Archive for March 26th, 2022


This week’s materials provide perspectives about how we think and learn, and how we can improve our problem-solving abilities and overall performance. In our educational journeys, there have been times when we struggled; there are other times when we were “in the zone” and learning felt effortless. Obviously we would prefer to be “ in the zone” all the time, but we can only attain higher levels when we have done our work in the “learning zone”, as Eduardo Briceno describes in his TED talk. Describe a time when you struggled with a course or a project to the point where you had to “reset” your direction and strategy. What kind of deliberate practices did you employ? How did you spend time in the “learning zone” to improve in your “performance zone” as Briton describes. Please share your experience here.

Peer’s respond


Week 4: The DNP Project: Educating and Engaging Stakeholders

The following PICOT question will serve as the basis for the proposed DNP project:

For adult patients in a primary care setting, how does the implementation of the opioid risk assessment screening tool (ORAST) compared to current practice impact the rate of opioid prescriptions in 8-10 weeks.

Stakeholder engagement necessitates balancing a diverse set of stakeholders, educating them on their roles, and collaborating on long-term sustainability strategies. Other aims of educating Stakeholders includes (a) supporting the opioid abuse guidelines by the Center of Disease Control and Prevention (2017) along with opioid risk assessment and screening tool (b) empowering participants to engage in their care through participation in the program (c) monitor levels of participation throughout the intervention over eight to ten weeks. In the pre-implementation phase, the DNP project manager will meet internal and external stakeholders, including institutional administrative leaders, to inform them about the project.

According to (Stocker et al., 2020), identifying these stakeholders and project teams early on when attempting to develop a project is essential as stakeholder involvement and inclusion are key priorities and predictors of a successful DNP project implementation. Cuppen (2012) adds that a wide range of viewpoints and beliefs are displayed positively by the involvement of different stakeholders’ mindsets. The stakeholders for this DNP project include the participants, the clinic staff like the nurses, nurse practitioners, and physicians.

The Project manager will explain to stakeholders the significance of following CDC guidelines and utilizing ORAST prior to initiating opioid treatment. The DNP project manager will use literatures on Opioid Risk Assessment Screening Tool (ORAST and the process will be provided to the staff, stakeholder, manager, clinicians, and the providers. A Blank set of 10 standard simple questions provided during checkup and visits. This questionnaire will assess the possible severity of substance use to help identify the appropriate level of intervention.

Videos, handouts, and demonstration. The DNP project manager will keep track of the treatment team’s knowledge and understanding as well as the participants attitude toward substance abuse. 

I am still awaiting the IRB approval of the pre-screening form. I am finding the literature synthesis a little challenging and looking forward to having that complete. 


Center for Disease Control and Prevention. (2017). Opioid prescribing: Where you live matters

Cuppen, E. (2012). Diversity and constructive conflict in stakeholder dialogue: considerations for design and methods. Policy Sci, 45(1), pp. 23-46.

Stocker, F., de Arruda, M. P, de Mascena, K. M. C., & Boaventura, J. M.G. (2020). Stakeholder engagement in sustainability reporting: A classification model. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental management. 2071-2080.  



In response to your classmates, consider how your response to plagiarism is different than their response. What makes your two responses alike? What makes them different? What other possible scenarios of plagiarism might come up in the workplace?


Hello everyone!  I am going to tell you Why I Would be Concerned About Plagiarism.  The First thing that concerns me is if I take what someone else has said in their work it would first make me a thief more or less. Second I could be expelled from school, along with it following me around.  Third is if I just do my own work in my own words I will learn and succeed in my schoolwork, and my career.  If I copy someone else's words, I would be taking the risk of failing at school and my career.  this would be all a waste of time if I didn't just do my own work.

  If a co-worker asked me to look over the report I took my time to complete, and poured  hard work into, I would ask him/her what exactly they needed help with.  That woud let me know if they needed help with their report, or just wanted to copy my work.  I could just hand it over to that friend and take the chance of them using my work, and me be the one that gets in trouble with plagiarism.  I say that because how could I prove he/she took my work.  I would rather put things in my own words anyways.  That to me shows that I am learning instead of not learning how to do whatever for school and work.


