the Business Virtuous Business Model.
    3. Clearly indicate team members’ contributions/
  6. The one-page model includes the following:
    • A visual representation of your critical questions and marketing strategies, which summarizes your potential solutions to help the organization create more value within the industry. Include in your illustration how your marketing strategies are in alignment with the DeVoe School of Business Virtuous Business Model.
  7. Requirements:
    1. The body of the document is not to exceed seven pages, with up to six pages of written content and one page for your model.
    2. Clearly indicate team members’ contributions.
    3. Research requirement: a minimum of 10 credible and applicable sources. The course textbook can be used as a source in this paper, and the balance of your sources need to be sources that are not provided in this course.
  8. Edit your paper. Verify that the content per the instructions is included and that all direct quotes and paraphrases have been properly cited and referenced. Review the entire paper for APA formatting and English grammar standards. 
  9. Retain a copy of the completed Problem Strategy and Solution Formulation Analysis for your records, and one person from the team must submit the deliverable to the assignment submission page no later than the end of Workshop Four.