In this type of situation i feel  pretty hurt because i had worked really hard and my coworker didnt even try to come up with something. It isnt right to steal someone elses work because they worked really hard and they should get the credit not the person who just coppied. When copy you are just taking someone else work becasue maybe you dont want to try or you just want to be done right aways but thats not right. You should always try your best every single time. 

I would got to the boss and let him know what happpened. I hope that something gets done about it. I would want the to understand and believe that i am a good worker. I would hope the boss would talk to the coworker and make him write about a different subject to see if her really wants to put in the work. 

In response to your classmates, expand upon their analysis and offer advice in two areas where you believe the business should focus its strategy in the next two years.


The business I gathered information about is Starbucks and their strategy to have a competitive advantage over there competition, such as Dunkin Donuts, 7-11, and McDonalds.

Starbucks is one of the most admired companies in the world. The business strategy behind Starbucks' success starts with social media. When you look up on there webpage, they are always introducing new drinks that come out for different seasons. They are always giving promotions as part of their business strategy. Social media is very important to to Starbucks, taking there business to the next level.

Two of Starbucks' main competitors are Dunkin Donuts and McDonalds. What makes Starbucks different than their competition is the quality of their products offered at a reasonable price. They have around the clock innovation of always having new menu items. Starbucks also builds the customers loyality by providing in-store customer service.

The advantage Starbucks has over its competition is that you don't need to buy coffee to enjoy the atmosphere of their stores. As part of Starbucks' success, they take full advantage of their technology to connect with the customers. Starbucks offers a reward program through their mobile app, which helps with cutting down long lines at the store or drive-thru. Starbucks is crushing their competition by substainability taking advantage of their strategy and technology, and that's why Starbucks will continue to grow and stay in front of their competitors.


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Unit 3 DB: Strategy and Competitive Advantage

“Lyft is your friend with a car, whenever you need one.” That is a slogan for one of the top transportation companies that serves the United States and Canada. Their strategic plan “ Improve People’ s Lives as the World’s Best Transportation.” They offer full shift safe, affordable, reliable and enjoyable experiences with ride-sharing, bike and scooter sharing and transit services. By providing riders with a choice in how they are transported from point A to B, Lyft is giving their riders the “True Freedom to Ride.”

Lyft’s main two competitors in the United States and Canada include Uber, and Via in ride sharing and in the bike and scooter sharing market Uber (Jump), and Bird among others. The principal competitive factors include the following:

• Coverage and availability of access

• Scale of network;

• Choice of modality

• Product design

• Ease of adoption and use

• Features and platform experience

• Partnerships and integrations with other ecosystem participants

• Brand

• Trust, safety, reliability and privacy

• Customer support

• Continued innovation in new modalities;

• Driver payout

• Regulatory relations

• Prices.

The other transportation companies are similar but what is different about Lyft is what the co-founder of Lyft said. “Focusing on purpose and people isn’t just the right thing to do, it provides a lasting competitive advantage.” The driver’s are so friendly at Lyft. Those few minutes that you are being transported can mean a lot to a person that is having a bad day. Talking from experience. Uber sucks another experience.


Please use the rubric descriptions to guide your improvement efforts during subsequent units. There is a requirement to write formally and professionally. Write carefully, and proofread zealously. Please develop the habit of responding to instructor feedback. Best regards,

Your initial post was good. It was timely. That is where the good news ends. There is a requirement to write formally and professionally. Write carefully, and proofread zealously. There is a requirement to respond to a minimum of two of your peers. This allows the Discussion Board (DB) to function as an effective learning mechanism. Please develop the habit of responding to instructor feedback. Best regards,

Producing a Quality Post


Some of the work posted so far is less than expected. The instructions are provided to guide you toward success. Compliance is not optional.

For the Unit 2 DB (and subsequent DBs), work should be:

1. Accurate;

2. Complete;

3. Sequential.

These are the instructions for Unit 2:

For this discussion, research an organizational culture for a company like Google, or use your personal experiences working at an organization. 

1. First, concisely describe three (3) aspects of your organization’s culture making the connections between this week's reading materials and the company you've chosen. 

2. Next, is it innovative, team-oriented, collaborative, ethical, or something else?  Explain which aspect is most important in guiding employee’s behavior and which aspect is most important for managers leading a team and making decisions.

3. Finally, you MUST post the link for the company you've chosen that shows where you have researched their organizational culture.

In responses to your classmates, discuss the similarities and differences of the cultures you are researching and sharing.

The initial post should be presented in the same order and format as the question. It should be noted that number one would necessarily have three bullet responses. Number two is a two-part question; there should be two bullet statements in response. Students often neglect to include the link requested in number three.

To earn a grade of 100% will require discipline and effort. Attention to detail is paramount.

The DB comprises 40% of your grade; please make it count.

Discussion Board Criteria

Below you will find a link for the discussion board rubric used by the Malcolm Baldrige School of Business.  It is worth 100 points. 

Discussion Criteria and Rubric Active participation: 3 or more posts are submitted during the week: your initial response and responses to at least two of your peers. 

· Timely participation: The first post is submitted by 11:59p (EST) Wednesday evening. 

· Professional communication: Posts are grammatically correct with no spelling, capitalization, or punctuation errors. 

· Resources are used to validate the information shared and references are provided in the post to these resources.

· Response to questions: All questions are answered in complete detail in initial post. 

· Evidence of critical thinking or extending information. 

· Posts are written using personal experiences and research so that classmates are motivated to continue the conversation and enhance and explore the topics being addressed.

Hidden Hazards of FireFighting

more details in text

Week 3 DQ 1

  1. Access the DxR Clinician website at .
  2. Select the folder labeled: ANP_654.
  3. Select the Tommy Jackson – Abdominal Pain case study.
  4. Upon clicking on the case, you will see the “Enter Case” button at the top of the page. Select “Enter Page.” Under “Name,” enter First Initial, Last Name, all in lower case. Leave password blank. This will give you entry into the case study.
  5. Complete the Tommy Jackson – Abdominal Pain case.
  6. Discuss the diagnostic tool you selected and explain how it was helpful. Remember that pertinent negatives also guide your diagnoses. Describe how you prioritized the data.

Support your summary and recommendations plan with a minimum of two APRN approved scholarly resources.

discussion question response

Discussion response #1

RE:” Retraining the general manager on how to efficiently conduct performance evaluations and reiterating the significance of doing so correctly and successfully could have filled in the holes left by the absence of such training.”

Great points about retraining. What might you include in such management training on alignment?

Discussion #2

Performance management (PM) is the process of ensuring that a set of activities and outputs meets an organization’s goals effectively and efficiently. (Aguinis, 2019).  Managing performance is essential to workplace success, but many teams need a strategy that goes beyond basic evaluations. Performance management incorporates a complete system of goals, reflections, and rewards that encourages team members to do their best work. The performance management system is critical for any organization to ensure quality and to ensure the companys goals are met. Therefore, it is critical for the performance management system to be congruent with the organizations mission, vision, culture, and strategies. Specifically, the performance management system is a system that is created from top-down and is closely tied to the companys mission, vision, and culture (Arnold and Wade, 2015).   As a result, measuring individual performance will be based on the employees’ daily activities that support the organizational strategic plan. Keeping this in mind, the corporate vision, mission, goal, and strategies will directly align with the goals of the company as a whole and the goals of each individual.  

Previously, I worked for an organization in which the alignment of its systems to its overall performance was poor. Despite being explicitly stated in the performance management system, some steps were often skipped when it came to managing performance. Communication and the performance management system were affected as a result of this. In the event of a bad review, a plan for improving the person’s performance was to be in place at the time of the review. In reality, the general manager of the company often delayed that step or skipped it altogether. In my opinion, a performance management system should have been developed specifically for the management team to increase the effectiveness of the review process. It would have been possible to close the gaps if the general manager had been retrained on how to conduct performance reviews efficiently and emphasized the importance of performing them accurately and effectively.    I would improve the organization’s performance management system in many ways if I were HR Director. As a first step, I would retrain the managers who are on the front line with the employees every day. To train them on how to effectively give a performance review and how to reward or improve, I would conduct a seminar. To prevent surprises when it comes time for a performance review, I would meet with the managers biweekly for updates on everyone’s performance.

Week 3 DQ 2

Topic 3- DQ 2

  You are assessing a patient who has presented to the emergency department with an acute onset of abdominal pain. List three differential diagnoses that would lead to immediate surgical consultation. Support your answer with two or three peer-reviewed resources.

250 words 


Book info to help with dis #7

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fo t

o help with



Book info to help with dis #7


Book info to help with dis#3

When we look at and touch the objects in our world, we encounter the physical form and spatial relationships of matter. We see shapes—some interesting, some ordinary, and some attractive. Geometry is the study of those shapes. Geometric relationships give us a basic sense of order, coherence, and beauty. The lines, circles, and spatial patterns of the physical world give depth to our intuition about shape and enable us to develop insights and recognize patterns in things geometric. Geometry captures the structure and nuances of our physical reality.


How a Puzzle Leads to the Proof of One of the Gems of Mathematics

I'm very well acquainted, too, with matters mathematical, I understand equations, both the simple and quadratical, About Binomial Theorem I'm teeming with a lot of news, With many cheerful facts about the square of the hypotenuse.


It can't be wrong when it looks so right!

Some geometric relationships are so profound that they have changed the shape of civilization—both literally and figuratively. Perhaps the best known and most fundamental theorem in all of mathematics is the Pythagorean Theorem. While we have seen this basic fact in high school, here we examine it more deeply.

The Pythagorean Theorem.

In any right triangle, the square of the length of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the lengths of the other two sides.

This theorem and its proof form one of the classical intellectual accomplishments of humankind, comparable to a work of Shakespeare. The proof presented here, which was discovered by the Indian

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you may also experiment with the Pythagorean Theorem using the Heart of Mathematics Web site,

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info to help with dis


When we look at and touch the objects in our world, we encounter the physical form and spatial

relationships of matter. We see shapes

some interesting, some ordinary, and some attractive.

Geometry is the study of those shapes. Geometric

relationships give us a basic sense of order,

coherence, and beauty. The lines, circles, and spatial patterns of the physical world give depth to our

intuition about shape and enable us to develop insights and recognize patterns in things geometric.


ry captures the structure and nuances of our physical reality.


How a Puzzle Leads to the Proof of One of the Gems of Mathematics

I'm very well acquainted, too, with matters mathematical, I understand equations, both t

he simple and

quadratical, About Binomial Theorem I'm teeming with a lot of news, With many cheerful facts about

the square of the hypotenuse.


It can't be wrong when it looks so right!

Some geometric relationsh

ips are so profound that they have changed the shape of civilization


literally and figuratively. Perhaps the best known and most fundamental theorem in all of mathematics

is the Pythagorean Theorem. While we have seen this basic fact in high school, h

ere we examine it more


The Pythagorean Theorem.

In any right triangle, the square of the length of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the

lengths of the other two sides.

This theorem and its proof form one of the classical intel

lectual accomplishments of humankind,

comparable to a work of Shakespeare. The proof presented here, which was discovered by the Indian

Book info to help with dis#3

When we look at and touch the objects in our world, we encounter the physical form and spatial

relationships of matter. We see shapes—some interesting, some ordinary, and some attractive.

Geometry is the study of those shapes. Geometric relationships give us a basic sense of order,

coherence, and beauty. The lines, circles, and spatial patterns of the physical world give depth to our

intuition about shape and enable us to develop insights and recognize patterns in things geometric.

Geometry captures the structure and nuances of our physical reality.


How a Puzzle Leads to the Proof of One of the Gems of Mathematics

I'm very well acquainted, too, with matters mathematical, I understand equations, both the simple and

quadratical, About Binomial Theorem I'm teeming with a lot of news, With many cheerful facts about

the square of the hypotenuse.


It can't be wrong when it looks so right!

Some geometric relationships are so profound that they have changed the shape of civilization—both

literally and figuratively. Perhaps the best known and most fundamental theorem in all of mathematics

is the Pythagorean Theorem. While we have seen this basic fact in high school, here we examine it more


The Pythagorean Theorem.

In any right triangle, the square of the length of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the

lengths of the other two sides.

This theorem and its proof form one of the classical intellectual accomplishments of humankind,

comparable to a work of Shakespeare. The proof presented here, which was discovered by the Indian


Chp7 to help with dis #5

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to help with dis #5

Chp7 to help with dis #5